Yes, you CAN walk the Goofy!

my bolding, :rotfl:

Dang, did you ever hit the nail square on the head. Just realized why I don't need music when training or racing or driving or biking.....I am a boooooooooring person and thus can keep myself happy simply by talking to myself. :rolleyes1

Hahahaha!!! Wish you could have been there for my training--there was plenty of talking to myself going on! Wait-there was also plenty of talking to myself during the races too. What does that say about me???

On a side note, my race photos from the full are priceless. You see the full range of emotions. At MK I'm smiling and pointing at the camera. At AK I'm not smiling anymore but I'm still defiantly pointing at the camera. Then at DHS I appear to be crying. This is probably because I was crying. Finally, in the photo outside Epcot near the finish line I've got my fists in the air and I'm screaming at the top of my lungs. That's a full day.
3:21 and 6:47 aren't great numbers. But I did finish and meet my goals and I did walk over 10 hours to get those medals. I'm very happy I did and if you're thinking about walking these races here is my message to you: It is possible to walk them. And do the Goofy. As your first races ever! I hope if there's anyone else in my situation that you'll be encouraged to sign up, train hard, and achieve your goals. Much love to everyone who raced, to the thousands who finished ahead of me, and to anyone bored enough to read this entire post! :love:


I'm so, so impressed that you did this. You set a goal, you invested the necessary time and training, and you DID IT! :thumbsup2 Don't ever sell yourself short - you can do more amazing things than you even realize.
Height is not really the major determining factor in how fast one moves.

This is especially true with long distance runners. Samuel Wanjiru, 5'4", won numerous marathons, including the 2008 Olympic marathon in Bejing. He also held the half-marathon world record at one point. Short doesn't mean slow at all.
This gives me so much hope that I will be able to walk the goofy in 2015. :D


Thanks! Here's some visualization help:

Height is not really the major determining factor in how fast one moves. Stride length plus foot turn-over or cadence will set your pace. A shorter length in the stride with a faster foot turn-over, again cadence, will be physically better than a long stride and slower cadence. Too long of a stride will create a very harsh heel plant that can lead to problems with the foot, heel, ankles, shins and on up.

I can tell this is something I really want to focus on. A good fast turnover with a shorter stride..
THANK YOU for sharing. I enjoyed your story so very much! Maybe when my Achilles heals, you'll see me there too!


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