Changing Dynamic of the Show

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Let's put things into perspective.

If you sample some of the biggest Disney podcasts out there right now, you'll find that the majority of them will have a travel sponsor, plugged at least once during their shows.

Many shows also ask for donations outright to cover costs of running their shows. Some ask via Paypal; others will ask you to use "click through" ads if you're buying from Amazon, for example.

Do I feel that these sponsorship plugs are the majority of these shows as well as the DIS podcast? Absolutely not. Every podcast I listen to does have decent show content. There's a variety of podcasts out there that suit almost every niche. That's why I don't just listen to one podcast, but several that suit my interests.

And for what it's worth, since travel agents don't charge clients for their services, I don't see what the big deal is. There's no fleecing going on. No snake oil. If anything, the travel relationships benefit those who wish to participate in fun things as a community.

And if I don't want to use the travel services, I can still participate by doing what I'm doing now....expressing my thoughts in a forum. DIS meets don't necessarily have to include travel, either. I've done a few Chicago area meets, which didn't provide the podcast team with any monetary benefit.
DIS-UNPLUGGED PODCAST RULES !! Dont like the way the show is anymore? create your own and lets see how many people follow you ! This show is the best out there, and i think they do a great job, and they BARELY promote anything compared to some of the other podcasts out there. Some of the others have actual commercials in the middle. How do you think this website and these podcasts are possible anyways? they are not free to maintain !! Quit beating up on Pete and the Crew, he has enough stress in this crazy economy as it is, give the guy a break, he does a D+&M good job, all this considered !! Pete Warner is PUNK ROCK in my book ! whoo hoo !! haha
While I can see the OP's point, I feel the nuts and bolts of the show has always been the reviews (either dining, attraction, event, or resort) and the opinions. The promotion also bothers me very little because, as stated before, most podcasts I listen to have a lot of promotion with them. And looking at it from a Disney fan perspective, many of us think that the 1980's EPCOT Center is the pinnacle of WDW history. And all of those great attractions in Future World all were heavily sponsored and that didn't keep them from being so great.
While I usually stay out of these threads, I feel the need to get involved in this one.

OP - I certainly hear your concerns and respect your opinions but I have to say that couldn't disagree with you more.

This past weeks show was as close to a 'regular' show as we've had in a while. We did the news, rapid fires and three full segments all about WDW and trip planning. We did have an extended housekeeping segment but only because it was necessary. Housekeeping was developed specifically to handle all of those 'non-trip planning items' we need to cover. Things like corrections, announcements, and prize giveaways.

Yes, this past show we did have a lot of information about upcoming trips/meets that Dreams Unlimited Travel will be sponsoring. We try to include this type of information mostly in response to people asking for updates on these events. When we don't talk about them or give details people get worried - when we do others get upset - talk about a no-win situation.

Dreams Unlimited Travel is sponsoring/underwriting a great many upcoming events....and I am very thankful we are in a position to do so. As some have pointed out already DU has not made a dime on any event/trip that has happened yet - and it is unlikely we will do so in the near future as well.

The Tour Story Mania event at last years Mousefest cost Pete and I personally in excess of $10,000. We were luckly to have other corporate sponsors kick in so we could inivite more people but at the end of the day this was a tremendous amount of money out of our pocket. No regrets and no gripes was a blast and I was happy we could provide this event as a 'Thank You' to our listeners.

I am still tallying up the numbers but it looks like the first podcast cruise is going to wind up costing us about the same. While we did make commissions on the sale of staterooms we gave more than that back in the form of shipboard credits, in-room gifts, parties, free drinks and seminars (not too mention the costs charged by DCL for use of venues and equipment). In addition we gave away several staterooms on that cruise...some of which I'm regretting right about now.

We made no money on the webinar we recently held with the Disney Institute.

We will make commissions on the Disneyland Adventures by Disney trip but Pete is already coming up with some creative and cool ways to spend that on those traveling with us. I'm sure by the time that's over we will be in the red on that trip as well.

Plans for DIS-A_Palooza are in still in the works but I'm sure that will be a huge loss for us as well.

I'm hoping Pocast Cruise 2.0 will be a money maker for us as we have some HUGE plans for 3.0 already...but knowing us we'll come up with something to add to that cruise that will put us in the red.

Of course these events, and the podcast itself, have and will generate ancillary revenue for us but to say our talking about them on the show is a commercial, or the show itself is turning into an informercial, is just plain insulting. We make no secret of the fact that Pete and I are part owners in Dreams Unlimited Travel and that revenue allows us to pay the bills, salaries and allow us capital for cool events.

As far as those comments about our new team members negatively impacting the podcast....I take great offense with this. I think that each new person adds a voice and perspective that helps round out our discussions. I personally learn something new on every show from these folks.

However, I think we hit on the underlying issue Rex is having with the DIS and the podcast lately. It is my opinion that he feels like he should be on the show and have a job with the DIS/podcast and this is what's leading to his negative comments.

Rex, back when you said we 'jumped the shark' a while ago, that was the week we announced Teresa was joining the show. This week we announce that Leah is our newest team member and you have another negative/snarky comment about the direction of the show.

As a matter of fact I recall our first meeting at Bob's memorial service at the Gaylord Palms where you told Kevin and I that you were disappointed that Pete wasn't there. I thought it was because you really wanted to meet him but you went on to say you thought for sure Pete would hire you on the spot to replace Bob.

I think the 'slippery slope' here is when hidden agendas are used to conceal true intentions.

I am proud that the podcast has always been an open and honest discussion about everything in our lives. From personal opinions on Disney, to our personal lives, to our business relationships - we've always shared everything with our listeners.
As a long time lurker / listener, i must say it seems someone every few weeks MUST try and get Pete Riled up. The poor guy does a freaking OUTSTANDING job but someone ALWAYS has to come up with some post busting his **&^$ to try and get a reaction out of him or other podcast crew. I hope somehow he doesn't even see this thread so it doesn't cause him anymore unneeded stress. I cant imagine trying to monitor these boards, keep a website top notch, run a LARGE travel business and plan all sorts of great trips for us. He has a pretty full plate, im sure he doesnt need this extra stress. Oh well, sometimes ya just cant win in this life...
Since it is late and Jen is presumably asleep - anyone for cake?????? :goodvibes:goodvibes:goodvibes


Or maybe you prefer pie?????? :goodvibes:goodvibes:goodvibes

John said it well!!

I love the podcast and the boards yes I was bitter that I wasn't on the podcast cruise but I just lessened the amount of time I spent here till it was over. I didn't take it out on anyone! Now here I am in full swing trying to get on the next ship;)
PETE and Podcast team YOU ARE AWESOME!!!

Since it is late and Jen is presumably asleep - anyone for cake?????? :goodvibes:goodvibes:goodvibes


Or maybe you prefer pie?????? :goodvibes:goodvibes:goodvibes


Tonya I'll have a slice as long as its CHOCOLATE!!!!:goodvibes
Frequent listener/reader but non-frequent poster, but I thought I'd weigh in on a trend I see developing with the show. Let me say that I love the Dis boards, I love the Dis Unplugged and I particularly love the cast of characters that make this site and podcast all that it is. It truly is a wonderful resource and source of entertainment for those of us that enjoy Disney.

Having said this, I have noticed that the show seems to be very slowly moving away from the nuts and bolts Disney planning content that defined its early days and more toward planning and promoting Dreams Unlimited Travel events. This thought struck me in a particular way after hearing this week's Housekeeping segment...chock full of events--great events by the way--that Dreams is offering.

Please don't mistaken me: I really love and will continue to love all that is the Dis Unplugged. But I do see a change in the dynamic of the show. And, Pete, I'm not trying to instigate a rant. Again, I love the show. But I do see changes occurring that others might be noticing too.

Thanks for all you do from those of us "quiet listeners."

John said it well!!

I love the podcast and the boards yes I was bitter that I wasn't on the podcast cruise but I just lessened the amount of time I spent here till it was over. I didn't take it out on anyone! Now here I am in full swing trying to get on the next ship;)
PETE and Podcast team YOU ARE AWESOME!!!

Tonya I'll have a slice as long as its CHOCOLATE!!!!:goodvibes
im with you, i was VERY jealous i could not go on the last cruise, but hearing about it on here and on the podcast made me SO excited, me and my girlfriend cant wait to sign up for the next one. Its SO far away, but that gives us extra time to save ! i cant wait to meet everyone !
Wow. That was a great rebuttal from John.

I am a lurker too, but to claim that any of the fantastic members of the DIS Unplugged team is a hinderance to the show rather than the great addition they are made me speak up.

And I am not the person who only sees the good in a situation, there are, as in everything, negatives with the show. The seemingly most enjoyable and fulfilling elements of the show are those excursions like The Podcast Cruise that cost a good amount of money. On the show listeners must be reminded of the opportunities they will miss out on, and the money they would have to spend to be a part of it. Pete and John use Dreams as a vehicle to make that cost lower, however, as evidenced by the enormous discounts available when booking the cruise, and when signing up for activities like the upcoming Disneyland trip. The negatives are solely money-related. Yet these negatives are necessary, and as mentioned earlier in the thread, are made that much more necessary due to the current economy.

As the housekeeping segment has grown in length, as the list of activities supplementary to the Podcast grows, so too did they add various other segments. Julie's Store Tours. Kevin with a restaurant review, eyeballs allowing, every show. Allowing for a call-in show. Allowing for Disneyland-specific shows. The list goes on, and the quality of content is as consistent as ever.

They have perfected and continued to deliver on a formula, which boils down to giving the listeners enjoyable content. That is to say, the Podcast has no rules written down as to how the show will be run so long as the majority of listeners (impeding Oscar it seems) are happy. Thus, it will change, often for the better. The people who drive that change are those who give their voice to these boards. Although the show has taken on an attitude of "spend your travel money with a company whose owners provides you with an outlet for a passion previously held inside, as well as opportunities to meet fellow Disney geeks and party with them," I will certainly not complain about it.

I am grateful Dreams is around, and am happy every time it is plugged. It is reassuring to know that such an organization exists, one that simplifies the process of making our vacation dreams come true. One that gives their product away for free to lucky people. One that allows for and I find validates a Disney obsession. It is in no way self-serving, rather, at the core of Dreams' business model is the idea of altruism. "The belief in or practice of disinterested and selfless concern for the well-being of others." They take it upon themselves to bring Disney fans with possibilities never before experienced or thought possible.

Pete & the DIS team - you do an unquestionably fantastic job, keep it up.

They do it better than Disney themselves, who have only begun to give their fans an official place to profess their love for the mouse.

We must trust in Pete's, and all the members' decisions, as they have a perfect track record so far.
There is a easy fix, move sponsored events from housekeeping to sponsored or special events. :thumbsup2

I for one, don't mind a commercial tie in to Dreams and I think that they should spotlight a Dreams promo every episode. I will bet that many listeners don't even know what Dreams has to offer.

I do have one request. I would like to hear Julie make the prize announcements. She has a beautiful voice, not that I don't like Pete's voice, I do, but there's something about Julie's. :cloud9:
This past weeks show was as close to a 'regular' show as we've had in a while. We did the news, rapid fires and three full segments all about WDW and trip planning. We did have an extended housekeeping segment but only because it was necessary. Housekeeping was developed specifically to handle all of those 'non-trip planning items' we need to cover. Things like corrections, announcements, and prize giveaways.

This is it for me.
I was so happy when I heard what was on this week's show. Not that previous shows weren't as entertaining as ever, but as one of many non-cruisers I kinda felt "left out" when the focus was (unsurprisingly) on the cruise over recent weeks.

Plus Kevin's dining reviews are my favourite segment so :cool1::cool1:

I love the PC, and I also realize that the equipment, prizes, time, all of the trips to the parks for research, events, and Telephone lines, all cost money to produce the content for the show. These folks provide a wonderful and free (to us, the DIS Community) environment for us to play in but, someone has to pay for it all. I have no problem with plugs and or DUT sponsered events. Pete and John can not do Podcasts and the boards from a cardboard box. The amount of promotion is minimal compared to the amount of money that is poured into the podcast.

The other thing everyone must remember is that coming up with new content is not easy. Pete and John have to keep things new and fresh or no one would listen. Take the e-mail show as an example, you can not read the same questions every week. New content=more money to produce. So folks, either pony-up on the site sponsership or let them do their thing(s). This is a business that has sprung out of love for the Disney product. More power to the "team."

Thanks guys! Ya'll do great work. Remember folks, nothing in life is free!
As someone who did not go on the cruise, but would of loved to I will say this:
People shouldn't conceal the fact they had fun at a party just because others can't go. I love hearing all the stories and updates about the cruise even though I couldn't go, I got excited for others knowing that maybe one day it will be me!

I think the podcasts have got better and better, they are more interactive than ever! They have so many new and different perspectives! I love all the cast of characters, and they all add to it!

Podcasts need a way to run, some have advertising, some sell their old podcasts on itunes. I am more than happy for Pete and the gang to mention Dreams, not only as they are a fantastic company, but a generous one. It is not a long advert, but rather a long list of showing how much they care, especially with the new potential July cruise, so those who are stuck in term times can make it!

These guys have created a family here, yes we are going to squabble like all good families, but it is built of strong friendships and love. I don't know what I'd do without the Dis, and for everything you do I am ultimately grateful! Thank you so much!
WOW. All I want to say is thank you team. Since you do this for us for FREE. I dont know why anyone would complain. I love the new dynamics and I dont think it in any way takes away from what it was with Bob. Life changes and things change. I for one love the new offerings. It gives me a way to meet up with long time friends on the board. Such as the dolewhip meet I attended on 4/28. OK off my soapbox. Thanks again team our family loves the show. Great reply John.:idea: Now I understand a bit more.
WOW. All I want to say is thank you team. Since you do this for us for FREE. I dont know why anyone would complain. I love the new dynamics and I dont think it in any way takes away from what it was with Bob. Life changes and things change. I for one love the new offerings. It gives me a way to meet up with long time friends on the board. Such as the dolewhip meet I attended on 4/28. OK off my soapbox. Thanks again team our family loves the show. Great reply John.:idea: Now I understand a bit more.

I want to say I agree completely. It amazes me how people can just take, take, take and then complain about what they are given! I have more to say but I'm already late for work. I will be back soon!

Thanks for all you do podcast team and please know that the majority of us do appreciate it!
it's funny how Pete himself says that he loves Disney but he will be the first to point out when he doesn't like something or doesn't agree. When Oscar (who i'm sure loves disney and is obviously a fan of the podcast) posts something he's noticed about the podcast, he gets attacked. it seems like most people on here are like the disney fans pete makes fun of - Disney can do no wrong.
i love the podcast. i listen every week. i don't think Oscar worded his opinion in the nicest way, but i do agree that there is more mention of Dreams Unlimited, etc now than for example last year. it all began with the Mousefest Meet. you can see for yourself if you listen to the podcast where Pete says, "I don't usually do this, but since the sponsors really stepped up with paying for the meet, i'm going to plug them more." i'm not saying it's good or bad. i'm just saying that it happens. that's all. i don't need anyone to write and say that i'm a bad person for noticing this.
I vote for the Podcast and I vote for John. Any more diplomatic and he could be a politician (note that is not a political comment, so please do not give points).

I was taught that all feedback is valuable IF it is given out of disinterest or a suggestion for change - but not when it is angling to "get" something - kinda like those who complain to Disney and want their travel comped because there are crowds. HOWEVER this is a 'public' board owned by the illustrious Mr Werner and logging that sort of complaint in public and trying to get others to chime in is not in good taste.

If there are areas of "constructive" criticism, it should be made in private, not on the message board.

I would much prefer to hear of the magnicent things organised by Dreams, that in all likelihood I cannot participate in, than have to listen to the waffle of other broadcasters who are either sucking on the teat of Disney, aggressively and embarrassingly shilling for sponsors ad-nauseum, or worst of all when they do not disclose any commercial relationship.

Good onya Pete and I hope to see you in Oz in September:cheer2::cheer2:
It would seem that the show has slipped into the form of a long commercial. Times being what they are, having a ready made audience that is easily marketed to with events related to the Disboards is an opportunity that is difficult to pass up.

Something a lot of people seem to miss is that the Disboards are a privately owned for profit corporation. As we've seen in recent changes to disboards policies, or the past use of the profanity filter to **** anyone using terms or names of competitors, free speech is relative to the mood and discretion of the owners. It is an excellent marketing platform to those that want to express and share about WDW, are planning a vacation, or are looking for a travel agent. But only so long as what is marketed agrees with the owner's profit and loss sheet.

The dynamic changed very quickly when some were brought in that previously were known not to be fans of the theme parks nor of Disney in general. Some segments have become lack luster, and we hear news on Universal and/or random events in and around Orlando more so than about WDW. Put that together with the long list of upcoming travel events that while related to the podcast, are more self serving than informative and you have started to slide that slippery slope into 4am infomercial.

Rex, you seem like a decent guy but this is very weak on your part. Sitting on the side line and criticizing the actions of others is pathetic. The pod cast crew are not elected officials open to public scorn. They provide a service, a unique service which you participate in by choice. Who are you to complain about the direction of the show? It's not your show. You don't own stock in the show. The success or failure of the show in no way impacts your life. You are of the opinion that your negative comments are somehow noble and that you are brave for creating conflict with the team when most others support them. You're wrong. I don't hear you offering a better product for the listeners of the show. I don't hear any constructive ideas from you on how to improve the pod cast. All we hear from you is petty drivel that is best left to private conversation. Differing opinions have always been welcome on the DIS boards and that's a good thing. Your post does not come across as just a difference in opinion, it comes across as the rantings of a bitter, spoiled, malcontent who will only be happy when he is complaining about things. As you are so fond of saying, this is just my opinion, take it for what it is. :mad:
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