DIS Unlimited Podcast Disney Virtual Roundtable Discussion Episode #1


Senior Editor for The DIS & DCL Fan
Staff member
Dec 19, 2008
YOU GUYS!!!!! The very first episode of DIS Unlimited is live right now and we'd love to have you join us in live chat if you're able to! If you're not able to tune in live, here is the show so you can watch it when you have the chance!

YOU GUYS!!!!! The very first episode of DIS Unlimited is live right now and we'd love to have you join us in live chat if you're able to! If you're not able to tune in live, here is the show so you can watch it when you have the chance!

Loved the new show!
Excellent name choice, love the new logo & intro. Looking forward to the new studio, or at least a live & in-person discussion, the remote Covid-style meeting is just not the same, we all learned that during Covid. But well done, thank you all. Will there be a revolving cast of participants, or will you stick with this line up?
As a person who used to be very conservative and has changed my opinions after getting to know people affected by "social justice warrior issues," I just wanted to chime in here and say that I appreciate when podcasts include "SJW" perspectives and discuss current issues.

I DO NOT say this to throw shade at others on the boards who don't like when those things are discussed on the show OR to imply that they're wrong/bad/should be quiet. Every single person in America is entitled to have their own opinions and to express them. That's one of the beauties of America! I am only leaving this comment to provide the counterpoint and let the DIS team know that there are those of us who do enjoy "SJW" discussions.
Really like what I’m seeing and hearing so far. Again kudos to the team. I applaud you for taking steps in the right direction and hopefully one day you will be live together soon.
As a person who used to be very conservative and has changed my opinions after getting to know people affected by "social justice warrior issues," I just wanted to chime in here and say that I appreciate when podcasts include "SJW" perspectives and discuss current issues.

I DO NOT say this to throw shade at others on the boards who don't like when those things are discussed on the show OR to imply that they're wrong/bad/should be quiet. Every single person in America is entitled to have their own opinions and to express them. That's one of the beauties of America! I am only leaving this comment to provide the counterpoint and let the DIS team know that there are those of us who do enjoy "SJW" discussions.


I understand that the primary focus of these shows is Disney and whatever is happening in the parks. But when an issue important enough to warrant discussion (especially if it affects the parks, people who work there or just the rights of people in general) comes up, then the DIS is absolutely within their right to use their platform (which many others don't have) to try and create what they believe to be some positive change in the world. Of course I am here primarily for the Disney content but I will never fault them for speaking up on important topics when they already have an audience and microphone in front of them. I wish more people/companies had the courage to do so.
Solid new show. The Zoom-esque format was awkward at times, along with a bad joke (sigh). Craig, Ryan, and Erica could carry this just fine. It felt like a Dreams Unlimited podcast half the episode-- but y'all will finesse it. It's definitely more enjoyable than the negative "state of Disney" discussions before. Good luck!
Ok. As a long time listener. (Since 2007). This was very.....odd. Going to be honest. The team seemed very uncomfortable. The fact that they didn't even mention the recent issues is just disappointing. I hate to say this as I love the DIS, but I think it's time I bid this podcast and forums farewell. This was just plain sad to watch and listen too.
Loved what Craig said about a show "not just for one of us but all of us." Or something like that.

My first suggestion is to use more visuals, like even just a slide with info being discussed. A slide with basic info on the new promotion would have been. Really, a slide with all current promos would have been even better. Just the dates offered and info to contact an agent would be great.

Second, maybe add in more popular but off the beaten path stories like Ryno's story any the Patchin family. Off script it came across as more genuine and interesting than reading about many other news stories.
Ok. As a long time listener. (Since 2007). This was very.....odd. Going to be honest. The team seemed very uncomfortable. The fact that they didn't even mention the recent issues is just disappointing. I hate to say this as I love the DIS, but I think it's time I bid this podcast and forums farewell. This was just plain sad to watch and listen too.
Agreed. The flow was not good and it seemed forced. Could have been nerves or just trying to brush off the past, but whatever it was, it was obvious something was off. John interrupting Ryno... the weird bathing suit tangent and back peddle... the many awkward silences... Kevin's negativity... I think it will be hard to escape the shadow of Pete and any attempt to do so, if not done perfectly, will come off as trying to0 hard. Good luck though.
I know this post will probably be deleted because it's not over the top positive about every aspect but....

3 months to rebrand and freshen the podcast, and it's exactly the same, but now it's through Zoom. 25 minutes of advertising and promotion before getting into anything. I'm not exactly sure what's different about this "new direction"? It felt exactly the same to me, only now not in person. Getting bombarded with Dreams Unlimited and Patreon advertisements right out of the gate, after months of being off. Such an uncomfortable feeling.

I can't be the only one who thought the same thing. I can't. Otherwise people are just putting up blinders. I used to be a proud Patreon subscribers for months and months.

But I'm really trying to give them the benefit of the doubt that they were all nervous being the first show back. John and Kevin looked like they were forced to be there.

Wishing them the best, I really hope this "new" direction can be pulled in the right direction, they all seem like good people.....Fingers crossed! I love this group and I love the community on this board!
Ok. As a long time listener. (Since 2007). This was very.....odd. Going to be honest. The team seemed very uncomfortable. The fact that they didn't even mention the recent issues is just disappointing. I hate to say this as I love the DIS, but I think it's time I bid this podcast and forums farewell. This was just plain sad to watch and listen too.

Obviously, you have a right to your opinion. And I am not going to sit back and say the show was flawless because it clearly wasn’t. However, I think at this stage they are trying their best to forge forward.

Was it uncomfortable? Absolutely! But I think anyone would feel awkward under the circumstances. They are being scrutinized for every choice they make. That’s a tough spot to be in and undoubtedly would make many second guess everything they say and do. They are rebuilding a brand, a brand that is their livelihood.

Honestly, I will fully admit I am still irritated with John. How he handled the situation was just bad - no other way to put it. But I am open to giving the team as a whole a chance because I know John isn’t the whole team. And I want the team to succeed.

About them not mentioning recent issues —of course I want them to address it, but I can understand why they didn’t. They are restarting, this is their initial launch. Going back to discuss the negative past isn’t the positive start and impression they want to make going forward. Do not get me wrong, I am not saying they should pretend like everything is bliss, but I can see why they chose not to address it the initial podcast. That’s like entering a race with a heavy anchor attached to your leg.

I do think they should have a “very special after school special” podcast sooner than later to address it. To move on it must be addressed, otherwise it’ll be a constant nagging point. It is the elephant in the room!

Personally, I don’t want to rush in and say I’m done after just one show. They need time to get into a new groove (hopefully one soon that’s not on zoom), and I’m willing to give them that. YMMV, and that’s ok if you don’t agree. I understand as I have been on the fence myself a few time after all of this got out.
Agreed. The flow was not good and it seemed forced. Could have been nerves or just trying to brush off the past, but whatever it was, it was obvious something was off. John interrupting Ryno... the weird bathing suit tangent and back peddle... the many awkward silences... Kevin's negativity... I think it will be hard to escape the shadow of Pete and any attempt to do so, if not done perfectly, will come off as trying to0 hard. Good luck though.

I was glad John interrupted and it was handled well. Ryno's great but there was no reason for getting into all the details of the offers vs just giving an overview like they normally would.

I think judging off one episode is too soon. Also they are sponsored by a travel agent, it's always going to cover a lot of that stuff.


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