FEBRUARY 2024 W.I.S.H thread-full of gratitude, grace and love

This was fun!! We stream a lot of older shows on the Pluto TV app so I am fans of a lot of these!!!

I hope everyone is having a good weekend!!!

I visited with my mom yesterday and babysat for my niece until bed time. I worked on the Mickey accent pieces to put in the flower arrangements for my daughter in laws baby shower…they turned out so cute!

I have been doing cleaning and laundry so far today! We were to get 6 inches of snow so all our social events for today were cancelled…we ended up with a inch and nothing on any paved surfaces…which was great but I was looking forward to a breakfast with my Bible study group this morning that got canceled!
15/15 with no guessing... I'm such a Boomer.

I can hardly believe it, all errands and tasks are done except for one load of laundry and a final sweep a dust. I made the trek to JJill this morning and picked up three not-so-frumpy old lady tops and am much happier for it. Next is a nap, then meeting up with my Niece for dinner out. Tomorrow I'm going to see the movie 'The Taste of Things' which is a French film about two people who have cooked together most of their lives and love each other but won't admit it, so very romantic with lots of great French food. Other than that it is the final load of laundry, the final pack and final sweep.

My flight is at 1p, but with the 3 hours before departure arrival for international flights and the commute time I'll be leaving the house around 7am. It is really happening!
15/15 with no guessing... I'm such a Boomer.

I can hardly believe it, all errands and tasks are done except for one load of laundry and a final sweep a dust. I made the trek to JJill this morning and picked up three not-so-frumpy old lady tops and am much happier for it. Next is a nap, then meeting up with my Niece for dinner out. Tomorrow I'm going to see the movie 'The Taste of Things' which is a French film about two people who have cooked together most of their lives and love each other but won't admit it, so very romantic with lots of great French food. Other than that it is the final load of laundry, the final pack and final sweep.

My flight is at 1p, but with the 3 hours before departure arrival for international flights and the commute time I'll be leaving the house around 7am. It is really happening!
Safe travels!
Today I'll be doing everything on the list except turning off my phone, well, actually it'll be off while I'm at the movie so I guess I can count that as well.

It's 9:30am and I do believe I'm all packed. The movie is at 12 noon and after that it'll be one last vacuum of the house, then an evening spent pampering myself with a long hot shower, a good scrub and lots of lotions and potions.

At dinner with my Niece last night she mentioned that for her the best part of travel comes from the personal growth gained by willfully going in to a state of dis-ease, where everything around you is new and different. I've been going in to this knowing it will be life changing, but I hadn't thought about the discomfort that comes with that growth, so it was a really good reminder.

I'll be leaving the house around 7am tomorrow morning... adventure awaits!
Today I'll be doing everything on the list except turning off my phone, well, actually it'll be off while I'm at the movie so I guess I can count that as well.

It's 9:30am and I do believe I'm all packed. The movie is at 12 noon and after that it'll be one last vacuum of the house, then an evening spent pampering myself with a long hot shower, a good scrub and lots of lotions and potions.

At dinner with my Niece last night she mentioned that for her the best part of travel comes from the personal growth gained by willfully going in to a state of dis-ease, where everything around you is new and different. I've been going in to this knowing it will be life changing, but I hadn't thought about the discomfort that comes with that growth, so it was a really good reminder.

I'll be leaving the house around 7am tomorrow morning... adventure awaits!
I am so looking forward to seeing photos.
Today I'll be doing everything on the list except turning off my phone, well, actually it'll be off while I'm at the movie so I guess I can count that as well.

It's 9:30am and I do believe I'm all packed. The movie is at 12 noon and after that it'll be one last vacuum of the house, then an evening spent pampering myself with a long hot shower, a good scrub and lots of lotions and potions.

At dinner with my Niece last night she mentioned that for her the best part of travel comes from the personal growth gained by willfully going in to a state of dis-ease, where everything around you is new and different. I've been going in to this knowing it will be life changing, but I hadn't thought about the discomfort that comes with that growth, so it was a really good reminder.

I'll be leaving the house around 7am tomorrow morning... adventure awaits!
Have the best trip I am so excited for you!!!
Catching up after being gone for the weekend

Fun quiz:

I'm definitely a gen x'er, but knew most of these. One that I got correct, I didn't know that show, but I knew the other 3, so got it by process of elimination. The one I missed, I knew it was one of two and I guessed wrong lol!

Yesterday (Self-care Sunday), was the go-home day from my weekend pretending like I was young again lol! One of DD's best friend's bachelorette party was this weekend and they invited some of the mom's. When the girls were all in high school, we used to get together a lot, but don't so much anymore. Honestly, I was a little nervous going into the weekend, but it was so much fun!

We went to a karaoke venue Friday night where we rented a karaoke room for our group. It was so much fun - it still amazes me how much of "our" music our kids know and love! Lots of fun group singing while we were there. We then went to a disco bar (not sure why it was called a disco bar, but it was fun) and then headed back to the air bnb that had been rented for the weekend.

Saturday, we walked to a nearby place for brunch and then back to the air bnb for a paint party lead by a you-tuber. One of the girls picked up canvases and paints for us to use and we did it right in the air bnb. After that we made stuff for a taco bar for dinner and watched Princess Diaries 1 and 2 and played some games. It was lots of fun!

Sunday then, it was getting the place back to how we found it and heading home. After I got home, I worked on laundry and napped until it was time to head to my MIL's for dinner.

Overall, a super fun weekend getting to spend time with DD, her friends and their mom's!
Happy Monday all! I’m sitting at the ferry dock waiting for the boat, it was a beautiful peaceful early morning drive. Still flip flopping back and forth between ‘no big deal, you go to the airport all the time’ and ‘eek, the plane lands in Paris!’ Not sure why Paris is more of a freak out than Marrakech.

A couple of the people in the group are already there and I did connect with the gal catching the same flight from Paris. She only has an hour layover, so not enough time to get something to eat together. But it’s good to be with someone at Marrakech to help navigate money exchange and finding the car and driver to take us to the raid.

It’s really happening!
Back to school tomorrow. Unless you travel, there is not a lot to do here in February. We got more snow on Saturday. I got some errands done. DD is recovering from Covid and back at work with a mask. I have had more than enough time with DH. I’m ready to get back to the routine.

Have a nice week everyone.
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This weekend was the weekend of things that went wrong. Friday, my sister asked if I wanted to go to the movies with her, my mom and one of my nieces. I didn't have a car so she picked me up so I could go. We went to see Mean Girls. Not something that I would have gone to the movies for but she already had it picked out. During the movie I was getting several text messages. Not something that is normal for me so I checked to see what was going on. My son sliced his finger open with a box cutter at work and it was bleeding a lot. We had no car at home (DS had one with him at work and DD had the other at her work). Thankfully, they were able to get it bandaged pretty good and got the bleeding to stop. DH would have walked up to get him if we needed to (his work is within walking distance). He seems fine and we are just watching for signs of an infection but so far so good. Oh and the movie was good but I don't thinking seeing it the movie theatre good.

Saturday I was down for the count for most of the day. I had been battling a headache all of last week and it hit its peak on Saturday. I did manage to get half of the grocery shopping done. DH finished the rest and put the grocery's away. I took a migraine pill and went to bed.

Sunday, I woke up and still had the headache but not as bad so I took another migraine pill and that knocked it out finally. I made homemade ravioli and homemade sauce for dinner. I was not a fan of the ravioli. This was my first time making it and it wasn't bad for the first time. DH and DD's friend really liked it. That night DD and her friend went to the barn to night feed and on their way back DD hit a deer. Both girls were finally and thankfully they saw it quick enough for DD to slam on her breaks and only hit the back end. My light is broken and there is a crack in the bumper but other then that it was good. Her friend seems to be good under pressure and was able to keep DD calm. We offered to pick them up but DD said she was good to drive. If she wasn't we would have called an Uber since DS was out with friends.

I was off yesterday and then only think I had to do was take DD to the dentist. Other then that I just vegged out on the couch.

I did take the quiz. I missed two. Both shows that I have never seen. One of them was down to a 50/50 shot. The other one was a complete guess. I am a very young Gen-xer. So I am shocked I new so many.
It's Motivation Monday!!

If you're not there yet, remember this little guy...

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I love the meme! It's so important to remember how far we've come over time.

I'm so ready for this week to be over - we have our annual meeting at work on Thursday. The meeting itself isn't a big deal any longer. We used to have a night meeting and serve a nice meal, so the place was packed with our patrons, but ever since covid, we just do a virtual meeting. Normally, it's just the board members and the regular staff who go to the monthly meetings, but this year, the CEO of our parent company is going to be there, so it's a much bigger deal.

I know everything will be fine, but I just tend to worry unnecessarily about things and this is one of them. Plus the fact that we're leaving town the evening after the meeting, so I've got lots of work stuff to get done before we leave. Anyway, my brain is spinning and I'm ready for it to stop lol!

This week my motivation is to get through the work week (including the meeting) and be ready to relax for a week. I've got a big list (I tend to write down little items because it makes me feel good checking them off lol) and I'm working my way through it!
I was definitely heavier this time of year at the end of winter a couple of years ago than I am now. Even though I would prefer to be farther along on my path, it’s certainly better than I used to be. I have old knee injuries from my teens that cause me lots of issues now, but I remember winter days when the pain was excruciating. Being lighter has taken some pressure off of my knees. Imagine how great I will feel with even less pounds!

It was great to be back at work. I was really getting stir crazy. I prefer being off in the warm weather so I can enjoy my backyard and the beach. Those days are coming soon…
Happy Tuesday!!! I hope everyone’s week is going well so far!

When I need a mood boost I always want ice cream…try to not always eat ice cream 🍦 ❤️🍨

Getting outside helps me, even a short walk-10 mins or less! Prayer journal is a way I lift stress and worry off myself as well! Going through all pictures is one I do sometimes as well!
When I need a mood boost, I guess I probably tend to probably try to be by myself most of the time. I am an introvert at heart and usually if I get overwhelmed, I need some time away just to be.

I try not to stress eat, but if my mood boost is due to something stressful, I definitely tend to mindlessly munch. I really need to break that habit!


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