"YARC" Post of the Week, Declare War!!!


I need an Adventure
Dec 28, 2006
Everyone of you reading this, live free. Which means you come from warrior stock. The blood of warriors and the genes of warriors and the heart of a warrior are within each of you.

Since the beginning of time the most powerful force on any battlefield is the desire to be free. History is filled with leagend after leagend of free people standing up to impossible odds and kicking butt.

The Greeks were evacuating their cities as their horriblely outnumbered army went to face the attacking Persian hords. You all know the outcome of that as a messanger crossed the plains of marathon to bring news of victory.

We Americans remember the rag tag army that won our freedom.

Although they fought to their death we remember the courage of the 185 brave men who stopped the Mexican Army stone cold for 13 days at a little piece of sacred ground called the Alamo.

If you are being held prisioner by a weight concern, a lack of fitness or a low self esteam. It's time to draw strength from the warrior that is within you and declare war on that which is keeping you form being free.

The battle with our personal bonds and demons is not easy. Not even close, they are tough, dug in and hardend by previous failures. Time to be tougher, make a decision to win, to kick butt. Declare war!

Be the warrior you are, decide it's ok to be to hot and to sweat. War is not comfortable and it's not easy. But the rewards of winning your freedom are worth the effort.

Imagine William Wallace in war paint, telling you: Yes you can be comfortable and find happiness for a while in your food. But when you are old and having to be cared for in a nursing home, what would you give to do it over and put in those hours of sweat.

A lot of us are preparing to begin marathon training soon. This year embrace the hard times of training. Snub your nose at the heat. Go after those hills instead of hiding from them. Do your stretching and strength training even if you are doing it while the rest of the family is relaxing in front of the TV, because you are at war and by God you are going to win!

War Pandapirate:
Hmmmm, Panda?? Are you talking to me, the sweaty, drippy girl from South Florida? Hey, I may complain - but I got it done.
I found that warrior deep down on the bottom of the canal of sweat I was trailing behind me and found a way to make it home. I will again go out and do my training this week and with 10 miles for this Sunday I will bring that warrior (Walt's Warrior's ) with me!! :thumbsup2
Hmmmm, Panda?? Are you talking to me, the sweaty, drippy girl from South Florida? Hey, I may complain - but I got it done.
I found that warrior deep down on the bottom of the canal of sweat I was trailing behind me and found a way to make it home. I will again go out and do my training this week and with 10 miles for this Sunday I will bring that warrior (Walt's Warrior's ) with me!! :thumbsup2

Tracy, there is no dought in my mind you will be a force in the world of RaceWalking. GO Tracy!!!!

War Pandapirate:
If you are being held prisioner by a weight concern, a lack of fitness or a low self esteam. It's time to draw strength from the warrior that is within you and declare war on that which is keeping you form being free.

This really hit a cord with me. I have a tendency to 'hide' from life and constantly struggle to overcome that tendency. My new vow will be to draw strength from the warrior within me. Love that phrase!

This really hit a cord with me. I have a tendency to 'hide' from life and constantly struggle to overcome that tendency. My new vow will be to draw strength from the warrior within me. Love that phrase!

From the Hobbitt: "There is more to you than you know".:yay:

YARC Panda:hippie:
Dave, last night when we were getting hay, DH was making some wise cracks and turned to his friends and said "she isn't even listening to me" is she. His friend replied "she has gone to another level that we don't have". The scary thing is he was right. I had gone to that place where you hit the wall and are trying really hard to find a way around it. Mile 12 for me in a half when I am hungry, tired and pushing myself past that point where I want to quit. That is where my warrior kicks in. DH told me to sit out the last load and I just looked at him and quietly said "I will sit when we are done, I am almost finished." Mile 12, I'm almost there, I'm almost there.
Dave, last night when we were getting hay, DH was making some wise cracks and turned to his friends and said "she isn't even listening to me" is she. His friend replied "she has gone to another level that we don't have". The scary thing is he was right. I had gone to that place where you hit the wall and are trying really hard to find a way around it. Mile 12 for me in a half when I am hungry, tired and pushing myself past that point where I want to quit. That is where my warrior kicks in. DH told me to sit out the last load and I just looked at him and quietly said "I will sit when we are done, I am almost finished." Mile 12, I'm almost there, I'm almost there.

Semper Fi little warrior.


YARC Pandapirate:
Where to start. I am the one who, at present, is in the best shape of my life. I may still have a little jiggle around the lower part of my stomach but most of us do have a little. I can do things that just a year ago I never thought would be possible. But with all of the strides that I may have made, I still have this little "demon" from within that says I am so unworthy. While I am on the computer, at work or even at the gym, I am in a comfort zone. I can talk to anyone but when we get out of those areas, I am scared to death. I am very excited about the possibility of meeting many of you when January rolls around but I also have an extreme amount of anticipation. My self esteem has been in the toilet since I was in 5th grade well over 25 years ago. I had one cute girl tell me "Shut up Fatso!" and I have never been the same. I don't have an eating disorder but I do have a complex that tells me that I am not good enough to come up and talk to anyone. (I have been using the WISH threads as my therapy for the last 2 years. Can you tell?) While at the gym, I feel like I do represent the warior that is inside me. When I am out of the gym, I feel like the coward that says that I can't fight for my Country. What the real struggle is is that I know better. That is my WAR!

Sorry for letting loose like that.
Byran I'm actually very shy myself. But I decided that since I'm usually in the middle of everything anyway I might as well speak my mind.

YARC Panda:hippie:
Where to start. I am the one who, at present, is in the best shape of my life. I may still have a little jiggle around the lower part of my stomach but most of us do have a little. I can do things that just a year ago I never thought would be possible. But with all of the strides that I may have made, I still have this little "demon" from within that says I am so unworthy. While I am on the computer, at work or even at the gym, I am in a comfort zone. I can talk to anyone but when we get out of those areas, I am scared to death. I am very excited about the possibility of meeting many of you when January rolls around but I also have an extreme amount of anticipation. My self esteem has been in the toilet since I was in 5th grade well over 25 years ago. I had one cute girl tell me "Shut up Fatso!" and I have never been the same. I don't have an eating disorder but I do have a complex that tells me that I am not good enough to come up and talk to anyone. (I have been using the WISH threads as my therapy for the last 2 years. Can you tell?) While at the gym, I feel like I do represent the warior that is inside me. When I am out of the gym, I feel like the coward that says that I can't fight for my Country. What the real struggle is is that I know better. That is my WAR!

Sorry for letting loose like that.

Bubba, Bubba....I'm gonna come find you and smack you silly! :eek: If you've ever been to a WISH meet, you will clearly see that there are very few specimens of physical perfection. We are all beautiful where it counts, however.........on the inside. Please tell me you would NOT be afraid to approach someone that looks like this: (OK, maybe you would....or at least my kids would be! :rotfl: :rotfl: )

There, I hope that makes you feel a whole lot better! Please don't be afraid of us......I promise that you will have a good time and feel accepted. :thumbsup2
We all have our strengths and weaknesses,
but that's what makes us special.
thanks for the post Panda:goodvibes

and Bryan - you can't hide in January ;)



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