YOLO Part Dos -- A Journey Beyond Your Wildest Imagination Updated 9/9 Trip Video

Hello Humans!

We found ourselves going into the library where everyone scurries in and tries to find a bench so their whole party can sit together. We luckily snagged some front row seats, which was a perfect spot to watch Andy perform.

The CM told Andy what he needed to do and what to expect

Belle just loved Andy

The show must go on!

Once everyone who had a part did their thing and they danced around the room it was time for Belle and the beast to share a dance

At the end of the show Belle takes photos with everyone who participated and they get a bookmark. There we these precious little girls who just stood there, they didnt talk, they just stood there and starred at Belle.

Bye Belle see you later!

We still had time before we could use our fastpasses for Space mountain so we headed back to tomorrowland and decided it would be a great night to go laugh with some monsters.

we missed getting into the next show so we waited a good amount of time

The doors opened and we made our way into the pre show room for more waiting.

I think you all might know what happens when we wait for a long period of time&

Find your light!

And then out of nowhere Alicia said lets see your smolder!


We finally were let in and it was a great show like always!
From there we went back to Space because lets be real its one of our favorites and we had a fastpass to use up!

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Ahh I'm jealous! I've been to a few Taylor Swift concerts, but not her Red tour! I also was lucky enough to see her when she was JUST starting out. Crazy to see how much she's changed!

Enchanted Time with Belle looks so cute! I know I'll be taking our little one there when he gets older.

Love the Ohana shoes! I have an Ohana tattoo! :)
tell me it ain't so. andy lands this plumb role, goes to rehearsels, is a brave and fearless knight, slays the dragon, saves the princess and still doesn't get the girl? what's a fella got to do! hey, on those smolder pictures you look like you just had a shot of beverly. i got a question for you. did brittany break that heater trying for an international plank? you know, you can never get enough space mountain. hey howdy hey i love a trip through outer space. but i always have to make a stop at mickey's star traders when i return.
How fun that you guys got to go to the T.Swift concert! I saw her a few years back on the Fearless tour! She is definitely an entertainer!

I can't wait to see Enchanted Tales with Belle! And I miss the Monsters Inc Laugh Floor...especially today after seeing Monsters University!
Ahh I'm jealous! I've been to a few Taylor Swift concerts, but not her Red tour! I also was lucky enough to see her when she was JUST starting out. Crazy to see how much she's changed!

Enchanted Time with Belle looks so cute! I know I'll be taking our little one there when he gets older.

Love the Ohana shoes! I have an Ohana tattoo! :)

She has changed a lot over the years which is crazy, it is also crazy to think how young she was when she got so big. They had short video clips of each year of her growing up leading up to 22.
Thank you! I want a Disney tattoo but I'm to much of a chicken to actually get one.​

Joining in...fantastic video good job ;)

Welcome!!!! :goodvibes and thanks a bunch!​

tell me it ain't so. andy lands this plumb role, goes to rehearsels, is a brave and fearless knight, slays the dragon, saves the princess and still doesn't get the girl? what's a fella got to do! hey, on those smolder pictures you look like you just had a shot of beverly. i got a question for you. did brittany break that heater trying for an international plank? you know, you can never get enough space mountain. hey howdy hey i love a trip through outer space. but i always have to make a stop at mickey's star traders when i return.

He has gotta be a beast in order to win Belle's heart.
Beverly is the best drink in the entire world!!!! :rotfl:
To answer your question Brittany was actually just looking out at the pool and kicked the heater by accident. I'm a little said that we never even thought about an international plank.​

How fun that you guys got to go to the T.Swift concert! I saw her a few years back on the Fearless tour! She is definitely an entertainer!

I can't wait to see Enchanted Tales with Belle! And I miss the Monsters Inc Laugh Floor...especially today after seeing Monsters University!

I agree 100%
I am so sad, I have yet to see Monsters University. Everyone just keeps saying how great it was so it's making me real excited to actually go see it.​
The Never Ending Day Comes To An End

Once we arrived back from space we went back to New Fantasyland to check out Gaston’s tavern and the gift shop.

the only reason we came to Gastons was to sit in Gaston’s chair…

The armrests were slipperly with the material of Brittany’s pants and she just kept slidding right off. Luckily Alicia is a great friend who helps out another friend when they need it.

oh hey there hot mess!

The theme-ing in here is the best!

We went back out into the cold windy night and took a look at the beautiful statue

then some how this happened

From there we browsed the gift shop, since Christmas my other sister Danielle has been asking me to get her a plate from there because Alicia bought her one and she wants another one for her wedding (since you know she is having a whole big Beauty and the Beast wedding….what can I say we are one big Disney loving Family!) Unfortunately we found the plate but I was a bad sister and didn’t buy her one because I had no money.

Next we went to Ariels and took one last ride on that. When we came back out we were looking at the pictures on the construction walls. Brittany then stated “Oh look Dopey has a popsicle….oh wait that’s a shovel” :rotfl:

We went back to the haunted mansion for the sole purpose of making a “witch hunt” video of Brittany going back in Mr Graceys grave. This time around was a bit more tedious for the fact that more people were hoping in line. We had to have a couple groups go in front of us but we finally got our chance again.

We decided to pass up another ride on the haunted mansion and make our way to frontierland. Once we reached the wildest ride in the wilderness we were amazed to see no one there, because of this the CM let us pick whatever row we wanted. After a VERY COLD ride on big thunder we trekked back to tomorrowland where we spent the rest of our night ridding space mountain.

But before we did that we needed some Castle shots….but not your normal castle shots

But really lets just stay here forever!

We finally made it to space where there was a little to no wait.
First time around

we lost our “friend” again

While Brittany was snapping the picture a CM came up to her and told her she wasn’t allowed to that. Brittany was a little taken back and you could tell by her face she was. The CM reassured her that he was only kidding. We then pointed out how awesome the photo was, in which he replied by saying we needed to go back on again to save our friend!

It was our last ride of the night so of course something had to happened to remember the night. We got in line and were standing on our numbers. The people in front of us hopped into there space shuttle and we were making our way up. Alicia stated “I think that guy tooted….I walked right into it” we were laughing so hard, I had to quickly put it down in my trip notes or I would have forgotten. While I was doing so our space shuttle pulled up as I was stepping in I lost the grip on my phone and it went flying out of my hands.

I seriously just looked at it and asked if the CM could get it. She gave me the look like I was dumb and that she wouldn’t be getting it. (She probably wasn't suppose to leave her post but I made her and she probably could have lost her job all because of me…)

With iphone in hand we were ready for space!

We found ourselves back at earth around 1:05, which meant the park was closed for the night. So we followed the crowd and cried as we walked down Main Street USA.

Bye Magic Kingdom see ya real soon!

Before we left for good I had to go retrieve my “weapon” and let me tell you it felt so nice to actually brush my hair. Then of course a Disney trip would never be a good one if you didn’t have to run for a bus.

We made it on the bus and on the way home I over heard an older sister (?) talking to a little boy telling him he should date and marry belle for that mirror because that mirror was so cool. :rotfl:

Once we arrived back to AoA we took the pathway to lion king section thinking it was a short cut. It was not, don’t listen to me I don’t know what I’m talking about. Brittany had some bad case of the chaffing so she was taking her time, I was a bad friend and ran to the room. Why? Because I could shower fast and be out by the time she made it back to the room and that way she didn't have to wait any longer.

On the way back to the room Brittany snapped a picture of this cute carpet

After a long 16 hours in the Magic Kingdom we decided that tomorrow morning we would get some breakfast at 7:45 before we adventure out to the parks.

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I'm not sure how it happened that I followed your last TR but didn't make it over to this one!

So now I'm here pretty late... BUT I just read the whole thing and caught up && it sounds like you guys were having an amazing trip!

I never realized you guys lived in NY! I'm guessing from your road trip to Canada that you're further up north than us. My little sister goes to school in Plattsburgh and we may as well have been in Canada when we went to visit her! :rotfl2:

Also, so glad to find another Taylor fan! I'm going to see her for the 3rd time on July 13--so excited! :goodvibes
Another great day, I have to see what I can remember haha.

Celebrate the Magic and Wishes are always so emotional and amazing and I love them. They bring out all of my feels!!

Love the pictures and the rule breaking, so much awesome! Hahaha.

FLE, such beauty, love the pics in there too!

Sounds like a fun concert!! Did you guys actually get something at the Tim Hortan's!? So yummy!!
what a great update! one that will go down as the standard in the annals of trip reports. one that will remain on the brain of any disboarder who has ever tapped the mouse. one that makes you stand in awe at its magnificence. one that literally grabs you and...oops wrong thread.
ahhh, please disregard the previous post. just a joke. i'm still on a vacation high having just got back from the beach yesterday. i have enjoyed reading your other trip report and your updates on this one. they always bring a smile to my face (Lord knows it needs it), puts a spring in step, and makes me grab the wife for a dance down the hall to the strains of "Mama, don't whup little Buford". anyways am really looking forward to seeing the fantasyland additions. haven't seen them yet, but in a little less than 3 months i shall be "HOME". now for the comments. the photo of you in gaston's chair reminds me of an old guru i knew in the 60's. not you, just the pose you were striking. he told me the way to peace and enlightment was through meditation,chanting,etc. i told him there was a place on his body where the sun don't shine and he could put it there. so i went to see the Pope. so you are a bad sister and a bad friend. that can mean only one thing; you are teetering toward the dark side. could be why you keep losing your "friends" on those disney rides. i read a study a while back that associated too much planking on a cool march night can cause shovels to look like popsicles. brittany could be showing signs of a plank addiction. so, you could have cost a cast member their livelihood. that combined with your other lawless deeds could get you your own poster on the wall under the train station. "if seen call authorities immediately." speaking of "toots",we in the south substitute a "p" in place of the "t". i am not beneath using said "toot" when it is called for. i.e. when people are trying to break line, when little junior starts swinging on the chain (rope), when you see a tour group heading your way, etc. i'm sure you get my "drift". well that's about it from here. i look forward to your next installment.
Your road trip looked like a lot of fun! I didn't realize Toronto was so close to you!

Oy, 16 hours in Disney! I barely made it to the 12-13 hours that the parks were open on this past trip, but of course, it was so unbearably hot, so it was like the weather zapped us of energy. I need to build up my stamina. Never mind how people train for marathons; I need to train for full Disney days!

Great ride photos as always!

I giggled with the tooting guy! I am extremely entertained when other people use the word "toot" too because that's what hubs and I started saying when we got married for some reason!
I'm not sure how it happened that I followed your last TR but didn't make it over to this one!

So now I'm here pretty late... BUT I just read the whole thing and caught up && it sounds like you guys were having an amazing trip!

I never realized you guys lived in NY! I'm guessing from your road trip to Canada that you're further up north than us. My little sister goes to school in Plattsburgh and we may as well have been in Canada when we went to visit her! :rotfl2:

Also, so glad to find another Taylor fan! I'm going to see her for the 3rd time on July 13--so excited! :goodvibes

We are actually in Western NY and the boarder is probably like 1 20 minute ride from where I live.
You are seriously going to LOVE it! I mean you've seen her 2 times already so you should be aware at whats to come.​

Another great day, I have to see what I can remember haha.

Celebrate the Magic and Wishes are always so emotional and amazing and I love them. They bring out all of my feels!!

Love the pictures and the rule breaking, so much awesome! Hahaha.

FLE, such beauty, love the pics in there too!

Sounds like a fun concert!! Did you guys actually get something at the Tim Hortan's!? So yummy!!

So many emotions are felt during the night time shows and I love it!
Of course we got things at tim hortons! We actually have timmy hoes all over from where we live so it is nothing new to us. My personal favorite is the mocha ice capp supreme.​

ahhh, please disregard the previous post. just a joke. i'm still on a vacation high having just got back from the beach yesterday. i have enjoyed reading your other trip report and your updates on this one. they always bring a smile to my face (Lord knows it needs it), puts a spring in step, and makes me grab the wife for a dance down the hall to the strains of "Mama, don't whup little Buford". anyways am really looking forward to seeing the fantasyland additions. haven't seen them yet, but in a little less than 3 months i shall be "HOME". now for the comments. the photo of you in gaston's chair reminds me of an old guru i knew in the 60's. not you, just the pose you were striking. he told me the way to peace and enlightment was through meditation,chanting,etc. i told him there was a place on his body where the sun don't shine and he could put it there. so i went to see the Pope. so you are a bad sister and a bad friend. that can mean only one thing; you are teetering toward the dark side. could be why you keep losing your "friends" on those disney rides. i read a study a while back that associated too much planking on a cool march night can cause shovels to look like popsicles. brittany could be showing signs of a plank addiction. so, you could have cost a cast member their livelihood. that combined with your other lawless deeds could get you your own poster on the wall under the train station. "if seen call authorities immediately." speaking of "toots",we in the south substitute a "p" in place of the "t". i am not beneath using said "toot" when it is called for. i.e. when people are trying to break line, when little junior starts swinging on the chain (rope), when you see a tour group heading your way, etc. i'm sure you get my "drift". well that's about it from here. i look forward to your next installment.

I'm glad to hear that I can put a smile on your face! I have a feeling that you are going to enjoy the additions to fantasyland mucho.
My secret is out, I'm actually an old guru. I always find myself being a bad friend/sister but I have a heart and feel bad when these types of situations occur. But I do love me some star wars weekend at hollywood studios, so maybe thats where the "dark side" comes from. I would never want a CM to get in trouble because of me. I'm going to have wanted posters posted like flynn rider and they aren't going to get my nose right.​

Your road trip looked like a lot of fun! I didn't realize Toronto was so close to you!

Oy, 16 hours in Disney! I barely made it to the 12-13 hours that the parks were open on this past trip, but of course, it was so unbearably hot, so it was like the weather zapped us of energy. I need to build up my stamina. Never mind how people train for marathons; I need to train for full Disney days!

Great ride photos as always!

I giggled with the tooting guy! I am extremely entertained when other people use the word "toot" too because that's what hubs and I started saying when we got married for some reason!

I think I only lasted because it was a cooler day, the crowds were nice and we stopped to rest by watching parades and shows which can help out a lot.
When we were younger we were only allowed to use the word toot the word fart was considered a bad word :rotfl:
There's No Sleeping In Disney!​
This morning my alarm went off at 7am I decided that I would “rest” my eyes for a couple more minutes while Brittany got ready. My little rest turned into me falling back asleep and not waking up till 7:40 when we planned on leaving for breakfast in 5 minutes. I literally jumped out of bed, thank god I don’t take a long time to get ready in the morning. By 7:50 I was ready to go unfortunately I was not the only one who slept in Alicia and Andy had also.

Change in plans! We left for breakfast at 8:15. We were looking forward to getting some mickey waffles but at lanscape of flavors there were no mickey waffles to be found. Instead they have waffles with characters from each section.

Alicia, Andy, and I went with the waffles

Brittany got some chocolate chip pancakes

After dancing with our food and enjoying each bite we made our way to the bus stop. Andy was definitely excited for the day

Unlike the forever long bus ride to MK it was a nice short ride to Epcot. We pulled up to the bus stop at 9 just in time for park opening. The bag check line was forever long. But we got through it quickly and got a good chuckle. The girl across from us asked the security guy if he wanted her to unzip her bag….like isn’t that the point of a bag check?

We made our way in and headed straight to Test Track. But before we did that we hit up the bathroom in front (seriously this trip was all about bathroom breaks I don’t know what Disney puts in their liquids) Alicia grabbed fastpasses and then we hopped into the 30 min wait stand by line.

This car was pretty cool….I mean it drove by itself. Now that’s my kind of car!

We finally made it through the line and to the room right before you design your car. A cast member is there and they give you a number to stand on. You then do some more waiting before you go into the “lab” to design your car

So much happeness is going on right now :rotfl:

The doors opened and it was time to design our cars. This probably makes the entire ride. If you go through the fastpass line you get jipped out of this, which may be the reason why I didn’t enjoy it in January.

Alicia and Andy made a car together while Brittany and me made another.

(Brittany and mine’s car)

While we were buckling up our new single rider “friend” asked me if this ride went fast. I told him the very last part was somewhat fast but not super fast. This guy was so funny throughout the whole ride, he was so unprepared for everything!

Afterwards we ended up playing in the new test track pavilion. First we played the racing game for a bit, then we moved over to play in the new chevy spark, and finally we took a million of photos at the photo spots they have set up. (I don't have any of these photos because alicia and brittany got them sent to their email so once I get them from them I will post them)

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Yeah...bag check isn't much of a bag check! They look in and go "oh yep, you're good". :faint:

I wish I could've seen the new TT! DH loves the changes.
greetings from the great state that gave you "hammerin'" hank aaron, "say hey" willie mays, gomer pyle, and "goober" pyle. the state is also responsible for that by-product known as uncle toad. ouch! anyways, nice reading about your experience at test track. i have read differing accounts of the redesign. some not so favorable. i guess i can see for myself come september. what's with those serious faces on alicia, andrew, and brittany? dang i thought disney put a permanent smile on your face. designing a set of wheels must be sacred business. why you old guru you. so you admit to being a swami. i swanni, as my grandmother used to say between dips of red seal snuff, it wasn't just the pose it was the sage of the age coming through that photo.you would have to bring up noses. i am blessed with a magnificent proboscis. must be those yankee genes from my dads side. i am appalled that you would use the "f" word (fart) on these boards. my sensibilities are damaged and i am shocked beyond measure. a bad sister, a bad friend, and now a bad disboarder. well thank God for second chances. so on behalf of your loyal readers i hereby grant you a second chance. you're welcome. i can't believe brittany didn't plank one of those chevys. looking forward to the photos from test track. keep up the good work. your fans in the hinterlands appreciate it. i remain, as always, buzzfumbled.
Cute waffles!!!

I am pretty sure I read that they now let you design a car in the FP line, so that's good. That seems like the best part of the redesign of the ride, so being left out of that is pretty lame. What did you think of the updated attraction? Try as I might, I just can't get that excited about it. :/ It seems like it's pretty pointless now.
Yeah...bag check isn't much of a bag check! They look in and go "oh yep, you're good". :faint:

I wish I could've seen the new TT! DH loves the changes.

Some security gaurds are all about looking others could really care less.
I am neutral to the new TT, I still love the original a lot more.​

greetings from the great state that gave you "hammerin'" hank aaron, "say hey" willie mays, gomer pyle, and "goober" pyle. the state is also responsible for that by-product known as uncle toad. ouch! anyways, nice reading about your experience at test track. i have read differing accounts of the redesign. some not so favorable. i guess i can see for myself come september. what's with those serious faces on alicia, andrew, and brittany? dang i thought disney put a permanent smile on your face. designing a set of wheels must be sacred business. why you old guru you. so you admit to being a swami. i swanni, as my grandmother used to say between dips of red seal snuff, it wasn't just the pose it was the sage of the age coming through that photo.you would have to bring up noses. i am blessed with a magnificent proboscis. must be those yankee genes from my dads side. i am appalled that you would use the "f" word (fart) on these boards. my sensibilities are damaged and i am shocked beyond measure. a bad sister, a bad friend, and now a bad disboarder. well thank God for second chances. so on behalf of your loyal readers i hereby grant you a second chance. you're welcome. i can't believe brittany didn't plank one of those chevys. looking forward to the photos from test track. keep up the good work. your fans in the hinterlands appreciate it. i remain, as always, buzzfumbled.

The new test track is not as good as the original but I will go on it every time I visit Epcot so maybe I can learn to love it. It seems like everyone was a bit sleepy this morning and that could be the reason why they all look so blah.

hopefully I can be a better person.​

Cute waffles!!!

I am pretty sure I read that they now let you design a car in the FP line, so that's good. That seems like the best part of the redesign of the ride, so being left out of that is pretty lame. What did you think of the updated attraction? Try as I might, I just can't get that excited about it. :/ It seems like it's pretty pointless now.

At first I was sad that they didn't have mickey waffles but it all became alright when I noticed how cute they were.
They actually do have a design your car in the fastpass line it's just not as good. Personally I love the original a lot more, it's still the same track just a different look. Some parts I felt like it needed more.​
Flower and Garden Festival

Although we took a lot of photos at test track it seems like none of them were saved once they werent sent via email and unfortunately they get deleted after 30 days. This saddens me a little because we got a lot of funny ones but luckily we saved 2.

After taking all the photos we hopped back in line but this time we used our fastpasses. Although you skip the line the stand by line is a lot much better. The fastpass make your ride vehicle is a BIG mess! Its small and crowded and you have to jump on a computer once one is opened. You also dont get much time to design your car and they are already pre made you just choose the one you like. Then after that you have to regroup with you group, which becomes another huge mess.

Overall I miss the old version, its the same track its just more tron like.

Next we walked to one of my childhood favorites&Figment

It was a perfect day in Epcot

There was no line what so ever which always seems to be the case with this ride. We called out for Bobby, unfortunately his DCP ended almost a year ago but I think we will always refer Figment with Bobbys attraction.

After going through Figments open house we found ourselves playing in the sad building of fun. I wish they would open up the second floor again, I dont remember anything about it because I was too young but my family always talks about how fun it was.

However Brittany found a hidden mickey&thats fun?

and she also made a female version of Figment

We then walked over to Nemo and friends, the line was 20 minutes long and we turned around right away. Sorry but that ride is not worth 20 minutes. Because this trip is all about our bathroom trips thats exactly what we did next, to the land pavilion we go!

We had no clue what we wanted to do but it was getting closer to lunchtime. Normally when we are at Epcot we eat at sunshine seasons, I could live on their Caesar salads. But this trip we wanted to try something different so we all pulled out our phones and looked up Disney menus. While we were talking about trying the quick service at Mexico Brittany decided to take photos

Ladies and Gentlemen meet my best friend

We came up with 2 different places we wanted to eat at
1) Mexico for them chips!
2) Polynesian for another Dole Whip

No decision was made&so we decided to walk around the showcase to see if anything caught our eye. On our adventure over to Mexico we ended up taking a visit through Oz.

This area was cute, it was set up with carnival games for kids to play. There was a playground for the kids to play on and lawn chairs set out for parents to sit in.

We didnt stay to long and just followed the path till we hit the world showcase

Happy Flower and Garden Festival!

We finally made it to our destination&welcome to Mexico!

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