"You can go to Disney without kids?"

We have just secured our accomodation (through timeshare) for August 2010 - 'we' being myself and my boyfriend.

We have always said that we want to go to Orlando, Disney, Universal etc. before we have children and settle down... just the two of us!! I'll be 22 when we go and he'll be 26...and we're so excited.

One thing i have realised is that this trip will probably be the most fun - it will be my third visit. The first time i was 13, and it was me, parents, and my two stepbrothers and my sister. I dread to think how stressful it must have been for my mum and dad -family of 6, 4 kids, first time in Orlando and Disneyworld!! Obviously we had an amazing trip, but it must have been exhausting for them...
The second time we went with another family, when i was 16...and in terms of logistics, organising 10 people around WDW and the other parks is not easy!! Again an amazing holiday, but lots of people to keep an eye on and organise.

So this time, its just me and the boyfriend, and thats all we have to worry about. No kids, no large group to herd, just me and him and whatever we want to do!! I know my parents also want to go back just the two of them. You dont need children to go to Disney. Obviously i will definately be taking my kids one day - but we promised we'd go alone before all that.

and i cant wait!!
I was lucky enough to have grown up in Southern California, and my mother was from Florida. My mother had been to Disneyworld before and had enough common sense to know that small, non local children should probably not be taken there due to the stress factor and expense. We did not start doing family vacations there until we were preteens. They did take us to Disneyland in California a couple times per year because it was an hour's drive away from them (and back then, it used to be alot cheaper to go. Adult tickets $20, children's $15).

However, that did not stop them from going to Disneyland and Disneyworld by themselves. They even told us children that adults needed to go without kids sometimes. I remember my parents going to stay at the Disney Land Hotel on their wedding anniversary while relatives watched us.

Also, when I was growing up, it was not uncommon for dating young adults to take their dates out to Disneyland for the day. And for teenagers to have their high school graduation parties at Disneyland. Or for college buddies to go there on a spur of the moment trip on the weekend. So I grew up around friends and family who understood that Disney was not for children only.

I don't have any kids, but when I do have them, I know I would never take my small children to Disneyworld just because its gotten so expensive. For me and my husband to go now and stay on property, just the two of us, runs into the thousands of dollars per week. Add in children and I could easily see the cost of that doubling and tripling. Given the cost, I can't justify taking my children to on such an expensive vacation that they will most likely not even remember! (In my case, I can remember going to DW when I was 10 years old. I don't remember going to DLR before I was 6 though, even though my parents took me).

I frequently tell my husband if Disney was really all about the kids they wouldn't have gotten so expensive.

I kind of feel sad for people who think that Disney is only for children. When I think of places that are "only for children" I think of places like Chuck E. Cheese, and no way, no how, can the Chuck E. Cheese rat compare with Disney's mouse. Walt had it right when he wanted his park to be enjoyed by people of all ages.
Very little of my 1972 experience do I remember. Much more of 1982 is in my conscience. But when I returned in 2006, 2007 and 2008 the memories are even more spectacular. In 2009, my DW and I are finally taking our kids to DW. Now they will experience the detalis. Any earlier, they would be like I was in '72, wondering what an
E ticket was, and why did I only have so many?
Very little of my 1972 experience do I remember. Much more of 1982 is in my conscience. But when I returned in 2006, 2007 and 2008 the memories are even more spectacular. In 2009, my DW and I are finally taking our kids to DW. Now they will experience the detalis. Any earlier, they would be like I was in '72, wondering what an
E ticket was, and why did I only have so many?

Looks like we'll be there the same time. I'm shooting for the Halloween Party on the 6th for "date night".

Have a Magical Trip!

Me and my DH have four children and a grandchild and we took our three teenage girls at Christmas 2008 and what a disaster that was :confused3. They did nothing but complain about the lines and that they were tired and hated having to get up before noon. :scared1: That was the last straw. We have way too much fun without them. We have already planned two trips and both of them are planned while they are in school! There is so much to do and so much fun and enjoyment to have. I doubt if we will take any children with us again for a long time. :cool1:
OMG, my associates don't understand me at all! My friends get me (sometimes) and they know I am a big fan of the WDW experience.:goodvibes
Beside the fact that they don't understand why I CHOSE NOT to have children, they also don't get it why I like to spend my vacations in Disney and on DCL. Why would I choose to vacation in a place full of children? Because Disney can be the most romantic place on earth!:love:
When on DCL, we actually stay on deck 5 where the kids clubs are. Some how, we actually manage to avoid all the kids. It's amazing how DCL keeps everything separate; Adults, Family, Kids.
When we go to WDW, we usually go in late October, early November, so the crowds (kids) are light. We walk around the parks, hand in hand, enjoying the sights. We do the rides, snack on turkey legs and chocolate croissants and just take our time doing what we want to do at the time.
We like to eat at fancier restaurants, which I believe would be ruined if you drag little kids with you. :scared1:
I LOVE Disney! I wish they would have an adults only day/night, like they do for Senior High schoolers or Gay day. :thumbsup2
I had a professor in college who I unfortunately had to take two classes with (grad & undergrad - same material both times :headache:) and he truly believed it's just about the kiddos.

He tied the speech in to both classes, about a particular philosopher (I believe Kant). His speech went something along the lines of, You want to please the family so you give up your own happiness and go to Disney because the kids will love it. We went on a ride in Animal Kingdom and it's set up that you're on the hunt for poachers that have been spotted in the area. My son believed it, and for him, it was a thrilling experience. For the adults, you just go to make your kids happy. A few years ago, Disney had an ad campaign that did horribly because they targeted adults going without kids. What adult is going to go to Disney without kids?

He didn't like me much after those classes :rotfl: I've been going since I was a kid, but I enjoy it even more now that I can pick up on things I hadn't noticed before because I was too excited for the ride. I have friends who feel the same way, and of course, all you lovely people here on the DIS. :cloud9: Luckily in my grad class, someone was there who had recently been on a Disneymoon, so I didn't look quite as foolish as I did in the undergrad class, where half the class just looked at me like I was nuts :confused3
I had a professor in college who I unfortunately had to take two classes with (grad & undergrad - same material both times :headache:) and he truly believed it's just about the kiddos.

He tied the speech in to both classes, about a particular philosopher (I believe Kant). His speech went something along the lines of, You want to please the family so you give up your own happiness and go to Disney because the kids will love it. We went on a ride in Animal Kingdom and it's set up that you're on the hunt for poachers that have been spotted in the area. My son believed it, and for him, it was a thrilling experience. For the adults, you just go to make your kids happy. A few years ago, Disney had an ad campaign that did horribly because they targeted adults going without kids. What adult is going to go to Disney without kids?

Too bad for the Prof that has lost his "inner child"!!!!

So last week I'm at this diplomatic gathering. A rather informal party put on by a big-wig at the US Embassy as a going-away party. As everyone socializes, I'm asked (a few times) about summer plans, etc. Every time I mention "going alone to WDW", I get gasps of astonishment. Why would I want to do that? What could I possibly ...?

Some people got the whole "photography trip" idea, I think Disney is a complete photography destination. Others caught on that there are "adult" things to do when I described things like "Drinking Around the World". Diplomats and drinking ... go figure :confused3 :rotfl2:
We started going with the kids when they were 12 and 9. Now that they are grown and gone we are planning our 3rd trip WITHOUT THEM! We love it just the two of us. We can go when it is least crowded since we don't have to worry about school. We love sleeping late, having breakfast when/where we want, maybe go to Typhoon Lagoon and sip Mai Tais between floats around the lazy river, spending time in the lounge before/after a nice dinner, strolling around World Showcase taking our time, finding a good spot between the pool and pool bar relaxing and enjoying each other's company. I get the puzzled look too but I don't mind, it just makes me feel like I have a really cool secret!
We are planning a trip in Sept and are not taking the kids. We took them the end of May and would love to go back and just enjoy being together. For those who have gone without your kids, do you tell them where you are going or keep it a secret? Ours are 3, 5, and 7. Not sure they will understand why we are going without them.
DS is still young enough to believe everyone he meets really is that character

WHA..??? You mean they aren't??? Then who was that red nosed Chipmunk I attacked...um... approached and asked for a photo???:lmao::rotfl2:
(I'll admit that I sometimes get a little excited when I spot my favorite characters!)
Going to Disney Without Kids certainly isn't a new thing. My wife and I went a lot before we had children. We even honeymooned there. I know couples who go twice a year. One trip with the kids, and one long weekend without them. Disney can be a great place for an adult couple to get away and have some alone time. It's also a romantic place to be.

There is a book available called :Birnbaum's Disney Without Kids"
I also found a website called DisneyWithoutKids It states that it is not related to the book. I love the book and have read several of the articles on the website.
as much as i love to see my daughter at disney world I can't help but remember almost slightly longingly when it was just me and hubby... standing in line together... cuddling (not the nasty kind of cuddling involving entierly too much touching). now it's just gosh i hope we make it through this line without having to bail for a bathroom break/diaper/bottle/drink/lunch/nap.
I am going to Disney on 8/1 without my kids and can't wait! There are sooooo many things that we are going to be able to do and enjoy more without my kids. Don't get me wrong, I love going there with them and seeing their faces and all, but we can do grown up things and enjoy adult beverages- like drinking our way around the ws in epcot!!:woohoo::woohoo:
But I too have had lots, even my sister question- why would you go to wdw without your kids. I'm going to be in MY HAPPY PLACE being very happy and catering to my wants and desires!:yay::yay::yay:
We are going in Sept. for our anniversary trip. We looked at Mexico, Carribean and Jamaica, but decided on Disney. My friend said, "Why don't you guys do something new?" :sad2: I told her that we were doing something new and that going to WDW without the kids would be completely different. We have gotten the "go without the kids?" response some. We get the "you're going there again?" response more than anything. I can't wait to take it slower and enjoy spending time with just the dh. :yay:
DW and I went sans kids last March for my birthday, and are going again this March without them. It was fantastic to spend time together, go at a more relaxed pace, and do adult things like Jellyrolls and Signature restaurants. It was also great to have a couple of moments on the trip where we said to each other, "Wow, the kids would have loved that!". I can't think of a time where we regretted not having the kids with us, but I can think of several times that something happened that made us look forward to our upcoming trip w/ kids even more.
We don't have kids, don't want kids (haven't heard any ticking yet:rotfl:) and we're going to Disney for the first time together next month! I went for the first and only time when I was 25 and my bf went when he was 12. I was running around finding characters, balloon in hand, mouse ears on my head! I feel so sorry for people that can't imagine having that kind of fun without a child with them. I have wonderful nephews and a niece and going anywhere with them is such a huge process, lol! I love them all to death but everytime we leave a family gathering to go home, have some wine on our balcony, cook a long and wonderful meal together, play with our dog and go out to a movie we look at each other and say 'thank god we don't have kids! It's so nice to give them back!'.:thumbsup2:banana:

It's not that we don't like kids - we love our little nephews/niece, and we love to watch little ones get excited and stuff - but the strollers, spit up, diaper bag, pack n play, forumla, bottles, naps, bag of snacks and toys to keep them entertained, meltdowns in the hot parks, tantrums, dirty diapers - no thanks! We love going to theme parks together and leisurly strolling around, getting on the thrill rides, eating when we want, doing what we want when we want - not to mention our much bigger budget for shopping, lol!:woohoo:
I feel so sorry for people that can't imagine having that kind of fun without a child with them.

We love going to theme parks together and leisurly strolling around, getting on the thrill rides, eating when we want, doing what we want when we want - not to mention our much bigger budget for shopping, lol!:woohoo:


I also feel sorry for those who can't see that Disney is romantic. So many people here say how romantic Disney is, I guess those who don't agree, aren't doing it right;) :woohoo:
WHA..??? You mean they aren't??? Then who was that red nosed Chipmunk I attacked...um... approached and asked for a photo???:lmao::rotfl2:
(I'll admit that I sometimes get a little excited when I spot my favorite characters!)



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