Nichole's Wishes PJ 10/24/2011 ~ WP/ADH/SCP ** OUR WEDDING DAY ~ The Reception

Congratulations, that is wonderful news!

Hope everything is going ok for you.
Congratulations to you and your partner! :) How exciting to become new parents! :)

That's great news Nichole! Congrats to you and Dustin!! Kids change your life and I promise it's a good change. I have two and wouldn't change a thing. Good luck with your pregnancy. :goodvibes
Congrats on your little one! How exciting, Nichole!
OMG Nichole!!! Congratulations! I just got back on the boards after some time away, and found the happy news! DH and I are are also expecting!! A baby boy to arrive sometime near August 18! :goodvibes
First of all, congratulations! How exciting!!! Second, I was an avid lurker of your PJ before I took a long break from the boards. And as I am getting caught up, it would probably take me a million years to comment on everything! So to sum up, WOWZA!!! Everything looked amazing! I love every.single.picture. Every single one is to DIE FOR! I adore the pics of your husband and the guys goofing off with the mustaches! So funny! And everything about your wedding day was incredible. From getting ready, to the before pics, to the ceremony to the love love it all! They are truly stunning pictures. Your reception was beautiful. So elegant. Perfection!

Oh! And I just have to say, when I got to the drinking around the world pictures I literally squealed and scared DH to death! I saw you guys that day!!! We were doing a little eating around the world to celebrate my birthday (and being newlyweds of course!) and I saw a huge group of the green shirts having a blast. I remember telling Joey that I wish we'd had time to make everyone shirts like that! And it was you!! It's a small world, huh? :goodvibes Awesome! Anyway, just wanted to tell you everything looks great and congrats again on your little bundle of joy! Can't wait for more updates!
First of all, congratulations! How exciting!!! Second, I was an avid lurker of your PJ before I took a long break from the boards. And as I am getting caught up, it would probably take me a million years to comment on everything! So to sum up, WOWZA!!! Everything looked amazing! I love every.single.picture. Every single one is to DIE FOR! I adore the pics of your husband and the guys goofing off with the mustaches! So funny! And everything about your wedding day was incredible. From getting ready, to the before pics, to the ceremony to the love love it all! They are truly stunning pictures. Your reception was beautiful. So elegant. Perfection!

Oh! And I just have to say, when I got to the drinking around the world pictures I literally squealed and scared DH to death! I saw you guys that day!!! We were doing a little eating around the world to celebrate my birthday (and being newlyweds of course!) and I saw a huge group of the green shirts having a blast. I remember telling Joey that I wish we'd had time to make everyone shirts like that! And it was you!! It's a small world, huh? :goodvibes Awesome! Anyway, just wanted to tell you everything looks great and congrats again on your little bundle of joy! Can't wait for more updates!

That's too funny! It is really a small world after all! :lmao:

OMG Nichole!!! Congratulations! I just got back on the boards after some time away, and found the happy news! DH and I are are also expecting!! A baby boy to arrive sometime near August 18! :goodvibes

That's wonderful Lacey!! I can't help but laugh a little though - we will have to meet up at Disney in a couple years around our anniversary with our little ones!!

HOORAY that is super exciting! Let us know if it will be a boy or a girl!


Thanks! We are actually not going to find out the sex before he/she is born. I am such an over-planner, but for some reason I really like the idea of being surprised!

Congrats on your little one! How exciting, Nichole!

Thanks so much!

That's great news Nichole! Congrats to you and Dustin!! Kids change your life and I promise it's a good change. I have two and wouldn't change a thing. Good luck with your pregnancy. :goodvibes

Thanks! We can't wait!!

Congratulations to you and your partner! :) How exciting to become new parents! :)


Thanks so much!

Congratulations, that is wonderful news!

Hope everything is going ok for you.

Thanks! I have gotten most of my energy back and am finally ready to re-join society!

Congrats, Nichole! Best of luck!


Congrats! :woohoo:


Congrats!! Being a new mommy myself, I can say that it is the most challenging and rewarding experience!!! Congrats on the wonderful news!! May your your last 2 trimesters be easier :lovestruc:lovestruc:lovestruc

When do you find out the sex?

Thanks so much! So far so good on the second trimester! We have our next ultrasound in a couple weeks, but we decided not to find out the sex- going hold out for the big surprise in October!

Congrats! YAYYY a disney baby =]




Yay!! That is awesome news, Congrats!!!! :dance3:

Thanks so much!!

AH! I'm so excited for you!! Congratulations!

You're due 3 days before my wedding! ;D

Thanks! October is a wonderful month to get married ;)

Congratulations!! Best wishes for a happy, healthy pregnancy and baby!! :goodvibes

Thanks so much!!

Congratulations on a little one!


Congrats!!! So happy for you! :goodvibes


:banana: Congrats!!!! :banana:

That is AWESOME news :cloud9:

Thanks so much!!

Yay, more updates! The ADH looks great set up with your colours.

I think I need to convince one of my sisters to have a Disney wedding, though a lottery win may be needed first!!

(Yay my football team just scored in the Europa League whilst I'm typing :banana: )

Can't wait for more updates.

Thanks! We were so pleased with the way ADH turned out!!

Wow... Everything looks amazing!

I love the red accents the flowers are very pretty! :) and the black table clothes look very sophisticated.

Your photos really are beautiful! I love the night time ones outside! They are wonderful! :)



Thanks! Disney did such a wonderful job!!

just caught up everything looks great.


WOW!!! I really love everything!!!!

You are just stunning and have a beautiful glow.

I can't wait to see more...


Love everything, Nichole! It all flows so well together and really looks great!
I love your dusk and night-time pics out on the Boardwalk! I'm hoping we'll be able to escape away for a few minutse to take some ourselves! The lights and everything are just so pretty!

That is a really cute story about your first kiss and the song seems to really fit!

Did you DIY all of your place cards and table#s or did you order them from somewhere? They look great! I know you are/were a DIY queen, so just wondering!


Thanks! Sorry it took me a while to get back to this, but I made all the place cards and table numbers using glass candle holders and vellum paper.

what fun pics at the WP! i especially luv the pic with ur hubby in the brides room with his hands pulling out his pants pocket (meaning he is broke bcuz of the wedding) :lovestruc It made me laugh :laughing: u guys look awesome 2gether

Thanks! I love that one too!!

•Oh wow, everything looks so beautiful! (I have to admit, every time I see pictures of ADH I get so sentimental now, haha).
•The marquee is such a fun addition to the location, I say money well spent!
•I love that the bridal party lined up in front of the table for the first dance. It kinda breaks the ice.
•We also used the existing ADH seats for some of our tables and I think they look fine. It fits with the whole theme, you know?!

Awesome! I'm so excited to see more!!!!!

Thanks!! More up next (finally)!!!
I'm finally back to finish my report!!!

So after our first dance DH's dad said a few words to welcome everyone and "thank me for picking his son" - I guess DH forgot to tell him that he had to say anything, but he did great and made everyone laugh. That became the theme throughout our reception -- lots of laughing!


Then we had our first course, which was the Caesar salad. Of course nothing looks exactly like how it did during your tasting, but it was pretty close. Not exactly as pretty (of course I didn't ask anyone to take pics of the food!!) but it still tasted pretty good!

Then we had the MOH and BM give their speeches. The BM had been bragging about how his wife had written his speech and he had been practicing, etc., etc. so he completely siked out my MOH. She begged to go first so she didn't have to follow his speech!

Her speech was perfect! It made us laugh and almost made me cry!


Then it was time for the BM. Well needless to say, he completely forgot his entire speech and just started rambling on about anything and everything - starting to tell one story about DH and then trailing off to another. I can't describe it well, but it was hilarious!!! He was a funny person by nature, but I swear he went on and on for about 10 minutes keeping everyone rolling on the floor throughout the entire thing! One thing for sure, he will never live that down and no one will ever forget his "speech"!


After those 2 speeches, we had the main course served. Again, it wasn't as perfect as the one we tasted, but it still was wonderful. They had changed a couple things - like it wasn't a skinless chicken breast, but I really can't complain. We got a good price (for Disney) per person and everyone seemed to really enjoy it.


Really, I had a hard time eating anything. I never really got a good buzz either. I guess it was mostly the nerves from the day and all the excitement. I drool over the fillet and risotto when I think about it though!!!

Then it was time for DH's dance with his mom and stepmom. His parents divorced and remarried when he was pretty young, so he wanted to split his dance between the two of them. It really turned out nice. He started with his mom. She looked so proud to be dancing with him!


And then switched to his stepmom. It definitely made me tear up!


Then we opened up the dance to everyone with a slow dance.


And then the fun began!! More on that next :cool1:
After the first slow song, the DJ came out and started doing coordinated group dances. Our guests loved it!! Our DJ was Steve Dunlap and I would highly recommend him! He was so full of energy and got everyone out and moving!! Our group likes to have fun, but we were such an odd mix of parents/family and late twenties/early thirty-somethings. So picking the music was really difficult for me. I wanted stuff that everyone would dance to since if only half of the people danced, it would look like no one was on the dance floor. Steve did an amazing job!!! We said we wanted lots of DJ interaction and he definitely delivered!


I was a little worried when we first picked ADH about the room for dancing, but there was plenty of space! We probably had 50 people on the dance floor and we didn't feel crowded at all.

After we danced for a little while, the DJ had everyone take their seats before the cake cutting so our brothers could say a few words. Originally my plan was to have them do their speeches around the cake, but this worked well too. One of my favorite moments was during DH's little brother's speech when he said "well you only get to do this once ..." and everyone started laughing -- you see DH was married briefly once before! That also produced one of my favorite candid photos.


Then it was time to cut the cake. DH said he was not going to be nice and really there was no telling. So we teased for a few seconds and then I just grabbed his hand and put it gently in my mouth. Then I let him have it!!


After the cake it was back to more dancing!


Around this time our friends got out the fake mustaches and everyone got a little crazy.

Steve had us lead some cute dances too. First he had all the groomsmen and DH go up in front to teach part of a dance.


Then it was our turn.


Then all the girls on one side.


And boys on the other.


I am pretty sure the song was Summer Luvin or something like that from Grease. Then at the end, we all came together. I was super cute!


Then it was time for more dancing!


Up next the best garter toss ever!
Yay you're back!

Glad to hear everything is going ok. We didn't find out what we were having with our first daughter but did with the second as I had kept all her stuff and wanted to know if I needed to keep it or sell it!

You all look like you're having so much fun dancing and your DJ sounds like he knew what he was doing.

Can't wait to read more.
I was wondering if you can help me with the EPCOT Drinking Around The World Passports. Can I please have you images so I can make some changes. I loooovvvee what you did and was hoping you don't mind sharing :) Letting me know how you did it and what you used, Its my best friends Bach party and would love to do something like this for all the bridemaids to ahve as a memory. Thanks
Woo Hoo - I finally made it to our reception!!! So far I have narrowed down our reception photos from a couple thousand to around 700 - so I still have some more work to do, but there is a light at the end of the tunnel!!

Our guest had arrived before us, but one thing almost everyone noticed was the marquee. We had gotten copies of most of the photos our guests took and just about all of them had a shot of the marquee!


Compared to the standard little sign, we think the marquee was money well spent!


The sun was setting on the Boardwalk by the time we made our way to ADH. We took a couple pics outside before we were rushed inside to talk to the DJ and have a quick drink/snack before the cocktail hour was over. We walked in to ADH and I got the first glimpse of my "vision" coming to life. It was so surreal! Maxine was talking to me when I walked into ADH. I couldn't tell you what she was saying, but I was so blown away by how perfect everything looked! After a really long day and a roller coaster of emotions, I gave her a big hug and started to tear up. Everything looked perfect!!


Our DJ, Steve Dunlap, came to talk to us and go over the evening's program. I think we changed a couple things and gave the pronunciations for a few peoples' names. He was so nice and energetic!

So meanwhile, our wedding party had joined everyone upstairs for the cocktail hour. Randy also went upstairs to get a few pics before the dinner started. Maxine had everything set up upstairs during the cocktail hour and then moved it all downstairs while we were eating.

We had a table with our card box and engagement album.


Then there was a separate table for the guest book. I had a friend take the pages and pass them out during the cocktail hour, so the guests could each complete it. I also had someone pass out the pages to the guys while they were getting ready and I passed pages out to the girls while we were getting ready. Reading them later was so much fun! We now have the book in our living room as a coffee table book.


And our signature frame.


We had the Mickey chocolate heads as escort cards. They were set out on a table as well.


There was a bar upstairs and a center table with the cheese display. It looked super yummy!!! We sampled a little bit, but I was sad to miss it!


The guests found their escort cards and made their way to the dance floor for dinner. Meanwhile, Maxine hid us in the other staircase. Literally, we waited in the staircase. I have to admit, it was kind of fun! It was at this time we learned that people who said they were not coming had in fact shown up!! At that point I was so over caring about the minor details. DH and I just looked at each other and shook our head. Maxine was so great! She said they are on top of it and can fit her in at table 3. So crisis avoided I guess. But still, who does that!?! Getting our final numbers was crazy to begin with. We didn't know how many people my brother from Brazil was going to bring with him. After my brother's wedding last summer, I was aware of it, so I was prepared. He only ended up inviting an extra couple, which wasn't too bad. And we had a cousin who didn't show up... didn't tell us she wasn't coming... just didn't get on the flight (and she was one who changed her mind and we had to make room for at the last minute)!! Oh well, I guess this experience has taught me that you can't plan for everything no matter how hard you try. Disney is so completely on top of everything. They have this happen all the time and will make everything run so smoothly regardless. Picking Disney was the best choice we made during our wedding planning (aside from having Maxine, but that was more luck, not choice)!

Up next, introductions and our first dance...

Thank you all for letting me DJ your Wedding. You both are amazing! DJ Steve Dunlap


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