Would Swapped Points Go Into Holding?


DIS Veteran
Apr 17, 2018
I might be over thinking this, but if we exchange points on a booking to those from a different contract within 31 days, could it cause the original points to go into holding?

We currently have a contract in ROFR that has banked points. We also have a booking in a few months that we would like to use these points for (it was not booked with home resort priority). I've been worrying about our contract clearing in time to modify to the new points, but I don't know if that's even an issue. If the new points are in our account less than 31 days from the booking would we still be able to swap them without an issue? There would be no change in the number of points.

Yes, any changes or modifications to a reservation will result in holding.

Since this will be a new contract, you might get a CM to give some pixie dust and make the change for you and remove the holding status.
Thank you. We'll just have to hope that we pass quickly then! I was hoping that it would be the same as changing other details as the number of points wouldn't change. I doubt we'd get pixie dust with another resale contract. :-)
Thank you. We'll just have to hope that we pass quickly then! I was hoping that it would be the same as changing other details as the number of points wouldn't change. I doubt we'd get pixie dust with another resale contract. :-)

Any adjustment to the points used result in holding. Some have thought it’s only cancel but it’s any modification to the reservation within 31 days that changes points used, even if it is a swap.

And, you never know because the CMs on the phone aren’t going to be into the whole resale piece…so you just might get lucky!

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