Changing Dynamic of the Show

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it's funny how Pete himself says that he loves Disney but he will be the first to point out when he doesn't like something or doesn't agree. When Oscar (who i'm sure loves disney and is obviously a fan of the podcast) posts something he's noticed about the podcast, he gets attacked. it seems like most people on here are like the disney fans pete makes fun of - Disney can do no wrong.
i love the podcast. i listen every week. i don't think Oscar worded his opinion in the nicest way, but i do agree that there is more mention of Dreams Unlimited, etc now than for example last year. it all began with the Mousefest Meet. you can see for yourself if you listen to the podcast where Pete says, "I don't usually do this, but since the sponsors really stepped up with paying for the meet, i'm going to plug them more." i'm not saying it's good or bad. i'm just saying that it happens. that's all. i don't need anyone to write and say that i'm a bad person for noticing this.

There is more to Rex and the pod cast situation than just his post on this thread. Keep that in mind. :thumbsup2
Wow! :scared1:

John - you and the PC crew could plug nail clippers and spinach for all I care! Just keep doing what you're doing!

Wow, interesting thread, and shocking in some ways!

I'm hoping I'm not alone when I say, and I already know I'm not, that you guys have the absolute best Disney podcast, web site, community in existance! :thumbsup2

I'm a long time listener and reader, and to be honest, I must say I don't know how you guys do it. The fact that you DON'T promote your business on the show more often is quite surprising, as you are in business to make a living I would assume.

You provide a tremendous service to all us Disney "nuts" out here, and I hope to God you continue to do so for a very long time.

Just wanted to say there are a lot of us out here who may not be known as well as others, that truly feel we are a part of a community here. Sure, it's mainly about Disney and all that, but it's about people too. I feel I know you guys better than some of the folks I work with, LOL.

Keep up the good work, and don't EVER let a few sour apples ruin such a wonderful pie......or is that CAKE!!!!!!!! :disrocks:
I was reflecting today, during a station break on Dis Radio, that I've been listening to the show for almost exactly 3 years.

I was thinking about what the show's become and , (correct me if I'm wrong Roundtable), no way on earth, no way, no how, would the Roundtable have EVER anticipated that, 3 years ago over 400 people would sign up with them to cruise! And I could never have anticipated that I would feel such SORROW at not getting to go to ANY of the so far sponsored events! :sad2: This has been a journey for everyone on that podcast, new and old included and their listeners. How could it NOT change?

And in light of that, they have been steadily building a (may I say it?) RABID fan base and have been responding in kind to the demand that is out there to spend time together!

As a result of that, I WILL fork over my $$ to Dreams Unlimited to book travel. Pete's paying for part of his Qantas flight with what we just spent for a week at DL at GCH! :laughing: And I am GLAD to do it.

B/c DU and the Roundtable in particular are giving their fans a place to belong. You connect with people on that level, you are welcome to the riches that you may reap.
Well put!!!!!
I want to say I agree completely. It amazes me how people can just take, take, take and then complain about what they are given! I have more to say but I'm already late for work. I will be back soon!

Thanks for all you do podcast team and please know that the majority of us do appreciate it!
it's funny how Pete himself says that he loves Disney but he will be the first to point out when he doesn't like something or doesn't agree. When Oscar (who i'm sure loves disney and is obviously a fan of the podcast) posts something he's noticed about the podcast, he gets attacked. it seems like most people on here are like the disney fans pete makes fun of - Disney can do no wrong.
i love the podcast. i listen every week. i don't think Oscar worded his opinion in the nicest way, but i do agree that there is more mention of Dreams Unlimited, etc now than for example last year. it all began with the Mousefest Meet. you can see for yourself if you listen to the podcast where Pete says, "I don't usually do this, but since the sponsors really stepped up with paying for the meet, i'm going to plug them more." i'm not saying it's good or bad. i'm just saying that it happens. that's all. i don't need anyone to write and say that i'm a bad person for noticing this.
You are defending a person who is looking a gift horse in the mouth. I can't explain why Rex's posts which seemingly bash my friends (real or imaginary as they may be) hurt my feelings, but they did. It isn't right. I have a lot more I could say but my momma told me if I didn't have nothin' nice to say then don't say nothin'.
Rex, you seem like a decent guy but this is very weak on your part. Sitting on the side line and criticizing the actions of others is pathetic. The pod cast crew are not elected officials open to public scorn. They provide a service, a unique service which you participate in by choice. Who are you to complain about the direction of the show? It's not your show. You don't own stock in the show. The success or failure of the show in no way impacts your life. You are of the opinion that your negative comments are somehow noble and that you are brave for creating conflict with the team when most others support them. You're wrong. I don't hear you offering a better product for the listeners of the show. I don't hear any constructive ideas from you on how to improve the pod cast. All we hear from you is petty drivel that is best left to private conversation. Differing opinions have always been welcome on the DIS boards and that's a good thing. Your post does not come across as just a difference in opinion, it comes across as the rantings of a bitter, spoiled, malcontent who will only be happy when he is complaining about things. As you are so fond of saying, this is just my opinion, take it for what it is. :mad:
Paul, you are much more diplomatic than I am. Well put, my friend. And certainly nicer than I would have said it.
Well said John, I had also noticed some of the timing of complaints with new team members in the past but I thought is was just me. You guys are great, plug what you want, it is your show!! I think you do a great job and are very generous to all of us.:hug:
I love the PC, and I also realize that the equipment, prizes, time, all of the trips to the parks for research, events, Telephone lines, and content cost money and needed to produce the content for the show. These folks provide a wonderful and free environment for us to play in but, someone has to pay for it all. I have no problem with plugs and or DUT sponsered events. Pete and John can not do Podcasts and the boards from a cardboard box. The amount of promotion is minimal compared to the amount of money that is poured into the podcast.

The other thing everyone must remember is that coming up with new content is not easy. Pete and John have to keep things new and fresh or no one would listen. Take the e-mail show as an example, you can not read the same questions every week. New content=more money to produce. So folks, either pony-up on the site sponsership or let them do their thing(s). This is a business that has sprung out of love for the Disney product. More power to the "team."

Thanks guys! Ya'll do great work. Remember folks, nothing in life is free!

Leave to Mike to discuss the cost of electronics. :rotfl2: Hey someone has to pay for Corey's trips to Best Buy right?

I want to say I agree completely. It amazes me how people can just take, take, take and then complain about what they are given! I have more to say but I'm already late for work. I will be back soon!

Thanks for all you do podcast team and please know that the majority of us do appreciate it!

As someone who knows a little about selling travel and commissions, specifically Disney and DCL, I said to Chris from the beginning they are making nothing on this. When I heard of all the extras I knew it was costing extra money. What people often don't understand is that just because you are bringing a group to DCL doesn't mean they pony up the public spaces etc. As a group you get access to these things but you pay for it -- and often pay dearly!!!

Personally, I think adding Theresa and others to the podcast who are "new" to Disney is a good idea. Sometimes those of us who are frequent visitors and long time fans forget the feelings of being a newbie, how overwhelming it all can be. As I am sure many listeners are new to Disney, I think Theresa and the others add a necessary perspective. Not to mention the fact that she is freaking hilarious!!!!!

Pete, John and the rest of the crew.....this is one of those times we were discussing at Dinner. Everyone will have an opinion, some valid some not, some positive, some far from it. Remember the positives.....the way people pull together and support one another when needed, the crazy good time that was had by all on the cruise and the many stories of found friendships and even love, like ours!!!!
I have noticed the podcast has changed. However, it doesn't follow that the podcast is worse for it. It is just different. All of the Disney podcasts I've listened to have changed since their first episode. Additionally, other Disney podcasts DO have advertisers, financial relationships, etc. - and from what I can ascertain, NONE of them regularly participate in the kinds of generous prize giveaways and free events that the DISUnplugged (and by extension, Dreams Unlimited Travel) provide.

When we all lost Bob, change was necessary. A previous poster made reference, I think, to the fact that some of the newer Podcast team members weren't at the level of "Disney enthusiast." That would only be relevant if NONE of the Podcasters were Disney enthusiasts. I, for one, appreciate the perspective given by someone who (like my husband) enjoys Disney, but doesn't necessarily worship it like I do. :)

I haven't been able to personally attend any of the DIS events, and for various reasons, probably won't be able to in the near future. But I do enjoy listening to the plans and reports from the cruise, Mousefest, etc. I also enjoyed this week's more "regular format" show.

Much more than any other podcast (and in part b/c of the boards here), the DISUnplugged has a real, interested, supportive community. Because Pete and his crew feel comfortable sharing their personal feelings and some of their private lives and interests with us, we want to invest in their efforts. It brings out strong feelings, of course, but remember that, in the end, it is THEIR podcast. It is their time and money and energy that provides the show we all wait for anxiously each week.

Anyway, I'll quit talking like a mom trying to speak reason to her children ;)and just say THANK YOU. You've never charged me a penny for something that brings me so much laughter and happiness. It is one of the things I look forward to most each week. Incidentally, it is far and away the podcast I enjoy most.
PS - I love you Ter-eez-a. I think you are a FABULOUS addition to the show :thumbsup2 And I can't wait to "meet" the newest member of the team as well. I know you know this, but the vast majority of us listeners really appreciate everything you guys do. We know it is tough and sometimes a thankless :rolleyes: job but it is really appreciated. You are like my mom. I always love and appreciate her but don't always tell her so.
I think the guys know most of us appreciate everything they do. I hope they don't let a few bad apples spoil the bunch. You only have to go back as far as the cruise and all of us already planning for the next one to know that we love everything they do for us.

As far as the "dynamics". I noticed a small change after Bob passed but to be honest I expected that. You don't lose a family member without it affecting everyone. I have grown to really enjoy the new additions to the team. I have met them all in person and they are incredible individuals. And they truly are individuals. I think the fact that they all have a different "Disney" background is a good thing. You now get ideas and reviews from all different perspectives. Having spent some time with Kathy my wife and I feel that she is very much like us when it comes to her love and feelings for Disney. I LOVE the idea that Walter was kinda thrown into the whole Disney thing by association and it's interesting to hear his opinions. I can just imagine how "crazy" he must have thought all these Disney freaks were at the beginning. And I gotta say...Teresa is hilarious. Her perspective and humor can not be scripted or faked.

In short...have things changed? Of course, things always do. I don't think the changes have been a bad fact....I quite enjoy them.

Thanks for the post John, I know it must be hard for you guys to sit back and do nothing at times. I think you did a great job representing the crew. I think I can confidently say (due to the time I've spent with these guys) that these are all great friends. It's not just a colleague or a business acquaintance for these guys.

Keep up the good work. Now everyone go book with Dreams Unlimited Travel and be sure to extend your stay with a week in the beautiful Dream Villas.:thumbsup2

I was in the middle of posting last night when I lost power and much of what I would have said was said by John and others but I wanted to show support.

I took the OP as a two pronged statement. First, that the show has been different lately and second that the show has become a vehicle for the promotion of Dreams.

While I do agree a little with the first part I don't see it is negative but as inevitable. The team that sat around the table was pretty much the same from week to week and the peanut gallery was more for observation by the "non table" members of the team. When Bob suddenly passed the decision was made to change the way the show was done. More people were added and some of those who were passively in the peanut gallery became active members. When you have different people in any situation the content will change slightly. I like that there are different people that can sit in depending on the situation and what they can lend to a segment.

As far as the second goes I don't think the show is self-promotional at all. I have no doubt that the show and boards are great tool for Dreams Unlimited but not because they are thrown in your face. We trust the boards and show so it is not a huge leap to trust the travel company that is run by the same people. As John said, Dreams happens to be the tool that allows them to do the events that are travel related. I'm sure we wouldn't have the opportunity to do the cruise or the ABD trips if there wasn't DU handling it. Ok, maybe we still would but I have a feeling the pricing would be way higher. I trust that when DU gets a good price they pass it along to us. If we then feel we would like to repay their generosity by using Dreams to book our own trips it is a win for everyone.

I also suspect that profiling more non-Disney Orlando attractions was a two part decision. First, one of the things that some of the team members bring to the table is knowing the area and what to do. Most of us know Disney pretty well but probably don't know the other stuff as well. They add that to the show as the occasional segment. Second, in the present economy a lot of people are probably looking to spend a little less time in the parks and are looking to spend a day or two doing other area attractions that, while not Disney, also don't come with the Disney premium.

I won't say Rex or anyone with the opposite view of the show is wrong because, much like what was said in the D23 debate, an opinion is an opinion. But I wanted to say I love the show and the trips, even the ones I don't take part in. Keep it up guys.
A lot of you have already summed up my feelings.

Personally, I don't understand how anyone can complain about what the crew is doing. They are providing a service which we can choose to use or not use. But, even better then that, they are taking us along for the ride by giving back not only to us Disney fans, but to a great charitable cause as well (GKTW). Just having these forums available to us at no charge is an incredible free public service I hope never goes away.

The crew are some of the nicest people I've ever met. Many of them showed up for the Muddy Buddy to support us, kathy went above and beyond to help us with the Muddy Buddy, Cory and Julie let us use their bike for the race, Pete and Walter have always been extremely nice and treated our family like their family. I could go on and site examples of their kindness all day.

I don't see how all of us couldn't view the crew as our friends. They've certainly treated us that way. I personally feel, and I think I speak for many others here, that we should be giving back to them.
Hey gang,

I'm a new listener; I've been listening for a little over a month now. I've been a member of the DISboards since 2008 and have been taking advantage of all the wealth of knowledge that the boards have to offer for a long time. For some reason, I just never checked out the podcast until recently. I'm not new to podcasts, though. I've got several that I enjoy listening to. ALL of them mention their sponsors because that is how they are able to put out the show on a daily or weekly basis. That's to be expected, just like commercials that support your favorite network TV show.

I wasn't around when Bob was still with us. In fact, I haven't gone any further back into the archives than February 2009, so I can't comment on any changes from previous format to today's format. However, I can say that I have no problems with the few times that Dreams Unlimited is mentioned. Were I Pete or John, I'd want to mention my business, too. It's how the bills get paid.

Ironically, I was just driving in to work this morning listening to the podcast when I began to think about the generosity of all those involved in making the podcasts on a weekly basis. I thought about the time that each member of the crew devotes beyond the time that we hear that makes it to the final show. I thought about the time they spend in the parks or in restaurants conducting reviews and gathering data. I began to think about the time spent on the road or traveling from one place to another. All of that time could be spent doing something else or with family. I thought about the sheer amount of time spent getting the blogs posted, editing video, updating the site, etc. If they were paid by the hour, they'd all be millionaires. Then I had this thought, I know they do all this extra stuff that goes on behind the scenes because they love Disney. Not only do they love Disney, but they love providing this information to all of us to help us have a better vacation when our time to go to the world rolls around.

I'd never thought of using a travel agent before. However, I plan to use Dreams Unlimited to book any trip that I need in the future. There's one reason why - OK, two reasons. The most obvious is that I want to support Pete and John because I feel as though I know them. They seem like friends (albiet ones I've never met). I'd much rather line their pockets than some unknown companies. Supporting Dreams means I'm supporting the DIS and I have become a daily visitor to the boards. The other reason I would use DU is simple..............INTEGRITY.

During my contemplation this morning, I began to think a lot about the integrity with which Pete and John conduct themselves and their business. I applaud them for that. They conduct business as transparently as possible on the show. They have always gone out of their way to let the listeners know when they were talking about somebody with whom they have a business relationship. They also talk about companies/entities with whom they have no financial interest. A prime example of this was the way Pete plugged Deb's Breast Cancer walk. Allears is, I guess, a competitor for DISboards, yet Pete had the class to mention her charity event during the time he was talking about receiving donations for Give Kids the World. Pete mentioned that charities are the first thing to take the hit during a bad economy. He recognized the importance of that breast cancer charity and had the class to mention it in conjunction with the DISboard's sponsored event. Very rarely do you encounter people in today's world who live their lives and conduct their businesses with integrity. Didn't anybody else hear the recent announcement about Australia? According to Pete, that was his dream vacation and he was about to take a pass if it meant going against his ethics of not receiving something free in exchange for reviewing it on the show. Integrity.
as one of many non-cruisers I kinda felt "left out" when the focus was (unsurprisingly) on the cruise over recent weeks.

Plus Kevin's dining reviews are my favourite segment so :cool1::cool1:


I agree 100% with this.

One additional comment, the show could use more LSU talk. Perhaps Corey can have his own segment in the fall to breakdown the weeks game.;)

Geaux Tigers!
My turn!

Yes the show has changed.
Yes, I think there is more promotion.
I don't really care that there is. If it gets annoying, or I don't like a particular segment, I fast forward through it.

It's a business, I am a consumer. Simple. If I don't like it/them/the format, I am free to shop, purchase or listen elsewhere.
Well said John and also to a couple of others that brought up GKTW I forgot to mention that in the post. Keep up the great work podcast crew!!
I think the only thing that is changing about the show is that the crew if offering more and more events. And, if you want to keep Dreams Unlimited out of those events, then you are changing what the team is offering in these events, because Dreams pays for a lot of it.

The only thing about all these events that I don't like is that I can't go to all of them. When I was a child, and I was told I could pick out ONE toy I didn't understand why I couldnt' have them alll. Temper tantrums usually followed. As an adult, I can easier understand that I can't attend all of the events that the crew offers. God bless the ones who can afford money and timewise to do so (feel free to adopt me). And, temper tantrums are no longer appropriate (unless I'm alone).

As far as how much money these events cost Dreams, thank you very much. The cruise was great. I had more fun than I could have ever imagined.

John said it perfectly!!! :thumbsup2 All I can add is those of us who know what Pete and ALL OF THE TEAM do, appreciate it each and every step of the way. The time alone, that they spend WORKING to make these FREE events, FREE podcasts, FREE video, FREE WDW info, FREE forum boards, FREE prizes, DISCOUNTED trips, DISCOUNTED tours... ect. happen for US is so amazing and so selfless!! The money they pour out on US, that alone is mind boggeling.

I am floored at the ignorance some people can spew :sad2: and I am feeling "canival ape crazy" :headache::mad: so I am going to stop at that.
Leave to Mike to discuss the cost of electronics. :rotfl2: Hey someone has to pay for Corey's trips to Best Buy right?


Don, as you and I both know as Techie Toy nuts, How else is Pete going to get new Toys to impress us? I am waiting for him to have the first commercially available transporter (Star Trek) so that he can cut his travel costs down. No more "Red Eye" flights for Walter!:rotfl::rotfl:

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