Welcome to the WISH Biggest Loser 7 Challenge

So far so good here for me. I will start back to my workout routine today.....just trying to figure out a balance between cardio and weight training.....any advice is welcome!

I am working on getting my water in these days.....that is a challenge all in itself!

Hope everything is going well for all of you ladies!

Friday Question of the Day - What is your specific measurable goal for this 12 week challenge?

You guys talk WAAAAAAy to much! I just got back and am checking in for the first time and there are 12 pages! I have only read 5 of them so far!

Anyway, my goal is 30 lbs.
I hope your weekend was successful. Today starts my first day back on program. The holiday is over and it's time to get back to work!

I have reviewed about 2/3 of the weight reports. If you have not checked in yet do it NOW! I have some thoughts to share on weight reports.

* I receive LOTS of reports and it is not possible for me to respond to each one. I appreciate your remarks and cherish them. If there is a problem or I need more information I will contact you.
* The common theme I am seeing is UGH!! Yes some of us overindulged over the holiday break but the question is what are you doing about it?
* You may think you have a scary number but mine is even scarier.
* I did not organize this challenge on my own. There are many other volunteers behind the scenes that have made huge contributions to this challenge and our past BL challenges.
* Putting your weight in black and white each week can be a huge motivator. Commit to reporting each week no matter what. Own that number and do what you can to make it smaller each week.
* Yes you are reporting your weight to a stranger. I do not know you personally, I do not know your circumstances. I do know that we share a common bond - the desire to become a loser. I know this can be a struggle and it will not happen overnight but helping and encouraging each other will only get us closer to our goals.
* I worry about my losers. When you do not check in for the week I worry about you. When you post a gain I wonder what went wrong and hope you can get back into 'losing' mode. When you post a loss for the week I rejoice with you.

Enough babble. Now on to you. Did you complete your weekend project? Have you written your goal and posted it where you will see it every day? If not get to work and just do it!

How are you doing with exercising and your healthy eating program?

Monday Question of the Day - Explain your DIS screen name.

Some of your names I can figure out, some I don't have a clue. Some have so many numbers. What are they for? My name is pretty easy to understand. Keep in mind I don't get out of my box very often so my name is what I WISH I could accomplish. For a long time I have felt that I have just settled for what I have been blessed with but that there is more out there for me if I would only dream it and work for it.

Please check in today and share your progress.
I'm late joining will you still have me?? I promise I'll work hard!! :yay:

Sooooo, a lean eating plan is in order...cut the fat. Actually, as long as I am mindful of what goes in I can control my weight when I lose that concentration things get ugly! Walking is the best exercise for me. My sister (who is fit) and I decided to go to Chimney Rock, NC area and do some hiking spring break so I need to get busy! :rolleyes:

Good luck everyone!
Hello fellow Dis'rs!
Well, I must admit that I didn't officially start the diet until today. I am counting points (weight watchers) and started my work-out routine this morning! I feel sore already!

Here is the answer to the monday question: Monday Question of the Day - Explain your DIS screen name

At the time that I joined the Dis, I had one son named Nik. I now have 2 sons, but since we can't change user names, he isn't listed. He is equally loved though!
Happy Monday all!
So i did quite well since restarting WW on the 1st..i did go over daily pts saturday and sunday ( due to a birthday in the family) BUT i still have some extra left to play with for the week..yay! I will be doing walk away the pds tonight while dinner is cooking and i am hoping to do activity every day this week of some kind...gotta keep rollin on! :)
My Disboard name: MA Pigletfan, kind of easy..i live in Massachusetts and I love Piglet. I am also quite short myself, so i can relate to him ;)

( great question..i am always curious about people's names!)
Triton'sDaughter - I'm glad you've found happiness again...I can't imagine how tough it must have been. You are a strong woman!:thumbsup2

dare2dream - thanks for the motivational post. :)

Vija and Carol - thanks. :hug: It gets tough sometimes, the helpless feelings and trying to come to terms with my parent's mortality. Thinking about going down there on a plane, however, is motivational when I think about sticking some chips in my mouth.

My screen name is simple: Jennifer + Zutter = jennz :cheer2: Not too much creativity in that one.

Eating and exercise has been good since I started (Friday) even with the viruses running through our house so I'm actually looking forward to weighing on this Friday. Seriously!
I also have a sore throat and dh sounded like he was hacking up a fur ball before.
This literally made me laugh out loud!

Monday Question of the Day - Explain your DIS screen name.

I am Carla Rae hence the Rae. My screen name is not a dis name. It emerged by itself when I was in high school and has stuck. The actual origins are way to complicated to explain. it is sort of one of those things that started small and grew.
Good Monday morning! I was a little slow moving this morning because I worked really hard over the weekend but I still went downstairs and have gotten in 45 minutes of working out so far today.
Had yogurt before doing my workout and just scrambled 2 egg whites and had a 1/2 cup OJ. I'm feeling pretty good now (esp. after my shower).

To answer the question:: most would think my screen name is after my fav. candy...actually, when i signed up on here, my son had a guinea pig named reesecup and i couldn't think of something so that is what it was. I'm sorry if I make you guys crave one of the candies (not the guinea pig) when looking at my screen name because I know I do because it is ONE of my favorites!

Good luck this week to everyone. I'm going to try and do outdoor challenge and some wii fit this afternoon. Gotta clean this house though and that's a workout in itself!
Sorry this is my first time checking in. My internet was down at home, so I have to sneak on at work. I am officially starting today, I signed up for online Weight Watchers. I got the Jillian Michaels Wii game for Christmas, and I am going to do it for the 1st time tonight.

I also signed up for two 5k's, the first one is and Knott's Berry Farm in March and the second at Disneyland on labor day weekend. I did the Disneyland 1/2 last year, but have managed to gain 17lbs since:scared1:

For the question on goals-I would like to lose 15lbs in the next 12 weeks.

As for my screen name-I am a very proud Auntie of 3 (and my name is Michelle):goodvibes

Have a great day everyone!!!!
Monday Question of the Day - Explain your DIS screen name.

Some of your names I can figure out, some I don't have a clue. Some have so many numbers. What are they for? My name is pretty easy to understand. Keep in mind I don't get out of my box very often so my name is what I WISH I could accomplish. For a long time I have felt that I have just settled for what I have been blessed with but that there is more out there for me if I would only dream it and work for it.

Please check in today and share your progress.

Well mine is one of the "creative" type:rotfl:

It's my first name and last initial.

What can I say, I am an accountant. Creativity is not encouraged!

I am really doing pretty well so far. The first challenge is this weekend at Disney followed by a week at my office in California!

Have a good day everyone!
Hi Losers :goodvibes

I came up with my screen name because my DH and I would joke when the girls were misbehaving... that's our angels.... so my first email address was r3ngels and I couldn't think of anything when I signed up here... I wish I would have come up with more of a disney related name.
Hello! Just joined this morning. I have decided this is the year I am going to get my weight under control! Bought a Wii Fit for Christmas and the entire family is aiming at a healthier 2009. My goal is to lose 25 pounds by the end of this challenge, to eat healthier and to exercise more.

I chose my screen name because I like pandas and I'm a mom.:)

Happy Monday to everyone!
My Dis handle is easy to figure out. I LOVE eeyore. I always tell everyone he is my inner child ROFL
My screen name is a pet name (oops, I made a pun!) for our cat. His name is Worf, when we want to brush him (which he loves), we call him Worfiedoodles.

I did 10 mi on the TM Saturday, my last long jog in preparation for the Half Marathon on this coming Saturday. Even though I knew better (I always gain 2 days after I jog, but it will disperse over this week), I got on the scale. The gain made me feel a little hopeless, like, how can I run 10 miles and still gain weight?! I'm hoping to be down when I weigh Thurs. (we fly out then, so I have to weigh a day early), but I'm afraid I will show a gain for my first week. I just have to keep telling myself it is temporary, and not an excuse to give up and eat like a glutton while I'm in WDW...

I have 4 miles scheduled for this evening.

I would have read my comments above two years ago and gotten really depressed. I have come a very long way from starting out walking a short time each day. I haven't lost alot of weight, but I am healthier. After I'm done with the Half, I'm going to focus on getting the pounds down. To look at me, you probably wouldn't think I could do a Half Marathon. It just goes to show that looks can be deceiving!

Well Good Morning everyone. My weekend was good. I was able to get my water drank. For me this is an accomplishment. On the weekends I have a tough time drinking it all.

Monday Question of the Day - Explain your DIS screen name.
My screen name is my favorite...Tinker Belle and the 1963 is the year I was born.

I'm sorry if I make you guys crave one of the candies (not the guinea pig) when looking at my screen name because I know I do because it is ONE of my favorites!

No need to apologize, I too love Reese in any form. Peanut butter is my red light food for sure. But as long as they are not in my house I'm good.
And I have my goals printed up and one is going on the fridge at home and the other is on my on the wall next to my computer at work.
K ... I've tried to get rid of the rest of the "tempting" stuff in my house. ;) I'm usually pretty good with my water here at work, not so good at home, so yesterday I really focused on drinking it. :)

I've worked thru lunch, and now just trying to get myself motivated to go to the gym ... the one that I only went to a handful of times last year :rolleyes1

I brought my stuff in my brand new Mickey bag that DH bought me for Christmas. I just need someone to give me a little push, because of course I can come up with about 10 different other ways to spend my lunch time today.

Hellllppp !!!! Someone, please give me a big SHOVE!
I've written down my goals and will put them up when I get home.

My Dis-name is pretty straight forward. Baloo from Jungle Book is my favourite Disney character.

So far, I'm behaving myself and sticking to my goals for eating, drinking and exercising. The trick is to make it through the week at work when fast food seems like such an easy dinner. We just bought a crock pot, so I have to start using it. This time of year, I love a nice stew loaded with vegetables.:goodvibes
K ... I've tried to get rid of the rest of the "tempting" stuff in my house. ;) I'm usually pretty good with my water here at work, not so good at home, so yesterday I really focused on drinking it. :)

I've worked thru lunch, and now just trying to get myself motivated to go to the gym ... the one that I only went to a handful of times last year :rolleyes1

I brought my stuff in my brand new Mickey bag that DH bought me for Christmas. I just need someone to give me a little push, because of course I can come up with about 10 different other ways to spend my lunch time today.

Hellllppp !!!! Someone, please give me a big SHOVE!

Consider yourself SHOVED!
Have fun at the gym :goodvibes


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