WWYD? my camera is broken


DIS Veteran
Apr 4, 2005
have the Canon Powershot A510 had it about 1 .5 yrs I guess --have ABSOLUTELY loved it - but it has stopped taking photos - it THINKS its taking them but if you go back & view its a blank screen -nothing there - have changed memory cards & all...SOOOO naturally to get it fixed it needs to be sent to Chicago (I think that's what Canon said) & then who knows how much it'll cost to be fixed...

ANyone every sent a camera off to be fixed like this - & is it worth it or is it smarted to just go ahead & buy a new one? Right now I'm borrowing my mom's point & shoot - but I SO MISS my digital...I didnt' pay a ton for it maybe $150?? it's just a 3.2mp---perfect for us...

What would you do????
my advice is just to buy a new one. Either S2 IS or A620. Shipping and labour cost will easily cost about $100-ish, plus the price of the parts. Once you get it back you'll only get 3 months service warranty.
but do I want to spend that much $ if the camera isn't gonna last me that long? Now I'm skiddish since this one has these problems - & the camera has never been dropped or anything like that...so I'm worried about forking out so much $ again & having something happen in another year or so...KWIM??? so I'm tempted to buy the cheap end of the Cannon power shot again - the A520 is it??? in the under $200 range - or whatever I can find on clearance maybe an even older model (but still newer than what I've got)

I jsut hate to think I'd spend that $ & it would be useless.....
we live in a disposable society. Any camera at all, once they're broken, they tend to be a throwaway. My personal preference is get a dSLR, spend big money once, you can use it at least for 8000 shots (if you're in bad luck) or if you buy something like 30D (about $2K including 18-125 Sigma lens) in theory you should get 100,000 shots (yes, one hundred thousand). Also you'll get the quality, virtually no shutter lag, far better performance, the list goes on.

I wouldn't recommend anything lower than a Fuji F10.

I would personally recommend Rebel XT or Nikon D50 with Sigma 18-200 lens (total maybe around $1500 including shipping and CF card) and be done with it. Use it as a point and shoot with far better quality and will last longer than your average point and shoot.


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