You Get a Suite! You Get a Suite! Everybody Gets a Suite! December 2023 Trip Report! (RL Update 9/15!!)

We had the room next to the BC club lounge once and people would sit and chat with the CM's at their desks or congregate in the hall. It was very annoying. At least the lounge closed at 10pm, which ended the noise.
Yeah, that is so annoying, although good it stopped by 10!
Maybe it is the ups and downs of Slinky rather than the centrifugal force that he doesn't like. I'm glad he liked Guardians, though. :)
I think that was actually the part he hated the most about Slinky!
We always ask for B. It's worth the wait. I'm not a fan of the California version, though.
B is definitely the best, although we only occasionally ask for it. Usually we're in a rush to get somewhere else!
That is really nice. I wish we had this here. I swear I heard the fireworks from downtown Chicago at midnight last night, even though we live 15 miles away. I'm used to hearing fireworks from WDW and these were professional fireworks, not from a bunch of neighbors shooting off bottle rockets.
It was so nice, although we still had the regular midnight fireworks as well from both my city and DC which is only about 5 miles away, so it was VERY loud at midnight which my dog was not a fan of!
I'm curious to hear your dad's overall/final thoughts on the trip in the wrap-up. SO much has changed since his last visit, I'm interested to hear what he thought about it all. He's lucky to have you and your mom as tour guides! It must be so overwhelming for new visitors. Guardians is very smooth - that makes it an easier ride and, at least for me, the songs are a big distraction. The year they did the original Christmas song I felt like the ride was much more intense when I wasn't rocking out to my favorite 80s tunes. :laughing: on your dad just blissfully continuing along after a blue light. :laughing: In a way, I'm glad to hear that CMs are monitoring and do address those who aren't authorized. Obviously an innocent mistake on your dad's part but I imagine there are people who try to cheat the system. I am THRILLED to have the original Soarin' film back ... for me the distortions in the Around the World film are just way too distracting. :sad2:

HAPPY NEW YEAR!! :cheer2::banana::jumping3:
He loved the trip, said it was the best Disney trip he's ever been on. Now, that being said, this was a very different trip than we've done in the past with him. We tried out club level for the first time, didn't really focus on rides so no rushing trying to beat crowds, and we got that massive room upgrade. Plus he was really just along for the ride, my mom and I did all the booking and planning, so he basically woke up and just followed us and loved every minute of it! :rotfl: He also said he would never go again without staying club level, so he clearly loved that, and I'm fairly certain the upgrade made a big impact on his view of the trip. I keep reminding him that this kind of upgrade would pretty much never happen again, it's like winning the lottery!

Oh man, my dad just waltzing into the Soarin' queue after the scan turned blue is going to become a running joke in our family. He felt so bad, he had no idea what the blue light meant, and he made a good point that if it was supposed to indicate not to move forward it should be a red light instead!

Yeah, I really like the original Soarin, the super obvious CGI and the bad views from A and C in around the world really bug me!
So happy to be following along! I love your trip reports!
Aw, thank you!
Soarin' is one of my favorite rides, but it was a one and done for my husband! He HATES Soarin' and "doesn't understand how no one has fallen out of it" haha! Looking forward to reading more!
Oh no! I can understand that feeling though, I don't really think about being up in the air with just a little lap belt on!

Day 2, Part 2: More Festival Food Booths!

We last left off heading over to ride LwtL.

I loved seeing all the decorations, and this made me even more excited to see it later in the trip at night!

After riding LWTL, it was just about 11am, so we decided it was time for some lunch! We headed over to Canada which had a bunch of items we wanted to try.

The line here was crazy long (seriously this festival seems to bring in more crowds than F&W!), we ended up waiting about 30 minutes.

Here we each got the salmon, I got the beef bourguignon, and also the beer flight. While picking up the food we had my dad run to grab us a table in the shade.

Food in hand we made our way to the table my dad had secured to dig in.

The food was really good, although the salmon was almost cold, would have been better if it was a bit warmer. The beef was really good, and I loved the beer flight!

Before we dug in, my mom passed around her spray bottle of hand sanitizer. Well, when it got back to her she realized she didn’t know where the cap was, so we spent some time looking around the ground for it, figuring it rolled off the table.

None of us could find it, so we started eating, but my mom was pretty upset that we lost the cap. So throughout the meal we’d occasionally stop eating and look around for the cap.

We never ended up finding it, which in the end made sense since later in the day as mom was cleaning out her purse, there was the cap! Apparently she put it back in her purse and forgot, then blamed my dad and I for losing it! :rotfl:

After finishing our food we decided to head out since we had a super late night ahead of us and we wanted a lot of down time this day to prep. On the way back we swung by the lounge to pick up some wine, I got a glass of sauvignon blanc, and I also got a preemptive glass of cab for when we got home late at night. Mom got the same, and we took everything back to the room to rest and relax before our big night!

Next up: MVMCP, Part 1!
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I can see why your dad enjoyed club level so much. You made perfect use of its amenities. :)

We headed over to Canada which had a bunch of items we wanted to try.
The Canada booth is the one booth that we always go to for all the festivals. The beef is always good. :)

None of us could find it, so we started eating, but my mom was pretty upset that we lost the cap. So throughout the meal we’d occasionally stop eating and look around for the cap.

We never ended up finding it, which in the end made sense since later in the day as mom was cleaning out her purse, there was the cap! Apparently she put it back in her purse and forgot, then blamed my dad and I for losing it! :rotfl:

This sounds like something my mom would do too! Lose it and then blame my dad or me!
I can see why your dad enjoyed club level so much. You made perfect use of its amenities. :)
Haha, we really did. We tried to pop over to the lounge as much as possible to get the most out of it we could!
The Canada booth is the one booth that we always go to for all the festivals. The beef is always good. :)
It really is one of the better booths. I don't think I've ever had anything there I didn't really like!
,,, I also got a preemptive glass of cab for when we got home late at night.

I like the way you think!! :thumbsup2 The holiday overlay at Living with the Land is the best thing ever and I think it improves every year. I've heard that it's the employees at the attraction who come up with the 'design' and that makes me love it even more.
I like the way you think!! :thumbsup2 The holiday overlay at Living with the Land is the best thing ever and I think it improves every year. I've heard that it's the employees at the attraction who come up with the 'design' and that makes me love it even more.
Haha! We really like having a glass of wine to wind down at the end of the night, so it just made sense to grab one, plus it really made it feel like we were getting our moneys worth at CL!

The holiday overlay at LwtL is sooooo amazing! If that is done just by the employees that is super impressive, it was all so perfect!

Day 2, Part 3: MVMCP, Part 1!

We started getting ready for the night around 2, and at 2:30 I called for a Minnie Van. We got lucky and got one almost immediately, and it was only 8 minutes out, so we quickly finished getting ready and headed downstairs.

Before heading downstairs I had to get a picture of my parents in the shirts I had got them.

We arrived at MK just before 3, and quickly made our way in through the non-party gate. As we were entering the skies were starting to look really ominous, which was odd since earlier that day the forecast noted there was only a 3% chance of rain, but I guess Florida is going to Florida.

Since it looked like it was about to pour (and the radar tended to agree), I quickly booked us a DAS for Buzz once we scanned in, and since the wait time was super low, our return time was in only about 10 minutes.

On the way over to the ride, we of course took pictures!

As we were waiting in line for pictures, one of you fellow Dis-ers recognized us and came over to say hi! I have to say, my dad thought that was the coolest thing EVER. He kept talking about it the rest of the trip, and still talks about it now! So thank you (totally didn’t get your name, sorry!) for saying hi, it was great to meet you!

After our photos we again started to head back to Buzz, but as we were passing Monsters Inc Laugh Floor (one of those attractions you can’t use an acronym for :rotfl2: ) we saw the next show was in only 5 minutes, and we thought my dad would love it so headed there first.

My dad was oddly nervous, as outgoing of a person he is, it turns out he REALLY didn’t want to be called on during the show. Meanwhile I had my fingers crossed he’d be “that guy”! ::yes::

But since he was looking really concerned about it, I told him we’d grab seats in the way back since they don’t call people back there (at least we’ve never seen it). This seemed to appease him.

Well, as we entered we were shocked to see the CMs were not letting anyone sit back there! They were forcing everyone to sit in the front of the theater. I could tell my dad was getting really nervous!

So we settled into seats as far back as the CMs would let us, and soon the show started!

It was a fun show, not the funniest we’ve been to, and my dad was not “that guy” sadly for me!

Just as we thought that we were going to escape from the show without being called upon, suddenly the spotlight was on us! :oops:

My dad immediately started to squirm in the seat next to me, I was doing everything I could to keep from bursting out laughing. Luckily for my dad though, they called on my mom, who absolutely LOVED being called on.

She was called on for the “telepathetic” skit where she had to think of a number from 1 to like 40. My mom, apparently outsmarting the monsters (and myself), somehow realized they would ask her to share her number with the audience, so she purposefully picked a number she could hold up with her fingers! She picked 5. So when the monster asked her to share her number to the audience (which funny enough the monster covered her eyes to not hear it), instead of saying it, she just held up five fingers! I was so impressed, if it were me I would have picked like 20 and would have said it out loud.

The skit lasted a bit longer, and my mom was loving every second of it! I’m so happy she got called on!

Once the show was over we headed back outside and were not too surprised to see massive puddles everywhere! Apparently, a holdover from our September trip, we once again were having phenomenal timing with the rain, it poured while we were in the show, but stopped by the time we exited!

Our next stop was Buzz! Since my dad and I are super competitive, we decided this ride I would ride with him.

I actually got Galactic Hero here, and super early in the ride too, so I spent the rest of the ride pointing out the high point targets for my dad. He didn’t make galactic hero his first time around, but his score was decent for his first time riding, I think it was 200,000 and change.

On the way out I swung by the counter to pick up my galactic hero button, which was just an I’m Celebrating button with galactic hero printed on some tape stuck onto it. It was actually funny wearing it that evening since so many CMs saw the I’m Celebrating and asked what I was celebrating since the print for galactic hero was so small and most thought it was hilarious they realized it was galactic hero. :rotfl:

Next up: MVMCP, Part 2! (Liberty Tree Tavern!)
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It was a fun show, not the funniest we’ve been to, and my dad was not “that guy” sadly for me!
My husband was "that guy" when we were there in Sept. It was super fun because his siter was with us for the first time ever. He played along and we loved it. :)
She was called on for the “telepathetic” skit where she had to think of a number from 1 to like 40. My mom, apparently outsmarting the monsters (and myself), somehow realized they would ask her to share her number with the audience, so she purposefully picked a number she could hold up with her fingers! She picked 5. So when the monster asked her to share her number to the audience (which funny enough the monster covered her eyes to not hear it), instead of saying it, she just held up five fingers! I was so impressed, if it were me I would have picked like 20 and would have said it out loud.
That is really clever. I never would have thought of that.
I actually got Galactic Hero here, and super early in the ride too, so I spent the rest of the ride pointing out the high point targets for my dad.
Wow - that is really good. You must know all the big targets. The only time we've gotten Galactic hero is went the ride stopped but you could still shoot at the targets.
Whew. Caught up. What a great trip so far. Club level always sounds so great but, as a solo traveler all the time, out of my budget. And I LOVE all the pictures with your dad. Makes me think back to the trip my dad and I had to Hollywood Studios on NYE when I lived down there. Wish I had pictures of that.
Following along! Your parents are such a cute couple. Good idea to head to inside attractions with the storm looming. Liberty Tree - my fav at MK. Hope your party experience was a good one!
My husband was "that guy" when we were there in Sept. It was super fun because his siter was with us for the first time ever. He played along and we loved it. :)
That's awesome!
That is really clever. I never would have thought of that.
Right? I would never have thought of it either.
Wow - that is really good. You must know all the big targets. The only time we've gotten Galactic hero is went the ride stopped but you could still shoot at the targets.
I know of three of them, not sure if there are more, but the first one I know of is 100,000 points, so getting that a few times helps a lot!
Whew. Caught up. What a great trip so far. Club level always sounds so great but, as a solo traveler all the time, out of my budget. And I LOVE all the pictures with your dad. Makes me think back to the trip my dad and I had to Hollywood Studios on NYE when I lived down there. Wish I had pictures of that.
Thank you! We loved club level, but yeah, it is crazy expensive. And thanks, yeah we made a point this trip to get as many pictures with my dad as possible, love having all these memories to look back on!


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