Your worst Disney accident?

Mark us down far another kid needing stitches for banging his head off the night stand at one of the hotels.

I was out getting dinner for us and DP was playing with 2.5 yo son in room, he fell off bed onto night stand and boom. Off to get 5 stitches, thankfully it was toward the end if our trip. However we ended up getting swine flu on the way home (drove) and were off work for another week.
Our first trip to disney as a family, my youngest got a double ear infection. We were in disney world when he yacked up all over my wife and I mean all over, we had some cast members run up to us to see if my son was ok, and they took us to the infirmary and gave me a voucher to get my wife new, clean cloths. Eventually they to the wife and the sick baby to the hospital. Disney was so awesome that they made sure that I made it back to the car with my two other sons and when the youngest was sent back to the disney room they got us soup and other odds and ends for the kids. After that day we will always go and stay on disney grounds. P.S. We all wound up with stomach virus also except my wife. Lol
1. Yet another bedside table injury. DS 6 at the time wanted to get from one bed to another at Coronado Springs. Well being 6, the easiest way is to try and jump, right? Not so much. He wacked his lip on the edge of the table. So much blood. Called front desk and they told us about some urgent care near by with a free shuttle (we had no car). So we called and I went up to sit in front of the lobby and wait for the shuttle. After 30 minutes and numerous ice cubes inside washcloths that the awesome CM's brought us and NO shuttle a taxi came by and we took it. Apparently they knew where I needed to go. There was no charge for that ride...not sure why as it was a private taxi, but there was no charge. The taxi driver gave me his number for a return to the hotel later on.:thumbsup2

So we walk into urgent care with a waiting room full of people. Ugh...not a great family trip for many folks. But my kid has washcloth #501 on his face with blood still dripping AND a blood soaked shirt and we were called back prior to me completing the forms. Luckily, all he did was gouge his inside lip and toungue. No stitches! We had learned from a previous trip to our local ED that they don't stitch tongues (same kid). Total time in urgent care- 45 minutes. Left with a script for an antibiotic. I called the taxi driver and he was there in 10 minutes. He asked if I needed to stop and have a script filled and let us out at a local Walgreens or CVS. Once back at the resort, he said no $ was owed (I'm guessing they must have some contract with the resort or urgent care). We spent more time waiting for transportation than we did getting treatment for that mishap.

2. Disney cruise stop at Castaway Cay...same kid. The stop was about a week after Hurricane Sandy even though it did not bother the Bahamas that much (compared to New England). The waves associated with the storm had churned up 'stuff' from the bottom of the ocean...namely more shells and rocks than normal. So kid and I are sitting on our loungers after having been playing in the ocean (the beach with wooden swing/ropes thing in the water, not Pelican's Plunge). One of us looks down and notices red all over his towel that was under him. Come to find out, he had 2 huge shells stuck deep into 1 of his feet. We got a ride to 'urgent care' on the island. The medic had to dig out the shells. Not nearly as much blood that time. :bitelip:

3 WDW and 2 Disney cruises= 2 urgent care stops for us
Let me set the stage. We had been home from China one week with our recently adopted almost 3 year old daughter when we headed to WDW. She did not speak English yet but seemed to understand a lot of what was going on around her.

A couple of days into our Disney trip, big brother (age almost 5) begged us to let the two of them ride in car alone together on Buzz. We nervously agreed and took the car immediately behind them. At the end of the ride, as the car door opened, our brand new daughter fell headfirst onto the conveyer belt/;walkway. It looked like she was being dragged, headfirst under the car. I started screaming for the attendant to stop the ride but he was oblivious. I managed to grab her and there was blood streaming down her face. I held her tightly while looking for injuries and in short form, we were bother covered in blood.

Now, she had this freaky orphanage thing where she had been conditioned not to cry so she was dead silent through the whole thing (she is over that now, BTW). I, in the mean time, am freaking out.

Paramedics were called and in short course, the blood was cleaned up to reveal a small cut in her eyebrow. No stitches needed, only a Band-Aid. Cast members gave the kids Tinkerbelle pins and us a voucher for a new outfit for DD. I guess having bloody kids walk around the park is bad for business.

Two days later, she tipped over her feet and busted her lip while walking in the resort. I spent the rest of the trip worrying that China would change their mind about letting me have her.
Last March on the Dream, I got the hot stone massage on our sea day. That same night, I twisted my foot and fell. Scared the crap out of the CM I fell in front of but didn't notice anything and went on my way.

The next morning I was neck to toe rash from the massage (severe allergic reaction! :sad:) and huge swelling and pain in the left foot from twisting it the night before :sad2:. Thankfully we where leaving that morning but for four days in the parks before heading home!

Off to urgent care I go for a script for prednisone and x-rays for the foot. Luckily not broken just sprained! Spent the rest of the week in a w/c being pushed around by DH and DS! Such fun for the accident prone one in the family!:lmao:
Have 2 big ones for us, but will do 2 posts.

In the 1980s. DH & I stayed at the now demolished "Vacation Villas" across water from DTD Marketplace. Entered room. AC not on. Windows/doors all closed, of course. Saw couple bugs on kitchen floor - one not moving & one appeared to be near death.

Called Front Desk. They said they would take care of it. We left to go eat. Returned. Villa smelled horrible - they had sprayed, instead of using the gel stuff. Called Front Desk. Sent someone to our villa to change us to the one next door.

Within few minutes as DH & I & CM were moving our items to next door (those were the days of no wheels on luggage & we took "lots" of "stuff" when we traveled!). As I exited our villa, I got dizzy. Sat on patio chair. Couldn't move anything in my body. Couldn't call out to DH & CM as they passed me (they thought I was letting them do the work!). Slobber was coming out of my mouth.

Then they noticed. Took me inside, on couch. Called paramedics. By time they got there, I was back to normal. Didn't go for treatment - nothing to treat at that time.

From that date until now & I assume until I die, I get a horrible "reaction" when I get exposed to chemicals. I get lethargic, nauseated, all smells are intensified, can't eat, can't work, can't anything except lay around like a vegetable. After we returned from that trip, I was down for 6 weeks.

Since then, our cars contain face masks for me in case a road is being paved & no way around. Can't wear cologne. Get sick if walk into a place that used cleaning chemicals (walked out of hotel once because it smelled like Mr. Clean!). When I now detect "smells", I know to cover my mouth & nose with a hanky, scarf, shirt, anything & get away. Then I'm only sickly for few days.

Didn't sue, because there is no way to prove - no blood tests, etc. Found out they had sprayed Dioxin or Diazinon - forget which, but it has since been banned & was only supposed to be used outside or when interior is WELL VENTILATED - windows/doors were closed & no AC on.

I hate this inconvenience in my life, but I'm glad there were not any children or pregnant women present.
I kid you not, we have never had a problem. Ever. Yet this summer, on my thirteenth trip, we had an extravagant airline delay loosing a day vacation, two bouts of food poisoning in the magic kingdom, a bee sting at typhoon lagoon, a rash from the gardens at animal kingdom lodge and cleaned out at vacation home robbery. Not bad eh?
sprmom, your family had a cloud over their heads!

2nd Injury at Old Key West. Paid for our trip & trip of DD, DSIL, & our 1st DGD. Used OKW member points for 2 villas. Reason - to thoroughly enjoy spending the vacation with them.

First nite, DH took bath to get ready for dinner. When tried to get out, feet slipped out from under him, & he badly cracked some ribs on the side of the tub.

Called front desk. Got info on clinic. Advised them that the tub did not have any non-slip surface left on the tub; had just about worn off. No grab bar either.

He was laid up for most of trip because of the pain & then taking pain meds made him so tired. So he didn't get to enjoy as planned & I stayed with him because he could barely move.
The worst thing I can remember was when our DD was 7. We went to Disney to look into moving down here. We had gotten a really good rate at the Howard Johnson's (now Holiday Inn) near Downtown Disney. This was at the time that they still had New Year's Eve at Pleasure Island every night. Before we had left to go to the parks, we pointed out the sliding glass door to DD, and told her that it would be closed, so not to run into it. We get back from a late night at the parks, and we can see the fireworks from the sliding glass door to the balcony. Our DD, forgetting in her excitement to see the fireworks, went running to see them, not realizing the glass door was closed and nose met glass. Luckily nothing was broken, there was no bloody nose and the glass stayed intact, but she was a bit sore and bruised the next day.

My other mishap was at Typhoon Lagoon in the wavepool. We had been there all day, had a couple of drinks and were trying to ride the waves. I caught a wave, tumbled, lost my glasses, which luckily my daughter's friend retrieved and had road rash up and down my legs and feet. Last time I tried drunk wave riding. Another tipsy moment had me tripping backwards over one of the chairs into the sand on my butt. I wasn't hurt, but my pride!:blush:
In the 80s you could apparently have a child on your lap on Space Mountain. My parents tell me when I was 5 or 6 I was on my dad's lap and the ride suddenly stopped and I hit my head and passed out. I of course have no recollection of this! Instead of "let the memories begin!" I had a "let the memories pause..." moment. I turned out ok (I think?) and now kids are not allowed in laps!

OMG- I almost forgot. I tell this story whenever I think of it but I was on Space Mountain when they allowed lap riders, too. I was 3. I almost fell out. :scared1: I had one arm out and the belt was under one armpit and my neck. My mom was holding on with one hand and holding my arm as tight as she could with the other. She said if the ride had been any longer she'd have dropped me. :faint:

I am terrified of roller coasters now. My grandparents once took me on PeopleMover. When it goes into the Space Mountain dome- I thought they had tricked me into going on Space Mountain. I started screaming/crying and freaking out. You would think the lack of seatbelts/bars would have clued me in :rolleyes2 Nope! I was too panicked. I had my grandpa in a death-grip and was crying into his chest totally hysterical until we got past that point. I was in tears for the rest of the ride. I was 12.

I have since been on PeopleMover with my own kids- I think on our last trip. No freak outs- although I am still a little scared of heights so that part made me a bit nervous.
Guess I was not the only child put in danger by Space Mountain! I think because I passed out, and have no memory of it, I never was that scared. One of my favorite rides! I am glad they changed the seating so everyone is safer!
Guess I was not the only child put in danger by Space Mountain! I think because I passed out, and have no memory of it, I never was that scared. One of my favorite rides! I am glad they changed the seating so everyone is safer!

Yes, the new seats are much better and safer...

But.... :)

Our oldest used to love Space Mountain and other roller coasters but as oldest got older, somehow, riding these rides has gotten scarier. Not sure why. The last time the oldest was on Space Mountain we were on the first car with oldest in the first seat. As the ride started, oldest started crying! :confused3:scared1: There was not a danged thing I could do but reach up and touch oldest's shoulder to provide some comfort. For that one ride, I wish we had the old seats so I could have held oldest and hopefully made the ride less scary. Oldest had been on Space Mountain many times prior to that last ride. I don't know what caused the OMG I Am Scared Switch to get flicked but the switch was flicked that is for sure.

Count me in for almost falling out on Space Mountain! As we went up and over a hill, I continued going up when the coaster started going down. My older sister, sitting behind me, grabbed me around the legs and pulled me back down. I was probably nine or ten, maybe?
We are going back this way are we getting anywhere near that slide! :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:

Actually, that is a common slide injury. I am assuming an older child was holding the boy on his lap. The younger child's leg probably twisted back while sliding down. That is why it is not advisable to hold a child on your lap when going down a slide. It is very dangerous as it can easily cause a spiral fracture. Many people don't know this, though.
Actually, that is a common slide injury. I am assuming an older child was holding the boy on his lap. The younger child's leg probably twisted back while sliding down. That is why it is not advisable to hold a child on your lap when going down a slide. It is very dangerous as it can easily cause a spiral fracture. Many people don't know this, though.
This happened to my son (then 8) and his two year old cousin. Two year old put his foot down and the rubber of his tennis shoes stopped his foot. Hospital very suspicious of my sister as apparently spiral fractures are most commonly from child abuse. This was a few weeks before their trip to Disney. He did Disney in a wheelchair.
In the 80s you could apparently have a child on your lap on Space Mountain. My parents tell me when I was 5 or 6 I was on my dad's lap and the ride suddenly stopped and I hit my head and passed out. I of course have no recollection of this! Instead of "let the memories begin!" I had a "let the memories pause..." moment. I turned out ok (I think?) and now kids are not allowed in laps!

Yeah, I remember riding squished in front of my mom in the space mountain car. Her chest came out badly bruised from my head bashing into it over and over from all the whipping around.
Yeah, I remember riding squished in front of my mom in the space mountain car. Her chest came out badly bruised from my head bashing into it over and over from all the whipping around.

Jeesh! How many times did kids need to be bashed around before they changed the seating? I guess we were just tougher in the 80s:thumbsup2


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