Zip-a-dee-doo-dah, zip-a-dee-ay....My oh My Zoo's family is coming to stay!!!

He did have a bigger family however....He did not even show up for the final show of the night!!!!

I could not beleive it..he said he wanted to give someone else a shot at the ticket....I was so :mad: Fuming :mad: LOL..but I really enjoyed it all. It was so fun!

So no I didnt get to "hollywood" per say....and I dont have a hit single and a great back up band:rockband: , but one day the Zookeeper will have her day. Hey maybe next year you just may see me back up on that stage trying to claim my fame!!!
So I have a million questions for the more experienced Dis-ers here. In Dec when we had our vacation in WDW we stayed at POR. I loved the "green" of it all. The plant life was so lush and green..coming from Pa where we had snow before Halloween it was a nice change for us. (And secretly for me..I liked saying we stayed at a moderate...LIKE OMG we afforded it???)
Now I am back to planning and I am back to resorts. With a family of 5 there are limitations of availablity. You cant just say a Value resort because you dont fit...and while we can do a family suite..its almost the same as a MOD so ehhhh...its quite a conundrum...LOL
Any ideas for us.....I was reading a TR about the club level..I think at the Wilderness Lodge(?) and thought oohh whats that? LOL....HELP!!! Possibly I may change resort this time....without breaking the bank if we could.

On a side note, my sister called me yesterday as she says I am the Family Disney Expert(why yes...yes I am. :goodvibes). She asked about DCL and passports....AHEM...this just happened to be one of my biggest questions myself a few weeks back. So my EXPERT advice is this....Disneys current posted policy is that since the Bahamas cruise is a closed loop, passports are not fully required at this time as long as you have proper identification. HOWEVER, that policy can change at any time. They can tell you at booking they are not needed and if that policy changes the day before you go and you do not have the proper docs....they wont let you go. And Insurance does not cover not going if the issue is you not having proper Identification.
The short version is in YOUR best interest when cruising to be over prepared. You never know if you will have to fly home in an emergency. You never know what issues can be encountered when not at "home". Its an expense...but a safe expense. Anyway there is always the passport cards...but you cant fly using those....its a catch 20.

Its snowing outside in Pa. I should be used to it...only spent 32 years of my life around the darn white stuff. I just hate the sloppiness of it all...LOL I would so rather be listening to the Disney street performers:rockband: or laying on Castaway Cay :beach: with a :drinking1 and enjoying a Adventures Away Partyparty: or maybe even a Pirate Adventurepirate:

Instead I am stuck shoveling snow(Ok ok its not being shoveled..its about an inch..LOL) and start :teacher: and then :laundy: and :stir: .

Hmm can moms have :sick: days???
So I have a million questions for the more experienced Dis-ers here. In Dec when we had our vacation in WDW we stayed at POR. I loved the "green" of it all. The plant life was so lush and green..coming from Pa where we had snow before Halloween it was a nice change for us. (And secretly for me..I liked saying we stayed at a moderate...LIKE OMG we afforded it???)
Now I am back to planning and I am back to resorts. With a family of 5 there are limitations of availablity. You cant just say a Value resort because you dont fit...and while we can do a family suite..its almost the same as a MOD so ehhhh...its quite a conundrum...LOL
Any ideas for us.....I was reading a TR about the club level..I think at the Wilderness Lodge(?) and thought oohh whats that? LOL....HELP!!! Possibly I may change resort this time....without breaking the bank if we could.

Tina, CL doesn't necessarily mean you can sleep 5 in the room. While WL is a deluxe, its standard rooms only sleep 4 + a baby under the age of 3. WL does have some junior suites, which sleep 6 I believe. They are CL, but they are extremely expensive. :eek: You can check out the rates on mousesavers.

I feel your pain on finding a resort for 5 folks. We've been lucky enough to stay at the Poly most times since we've become 5, thanks to the PIN gods. :wizard: POR is the most economical way for a family of 5 to stay on disney property and it is a pretty resort. I think the family suite at ASMu is actually more than a mod. For a little more money than the mod, you could get two connecting rooms at a value. That is another option.

Good luck making a decision!

Hmm can moms have :sick: days???

Yes, we do......but who will take care of us? :confused:
Well Michelle I did check the cost of the WL...can I say I had to change the underpants? Its was like 3000 more to stay there then POR...thank you very much but I think for that I will turn down my own bed and call it a day. Shoot I can put some apples, bananas and poptarts across the ledge by the sink and call it a buffet for way less...LOL And for the wildlife..I think I even a squirrel or two walking around..hehe
Oh well I guess those dreams of Grand Floridian stays will have to wait til a money tree grows in my yard. Hmm, wonder what would happen if I just rambled in for dinner at the 1900 Park Faire then stretched across a couch in jammies with a sheet and said I had been sleep walking???? :confused3
Prelude: I think my dad wished I was born a boy.
I was given boy clothes, like camos and boon dockers...more commonly known as Timbs..LOL, and I did things like climb trees and play in the mud. I do not wear dresses..unless I have to. I rarely wear makeup, and my hair consists of messy pulled buns. Ok that leads me to the summer I was 12. I will never forget that summer. I was at my sisters soft ball practice and the play ground. I was wearing a tank top and hanging on the bars when a small boy points and says "WOW you have much more armpit hair then my brother and he is 16." So as I drop to the ground I look...armpit hair? And lo and behold there was a patch of armpit hairs. So I went to my mom...umm oh yes she said, you need to shave them. With what I ask? A razor. I do not remember a lesson on shaving, in fact I was told by my friend that if you shave your legs above your knees you get cancer. I still do not shave above my knees. Yes I know that you dont get cancer from shaving your thighs...but I am still not doing it. In fact on most days in winter my legs are unshaven..because who the heck is gonna see them? And DH is quite used to them..after many talks of how my legs are WARMER. And if by chance I do sit to shave...they usually do not get done on the same day as I have three kids who are calling me for nonsense. The option-waking up at 4 am to shave legs and thats just not happening.
Okay enough of my silly prelude, on to the story.

The other night my son says to me Mommy I have armpit hairs growing.
Me to son: Really? let me see! (And I proceed to look at his armpit hairs in glory with him, even pulling on them a little laughing) I say Wow you are growing up into a man.
In walks my DD. DD:So what? I have some to.

Imagine me as I whip my head to her in a whiplash fashion.
To DD I say: What do you mean you have armpit hairs???
DD says: I do, just like JJ. I saw them.

So.... I practically rip her head off her neck as I seize the shirt off she is wearing insearch of these said "hairs". And Holy haberdashery, Batman! there they were....more armpit hairs then her 10 year old brother. They are light colored but so there....

So I ring my parents with terror. My mom answered..Hello?
Me:Umm mom, Ashley has armpit hairs.
Mom: AND??
ME: Did you not hear me? She has armpit hairs! She is 7!!!! Tell dad...
MOM: Jim, Ashley has armpit hairs.
Dad: ok tell her we will call her tomorrow, Idol is on.
Me: What should I do?
MOm: bye honey we will call you tomorrow.

:confused3Why on earth is it only I who sees this as an earth shattering issue. I feel like the sky is falling on me, I try to catch my breath.
Do I call the Dr? Should I take her to the ER? Isnt she way to young for ARMPIT hair???

My son is laughing...and she just puts on her shirt and shrugs. She is like so what?

So that leads me to the post story: My daughter is 7. She has armpit hairs. The world is not going to end. She is to young to shave...RIGHT???...and nothing can really be worse then that. except....OMG if she has armpit hairs it wont be long til she gets the CURSE and Aunt Flo starts to visit her!!!!

Why oh why could I not have all boys. Boys are so much easier then girls.

So I sat her down today to have a talk. I started...Sweetie as you get older you learn things about boys.
She said ok...
I said well they have other parts then girls.
She says well what do they look like?
I decided she is not ready to have a talk...and either am I!!!!!!
So that leads me to the post story: My daughter is 7. She has armpit hairs. The world is not going to end. She is to young to shave...RIGHT???...and nothing can really be worse then that. except....OMG if she has armpit hairs it wont be long til she gets the CURSE and Aunt Flo starts to visit her!!!!

Why oh why could I not have all boys. Boys are so much easier then girls.

:rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2:Sorry to laugh during your motherly turmoil....I've been through all this as the mother of two daughters---16 and 13.

No matter how we may want them to stay young, ALL of the stuff you mentioned happens. :rolleyes1 AND, that's ok.....They're actually a lot of fun, not the same kind of fun as when they're young, but still fun---just in a different way. :)
So when is to young to shave armpits and legs? And at what point do I start the tampon talk or do I just say here is the "airplane"....ahh yes the airplane story. One fine day when my son was 2 I woke to find that my son had taken all of my extra large winged pads and had the stickys off them attached to the walls, the dresser and himself saying Look mommy I found the airplane stickers!!!!

Im telling you I am so not ready for teenagers. I am to young to have teenagers....I am only going to be GULP....32....
No this does it...a trip to WDW is for sure in order....cause in WDW everyone is 5 and getting teary eyed when they see the Welcome to Disney sign....
No this does it...a trip to WDW is for sure in order....cause in WDW everyone is 5 and getting teary eyed when they see the Welcome to Disney sign....

Pack your bags NOW, and walk, I mean RUN, to the nearest Magical Express bus! :rotfl:
Tina what a great story teller you are!! I really got a laugh out of your story!! Maybe it's because I also started shaving at a young age (not quite 7 though)
Oh I am...and now last night he had our bedroom window opened. I said why on earth is the window opened...he said its warm in here. I was like then turn down the heat....So he said well then it will be CHILLY!!!!!!:scared:


One day...I know he will wake up out of the DUH stupor he seems to be stuck in.....

I'm afriad some men never wake up from the stupor. >_< Mine still asks me what leftover food to keep and what to throw away every night after dinner. And my dad is the guilty part when it comes to turning the heat up. I leave it at about 62 or 63 during the day when it's juts my son, myself, and the 5 month old I babysit (I love being a stay at home mommy, sweats everyday!). My dad comes home from work, eats dinner, showers, and then comes back up to check the thermostat around 8...and turns it up to like 70! Ummm...hello...turn it up to 66...MAX!

Anywho! Subbing in! Sounds like this will be a fun ride! And thanks for taking a look at my blog. :D

ETA: As for the whole shaving thing with your daughter...I have NO idea. I know that I started shaving my legs when the boys started teasing me in gym class in junior high school (7th grade). Boys can be cruel! You're so lucky you homeschool and won't have to deal with that. I say give your family doctor a call. Can't hurt.
My DD..bless her quite oblivious to things around her. She definitely has Rosie colored Disney glasses glued to her face. My neighbors kids had gotten Timb boots. Well my mom thought she would be helpful and bought Ashley pink work type boots from Kmart(we could less about brands) and she was like look I have shoes like you guys. And the kids rolled their eyes and said we have REAL ones. I was the one who saw red...Ashley was like Oh do doo....on with the day. I came in yelling How dare they belittle her pink Kmart boots!!!!

Draw backs of homeschooling, beyond the one on one education...I get to choose who, where, and when the kids hang around. I dont have to worry about that whole you are wearing the wrong label talk. My one neighbor who is 11 said well how will they ever have dates...umm first off you are 11 and should not even be thinking along the lines of dating and two my kids are not dating until they are old enough to get dentures..LOL

Do I make an issue of hair on armpits and legs....well maybe if she was another my Gracie. I just cant see her shaving anytime soon....mostly because I am thinking she may end up dismembering herself. "Oh mom I cut off my leg with the razor" :scared1: Ashley is more like me....what you see is what you get.

In my life I live in C.H.A.O.S otherwise known as Cant Have Anyone Over Syndrome....LOL Honestly it isnt that bad...there is a just always a large degree of disorder around me. I never quite got that whole "everything has a place" way of things because while to me it looks nice, I get clausterphobic...I look around thinking where is this or that. Than the panic sets in...the breathing becomes quick and labored, my palms start to get clammy and the sweat trickles down my back. Than with a crazed yell I jump up and start dumping drawers and pulling off couch cushions in search of things....usually something like my keys. My quote is ..."no I have no idea where YOU put the keys, you had them last." and Guess where they are? In MY purse. LOL

So I have piles, and if DH calls me and says where is my paperwork I can tell him where it is. Now that whole system goes out the door once it has anything Disney related. Then it gets printed, filed, and perfect order. If only life could be all Disney all the time. Oh wait, I think it might be........;):surfweb:
The pre-story to this day was eventful. We left on Thanksgiving at 6:30 am. We had to drop off the dogs Ruby(my pit) and Cricket(My shih tzu) at the boarder. (My friends hubby is trying to get me to breed them...ok that will not work for two reasons one they are both girls and two thats just silly. He just wants me to have the rights to say I bred a Bull-S*#t..LOL) Anyway we got about halfway to the boarder when DH realizes he forgot his opened pack of cigarettes. Cue the talk of why smoking should not be allowed this trip. So we turn around and we go back to the house, the whole drive with me yelling I can buy him another pack and in fact we have 5 in my purse. Grr....
So we end up at the boarders 15 mins later then planned..not bad. We try to stop for breakfast...McDonalds closed. Burger King closed. I am yelling how are they not open? This is one of the busiest travel days of the year..people have to eat. After a quick stop at Dunkin Donuts we headed on to the first stop....Rocky Mount Va. My SILs family had us stay for a few days before WDW.
The time went quick and there is not much to report on that one. I pack up the bags on Sat after washing every bit of our dirties...just in case we need some wintery clothes. We hit the pillows at 11Pm.....I had planned to get up at 3 to leave at 4. I woke with a jump and look at the clock..OMG its 430...we are way off schedule. I quick wake everyone, brush teeth and say a fast goodbye and out we go.
The drive was long...a 12 hour ride took us 16 as we hit a fatal accident by the Ga line. Umm why our side was backed up I will never know....4 hour back up when it was on the NORTHbound lane is crazy. We pull into the Ramada Maingate West at about 8. Ok apparently my GPS was wrong because it took us through the welcome to WDW loop...the kids were loving was jus a tease to the vacation...;) We were tired and hungry. As we check in they tell me my credit card was declined....umm why? She doesnt know. So I whip out my other card and check us in no issue. (FYI..they are the only ones who had it decline...maybe it was just their system cause we used it the entire trip after that just fine) I had pics of this place. Very cool inside..but remember the camera grew legs so there is no pics to show you. Sorry..LOL
We had a family suite had a set of bunks and a twin in the kids portion and then the bed we slept in. Before we called it a night we ate at the Pizza Hut there..the pizza was ehh...maybe it was late, maybe I was expecting gourmet, but it was at least edible.
From there we headed to the pool for a quick swim. Its here my Gracie decided to be daring. She taught herself to go under water....
By this time we were very tired and ready for sleep...and tomorrow was MK day and check in at POR....who could wait?
I woke the next moring at 6...I wanted to be packed up and ready for an early check out. Today is WDW day!!! We pack up the bags and JJ and DH decide to take the bags out to the car and then meet back in the lobby for breakfast in the hotel buffet. While waiting for the boys the girls and I browsed the gift shop. Hoo hoo!! I find a great deal....autograph books for 3$. Since I am sure they will be at least double that in WDW I have each of the kids pick one out.
We headed to the buffet eat free with paying adult. It was pretty reasonable...the girls were free..JJ had topay but he got his 3.95 worth of a meal. I made the kids each grab a banana for the road....and off we went...
As we are heading out the door I see a carry-on type bag very similar to the one we had. Tan with Yellow handles. I say oh look someone has a bag just like ours. I continue looking as I got past and say wow they even have the Disney towels like ours.....then with clarity and a DING DING DING! I realize-that is our bag! With our towels and bathing suits. I look at DH with irritation...he says Oh I forgot I put that down when I had a cigarette before we got to the car. (Again there is a reason why smoking messes up plans....Grrrr)

Up next POR.....
As we drive through the WDW entrance I slowly feel the tears in my eyes. I look at DH who shakes his head at me but I turn away. For one this trip was a long time coming and I still can't beleive that we are here. For two, this was supposed to be a family trip and our baby girl isnt here to share it with us. Even though I know she is with us in spirit, I greatly miss her as we head into the most amazing trip ever.
We pull up at the POR gate and the security asks who we are. DH says, "Why?" :sad2: Security says no one passes without ID and he asks to see our i take mine and hand it over. He scans through the list in his hand and says have a magical stay! DH grunts as we drive through the gate. I am left thinking lovely so this is what today is gonna be like.

We head into the area for check ins and I say drop me here, you go park the car with the kids. Prior to leaving home we had done Online checkin. I glanced around the lobby and saw the line for the online check in and stand in line. I look behind me at the other line 20 people deep and thank my lucky stars I took the Disboards advice of Online check in. As I stand waiting patiently two girls pop up out of nowhere and walk right in front of me. The irrational woman I COULD be screamed inside but I outwardly in my head think I am in Disney and I am not going to get angry before I even check in. Suddenly one of them turns and says "Im sorry, were you in line?" I said "Yes I was." They said they were sorry and took their place behind me with the second girl mumbling I'm sorry I thought she was with the guy at the desk. I take a satisfaction of thinking there. problem diverted and that moment the man behind the desk says..."Hello can I help you?"

So I hand him my paperwork and he says "I see you have two rooms." I am a bit confused by this all...somehow there were two rooms booked in our name...I say "please tell me my family called and gave us an added night for Christmas"...LOL. But nope it was a glitch and he says to me you have a number of 1st time guests dont you? I tell him yes the whole family except for me. He hands me 5 pins and says have a great trip....I start to say wait I only need 4 this is my third time and he says "Tut Tut...its your first time with your family." And then he shocks me...."your room is ready" he says.

We were in room 1603. Right off the parking lot. It was quite easy to unload and not to far from the bus stop.

We park the car and unload and get into the room. We look around amazed and DH says "this is a ValueResort?" Umm no sweetie we booked in a MOD!!! Surprise!!!

We take a quick tour of the grounds and get ready to go to the first park..MK! We get a bit lost trying to find the pool..I know there is one with a slide I keep saying. We find one almost right behind our building but no slide...oh well it will do. I find the landmark for our is a post with a horses head. That pole was the guide for the trip..the kids knew at any point where we were just by locating this post.

We make our way to the bus stop and within 5 mins we are heading to the MK. I look at my watch..its not even 11 yet! I sit back and watch the scenery pass by..all that planning I had done was worth it. We are here. I sit back against the seat and close my eyes, thinking about what ride we will do first when I realize.....OMG my itinerary and dining ressie number is back in the hotel in my binder!

DH sees the fear in me I guess and says , "WHAT?"
I whisper "the planner is back in the room."
I say over and over we will be fine....we will just get a map.

But really, are we gonne be FINE????
Wow I am on a roll..LOL

So we get off the bus at the MK...I am still dreading not having my planner. While on the bus I texted my friend who we lovingly call "Disney Diana" who booked our trip for us and said EMERGENCY!! I forgot my planner. Please text me ride refurbs and ressie time and number. Thank god for texting...she quickly texted me my info and we were off. First plan of buisness I had was to conquer Main St and get our pics in front of the castle. The day was bright and sunny..and warm! Well plans were not meant to be conquered I guess..I hear Gracie say to DH Lets ride the Train as we grab the map and guess what? DH says OK.

I say Wait we are supposed to walk down Main St. He asked"Why?" Cause I want to was all I could think to say but I thought better of it and trudged up the steps feeling my mood turning. We hop on the train and hear the people behind us say "Oh they are one of those families who bring a stroller." Well I really felt like turning around to snap at them....first off who are they to talk about my parenting skills when their kids where eating popcorn for a late breakfast treat? Second off, the train was still being loaded. No one was waiting patiently for us to load our stroller and we kept it in our seat. Who the heck cares if I was one of those people who chose to save 31$ on a stroller rental??? (BTW just 6 weeks before out trip Ashley broke her ankle so she was just out of a cast and the walking boot would be so hot for her...hence the need for a stroller).
As the train pulls out DH and Gracie start to laugh and I relax a bit...maybe he will calm down after all and today will be fun after all.
We decide to exit at ToonTown and see the Judges Tent. Having done my homework I know that Tink is inside. I say to the DH Tink is here lets see how long it will be.
We go to the line and it says 30 mins. DH is not pleased to wait but we get in line. As we walk through the hallway a CM comes out and says that the fairies are coming if we look around and that we will all be shrinking to size so we can see the fairies. Then he turns and says Oh no! It looks like someone got shrank to much(and says to Gracie "Its ok Princess, you will grow tall again!). She was a bit mad but we thought it was cute and giggled. Then it was out turn. Time to meet Tink!

Next up was the orange Fairy....I think her name was Fawn...

Then we met the boy Fairy....I am not great with Fairy we will call him "Boy"..LOL

We left the Tink area to be thrown into a shopping area. This was the first time we realize how smart WDW is with setups. As we shuttle the kids out the door I see the Cottages and think Mickey must be we head in there. While we are walking around the house and garden I hear DH mumble I hope we are not spending the whole day getting autographs. I decide to ignore his ever annoying comments and push on. We are in WDW and he is not ruining it for me. This is a picture of us waiting in the Tink area....notice his shirt. Grumpy is on it....well I guess if the "shirt fits"..LOL


Having crossed Mickey off our list we decide it is about time to go on a ride. First up? Goofy's Barnstormer!

Barnstormer was a ride that Gracie was very much looking forward to. There were a few rides she was anticipating...mostly because this summer she had conquered her first Roller coaster in the Land of Make Believe and she had done HER homework. She was very aware of what rides she could go on and while the other kids had not gotten into the planning, she did.
We stood in line for Barnstormer. DH feels the need to point out all the dirt he sees..MOLD he called it. Look at the popcorn plants, look at this and that. I am quite annoyed at this point. I was already stressed out knowing that I had been in to much of a hurry to bring my planner and all I was doing was trying to get peacefully through the day. But it was becoming apparent that I was going to need those Tylenols I was smart to buy for my purse.I hear Gracie say we are almost at the end of the line and I think thank god!
We board the ride..JJ sits alone and we pair up, Eddie and Gracie, and Ashley and I. This tends to be the norm through the trip. It was a cute ride and in my head I had the thoughts Gracie spoke as we pulled back to the dock...."Thats it?" Sorry kiddo...that WAS it. We sadly make our way out of Barnstormer and Gracie points out Donalds Boat. I remember it was closed for refurbs while we are there and say that but then DH says well why are kids playing near it? Who knows I say but do YOU see any water? Thats a water play thing. :mad:
Being that we did not do much at this point I say ok lets move to another area and we will come back for Minnie tomorrow. As we walk past a kiosk with lemonade DH says ok lets get lunch. I look at my watch..its 12:15 but we had just eatten breakfast. He keeps saying when are we eating so I just say fine lets go. This is where the day takes a drastic step to a disater.

DH decides at this point he needs to smoke. Well we were nowhere near a smoking area and here comes a CM telling him he cant smoke here but he can at a smoking area. Ok where is that we ask? He tells us go to this way then turn here an then look for this...we just said ok fine thanks..and moved on. Cause really we were like HUH? So now he is hungry and cranky from being nicotine deprived. I am just cranky period.

We make our way to Pinochios Village Haus. We get in line and he says we need to take potty breaks. Well I stood with Gracie in line while Eddie took Ashley and JJ to the bathroom. Here comes JJ back alone. Then here comes Eddie saying why did you leave Ashley at the bathroom alone? You were supposed to wait. JJ starts to cry at being yelled at, but Ashley was crying because she thought she had been lost. So we tell them both its okay and we just need to be more aware as there are alot of people around us. Eddie takes the kids to get a table and I am left with JJ to get the food. We make our way over with our food....I got the girls a chicken finger meal platter to share with a strawberry cheesecake, JJ got chicken fingers with choc cake and Eddie got a chicken sandwich with a choc cake. I did not get any lunch and just picked off their plates. We had the DDP but I was to moody to eat and just picked. We make a note that the strawberry cheesecake is not regular with strawberry topping and none of us liked it. Scratch that one on the list of never agains.

About this point the girls had seen a kiosk with Mickey ears and they have been talking about these for months. I promise we will get some. DH says just let them buy them now and get it over they buy the same ones. Pink hat with silver ears and a princess tiara with tulle. 16$ each...

After we eat we decide to head over to Mickey's Philharmonic. We wait in line and the mood gets lighter. We are laughing, but not for long. As we head into the theatre a cast member steers us into an aisle. As we sit another CM comes and says we cant sit there..its for handicapped people. I said well your worker put us here. She got real snippy and told us to move. Well WHERE? The place was packed and so we were like whatever. As we leave she is chasing us out the door for our glasses. We throw them in the bin and DH looks at me and says You know what? We are never coming to this place again.

I try to be better minded about things and say ok lets just go do some rides. We head over to Its A Small World and my mom and aunts call. They ask how is it? I lie and say we are having a great time.

We go on IASM and when we get off DH looks more relaxed. Maybe it was being out of the sun, maybe it was the fact that he had found a place to smoke....just before leaving fantasyland and going into Liberty Square there was an area that had a few smokers sneaking a few puffs. He runs down to join them....I stand irritated listening to the girls bicker over who is gonna hold the Soda.

With his nicotine craving controlled we head into Liberty Square. This park was packed that day. As we are heading into the area by the Haunted Mansion its like Black Friday at Walmart. We are dodging people left and right and DH says are we going the wrong way? "No" I say "just keep moving." Once we hit the line for the Haunted Mansion its like the sea of people was gone and it was very empty.I say lets ride the Haunted Mansion. He likes haunted houses very much so I knew he would say ok. As we stand in line this family of like 20 gets in front of me. I said excuse me the line is behind us. The wife said Well thats good, then you can keep waiting. (This was the day from he--, where are all the magical Dis-ers at????) We get into the HM quickly despite the fact that the smelly ones from the land of rudeness were in my way(they smelled like they had not showered in days...mental note to feel sorry for their kids) and decide that HM is one of our favorite rides! I did not remember the "ghosts" in the car with you at the end so it was a nice surprise to me.

We stop at the photo-op for pictures in the jail-thing. The one you put your head and hands in? Got some pics and continued on.

As we were walking towards Frontierland we spot Goofy so we hop in the short line. Of course as we get in line he leaves. NO!!! But I hear someone say to their family Goofy has to go to the bathroom and then the parents say they switch after so long because the costumes are hot. Makes sense and so we stood in line. Not even 5 mins passed and out came Goofy.

Gracie was quite shocked at how tall he was to her....LOL

With yet another autograph under our belts we move on.

We head over to Splash Mountain. This ride was I think our FAVORITE in this park. It was long and we just enjoyed it. As we were standing in line Ashley says she has to use the bathroom. There was no quick way to leave the line so I ask her can you hold it? She said Yes. So we stand a few more minutes and then she says again she has to go. I say as soon as we get off we will go. Within 5 mins we are boarded on the ride. I ask DH do you want me to hold your phone? He says no and of course guess what got wet? (not soaked but it got damp and we just dried it off....but I wasn't about to say I told you so) I rush Ashley into the restrooms to pee and she tells me she wet herself a little. I tell her I am sorry and I will never make her wait again.

We leave Splash and head towards Big Thunder Mountain Railroad. The wait says 30 mins. I look at my phone it says 4:15pm. I think perfect we will have time and head into line. Our dinner ressies were at 6 at Liberty Tree Tavern and we were not far so we had time. About 40 mins later they make an announcement that the wait til is changed to one hour. I look again at my time....its 5 we are about halfway through so we should be ok. About 20 mins later they make an announcement due to technical issues the wait is now two hours. WHAT??? I see a CM taking down the ropes to shift lines and I ask from here what is the wait..she says at minimum ONE hour! So I say Eddie our ressie is in 30 mins...lets go. We head out and as we walked past people said what did she say to you and we would tell them...many families filed out behind us.
We headed to Liberty Tree and check in. She says it will be a 30 min wait as our ressie is for 6. Well DH says "but we are here now." I just shoosh him and take the beeper. It was 5 mins so he did not stew in his misery. Dinner was really good there. We decided we would go again. We had an awesome waiter and he earned his tip. He was so funny and even the DH smiled at him.

As we are sitting there eating DH says he is ready to call it a night. I dont remember the time but I will soon find out. I help the kids gather their hats and we try to leave. TRY I say because as we leave DH says What the Heck?

Well Spectromagic was in full swing! It was just starting. We had no choice but to stay. As soon as it was over he grabbed the stroller and started towards the front of the park. At this point I was almost in tears. This was the only night we would have seen the fireworks and they were due to soon start. Please can we stay for them? He kept on walking and it was wall to wall people.

I am so upset as we leave. My first day of magic was completely destroyed. I am devastated and think how is the rest of the trip going to be??? We get on the bus to standing room only. The girls finds a way to squeeze into a half a seat and we move on. I say "hold on" to DH who is ignoring me. As soon as the bus pulls out, he falls forward and the bill of his baseball hat hits me directly in my eyeball. That was it...I burst into tears and fell apart. He still has not even said he was sorry....

We get back to the room and I say JJ and I are going to walk to the cafe to get milk for coffee. We end up finding the pool with the slide and I say to JJ we will go there tomorrow. I buy a container of milk, some grapes, and two bottles of beer and pay cash for it all. OMG two beers were like 12$....:scared1:

I get back to the room and hand him the beer and crawl in bed. I hear him on the phone with his sister saying "This place is a mad house, we will never do this again" and I roll into my pillow and cried myself to sleep.

Disney Diana has found you on here! :woohoo: I am so thrilled (and really love my nickname) you were able to go.. I know how much this meant to you.. and I am glad I was able to help you with planning. I love your trip report so far..and looking forward to more adventures.. since we both know we both never seem to have a "normal" experience with anything/anywhere/anytime.. lol :rolleyes1:lmao:
Love the pics .. :thumbsup2
Disney Diana has found you on here! :woohoo: I am so thrilled (and really love my nickname) you were able to go.. I know how much this meant to you.. and I am glad I was able to help you with planning. I love your trip report so far..and looking forward to more adventures.. since we both know we both never seem to have a "normal" experience with anything/anywhere/anytime.. lol :rolleyes1:lmao:
Love the pics .. :thumbsup2

Yay!!! You found me! I am so glad you are here! You know how my stories go..LOL


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