That Pirate Stole My Tiara: The Pre-Trip Report

Alright, normally I'm hanging out on other boards...I'm a die-hard fan of very few trip reports....and yet, yours caught me. In a good a wow, that sounds oddly like me before children a, yes, I have a BFA in painting but currently work part time as a bank teller to provide health insurance for my family way....I identify, sister, and I can't wait to hear more! :thumbsup2
I am very excited about staying at the Lodge. I've heard wonderful things about it. Also, this is my FIRST stay at a Deluxe (not including the Swolphin, which counts...yet doesn't)! Melissa stayed at the Aminal* Kingdom Lodge last year, and was thoroughly spoiled with a Savannah View Concierge Bunkbed room compliments of her sister, I might add. She was finding it hard to choose anything less than Deluxe. I'd have been happy with anything. Period. Including a closet.

I have to admit that if they announce a free dining promotion we may use the extra cash to upgrade to the Poly (which is my DREAM resort :cloud9: ) but we'll see how all of that pans out.

I keep meaning to tell you that your little Princesses are adorable!

Again, thanks for reading! I know how it feels to be hanging on someone else's every word, wishing your trip was sooner. I lurked on the boards for years doing the same thing and I didn't even have a trip in sight! Yours will be here before you know it. Oh, and May is, hands down, my favorite time to visit thus far. I've been in January, February, May, June, July and August. Now we'll be trying our luck for September. Someday I'd also like to check it out during the Thanksgiving/Christmas holidays. Maybe next year.

*Yes, that is meant to be spelled A-M-I-N-A-L and not the proper way. Just like I'm often heard to yell, "I'm going to Dinneyworld!" There's a five year old in me dying to get out and play.

Thanks for the compliment, I think they're adorable princesses too but I may be ever so slightly biased:rolleyes1

We were supposed to be travelling at the end of June as my birthday is July 7th but DH wants to go in May due to it being cheaper, quieter and less humid so I'm being very naughty and pulling DD, who will be 13 at the time, out of school for eight days. I'm sure I'll be subjected to a public flogging for this but hey ho life's short and she's a good student so we're just going to go for it. After much debate we've decided to do a split stay 7nights BC and 7nights Poly...this is dependant on a few thing (finances, special rates,etc.) but I'm just going to ignore the negatives and make that the plan for now:woohoo: .

I'm really enjoying your Pre Trippie so far...keep up the good work:thumbsup2
Lovin' your TR so far! Count me in! My family is staying at the WL too! I can't wait...just 3-ish weeks to go! :thumbsup2
So, we’re two pages in and really, all you can say is that you’ve subscribed to the pre-trip report of a female Disney-fanatic, who’s 5’4”, has an English degree she’s only using to DIS, is spoken for by a non-Disney-loving-hunk-o’-man and has more useless knowledge than you could shake a stick at.

But seriously, who shakes sticks? :confused3

I think it’s about that time (no, not to break forth the rhythm or the rhyme – did I just date myself?). It’s about time to let you know a little more about me. After which you’ll likely all unsubscribe and start a Community Thread about how completely “out of it” I am. ;)

But seriously, in my opinion, this is not the best way to get to know someone (ahem):

Hi. My name is Nicole. I’m 5’4”. I have brown hair and blue eyes. I’m from Southeastern Mass and I enjoy long walks on the beach, Disney, and corn.

I think it’s the minutiae of someone’s personality that really tells you the most (and the most interesting things) about them. So with this in mind, I’d like to introduce you to

(drumroll please)

:cheer2: ME! :cheer2:

(I’ll give it a few seconds for the thunderous applause to die down.)

Hi :wave2:

I’m Tinkerbellarella here on the DIS. In real life, people call me Nicole, Nikki, Babe, Honey, Super Senior Administrative Assistant, Hey, Meowr (which is kitty-speak for Mom), Dina (which is Portuguese slang for Godmother) and the most wonderful, beautiful big sister/daughter in the world. And the World.

My DIS screenname is a perfect smooshing of who I would be if I were a Disney character – sweet, a dreamer, a hard worker, a princess and obsessed with shoes, while at the same time being fun, sassy, on the shorter side, spoiled and obsessed with her the size of her rear end. ( I LOVE the picture of Tink checking out how big her behind is in the mirror!)

I’m an aminal lover. I have two cats that I adopted from a shelter when I got my first apartment 5 years ago. They are my children. They are not the BF’s children and he also insists that they are not MY children – “Babe, when was the last time YOU used a litter box?” But they ARE my babies and I refuse to think otherwise. I have a love-hate relationship with Animal Planet. I only watch the shows until something sad is about to happen. Then I make BF change the channel.

I am fiercely devoted to my family and my friends. My mother is only 17 years older than me and is my #1 best friend. Because I have about 4 other best friends who are ranked in no particular order. Which my BF says impossible as it completely devoids the meaning of “best” as a superlative. I say the fact that he actually enjoys going to the gym is impossible.

My boyfriend is my soul’s complement. :lovestruc He’s been there for me when almost no one else has. He’s seen me at my worst. And then seen me at my worst without make-up as a sobbing mess on the bathroom floor at 2 a.m. after an unfortunate dinner involving meatballs and not-so-good gravy and he STILL stuck around. (And by gravy, I mean what all you non-Italian types would call sauce. The red stuff. Get it together, it’s GRAVY.) I hope I make him half as happy as he makes me. Like I said in an earlier post, he’s the Superman to my Lois Lane…although the other day we had this conversation about how Batman is really his favorite superhero. But Batman seemed to have a real fear of commitment, so I’m sticking with my comparison.

I’m 28 going on 7. Forever. I can be both serious and silly. I’m intelligent and yet a total flake. I will give you the shirt off my back but will not let you anywhere near my shoe collection. I’m selfless and spoiled. Far too forgiving and still far too vengeful. I can be quick to anger and quick to cry but I laugh just at the thought of the silly pout face my BF makes at me on just these occasions. I have a pretty strong sense of competition and I hate to be wrong. But I am. A lot. Sometimes.

I am fairly loquacious (meaning I love me some words). I will read anything. No books? No magazines? Hand me the back of that cereal box. I love to watch repeats of the original CSI with the BF. Especially ones I’ve already seen and he hasn’t. It makes me look so smart when I figure it out halfway through the episode. However, I am NOT smarter than a 5th grader. :teacher:

I have been through some pretty tough trials in life and am a better person for every single one. I had to “grow up” a lot sooner than most other kids my age and yet I refuse to be a grown up.

I haven’t won Powerball yet, but it’s on my To Do list.

I have about 8 banana boxes of Barbie stuff in my parents’ attic.

I don’t like asparagus, cooked broccoli and any kind of fish except calamari and sea scallops.

I don’t like pizza.

I can spend 40 minutes in Sephora and not be bored. I need a leash around shoe stores. :hyper: I am hoping to one day live in an IKEA.

I have a birthmark on my nose that makes it look like I had it pierced once.

I’ve been to Disney 9 times and the obsession can be 100% wholly blamed on my paternal grandparents. (And on the topic of grandparents, I have THREE sets. All valid.)

The day I took my SATs a couple-hundred-pound partition fell on my back. I scored a 1220. Better than I did when I took it without being crushed by a wall. :eek:

And, most importantly relating to this PTR: I love, love, love going to Disney World. It’s a place that I go to remember my grandmother, who’s been gone since just after my second trip in 1991. It’s a place that I go to be instantly transported back to childhood (but thankfully not back to those awful high-cut running shorts with the white piping on the side). It’s a place that I go to forget all of the ‘real-world, grown-up’ problems that I have to deal with 51 other weeks a year. Disney World is my happy. :love:

So, that’s me (but not in a nutshell because I’m not a huge fan of highly confined places). Still care to come along for this ride?

More to follow.

*Yes, that is meant to be spelled A-M-I-N-A-L and not the proper way. Just like I'm often heard to yell, "I'm going to Dinneyworld!" There's a five year old in me dying to get out and play.

Too funny...and when we get our ADR's I would like to order some pasgetti pleeze!
Alright, normally I'm hanging out on other boards...I'm a die-hard fan of very few trip reports....and yet, yours caught me. In a good a wow, that sounds oddly like me before children a, yes, I have a BFA in painting but currently work part time as a bank teller to provide health insurance for my family way....I identify, sister, and I can't wait to hear more! :thumbsup2

Hi there! Wow, I'm impressed I caught your eye. I'm glad you're enjoying so far. It amazes me how many people get a degree in something and then do something completely opposite! Except for accountants...they all seem to still be accountants.

DH wants to go in May due to it being cheaper, quieter and less humid so I'm being very naughty and pulling DD, who will be 13 at the time, out of school for eight days. I'm sure I'll be subjected to a public flogging for this but hey ho life's short and she's a good student so we're just going to go for it. After much debate we've decided to do a split stay 7nights BC and 7nights Poly...this is dependant on a few thing (finances, special rates,etc.) but I'm just going to ignore the negatives and make that the plan for now:woohoo:

May is definitely all of those things. If you time it right, you'll catch the Flower and Garden Festival at Epcot and possibly Star War Weekends at the Studios. It really is a great time to be in the World.

I don't like it when I see others criticizing parents for their choices when it comes to school, children and vacation. I can understand both sides of it and don't really have a bias either way (I also am not a teacher and don't have kids). Every child is different and I have a feeling a child's parents can better determine what is best for him/her than random strangers on an internet forum. I think opinions should be welcome but sometimes the "flaming" can sometimes get to be a bit much.

Seven nights and the POLY?!?! I'm sick with envy. :sick:

Lovin' your TR so far! Count me in! My family is staying at the WL too! I can't wait...just 3-ish weeks to go! :thumbsup2

A Disney snob, huh? :snooty: Me too! :goodvibes Wow, three weeks! You're getting there! You'll have to let me know how you make out.

Too funny...and when we get our ADR's I would like to order some pasgetti pleeze!

A good friend of mine still says it that way from time to time. :laughing: I used to say "cimmonin" (cinnamon). The one that really drives me crazy when I hear it, though, is "liberry" (library). I can be a big time grammar/word snob and I have to bite my tongue and not correct people.

I am, however, extremely fond of a Southern inflection on words/vocabulary. A true Yankee, I've always lived in MA, but I've been using "y'all" for longer than I can remember. I insist to BF that I was supposed to have been born a Southern belle.

There's more coming but probably not today. Unfortunately work hasn't been kind this week and I'm swamped. Not to mention I have Friday off for a dress fitting for a wedding that I'm Maid of Honor in, the bridal shower I'm coordinating for that bride on Saturday and a paper to write for my Research Methods class.

So who's idea was it that 24 hours in a day was sufficient?


I thought I would come over and check out your PTR. I really like it.

My Mama is only 17 years older than I am also, and she is a very good friend! :lovestruc Those young Mama's, what a joy :dance3:

Thanks for checking out our PTR, Shawn and I really appreciate it.

You are seriously a funny :lmao: and entertaining writer, I am looking forward to more.
I laughed all through your PTR so far! I love, love, love your writing style and see myself mirrored in so much that you have written -- I won't bore you with all the comparisions, but I will say that I was a journalism major long before I decided to be a middle-school literature teacher; will read anything placed in front of me (including the owner's manual of my car if there is nothing else in said car :eek: ); have a cat named Bagheera; and like to imagine that I am Lois Lane to DH's Superman/Clark Kent (I think it is the fact that she was a journalist and who can resist a man in classes? :)).

So, needless to say, I'm in! popcorn::
Alright, Tinkerbellarella, I am still loving this pre-trippie. I identify with a lot of your description of yourself...thinking, wow, that sounds like me! :lmao: Batman would also be the superhero of choice in my DHs' eyes. We won't go into the large collection of action figures, posters...:::ahem:::

I'm really looking forward to reading this, and thanks for giving me a little something extra to put that spring in my step....boost in my day....yadda, really, it's great to read, and I'm enjoying it. Personally, I'm in the throes of potty training DS3 so in between running him to the bathroom :scared1: , I'm sneaking my DIS! ;)

P.S. Happy Easter!

I thought I would come over and check out your PTR. I really like it.

My Mama is only 17 years older than I am also, and she is a very good friend! :lovestruc Those young Mama's, what a joy :dance3:

Thanks for checking out our PTR, Shawn and I really appreciate it.

You are seriously a funny :lmao: and entertaining writer, I am looking forward to more.

Aw, thanks! You and Shawn sound like you have a fabulous trip planned. I can't wait to hear how it all pans out. Glad to know you're enjoying!

I love, love, love your writing style and see myself mirrored in so much that you have written

I'm so sorry to hear that. :sad1: LOL Kidding!
So, needless to say, I'm in! popcorn::

Well, welcome on board. Drinks are at seven in the Library. BYOB. ;)

Alright, Tinkerbellarella, I am still loving this pre-trippie.

I'm glad. My 9-5 doesn't allow for much "fun" writing, so this is such a treat to me. I really am glad people are enjoying this.

Personally, I'm in the throes of potty training DS3

God bless you.

Happy Easter to all of you. Who celebrate Easter. And to those of you who don't, Happy-Sunday-that-is-like-every-other-Sunday-and-has-no-significant-meaning-to-you-whatsoever.

Sorry for the sparseness as of late, but this past weekend included:
-one dress fitting for a wedding I'm in in six weeks as Maid of Honor. This was the first fitting and I was very nervous about the dress being, ahem, snug. It fit! And I'm DEFINITELY tooting my own horn when I say, "I was hot. Mostly."
-one severe allergic reaction that resulted in hives the size of nickels popping up under my eyes. I apparently only had one nostril for a while there as well. All better now.
-a bridal shower for the bride of the wedding I'm in in six weeks. It was fun but I'm not sorry it's over. Left me pooped!
-half a day working on a paper for school and working from home for work.
-TWO Easter dinners - one at my grandparents' house and one at the BF's brother's house. Both ham. I'm a bloated, salty, mess today. Got some dental floss? We could do a reenactment of the Thanksgiving Day parade in Manhattan.

But all is much slower, so I'm working on the next update.

And I still encourage people to leave some comments! It took me, like, 3 YEARS to start posting. I was addicted to lurking. It's totally not as fun. No one can hear the thoughts in your head.

Wait. That might be a good thing.


Post! It's way more fun. All the cool kids are doing it.

And yes, that was peer pressure. And also yes, it's probably fortunate I don't have children. I think my future children in my ovaries are already scarred.

Update soon!

Glad to hear that you had a nice Easter. I definitely over did it, and have to improve or none of my shorts will be fitting me. (Whenever it starts to get warm around here).
Hey all, Shir Kahn only has 2 days and 10 hours until his trip. I think we should have a raffle as to who gets to go with as a "carry-on" item.
I’m back. But not in black. Or with a vengeance.

I’m back. With an itinerary.

Which will likely change. No less than 7 times.

When we last left our beautiful, charming, harried heroine, we had just met our beautiful, charming, harried heroine. Who has since taken to speaking of herself in third person.

Luckily, booking a trip only (only?!) six months in advance meant that I didn’t have to wait at all for Disney to release their park hours for September 2008. Which they too will undoubtedly change no less than 7 times before our arrival. However, using that and the speculated Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween Party (MNSSHP) dates, I was able to slap together the first draft of the itinerary pretty early on. Before the trip was officially booked, even.

The itinerary is now in it’s 4th version. Which is the same as it’s first final draft version. Keep a count for me, will you? And of course it’s in Excel. As are our trip budget, confirmation numbers and packing lists.

Why yes, I’m an Excel nerd also, thankyouverymuch.

Our trip dates, since I don’t think I’ve mentioned it yet are:


And so, as of 5 months, 3 weeks and 6 days out, the plan for the first few days is as follows:

Departure day from home! Arrival day in FL! Yay!!! This is almost always the best day. Even the “stress” of traveling is “fun”. Note the quotes. Because I’m the type of person who can be dressed in 100% cotton, 100% rubber flip flops, my contacts, hair down, no make up and no jewelry and I still manage to set off the metal detector at the airport. Then I have to go off to have a “meaningful relationship” without the courtesy of dinner first with the surly looking TSA guard-lady.

The plan is to (hopefully) fly Southwest out of T.F. Green in Providence (technically Warwick), RI. Southwest hasn’t released their availability yet through our trip dates so Jet Blue out of Logan in Boston, MA is the alternative.
I love Southwest. Ding!
I love T.F. Green - it's smallish and cozy-like. Easy.
I like Jet Blue. They have TV. I'm not sure why SW hasn't caught onto this.
I don’t like Logan.

Flying out of Logan in the early a.m. is akin to leaving the Magic Kingdom on the heels of the first showing of Wishes on a Saturday night during school vacation. Insanity. And that’s without the consideration of Boston-area traffic and certain “newly-built” tunnels collapsing in concrete slabs on one’s head. Ahem.

I heart Boston and the Big Dig.

So again, hopefully flying out of Prov and into Tampa.

Now, before your panties get all bunchy, I realize that:
a.) Disney didn’t up and move Northwest-ish (if my geography-challenged, too-lazy-to-check self is correct)
b.) Disney has no plans on moving prior to September
c.) one cannot walk from Tampa to Orlando
d.) the Pats have traded Asante Samuel to the Iggles and my brand-spankin’-new #22 Samuel jersey is now a piece of history

Melissa’s sister and family live in Tampa and they don’t get to see each other often, so we’re spending our arrival day and a couple of days at the end of our trip with them.

We may do something fun in the Tampa-area, like Busch Gardens, or we might just veg out at Missy’s sister’s incredible home. We’re spending the night there also.

Today we’re going to head down to Orlando, hopefully accompanied by Missy’s sister and family, to spend the day at Sea World. I love me some aquatic life and Missy hasn’t been in ages. We won’t necessarily be in a rush to be there first thing, which will drive my commando side crazy, but we’re going to take our time. Once we’re done for the day, Missy’s sister is going to drop us off to check into the Lodge, where hopefully my DTL will be holding and we’ll have our lakeview dreams fulfilled. Or crushed. Whichever. Is that a puddle, I see? A Disney puddle? In the courtyard? YAYYYYYY!

Once in, depending on the time, we’ll probably use our (hopefully by then FREE) first Counter Service credits at either Roaring Fork or down at the Earl of Sandwich in DTD. All depending on how tired/psyched up/adventurous/insane we’re feeling.

Today is MGM day. Who knows, maybe by then I’ll be calling it Disney Hollywood Studios. Or even know who I’ll be voting for in the upcoming Presidential election. Maybe Britney will know how to behave like an adult and wear panties consistently. Maybe 49 other states will catch on to the whole “Green” thing and take away California's (and “Governor” Scwarzenegger’s) crowning glory. For now I’ll compromise and just call it the Studios.

We won’t rush to be there at rope-drop. But we’ll shoot for 10ish after a quick breakfast in the room. (My inner commando is officially asking for a straight jacket and nice padded room.) We’re spending the whole day and having lunch at a CS place. Dinner is "reserved" at 50’s Prime Time. For two reasons:
1. We’re fun + (hopefully) a fun server = lots of laughs and good pics
2. S’Mores dessert.

Melissa and I have a history of s’mores. If by history you mean that once we were supposed to go camping with some friends but we had to back out at the last minute and so we went “camping” in my living room with the BF and actually made a tent with a tarp, made s’mores in the micro and had a “flashlights only” rule after sundown.

It’s evening EMH so we’ll probably take our time and stick around for the second showing of Fantasmic! After that we’ll probably head back to the hotel. For Tuesday is to be the BIG day.

::singing and doing this: :woohoo: ::
It’s Magic Kingdom day.
It’s Magic Kingdom day.

AND, to boot, today is one of the skepticized (I made it up, don’t bother consulting your Merriam-Webster) MNSSHP days. So it’s going to be a long one.

Again, we’re not rushing to be at park opening. Instead, shooting for 10-ish again. We’ll do lunch at the park (breakfast in the room) at a CS. At some point I need to hit up Aloha Isle for a Dole Whip. Since I’ve never had one and all. Yes, yes, the outraged masses of Dole Whip fans are readying their stones. Remember – glass houses people!

In order to escape the insanity of what the MK can be to people without children, we have an ADR over at Epicot at Le Cellier. We’ll monorail it (which I’m voting to be added to the English language as a verb) and enjoy too much cheese soup and pretzel bread and a large piece of meat. Which does not come from a cow. My meat comes from a “happy place”. (If BF were reading this right now he’d look for something to throw at me. This drives him crazy.)

After dinner we’ll monorail it back to one of the MK resorts to change into our costumes for MNSSHP. We’re very excited about this. I’ll get into more detail in a later post when I introduce our trip theme and mascot. Yes, we have both. (Refer back to the above part of this post that introduces me as the nerd I am.) Then we’ll hit up the MK until midnight to party it up with some tricks, treats, a Headless Horseman and likely 75,000 hot, tired kids in costumes that are itchy. And we’re paying extra for this and excited about it. Woohoo!

More to come!

Glad to hear that you had a nice Easter. I definitely over did it, and have to improve or none of my shorts will be fitting me. (Whenever it starts to get warm around here).

I consider it "warm" when I can break out the flip flops to commute to work. Which I do when it's 50 degrees or warmer. The forecast is calling for 56 on Wednesday, but rainy. And considering walking quickly in the rain in flippies is akin to ice skating with no skill, I'll probably suck it up. My flippies will be sobbing quietly from their place at the bottom of the shoe trees in my closet.
Your plans sound good so far, regardless of how many times they may change. I had to laugh at your Excel spreadsheets, because, I, myself, after having lurked on the DIS so long before joining, have joined all the cool kids with spreadsheets! I have a spreadsheet for dining, and a spreadsheet based on the two possible dates of the MNSSHP, and oddly enough, when we're hoping to go (have not booked yet, holding out for free dining) is the exact same dates as you! Is it possible that Tinkerbellarella and Tarzanskat could run into each can only dream of the possibilities! :lmao:
I'm really enjoying your pre-trippie so far! I wish I could tell a story the way you can, maybe then I'd have readers on my pre-trip report... but alas, its not to be. :)
I, myself, after having lurked on the DIS so long before joining, have joined all the cool kids with spreadsheets!

Disney spreadsheets are the new Nintendo Wii.
Ok, maybe not THAT cool.

oddly enough, when we're hoping to go (have not booked yet, holding out for free dining) is the exact same dates as you! Is it possible that Tinkerbellarella and Tarzanskat could run into each can only dream of the possibilities! :lmao:

Holy Carpola! You know what they say about great minds, right? Well, if you do book (fingers, toes and the kitties' tails are all crossed por tu), perhaps our paths WILL cross! We're going to have a little "drinkin'" tour through the WS at Epicot that you'll get to hear all about in my next update. :drinking1

We couldn't hold out for the free food. We knew we'd go regardless. Now we're just hoping the free food will allow us to upgrade resorts.

I'm really enjoying your pre-trippie so far! I wish I could tell a story the way you can, maybe then I'd have readers on my pre-trip report... but alas, its not to be. :)

:wave2: Hi! Glad to see you've dropped in and said hello! I'm also glad you're enjoying. Everyone has different skills. Mine just happens to be telling complete strangers the intimate details of a trip to Disney World in a way that they find themselves strangely attracted to read. I cannot, however, crochet. The world is an imperfect place.

But you can count one more in the number of readers of your Pre-Trippie. I try to subscribe to all of those who do me the favor of subscribing to mine and appropriately inflating my ego.

I'll (hopefully) have the rest of the itinerary update tomorrow guys! Right now the remainder of my Section II Quantitative paper for Research Methods beckons (it sounds kind of like a demon). Then I have the joyous chore of analyzing the data matrix and the statistical significance of an SPSS assignment. Trust me. Not only do you not want to know, but neither do I.

In the meantime, here. Have a banana. :banana:

Sweet dreams y'all.
Disney spreadsheets are the new Nintendo Wii.
Ok, maybe not THAT cool.

Holy Carpola! You know what they say about great minds, right? Well, if you do book (fingers, toes and the kitties' tails are all crossed por tu), perhaps our paths WILL cross! We're going to have a little "drinkin'" tour through the WS at Epicot that you'll get to hear all about in my next update. :drinking1

We couldn't hold out for the free food. We knew we'd go regardless. Now we're just hoping the free food will allow us to upgrade resorts.

Sweet dreams y'all.

I was re-reading the trip report before your most recent chapter and thought, wow, I don't think she's posted her dates yet...I wonder if...

Drinkin' tour in Epcot with a girlfriend...nothing better! I do love me some slushie margarita in Mexico! Perhaps you would be able to make suggestions to broaden my palette? :snooty:

Can't wait to hear more. :thumbsup2
I'm on board too! Great pre-trip report!

Hey thanks! And welcome to the crazy train!

Donald is pretty cool. He's Campbell Scott's #1 too, I think. If you haven't already checked out her Meanest Stepmom trippie you should. She puts me to shame.

AND she has this wicked eyebrow arch that I'm trying to perfect. But not to use on stepkids. More for getting the BF to buy me shoes.

Perhaps you would be able to make suggestions to broaden my palette? :snooty:

I see and have heard about a lot of people drinking some expensive concoction called "Ice Wine" (maybe?) in Canada, I think. I'd like to try that. And I was just warned away from Plum Wine on Princess V's TR.

The last time I was at PI with another friend, they had this great "refillable mug" type deal. Don't know if they still have it. It worked something like this:
You bought this nifty looking PI plastic cup (about pub pint sized) for $8 or $12 filled with some fruity alcohol drink. You could then refill the cup at a couple of different "alcoholic kiosks" for about $4-$5. Was it worth it, you ask?

Let me put it this way, when we left PI at an early midnight-ish hour, convinced we were about to turn into pumpkins, we got on a bus for All Stars. We had to find our room (in the Rock Inn @ ASMu) by looking for the "giant tennis balls" when we got off at the wrong resort stop (ASSports) because my friend didn't want to have to "revisit" with her drinks on the bus. When we finally did find the room, I crawled into bed after hastily putting on my jammies (backwards) and she 1. almost locked herself out of the room and 2. spent the majority of the evening appreciating the tile work on the bathroom floor.


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