Wouldn't it be awesome if they had a Finding Nemo Ride?! Trip Report! UPDATED 6/10 PART 5!

Weese's Pieces

Earning My Ears
Apr 23, 2019
Well hey there!

I'm actually pretty new here, but thought I would jump on board and show my most recent trip to all of you wonderful people! It was great, it was real, it was fun, but it wasn't real fun. Yeah okay, that's a lie! Our trip was amazing and we made so many wonderful memories along the way. Not only did we make wonderful memories, but we also met some incredible people as well!...And we got in the wave pool at Typhoon.... and watched Aquaman in all his glory. I know he is technically "DC" but the dude was there and I saw it with my own eyes. I don't care if you don't believe me, HE WAS THERE!


(On a real note, I guess body surfing is a thing but if you didn't know this, you would swear these people were aqua-men and women because they glided like speeding bullets on the wave, right at you, and because it's so mesmerizing you don't even care if you get taken out by one of them...not saying that I did, or maybe I am?)

Anyways, let's get onto the introductions!


This is my boo thang and I! My husband is my greatest friend, teammate, partner in crime, peanut butter to my jelly, cheese to my mac, yeah you get it. Seriously though, he is the greatest blessing Jesus has blessed me with aside from salvation. We go way back and when I say way back I mean...


Way back ya'll. Back to a time where he had hair and I still had baby teeth. We met in Kindergarten and I guess you could say the rest was "history".


Jeremy aka J-Dub/Nub
(Our last name starts with a W, so his nickname was J-Dub, but then he cut a part of his finger off at work and now its J-Nub)

Favorite Ride: Expedition Everest
Favorite Restaurant: Liberty Tree Tavern
Favorite Snack: Pineapple Dole Whip
Favorite Character: Goofy or Woody
Favorite Show: Country Bears
Favorite Moment from Trip: "Definitely looking at your face on Flight of Passage. You looked like such a little kid with a face of complete awe."
Least Favorite Ride: Figment
Least Favorite Restaurant:
Sanaa (but he likes the bread service)


Ciara aka Cbass
(Cbass was a nickname given to me because Sebastian from The Little Mermaid use to be my favorite, so instead of my dad calling me Sebastian, he shortened it to Cbass and it's been that way ever since)

Favorite Ride: Flight of Passage
Favorite Restaurant: Crystal Palace
Favorite Snack: Funnel Cake from Sleepy Hollow
Favorite Character: Peter Pan, Woody/Buzz Lightyear, and Simba
Favorite Show: American Adventure
Favorite Moment from Trip: Watching the fireworks show at Magic Kingdom the last night we were there and turning around to look at Jeremy and seeing him smile at me.
Least Favorite Ride: Mission Space
Least Favorite Restaurant: Jungle Navigation

So yeah that's us and I would like to think that we make a pretty cool team!


Our trip was from May 20-25th. 5 days to do as much as we possibly could and we were determined to do it. The beginning of our trip was brutal having to drive from Illinois to Florida with NO AC IN THE CAR, but that's for tomorrow's post, a story for another day. Literally. So hang on tight, buckle your seat belts, catch a falling star and put it in your pocket, and get ready for the rest of this trip report!
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Reading along! Our trip was 5/23-5/27. It was so HOT!!! Like surface of the sun hot!!

Can't wait to hear all the details of your trip!!

Go Fish!!.... for a Hat

So where did I leave off? Oh yeah! The fact that my husband and I drove from Illinois to Florida with no AC in our vehicle in the middle of May. What made us think this was a good idea? I honestly have no idea, I'm guessing that the tree pollen made it's way up into our brains and made some switch disconnect from the dangerous reality we would be facing. Either way, it happened. I don't have pictures of what occurred, I think you should be thankful for that because it was a war zone. A complete and total nightmare from beginning to end of heat, sweat, and tears. Some of the attitude I showed my husband, I'm not proud of but I was in a state of desperation and for some reason I thought that taking out my frustrations would make me feel better... it didn't.


We left on Friday, May 17th which was our 5 year wedding anniversary! A day of joyous celebration turned into a day of survival. We left for Disney after we both got off of work at 5:00pm. My husband and I live in the Midwest and we work in the farming community. We are proud of our work and sometimes it requires crazy hours, but we knew that 5:00 would be our best bet.... well it turns out that 6:00pm was. So we headed towards Paducah, Kentucky where we would stay in a hotel for the night. On our way to Paducah, we stopped by the most glorious of all fast food establishments, Chickfila. Say what you want, I love that place and we don't have any near our small town, so you bet your bottom dollar that we stopped!


We arrived to Paducah, Kentucky around midnight and as soon as we got to our room we crashed. Hard. Heat deprivation is real y'all, so so real. We woke up early the next morning to finish our drive to Douglasville, Georgia where we would spend the rest of Saturday visiting friends and family. We had a cookout and it was a lot of fun catching up, trading stories, and everything else that families do. I got to hang out with my dad and the man LOVES DISNEY. He always took my family and I growing up at least every other year and man did we love it. Which brings me to a very important point, it's story time:


My dad was not a wealthy guy by any means. It was honestly really hard to make ends meet, but my dad has a lot of pride and dang it, he made SURE we had vacations! Especially to the happiest place on earth...Disney. We cut a lot of corners, he worked over time several nights and I mean SEVERAL, but he made it happen. When we went to Disney, even if there were things that could "be better" it didn't matter to us because we simply made it! We were there and somehow we had made it happen despite our circumstances. All that mattered to us was being together and enjoying the few days we had. So with that said.... I will rarely critique Disney in my trip reports because Disney could slap me in the face, call me sally, and steal my lunch money and I would still love it. Call it nostalgia, but I overlook so much of the "little things that bother me" that I leave thinking "Disney is seriously perfection." Maybe that is cause for you to quit reading and that's perfectly okay! but I seriously don't have any bad comments or "Disney could do better..." comments to tell you in this Disney Trip Report. DISNEY IS AWESOME OKAY!?! Story time over. You can now breathe a sigh of relief.

So as I was visiting with my dad, he was the perfect hype man for me and it was honestly fantastic! This was going to be my first trip where I planned all the details and I had to make the old man proud. He went through a checklist of "did you remember to do this?" and I'm proud to say I passed. His only advice to me was "Don't do the Deluxe Dining Plan." but I "knew better" and ignored his advice (I will later say in future post what my thoughts are on the Deluxe Dining plan.) After my dad further questioned me, I'm not sure if he had a tear in his eye when he said it, but my dad told me "I trained you well."

Yes, yes you did. Well I certainly hoped so for the sake of our vacation.

So basically, it was going to be my husband and I for our 5 year anniversary trip, May 20th - 25th, on the deluxe dinning plan, with the pass hopper plus option. It was my "go big or go home" philosophy and we went with it. Now all we had to do was survive the trip from Douglasville, GA to Orlando, FL.... which we did.... sort of. No, I'm not talking about the heat (at this point we were numb to it) but a series of unfortunate events occurred. Jeremy and I were the main characters involved.

What you are about to see is documentation of us enjoying ourselves at Cocoa Beach before these unfortunate events:




So how did this series of unfortunate events occur? Step into my office and pull up a chair, grab a pen and paper so you can learn from my mistakes. First, my husband and I just HAD to go to the beach, so after another 6.5 hour car ride from Georgia to Orlando, FL, we tacked on another hour to hit up Cocoa Beach. No big deal right? Wrong. We get to the beach and the salt in the air was just perfect, until my husband lost his hat in the ocean. This wasn't just any hat, this was HIS FAVORITE hat (as seen in the picture above). Since I love my husband and he was committed to finding his hat in the big open sea, I too was committed to finding his hat. And guess what? Two hours later... WE FOUND IT!

We didn't.
But at least we tried.
To me the hat wasn't a big deal, but it was to him, so by default...it was to me too.

After my husband mourned the loss of his beloved hat, we left the beach and stopped at a gas station on the way home. I'm not sure if Jeremy was still daydreaming about the good ol' times with his hat or what was going on but as we pulled away from the pump we heard a horrible crashing sound. Yep, my husband drove away from the pump while it was still hanging from our car... we disconnected the pump. I can't make this stuff up people. I truly can't. Unfortunately, the gas station made us call the insurance company and everything else as we sat in the Florida heat with no AC. Good news? I ate through all of our car trip snacks. Bad news? I ate through all of our car trip snacks and had nothing left to keep snacking on.


We worked through that process and decided to just get back to the hotel we were staying in for the night. As we made our way back to the hotel, we somehow got lost in downtown Orlando. Optimism was running on low, but man did we push through! I'm pretty sure we were on the edge of losing our minds, but luckily we made it back to our hotel. We checked in, grabbed something to eat at a nearby restaurant, and grabbed some Starbucks.



As seen in the picture above, maybe we did lose our minds at this point??? I'm not sure why I came up with the idea to take a picture with that on my head, but hey, that's how we roll. Needless to say we were tired, exhausted, and ready for bed, so that's what we did! It was hard to fall asleep because we were so excited to get to Disney the next morning, but a melatonin later...it was lights OUT!

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Reading along! Our trip was 5/23-5/27. It was so HOT!!! Like surface of the sun hot!!

Can't wait to hear all the details of your trip!!
It was pretty hot! Luckily I was prepared for when we were in the parks, but being in the car was miserable because of how stuffy it would get.
Following along!

First off, you are hysterical 😂

Second, you poor, poor souls with the A/C, the lost hat, AND the gas pump. But hey, I think there's some proverb about couples who can survive traveling together or something... makes for great stories at least!

My dad was not a wealthy guy by any means. It was honestly really hard to make ends meet, but my dad has a lot of pride and dang it, he made SURE we had vacations! Especially to the happiest place on earth...Disney. We cut a lot of corners, he worked over time several nights and I mean SEVERAL, but he made it happen. When we went to Disney, even if there were things that could "be better" it didn't matter to us because we simply made it! We were there and somehow we had made it happen despite our circumstances. All that mattered to us was being together and enjoying the few days we had. So with that said.... I will rarely critique Disney in my trip reports because Disney could slap me in the face, call me sally, and steal my lunch money and I would still love it. Call it nostalgia, but I overlook so much of the "little things that bother me" that I leave thinking "Disney is seriously perfection." Maybe that is cause for you to quit reading and that's perfectly okay! but I seriously don't have any bad comments or "Disney could do better..." comments to tell you in this Disney Trip Report. DISNEY IS AWESOME OKAY!?! Story time over. You can now breathe a sigh of relief.

So as I was visiting with my dad, he was the perfect hype man for me and it was honestly fantastic! This was going to be my first trip where I planned all the details and I had to make the old man proud. He went through a checklist of "did you remember to do this?" and I'm proud to say I passed. His only advice to me was "Don't do the Deluxe Dining Plan." but I "knew better" and ignored his advice (I will later say in future post what my thoughts are on the Deluxe Dining plan.) After my dad further questioned me, I'm not sure if he had a tear in his eye when he said it, but my dad told me "I trained you well."

Last and most importantly, dads like this are true gems! Seriously made me tear up a little. Growing up, we rarely saw my dad because he worked second shift and overtime on the weekends so Disney was always our family vacation place where we got uninterrupted time with our dad. My dad grew up in CA so he went to Disneyland a lot as a teenager. Our last trip, he said the same thing as your dad: "man, I really trained you guys. You learned it all from me." So, so sweet!
Following along!

First off, you are hysterical 😂

Second, you poor, poor souls with the A/C, the lost hat, AND the gas pump. But hey, I think there's some proverb about couples who can survive traveling together or something... makes for great stories at least!

Last and most importantly, dads like this are true gems! Seriously made me tear up a little. Growing up, we rarely saw my dad because he worked second shift and overtime on the weekends so Disney was always our family vacation place where we got uninterrupted time with our dad. My dad grew up in CA so he went to Disneyland a lot as a teenager. Our last trip, he said the same thing as your dad: "man, I really trained you guys. You learned it all from me." So, so sweet!
I will say that my first day at Disney was emotional for me because it was my first trip without my dad. He is honestly my best friend and not sharing that Main Street USA moment with him was strange, but sharing that with my husband for the first time, just the two of us, was very special as well!
I will say that my first day at Disney was emotional for me because it was my first trip without my dad. He is honestly my best friend and not sharing that Main Street USA moment with him was strange, but sharing that with my husband for the first time, just the two of us, was very special as well! I also get my humor from my pops as well haha
Miracles Happen!...but my lumbago is acting up

Today is the day of all days. We finally get to dive into our Disney World trip! It was a long time coming, but we arrived. It started like any other day, okay no it didn't. Any other day, I would have slept until my alarm went off where I would grunt several times with disapproval. No, the morning of our first Disney day had me up and out of bed at the butt crack of dawn with a big smile on my face as I shouted "DISNEY! IT'S TIME FOR FREAKING DISNEY!!!" While I was bouncing off the walls, Jeremy attempted to pack up our bags so we could walk them to our car and drive to Pop Century resort to check in, but I made that nearly impossible with my "BABE! BABE! ARE YOU READY?! ARE YOU PUMPED?!? BABE ARE YOU PUMPED?!" I'm pretty sure I busted out:

Everybody clap your hands! *clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap* TURN IT UP! To the left, take it back now y'all! Two hops this time! Two hops this time!
(If you didn't get this song reference, go to your nearest skating rink immediately)

I can't be for sure if I busted this out or not, but it doesn't seem out of my nature to do so. After much excitement, packing, and blasting the song "Miracles Happen" by Myra, we finally passed this beauty.


At this point I was shrieking, hyperventilating, crying, slapping my husband with excitement, screaming the song lyrics to MIRACLES HAPPEN! (It's the song on Princess Diaries and it seemed perfect for this occasion.) I did everything except wet my pants in that moment of pure bliss. After a short drive, we were pulling into Pop Century where we checked in at 9:00am. Our room wasn't ready which was quite alright because we were heading straight to Magic Kingdom anyways. We took a couple pictures of Pop Century before we headed to the bus stop.




We chose Pop Century because we knew we wouldn't be in our room much at all (which turned out to be entirely true.) We only had 5 days to fit in SO MUCH! You will see just how much as this trip report continues. Pop Century was always my families go to growing up for cost point and being "the best" in our opinion of the value resorts. So it was a no brainer for my husband and I to pick. After our little pit stop of pictures, Jeremy and I got in line for the Magic Kingdom bus. So growing up, the Disney Bus Transportation system was our JAM! It was the best place to people watch and wow, it NEVER disappoints. You always leave with a friend and memory. Sometimes a good memory, sometimes a bad one (the bad ones mostly stem from nasty body odor) or in my families case you get the "Sodi Pop guy" and since it's an insane joke I can't share that with you, but that guy has no idea the awesome memory he provided my family with! It took place when I was 10 years old, I'm 26 now and we talk about it every Disney trip....and then some. So riding on a Disney bus is almost an attraction itself and with less than a 5 minute wait, we were on our Disney bus and making our way to Magic Kingdom! And yes, friends were made!

We finally arrived to Magic Kingdom and throughout our whole trip, none of the lines for bag security were horrible. Maybe we were lucky, but we had to wait 5 minutes tops for bag security at each park. So after we zipped through bag security, got access into the park with our magic bands, we hurried our way to Main Street where we saw the castle for the first time and wow... it never gets old!


Excuse me while I relive this moment (3 hours later) alright, thank you for your patience.

As I was saying, my husband and I saw the castle and we didn't do much talking, but instead we did a lot of big cheesy smiles at every random stranger that passed us because we were so captivated by our view, the atmosphere, and the Main Street Trolley show. Everything was perfect and the moment I saw a photopass opportunity, I just had to get in line and take advantage of it! We got these gems as a result




Did you really go to Disney if you didn't have t-shirts made? Especially the super cheesy kind? As you saw from my first entry, my husband and I have been best friends since Kindergarten, but we started dating in 2010 when we were Juniors in high school. As I have said before... the rest is history. I just love these pictures because this trip was everything we wanted and seeing them makes my heart super happy! But the show must go on and go on it did. First up, the Carousel of Progress because it's tradition and it's one of my favorites. My all time favorite line "Besides, it’s not going to rain today. My lumbago isn’t acting up." I quote it every time and I don't even care if I bother anyone around me by doing it. It's just funny. I know, I know, I truly appreciate dad humor.


My husband asked if they will ever update the "future" section of this ride and I honestly don't know the answer to that. If anyone does, let me know. A part of me would like to see it updated, but then there's a part of me that yells "No leave it alone! It's perfect!" Either way, I would like some answers so please magic genie wherever you are show up and show out with one. Thank you in advance.

After we finished Carousel of Progress, we raced over to Buzz Lightyear where I destroyed my husband. I'm not going to say that I rubbed it in his face, but I'm also not going to say that I didn't... okay okay, I did, I totally did. He was a good sport though and took it like a champ. After our galaxy shoot off, we went to Space Mountain for our fastpass. Space Mountain has soooo many funny memories for my family and I. I love
roller coasters, but my father hates them. Growing up he would always get fastpasses for us to ride Space Mountain while he went and rode something else. Well, one year in high school, our family went with my aunt's family to Disney as a giant trip. My aunt has a daughter whose a bit older then me, but she also HATES roller coasters. I'm not sure how the moment presented itself, but somehow my cousin (we will just call her A) agreed to ride Space Mountain as long as my dad rode it after her. My dad, again for some reason, agreed to this. (If you know my dad, then you would know that my dad had NO plans to ride regardless of a deal.)

Needless to say, my cousin straight up freaked out in the middle of the ride. It doesn't help that I was sitting behind her and kept reaching up to grab her shoulders and scream as though we were going to die.... I'm really not a horrible person, I just live for the thrill man!! But my cousin A pulled the most epic move ever. While walking out of the ride, she went from"near death experience, I am going to die from panic, help me" to the coolest cucumber I have ever seen. She went up to my dad and said "it's honestly not that bad, I actually might have liked it." My dad, perplexed, said "Really?" and my cousin A said "yeah you know me, if I thought it was good, then you'll have no issues at all." So my dad went from "I'm not riding this" to "Well if A had no issues, then this will be cake for me" and he got on the ride.

You would have thought the man died.

Halfway through the ride, his screaming stopped and I genuinely felt as though my dad was no longer with us. If they still have the audio from all those years ago, you can probably hear my panicked voice yelling "DAD! ARE YOU OKAY!? DAD!!!" When the ride came to a stop, I turned around to see my dad with wide eyes glazed over. His face was completely white and the only words he could make out were "I was hustled."

Yes you were dad. Yes. You. Were.

It is honestly one of the best Disney memories ever and makes me love the ride 10x's more. Such a great moment. As I do every time I wait in line for Space Mountain, I retold this story to my husband which he has heard a million times but acts as if he never did. The beautiful part is that he thoroughly enjoys the story so it's not torture for him, the extra beautiful part is that even if it did torture him, my husband is so great that he never lets on that it is. So after riding this great coaster, we got this picture:


Unfortunately my husband was in the ship in front of us, so he's not in the picture, but hey, we have another one for the future to share with you and it's even better! With Space Mountain over, it was getting close to our lunch reservation at 12:30, so it was onto the Crystal Palace!

Up Next: Tiki Room... and THIS STEAK IS HUGE!
So sorry to hear about your rough start to your vacation! You guys are troopers though- and kept on going!! We absolutely LOVE Carousel of Progress!! It's definitely a family favorite!!

Love your shirts!:love:
So sorry to hear about your rough start to your vacation! You guys are troopers though- and kept on going!! We absolutely LOVE Carousel of Progress!! It's definitely a family favorite!!

Love your shirts!:love:
Carousel of Progress is definitely a family favorite as well! It's always the first attraction we go to! Love it! and thank you so much :)
Tiki Room... and THIS STEAK IS HUGE!

Welcome back friends! So let's get right back into it. As I said in my last post, it was time for lunch so we headed over to our reservation at Crystal Palace! Call me crazy, but I love this place. I know some people have a love/hate relationship with buffets, some people just flat out HATE them, but I represent the percentage of people who truly love and admire a good buffet.

Side Note: The best buffet I have EVER had in my life is the Horizons buffet at Ameristar Casino in Kansas City, MO on crab leg night. Just sayin'....

We checked in for our reservations and didn't have to wait long at all. After about a 5 minute wait, we were seated and immediately introduced to Eeyore! I'm not much of a Winnie the Pooh fan, but that's not to say I don't like it either. I truly just love the Crystal Palace buffet. I guess I'm a sucker for a nice salmon, I don't know.


Don't let this picture fool you, I went back and got a huge helping of salmon... and shrimp... and mashed potatoes. Okay, I went back and got everything! I might have went back a third time as well... you'll never know. Either way, we had a great meal and we were treated to an awesome surprise on behalf of our 5th wedding anniversary.


A cute little cupcake and a card signed by the whole gang. It was awesome and such a nice touch to the whole meal. We were very thankful and I left a huge fan of Winnie the Pooh. It wasn't until after the meal while we were walking that my husband informed me "I'm not really a big fan of buffets." I have known this man since I was 5 years old and this was the first time I had ever heard of such a thing. The good news is that he enjoyed the previous feast we just indulged on, the bad news... he still doesn't care for buffets. Oh well, looks like this girl will just have to go solo in the future!

After our lunch reservations we headed over to Adventureland where we checked out an attraction that I hadn't seen since I was 7 years old... The Tiki Room. I'm not sure I would have given this a second glance (okay, I truly wouldn't have given this a second glance) had it not been for a friend at home who begged me to take a video of the song they sing at the beginning. With my friend acting as a thorn in my flesh, I did what any good friend would do... I decided not to do it. KIDDING! We sat and watched the birds sing. It was nice, but I'm not sure I would do it again until a couple more decades pass. I sent my friend the video I took and she was extremely grateful which made me happy. Anything for the posse! #warriors #comeoutandplay

Next on our list was Pirates of the Caribbean which we had a fast pass for. With the fastpass we were able to walk right on. I haven't been on the ride for a couple years now and since they added the camera so 1) My husband and I are genuinely clueless and 2) I was seriously creeped out and concerned (the skeleton pirate steering the ship has always freaked me out)


Every time I see this picture I bust out laughing because the girl next to me looks so incredibly bored. She nor I was mentally prepared for the little drop right after this picture because I had forgotten about it and I don't think she had ever ridden the ride before. The end result at the bottom of the drop was quite hilarious to say the least.

After we got off of Pirates of the Caribbean it was time to use a snack credit... on a PINEAPPLE DOLE WHIP FLOAT! ONE OF MY FAVORITES! Jeremy decided to make an incredibly risky move despite my warning, he went for the citrus swirl with the orange soda because the line at Aloha Isle looked too long. I grabbed him by the shoulders, looked him in the eyes, and said "Think long and hard about this, are you sure you want to go to the other place and get the citrus swirl?" His ultimate answer was "Yes and I'll just meet you back here."

15 minutes later as I met him back at the other location because his "short" line didn't move nearly as fast as my "long" line, he took one drink of mine and said "Yep, I chose wrong." I know you did babe, but it's okay, better luck next time. I did give him a couple sips/bites of mine, but that sucker was GONE FAST! It was amazing as always and I can never say enough good things about it. Soon we went to go try something that neither of us had ever seen before, The Country Bears. Now let me tell you something about my husband, he is a country boy. He was born n' raised in Georgia (GO DAWGS!) he prefers a willow tree over a palm one, he drinks Arnold Palmers although he can always down a glass of sugar water (sweet tea) and above all his little country twang is so cute. So when I told him about Country Bears, the country boy in him was desperately crying out "can survive" and he was ready to watch it.

It changed his life.

You think I'm kidding?... I had to listen to this soundtrack all the way back to Illinois. I'm not saying I didn't enjoy the show because I did, but I will say it was a longggg trip back home. If I have to hear Jeremy refer to me as "Swinging Teddi Barra! Sing it Teddi!" one more time... and you guys know exactly what I'm talking about if you're fans of the show too...then I might crawl into a hole and become a hobbit. At the end of the day, all I know is that Country Bears will be a family tradition to watch from here on out and I'm okay with that because he truly did love it.

When we walked out of Country Bears, the ropes were up to get ready for the Festival of Fantasy parade! We found an amazing spot and waited anxiously to see everyone come through! It was during this time that the mini fans and Chill Pals that we bought off of Amazon really came in clutch! Soon though, the parade began and we captured a couple of pictures!



The parade was great and the song is quite catchy too! I thoroughly enjoyed it! After the parade was over, we had received a text that our room was ready and we were ready to go back and check it out! So we hoped on a bus and took it back to Pop Century. I had special requested the furthest building from the main hub because my family and I growing up always stayed in the 80's section and I was feeling all nostalgic when picking the room. So after a long walk, we finally opened our door to our home for the week!




It was very tempting to sleep on this bed and take a long nap, but we persevered and went to the computer pool at Pop! We swam our little behinds off and made it back to our room to shower and get ready for our dinner reservations at Yachtsman. I was SUPER excited about this because I couldn't wait to check out the Yacht Club and I heard so many good things about this restaurant. After taking our time of prepping, we were ready to get in our no A/C car and head to the Yachtsman!

1) The resort is gorgeous and I could have stayed there all week


The picture truly doesn't give it justice. This porterhouse was massive and I was drooling all over the place. My husband had the Lobster Bisque for an app while I had the French Onion soup. I didn't necessarily care for it, but I blame my taste buds and not Disney because again, Disney is awesome. The steak was just.... perfection. Total perfection and I was in awe. The truffle fries and asparagus were so good as well. The bread!? UGHHH dreaming about it as we speak. Overall, this meal was great. Truly great. My husband and I don't drink alcohol, but based on what other people had, the adult beverages looked cool (they were lit up) but yes, I truly loved this meal and I would definitely come back to this place again in the future. It was Jeremy's second favorite meal of the whole trip and he still dreams about this steak.

Once we said our sad goodbyes, it was back to Pop Century where we wrapped up the day watching ESPN because it's our favorite tv channel and eventually we counted mickey ears in the clouds and went to sleep!



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