We Smelled It ... It Had To Be Eaten! Christmas Eve Food Porn posts #1170 & #1171!!

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This is what I did too, only it was the Kindle.:cloud9:
I was going to order a super special Beetle as well, but I didn't.

I've caught up on your report, and am getting over some jet lag. I had a lot to mention about it, but apparently I've forgotten. Old age?:confused3

I'm too much of a traditionalist to use the kindle. I love the smell and feel of books ... I love the feel of the pages ... I love buying them and reading them and putting them in our many varied bookshelves scattered around the house. Heck, if my bathrooms were big enough I'd probably have a bookcase in them too. :lmao:

Thanks for taking the time to catch up on the silliness ... I'm going to be posting PFTS today but I've still got some stuff to finish around the house before that. And sooner or later you'll have much somethings to say, so I'm not worried. ;)


Thanks for sharing those SO COOL pics of the collector's edition!:thumbsup2 My DS is getting the regular version for Christmas from his grandparents, after I told them he would love it. They looked at it and said it's got big print and pictures and he'll be done reading it in 15 minutes.:rotfl2: Umm, yeah, but it was very instrumental in book 7, so please believe me when I say he'll want it!

My DS and I are complete Harry Potter geeks (just watched Goblet of Fire on ABC Family the other night, even though we have the DVD, we can't help ourselves;) ). He was so bummed when the HBP movie got pushed back to July '09, but I'm sure it will be worth the wait!:goodvibes

Hi Lori! The book is definitely an easy read ... big print and the individual stories are fairly short. But they're charming in their way and I love the commentary that's been provided by Professor Dumbledore!

We're the same way with the movies ... even though we own them all we'll still watch them on ABC Family whenever they're being shown. Although I have to admit it's getting very hard to sit through the first two movies since they're so plodding and pedantic - the other three are much better, IMHO. And we are very much looking forward to the release of the sixth movie this summer. :cool1:

And I was excited to get a new Stephen King paperback at Sam's Club Saturday...what's sad is that I didn't even know what you were talking about! :laughing:

Harry Potter stuff, my friend! :thumbsup2 Which new Stephen King book do you refer to? I really like some of his books and others bore me silly.

Loved the praline bread pudding, of course. Now I want to go make pralines.

Did you get a chance to try it while you were at the World in October? It was very good ... even eating around the pralines. :laughing:

I loaded up my wish list on Amazon with stuff I wanted, saved my credit card info, and then instructed my dd14 on how to use Amazon.

Then I sent her int he direction of her father with instructions to not let him near a store, but to show him what I wanted online instead.

Yup, like you, I'm not above shopping for myself to get what I want.
[Having a teenage dd helps with the surprise though!]


I'm all for helping out the man in my life to get the right gift - they all need a little help now and then!

Jay and I stopped trying to surprise each other years ago. We usually try to agree upon something that we both want ... do the same thing for anniversaries. Makes more sense to us that way.

I hope you receive lots of excellent readables! I'm in the middle of too many books right now and am going to have to start over and just focus on one at a time. But ... thanks to Wiggles (Kendra) I started The Book Thief, which is as amazing as she said it would be. Even though it's considered a book for young adults it strikes me as something that's really more of an adult book that happens to have a young protagonist. I'm also reading The Great Upheaval (history ... good but not as good as the other book I have by this author), and March, which is a novel that focuses on the father from Little Women ... perhaps my all-time favorite novel. That one book really started my love affair with reading. I was 8 the first time I read it and didn't understand half of it, but have read it many, many times over the years and probably own every movie version of the book.

It's true ... I'm a geek! :lmao:

I just read Thanksgiving and everything looked so yummy. I love apple pie, it's my favorite. Oh and I'm giving you enough notice, set an extra table for 5 next year, we're coming :lmao: Ok now to read more.

Hi Laura! Thanks for reading - glad you enjoyed it. Jen's apple pie was amazing and I'm not usually a big fan of apple pie so that lets you know just how good it really was. And if you're brave enough to face a Stinktown Thanksgiving, come on down! :goodvibes

Collector's ediction: jealous! :thumbsup2


I love Beedle. I covet Beedle. :yay:
Husband reading this I HOPE that will be brought by Santa on YOUR card. I will share.
Brenda, how is the binding (although, we have no kids and can hide Beedle from accessory child relatives.)?
I have a 1st edition Sorcerer's Stone through Dream Street and it is my precious. And none of my nieces and nephews have ever been near it. Well, one positive of having a trach-- I can claim cold season and see the kids at THEIR house, not mine.
Hmmm. Turns out I have major selfishness issues, and will share only so Husband can put Beedle in MY lap. MINE!
How will they film Deathly Hallows? Sixty percent of it is thought. And camping.

Excellent geek interval.


Hi Miri! The binding's not bad on the collector's edition, but I think it could be better. Seems like most publishers today just don't know how to use leather for books as well as they used to. Still, it's a way cool little book and so unique that I just love love love it!

You said the same thing that Jay and I did about the filming for Deathly Hallows ... how are they going to make a movie that doesn't bore the interest right out of most of us? It's short on action and long on prose ... but I guess that's why screenwriters get paid big bucks and schmoes like me are working with numbers instead of words. ;)


That elephant statue is DEFINITELY NOT RIGHT. ::NO::


Then add Jay, sweet, innocent Jay.... and wow. IT's all kinds of wrong. :rotfl2:

I love your book! I saw it at the store, it's beeudeeful!

The person before me said, "I love beedle, I covet beedle"

Before I went back and read about the new book, I thought he/she was saying that there was yet a new nick name for you! But then I couldn't figure out why they were coveting you. :rotfl:

:lmao: Mel, you post the best stuff ... ya know that, right?

First ... that picture of Jay and the elephant is really naughty looking, isn't it? But too funny not to share with my friends here!

Yes, beedle is a beeudeeful book indeed! And gawd help us all ... the last thing I need is another nickname. I can't even keep track of them all any longer! :rotfl2:
Love the pictures of the Collectors Edition! I had to settle for the standard version... :sad2:

Thanks for letting me share the excitement. :goodvibes

I'm so regretting not buying the Collectors Edition now! Thanks for sharing those pictures B!:goodvibes

Hey Jennifer ... how ya been? I really do love that collector's edition ... it's just the coolest little thing I've ever seen (for now).

I love that collector's edition, I couldn't justify buying it for myself though. I bought the cheap version, and it's a good read. I know my sister wants the collector's edition as well. It is really cool looking.

I'm not even trying to justify it anymore ... I'm just glad to have splurged on it and some day will probably pass it on to my oldest neice who adores everything Potter.

Glad I found your latest thread. Can't wait for more.

Happy to have you here - I hope you enjoy these newest reviews!

:lmao: FART FAIRY!!! :lmao:

Where's the darned tag fairy when we need her!!!

Ahhhh Haaaa Haaaa Ha Haaaa..... :rotfl2:

Thanks Bendy... I needed that...

Ohhhhh Bendy...

I needed to laugh...

Thanks... :hug:

Always happy to provide a laugh, and I know it's been a tough week for you. So have a hug, too. :hug:

Would a certain book be holding up the reviews??? :rolleyes:

Have you finished reading it yet? I'm jealous, I couldn't bring myself to splurge on it. Looking forward to hearing about the book & reviews :goodvibes

Nope, the book didn't get in the way as much as work and holiday stuff. I promise that PFTS will be posted today. I haven't finished reading it ... I just skimmed through some parts of it ... it's charming.

That book looks amazing!!!! Congrats on that one ! ;)
Thanks for the yummy recipe sharing as well Brenda..those tartlets will be MINE!

Hi Gina! we loves the new book ... it is our precious! :laughing:

I hope you enjoy those tarts ... we thought they were quite tasty. Depending on the kind of pears you use you may want to poach them for an hour or two to really soften them up.

Loving your updates, Brenda!

And how cute is Handsome Pete?! Cowboy says hi. I always think of you around this time of year when we buy our plane tickets for Stinktown.

Please tell me there's no snow in the forecast for :santa: !

Hey stranger - thanks for reading and for admiring our furbaby! There isn't any snow forecast yet, but it looks like we're going to get some freezing rain and sleet later today and overnight. Oh joy ... I'd rather have the snow.

When are you going to be in town? Maybe we can try to arrange a meet up at the Tap Room if that works for you two. Drop me a PM if you get a chance.

Glad to hear your feeling better. Hope you had a good time at the party. We'll be here waiting to hear all about it.

Thanks! The party wasn't bad ... typical company party in a year where lots of things have been scaled back. It was my 5-year anniversary with the company so I had to get my picture taken with the President and CEO ... sure hope I didn't have any food stuck in my teeth! :laughing:

Glad your pain is subsiding a bit!

Thanks so much! I'm glad too! :goodvibes


Glad to hear the pain is going away... I told you if you had planky walk on your back it would feel better.....

(but trying to explain those footprints... :rolleyes1 )

Thanks Michelle! :goodvibes

I am glad you are finally finding some relief, Brenda! But, I suggest you search for a lovely pair of flats. I have some velvet ones that I wear when I am on stage singing... no way could I stand in heels that long.

Thanks Elin. I do have some black flats but they're not very dressy. And I wanted to show off my holiday pedicure ... vanity vanity. :rolleyes1 I did really well but I made sure that I stayed seated most of the evening. I think if I'd tried to stand or circulate too much I would have had trouble.
I am loving your reviews and your blog - I am sure Mum and I saw you both in Epcot in Oct but I was far to shy to come and speak to you.
Like you I loved The Book Thief; have you read Boy in the Striped Pyjamas? Also for young adults but so thought provoking.
I am loving your reviews and your blog - I am sure Mum and I saw you both in Epcot in Oct but I was far to shy to come and speak to you.

Hi there Wendy and thanks for the kind words - I'm glad you're enjoying our goofy reviews!

I do hope we were behaving ourselves when you saw us (read ... I hope I wasn't being a cranky crohn) and I do wish you'd said something. I really do get a pleasant little buzz from meeting people who've been reading along with us. And under normal circumstances we're usually quite friendly. :goodvibes

Like you I loved The Book Thief; have you read Boy in the Striped Pyjamas? Also for young adults but so thought provoking.

I've not heard of that other book. Since we don't have children I usually rely on friends who teach or who do have them to recommend really good children's literature when I don't stumble across it by accident on my own.

I'll make note of that one and look for it after the holidays - thanks for the heads up and thanks for reading! :flower3:
Hi there Wendy and thanks for the kind words - I'm glad you're enjoying our goofy reviews!

I do hope we were behaving ourselves when you saw us (read ... I hope I wasn't being a cranky crohn) and I do wish you'd said something. I really do get a pleasant little buzz from meeting people who've been reading along with us. And under normal circumstances we're usually quite friendly. :goodvibes

Of course you were behaving - mind you it was only about 1pm! Perhaps if I had spotted you later, after more alcohol myself I would have spoken!
I've not heard of that other book. Since we don't have children I usually rely on friends who teach or who do have them to recommend really good children's literature when I don't stumble across it by accident on my own.

I'll make note of that one and look for it after the holidays - thanks for the heads up and thanks for reading! :flower3:
I'm actually a teacher and one of my pupils was inspired to write a poem after reading the book. There has been a film adaptation of the book which has been released here but not sure if it made it to the States.
:thumbsup2 That my friend is %^&$ing funny! :lmao: :rotfl: :rotfl2:

We aim to please on this thread! :lmao:

I'm actually a teacher and one of my pupils was inspired to write a poem after reading the book. There has been a film adaptation of the book which has been released here but not sure if it made it to the States.

Good to know we weren't being too obnoxious when you spotted us ... I'd have been embarrassed and probably would end up in a shame spiral. ;)

I wondered if you might not be a teacher! :goodvibes I don't think that it's been released here but I might have missed it. Sometimes I don't pay much attention to things going on around us ... :rolleyes1
A quick interlude ...

just wanted to share a couple of pictures and a drink recipe - it's been a while since we've given you a new tasty beverage to sip on!

Thanksgiving family portrait:

Grimace has her eyes closed in the first one, but Handsome Pete looks cute, doesn't he?


This second picture is much better ... and Grimace is smiling!!!!


And here's a picture of Jay and me last night before leaving for my holiday party!


Holiday Cocktail!!!

Amaretto-Cranberry Kiss

2 cups cranberry juice
1 cup vodka
1/2 cup amaretto

Pour ingredients into a pitcher and stir gently. Keep chilled in refrigerator until ready to serve. Serve over ice.

This recipe is supposed to be for 8 servings but Jay and I say it's really 4 ... guess it depends on how generous your drink servings are! Also, you could add about 3 tablespoons of orange juice if you want to make this a bit more tart, but we like it just as it's listed above. It's a tasty drink and oh-so-pretty!

Enjoy! :goodvibes
Thank you SOOOOO much for posting pictures of the collector's edition of Tales of the Beetle Bard! I'm a diehard Harry Potter fan and can't wait to read it to get more insight into Book 7!

My favorite book is Little Women as well! I simply adore it and it was the first book I read as a child :)

Looking forward to your PFTS posts! :thumbsup2
Thank you SOOOOO much for posting pictures of the collector's edition of Tales of the Beetle Bard! I'm a diehard Harry Potter fan and can't wait to read it to get more insight into Book 7!

My favorite book is Little Women as well! I simply adore it and it was the first book I read as a child :)

Looking forward to your PFTS posts! :thumbsup2

My pleasure to share the pictures! It's dawned on me that the folks who hang on my food porn threads have exceptionally good taste in books!

Nothing will ever replace Little Women in my heart ... I wish I had a daughter to share it with but it's not meant to be. I'm hoping to be a bad influence on my eldest niece when it comes to books ... seems to be working so far! ;)

Wow Mrs Bendy has a dwelling with pillars...:worship:

ps...An address unknown to us.....:rolleyes1

Check your mailbox, luv. And our pillars are only half pillars ... they "break" the space between our great room and our little dining room.

Is that Jason's shooter i spot stood there Mrs Bendy...:rolleyes1

Yep, that's our American unCivil War musket that I gave Jay as a wedding gift. It's an 1863 Springfield musket with bayonet ... probably worth waaaay more than I paid for it. These are the things that history geeks do for each other when they get married. :lmao:

Jay actually had relatives who fought for the Union and one of them was captured at the battle of Chickamauga (Tennesseee - 1863) and then died at Andersonville (one of the most notorious of all prisoner of war camps established by the Confederacy). We went there several years ago and found his grave marker and prison records ... it was a very sad place.

It probably goes without saying that I had family who fought for the Confederacy. We were losers then and we're still losers now. ;)
I'm not commenting on what I thought you said (my brain's a bit fuzzy... ) but I've got to admit... nice tie... ;)

:lmao: It took me a minute to figure out what he was talking about too! My brain was automatically in the gutter as soon as I read it! :rotfl2:
I'm too much of a traditionalist to use the kindle. I love the smell and feel of books ... I love the feel of the pages ... I love buying them and reading them and putting them in our many varied bookshelves scattered around the house. Heck, if my bathrooms were big enough I'd probably have a bookcase in them too. :lmao:

I'm all for helping out the man in my life to get the right gift - they all need a little help now and then!

Jay and I stopped trying to surprise each other years ago. We usually try to agree upon something that we both want ... do the same thing for anniversaries. Makes more sense to us that way.

I hope you receive lots of excellent readables! I'm in the middle of too many books right now and am going to have to start over and just focus on one at a time. But ... thanks to Wiggles (Kendra) I started The Book Thief, which is as amazing as she said it would be. Even though it's considered a book for young adults it strikes me as something that's really more of an adult book that happens to have a young protagonist. I'm also reading The Great Upheaval (history ... good but not as good as the other book I have by this author), and March, which is a novel that focuses on the father from Little Women ... perhaps my all-time favorite novel. That one book really started my love affair with reading. I was 8 the first time I read it and didn't understand half of it, but have read it many, many times over the years and probably own every movie version of the book.

It's true ... I'm a geek! :lmao:

I agree. I LOVE books. I always say I could just go into Barnes and Nobles and roll around in the books, but that might be frowned upon.

We use a literature based homeschool curriculum. We're about ready to install the bathroom book shelves. We don't need that second bathtub, right?

I love Little Women too. Have you ever read her "Jack and Jill"? I like that one too.

My list on Amazon included a lot of Jane Austen. Also a prequel to a book that the kids are reading this year that I just LOVED! The book is called "A year down yonder" and the prequel is called " A long way from Chicago."
A year down yonder takes place during the great depression, and a teenage girl from Chicago is forced to go live with her Grandma in southern Illinois (I think) and her grandma is a bit of a rebel. Hilarious!

Ok, off to make dinner now. Been baking cookies all day. Whew.
When I was in the fourth grade my mom bought me a set of Louisa May Alcott's works when she figured out that I was in love with Little Women. I have Little Men, Jo's Boy's, Eight Cousins, Jack and Jill, and Under the Lilacs. When I was older I managed to get my hands on Rose in Bloom, which is the sequal to Eight Cousins.

I loved them all except for Under the Lilacs - that one just didn't do much for me.
When I was in the fourth grade my mom bought me a set of Louisa May Alcott's works when she figured out that I was in love with Little Women. I have Little Men, Jo's Boy's, Eight Cousins, Jack and Jill, and Under the Lilacs. When I was older I managed to get my hands on Rose in Bloom, which is the sequal to Eight Cousins.

I loved them all except for Under the Lilacs - that one just didn't do much for me.

Wow. You are the only other person I have met whose ever HEARD of Jack and Jill, let alone OWN it. No wonder we get a long so well. LOL
Wow. You are the only other person I have met whose ever HEARD of Jack and Jill, let alone OWN it. No wonder we get a long so well. LOL

Great minds, right? ;)

Jack and Jill was one of my favorites from the first time I read it. Eight Cousins, too. :thumbsup2

Like I said ... with no daughter of my own to push down the right path, I've got to work extra hard on my niece. :laughing:
I owe everyone an apology again because I had 50+ pictures and my PFTS review waiting to post here on the DIS and when I hit the submit button the whole thing crashed and the boards were no more (at least in my browser windows). I'm not happy because I spent the better part of the evening working on it and now I've got to start over from scratch. Add that to the the freezing rain and sleet that we're currently getting and maybe I can try again tomorrow night and maybe I can't.

I'm very sorry but this one was out of my hands. :headache:
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