Sorcerer Heidi


DIS Veteran
Feb 22, 2014
It is with a heavy heart I post that @SorcererHeidi passed away in late January of this year.

Heidi was a long time DIS veteran and a very active daily poster on the Boards. She was a loyal and supportive DIS friend to many and this reflected her life of service. Heidi was a US Navy veteran and retired from a New Jersey police department where she served her community with love like she served her nation. She loved Disney World and enjoyed many visits with her circle of friends over the years. She had made frequent visits to Disney Land when stationed near San Diego and her love for Disney was deep. In the past years, Heidi suffered with serious health issues and she suspected some stemmed from her Navy service work and exposure to chemicals while in service and then working in a dry cleaners decades ago in civilian life. Because of her military and police background, she was involved in her local neighbourhood watch. Heidi lived alone in Ocean County, NJ, in the suburbs, and it is a blessing to know that her friends and neighbours watched over her at the end and she was not alone. Heidi was a loving supporter of the DIS Team and quick to jump to the defence of her people particularly the young members of the Team who worked hard and suffered a few bumps along the way on the Tuesday show. Heidi loved the goodness of the DIS and sharing of helpful information. She had no patience for trolls and had her share of scuffles with baddies on the Boards. She was not afraid of a fight but would kill 'em with kindness if given half a chance. Heidi was a proud Jersey girl, wore her heart on her sleeve, and stood up for what she knew was right and true. If you were good to Heidi, Heidi was good to you. Heidi embodied the best of the DIS community and it's hard to see her go. If you get the chance, go back and read some of her posts. She had a strong light that burned bright. Heidi was much too young to pass so soon. It's the passing of a guard and era here on the Boards. Heidi, thank you for your years of service and years of friendship to so many DIS'rs. God speed and calm crossing my friend.

Here is a link to Heidi's obituary:
Heidi's favourite park was the Magic Kingdom. She loved the Cinderella Castle Mosaic Murals and the Partners Statue. She would ask her DIS'r friends to touch Cinderella's slipper on the castle mural or the Partners Statue when they could visit and she could not because of her health issues.

Perhaps the next time you visit Magic Kingdom you would think to do this in remembrance of @SorcererHeidi.

Knowing Heidi, she is young and strong again, immersed in the magic, and enjoying the sunshine as she strolls Main Street in her favourite park. What more could a DIS'r ask for.
I am so sad right now. Heidi was an actual online friend, something very rare (at least for me). She supported me in ventures off of these boards and even allowed me to write about her in a current project. Personally, I'm sad she won't get to see the final product because I know she would have been so thrilled.

But my personal feelings aside, this is just so sad... I know she had so much more in life she wanted to do. Damn damn damn
Can't say that I knew her, but I recognize her screen name. I'm so sorry to hear about this, but thanks for passing the info along.
I don't have words that will be adequate, but I will miss her sense of humor and spark. Thank you for posting, so we can honor her memory and legacy in community, in the parks and in our hearts. :grouphug:
Very sorry to read of this sad news about Heidi. I don't think I visited the same forums she frequented here, did not have the pleasure of past interactions. But, always sad to hear of one's passing her on the dis. Condolences to you, @samsteele, to her other friends here and elsewhere, and Heidi's family. God speed for Heidi.
Oh no :( I recognize her (How could you not? She was always helpful!) RIP.
It is with a heavy heart I post that @SorcererHeidi passed away in late January of this year.

Heidi was a long time DIS veteran and a very active daily poster on the Boards. She was a loyal and supportive DIS friend to many and this reflected her life of service. Heidi was a US Navy veteran and retired from a New Jersey police department where she served her community with love like she served her nation. She loved Disney World and enjoyed many visits with her circle of friends over the years. She had made frequent visits to Disney Land when stationed near San Diego and her love for Disney was deep. In the past years, Heidi suffered with serious health issues and she suspected some stemmed from her Navy service work and exposure to chemicals while in service and then working in a dry cleaners decades ago in civilian life. Because of her military and police background, she was involved in her local neighbourhood watch. Heidi lived alone in Ocean County, NJ, in the suburbs, and it is a blessing to know that her friends and neighbours watched over her at the end and she was not alone. Heidi was a loving supporter of the DIS Team and quick to jump to the defence of her people particularly the young members of the Team who worked hard and suffered a few bumps along the way on the Tuesday show. Heidi loved the goodness of the DIS and sharing of helpful information. She had no patience for trolls and had her share of scuffles with baddies on the Boards. She was not afraid of a fight but would kill 'em with kindness if given half a chance. Heidi was a proud Jersey girl, wore her heart on her sleeve, and stood up for what she knew was right and true. If you were good to Heidi, Heidi was good to you. Heidi embodied the best of the DIS community and it's hard to see her go. If you get the chance, go back and read some of her posts. She had a strong light that burned bright. Heidi was much too young to pass so soon. It's the passing of a guard and era here on the Boards. Heidi, thank you for your years of service and years of friendship to so many DIS'rs. God speed and calm crossing my friend.

Here is a link to Heidi's obituary:
Ugghh Sam 😭 . I just heard the news on the podcast. She would occasionally reach out to me to vent, and if you knew Heidi you know 😂, it was usually colorful! Not much hits me hard -especially someone who I never actually had the opportunity to meet in person, but I feel crushed. She was always an inspiration and will be missed. Godspeed Girl 🤟
I haven’t posted on the boards for a number of years, but since hearing the news of Heidi’s passing I knew I had to come and post a messaging.

In the most complicated time of my life I found these boards and I made a small group of friends who I grew to treasure. I’ve had the pleasure of meeting one of the friends in person and I learnt on Tuesday that I’ll never get the opportunity to meet one of those people and it’s been hurting my heart ever since.

Heidi, I hope you knew what you meant to so many people.

Sleep tight.

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