Joanne and Paul's VR - 4th May 2011

Hi Joanne, I already told you that I voted for you and for me there wasn't alot of competition in it. Your wedding was amazing. It was full of fun and energy, it was a pleasure to read about.

Thank you for sharing it all with us and good luck with the competition xxx

So glad I got a computer working in time to vote for your picture. Wishing you the best.

My sweet Ruth - Thank you so much!! I am humbled by the amount of people who have told me that they have enjoyed reading about our day!!! Thank you so much for your vote!!!

Dearest James - Thank you so much for your vote!! It is so lovely to hear from you and glad to hear that your computer is okay now!! Perhaps we will hear more from you now!!:rolleyes:
I recognized you immediately in the DWB nomination photo, but I didn't recognize the photo even though I've been lurking in your PJ forever and should have noticed it. I have to say, it's a gorgeous photo and I knew immediately that I had to vote for it. Good luck to both of you - it would be thrilling if you win!!
Hi! I just finished reading through your whole pj and tr and it looks like you had such a special and beautiful day. I had so much fun reading! I definitely had moments of goosebumps during your ceremony posts. I am so happy to see a couple that is so in love. Here's a very belated congratluations!
I recognized you immediately in the DWB nomination photo, but I didn't recognize the photo even though I've been lurking in your PJ forever and should have noticed it. I have to say, it's a gorgeous photo and I knew immediately that I had to vote for it. Good luck to both of you - it would be thrilling if you win!!

Hi! I just finished reading through your whole pj and tr and it looks like you had such a special and beautiful day. I had so much fun reading! I definitely had moments of goosebumps during your ceremony posts. I am so happy to see a couple that is so in love. Here's a very belated congratluations!

Susan sweetie - Thank you so much for voting. I am humbled that so many of my dear friends on the boards have been good enough to vote for us. It's good to hear from you again, sweetie!!

Lindsey sweetie - I am so happy you you enjoyed my ramblings!!! We truly had a magical day which will stay in our hearts for the rest of our lives!!! Thank you for your lovely words and heartfelt congratulations. They are deeply appreciated!!! Must catch up on your PJ!!!
Hi Joanne!

Thought I'd drop by and say hello. I haven't been on the "wedding thread" much but I've been hanging around the DisBoards occasionally. :rotfl:

Hope all is well with you and your family. Steve & I are doing well. We'll be at Disney in May and then we're planning a cruise to Alaska for 2013 (with the two couples that came to our VR). It's a 12-night sea & land tour. I cannot wait!

Anyway...just wanted to drop in and say hello! Take care!
Hello Joanne, I miss reading your journal, I sent you a pm today, hope you get it. This time last year was so exciting! I also voted for you, your picture was the best!!!
Hi Joanne!

Thought I'd drop by and say hello. I haven't been on the "wedding thread" much but I've been hanging around the DisBoards occasionally. :rotfl:

Hope all is well with you and your family. Steve & I are doing well. We'll be at Disney in May and then we're planning a cruise to Alaska for 2013 (with the two couples that came to our VR). It's a 12-night sea & land tour. I cannot wait!

Anyway...just wanted to drop in and say hello! Take care!

Hello Joanne, I miss reading your journal, I sent you a pm today, hope you get it. This time last year was so exciting! I also voted for you, your picture was the best!!!

Michelle sweetie - How lovely to hear from you!!!

I am happy to hear that you and Steve are well. We are all fine and currently enjoying some lovely warm and sunny weather - very unusual for March in England!!
We are planning a trip for my 50th next year - a cruise on the Fantasy and seven nights in WDW. Hoping to do some special things as there will be me and two friends celebrating our half centuries!!
Your Alaskan cruise sounds wonderful!!! I would love to cruise Alaska some day!!!
Take care sweetie, and keep in touch
Much love

My sweet Mary - Thank you so much!!! I have answered your PM xxxxxxx
glad to see you have not wrapped the rest of your trip up. Makes me feel less of a slacker. Beautiful as always.
glad to see you have not wrapped the rest of your trip up. Makes me feel less of a slacker. Beautiful as always.

Happy Anniversary Joanne and Paul!! :goodvibes

Happy Anniversary Joanne & Paul :love::hug:

Happy Anniversary!!!

You guys are the best!!!! Thank you so much for remembering!!! We had a wonderful anniversary week, which I will review, for all interested parties, as soon as I can. Thank you all for your continuing love and friendship!!!! It is so appreciated!!

Dearest James - You are right, I didn't finish the last couple of days of our trip. I doubt I ever will now really. It was two run of the mill days at parks really, except, of course for attending your amazing wedding!! I really loved meeting you and Jeff and the kiddos, and attending your DP with the gorgeous Crissy was such an honour!!! Hard to believe it is a whole year ago!! The precious memories are still so fresh!!! Much love sweetie, and happy anniversary for 3 days time!!!

Krysten sweetie - Thanks so much!! We had a lovely anniversary week with a few nights away in gorgeous hotels. I will try to add a mini TR on them in the next few days!!!

My sweet Mary - Thank you, and the same to your gorgeous daughter!!! Do we have a little princess yet? I got your recent PM, but shamefully admit I haven't replied yet due to our being away. I will do so as soon as I can. Much love sweetie!!!

Sweet Andrea - Aww thank you!!! I am humbled that so many of my friends are remembering our anniversary!!! I am so grateful for all the ongoing friendship I receive on these boards. You all mean so much to me!!!
I have a question, were planning a Swan Wedding for september 2013 and wonder if you could help with a few questions. Did you choose the just marry photograpy and videography? If so do you remember which vedor they used and were you satisfied with the products. Were debating going with them or choosing another vendor ourselves. The photograpy and video our very important to us. I havent had a chance to read through your whole thread yet, so im sorry if you already posted this information. Im very intrested in any information or ideas you could share with me.
Thank you!
Hi sweetie, and many apologies for the extremely late reply to your question!!! I do not check my PJ/TR very often these days.
We used Randy Chapman for photography and we booked him ourselves. We would very highly recommend Randy ad he is a wonderfully sweet man who is an amazingly talented photographer. We would use him again in a heartbeat, and indeed, we are in the process of trying to book him for a session next June when we take a trip to WDW to celebrate my and two friends special birthdays.
We didn't have a videographer, but really wish we had. We probably would have used Randy's friend Stan, had we booked one.
HTH and happy planning
My apologies, once again, for my rudeness in replying so late.
Thank you for your wonderful planning journal and trip report!

Im currently planning our vow renewal for next year and your whole post has been such an inspiration, you had such beautiful day and looked stunning if mine can be half as wonderful as yours I will be happy!
Wow, I don't come here very often and, therefore, only just read your kind comments, Mrs Hobbes.
I am honoured if my journal was of any help to you, and will now go over to take a peep at your PJ :)
Okay I have been a lurker/poster on these boards for some time now, but today I finally had my deposit processed, my ceremony confirmed and we are official, so I guess it's time to start a PJ!!!

About us
I am Joanne, aged 47, a paramedic and Disney fanatic
My husband is Paul aged 41, a postman (mailman). He is a golf freak and plays whenever he can!!
Our children are:-
Mark 24 (see below).
Emily 22 just graduated from Surrey university with a Bsc in business management. Emily is a part-time cast member at her local Disney Store and completed the International student programme in WDW two summers ago.
Henry 20 in his final year at Aberystwyth university studying drama (sees himself as the next Johnny Depp!!)
Alfie 10 still in primary school and an absolute gaming fanatic!!

Our History
About 12 years ago, I walked out on an abusive, adulterous husband with three children and the clothes we stood up in. My children (Mark who was 12 and severely disabled, Emily who was 10 and Henry who was 8) and I went to live with my parents for a while, before finding a house to rent near my parents in the beautiful English Lake District.
We settled in to our new life, but after a while Mark's disabilities became too much for me to handle alone. He has Down's Syndrome and severe autism. After much fighting with different authorities, I managed to find him a wonderful house very nearby where he is one of five residents and has one-to-one care 24 hours a day. Mark settled easily and to this day I know I made the right decision for him to move into his new home. However, at the time, the guilt associated with this decision was overwhelming. As a side note, I would like to add that Mark remains in his house today and we see him most days. He is happy and secure. Unfortuately, both health and practicalities will prevent him from joining us in Florida for the VR. He will, of course be with us in our hearts as he always is.
This story is really just to illustrate what a low point I was at when I met my wonderful husband Paul.
One evening, when I was feeling particularly down, my brother persuaded me to go and watch him play cricket (a strange English game). I decided to go, if only to give Emily and Henry the chance to run around in the late summer sunshine.
At the end of the match, I was helping my brother pack up the cricket equipment, when a tall man came across to help. My brother said 'Oh Joanne, this is Paul' and I looked up into the most amazing blue eyes and immediately felt my heart jump!!! We chatted for a while and got on so well!! Needless to say, I was very keen to go and watch my brother's cricket matches from then on!!
To cut a long story short, after a few times socializing at the cricket matches, Paul asked me to the cinema and we have been inseperable ever since!!
Paul helped me to come to terms with all the things in my past and became a father to my three children.
Soon we moved in together and the day I discovered I was pregnant with our son Alfie (now 10), Paul proposed. We married when Alfie was 5 months old and we celebrated our 10th anniversary in April.
Although we had a lovely wedding, it was done quickly and cheaply (church hall reception, hired dress etc) and I always dreamed we would one day have a dream vow renewal.
We have just come through a tough time both emotionally and health wise and since we now feel our marriage is stronger than ever, it seems the perfect time to put our dream VR plans into action!!!
Ideally it would have been wonderful to have done our VR on our 10th anniversary last April, but with two children at university (my daughter just graduated last week :dance3:), the time just wasn't right.
So now it is booked for next May.
When planning our VR, it was always going to be in WDW!! I am a lifelong Disney fanatic and my one luxury in life is my DVC membership (AKV and BLT). The children have been brought up to be Disney fanatics too. Paul (bless him) enjoys the parks, but struggles to understand the passion the children and I share!!
I hope that some of you will follow along with my PJ and not becoome too bored with the whole thing. It will be lovely to chat along with new Disfriends!!
Well I found this (10 years later), but that first post sure has me hooked. I tried the watch button, but it didn't tell me how to find this again, so I have to post now so I can find it again to read it all.

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