YIKES! I just saw the topography of my first-ever half marathon!


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Oct 29, 2002
I've never done an organized race event in my life. The Baltimore Half Marathon is my first event. It's one month from today (October 14).

I just looked at the race website and came across the elevation map (http://www.thebaltimoremarathon.com/exec/baltimore/pdf/06topmap.pdf).

OMG! The HM is the second half of the full. Holy cow! Now I'm scared! :eek: That's 4 miles of up hill without a break. And then a gentler 2 miles without a break.

Is that normal?? I pity the full marathoners. Anyone got some advice for this first-timer?

ETA: Darn, the link didn't work. Let's try this: http://www.thebaltimoremarathon.com/exec/baltimore/marathon.cfm?publicationID=27#elevation chart
You gotta look at the positive...

Looks like miles 3-4.5 uphilll, and 5-6.5.

The 8-9 uphill is very gentle and after that long downhill you probably will barely notice it.

So out of 13.1 miles, about 3, maybe 4 are uphill. That leaves 8 or 9 miles of flat or downhills to fly through!

You should also realize you use different muscles when going uphill, downhill, or running flats, so variety actually helps you out during the course of the race. I find I gain more from the downhill than I lose from the uphill.

And you certainly won't mind dropping 250 feet over the last 3 miles.
First things first.... DEEP BREATH!!

Looking over the topographic and course maps... it's not that bad, I promise. The elevation chart is making it look worse than it is.

Linwood Ave is significantly uphill from what I remember, but since you are only about 3-4 miles into the race, you'll be fine. Once you get up there I don't think you'll notice the changes nearly so much. The downhill back toward the Bay at the end will be very nice. It is a net flat course, so you'll do as much uphill as you do downhill.

If you are nervous, just incorporate a couple hills into your normal training. I'm sure you'll have a blast!

Kevin :earsboy:
First, I did this race last year (the marathon, actually) and I am primarily a walker -- a VERY ROUND walker. You can do it! Moreover, you can ENJOY it!

Second, I agree totally with Matt that the variety of muscles you use going up and down may actually make this a more pleasant race experience for you than pounding away for 13 miles on a flat course. My best times have been on hilly courses -- and again, I'm no super athlete (unless they've made Dunkin Donut eating a sport).

I have to say that although the course was not easy for me, I did find it a lot more interesting than many urban marathons I have done. The harbor, the miles through the historic homes, the miles by the park -- they were all different and quite scenic.

Do hills once or twice a week during training and you'll have a great day. While it is certainly not the easiest marathon I've ever done, it's a very do-able course. Enjoy!


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