Wk of Mar 9 - WISH Walking/Running Club

Can I be an old peep? Canni, canni, Canni?

Lily, I'm sure you are chomping at the bit (see :cool2: a tip to Judy and her 2 girls) to up the pace, but remember we all want to see you early in the morning of May 4, in the starting corrals. Do build your strength, don't get hurt (you notice I did not say don't be dumb and get hurt, since that is my speciality).


Yes, is stinks when the asthma rears up when you start a workout. Occasionally I have to just step off since I'm unable to expand my lungs. And to this day I still forget to take it with me more often than not.


I really feel for you all fighting Timmy's ears. We certainly went through that, and the solution was those darn tubes. Instant relief. I don't think Lesley even knew what had happened to her, but Martha nearly blew a gasket it in the short period between when they took her baby out or her arms, and then returned that precious cargo.


It is good to see you again. Even with you taking the past weeks off, I know you could blow my doors off in a race.


I think you have that reversed. You actually run 1.0 and the Nike+ shows 1.05. In the Minnie 15K that translates to running 9.32 and the Nike showing 9.80. Alternately, when the Nike+ shows you've run 15K, on the course you'll be around mile 8.85.

I know lots of the folks race with their Garmins, but I could never do that. I can hear my internal dialogue right now, "my garmin says 10 miles, okay where is that bleep-bleep-bleepity-bleep 10 mile marker? If I don't see it soon, I'm gonna hurt someone."

Today is rain, and just now some amazing large flakes of snow, thankfully none sticking. I was on the treadmill early this am, did 8 easy miles in 79minutes. I'd like a couple of 9's in my legs before the 15K, in addition to the speed work I'll use to sharpen on as the race gets closer.


lot of our old WISH buddies are hanging out at the Philly thread. :sad1:
Well Queen Judy, I am glad you're still referring to us as friends:hug: . Actually, my lack of posting on either thread is merely due to my running funk as of late. Our Philly thread has slowed down considerably as well. I do try to lurk but even that has not been happening recently. As a fellow NY'er you have to understand the brutal winter has really taken it's toll on motivation. I will try to post once I feel like a real runner again on an actual training plan. Are you planning on running the NYC 1/2 on 7/27? Some of us MCM/Philly folk are putting our names in for the lottery:thumbsup2 . You and Charlie should plan on it:banana: . BTW, I LOVE my foam roller!! I know Colleen (Theta formerly princessmomma) has one and loves it as well. Thanks for the video link.
I do hope you guys are all doing well and I think of you often:love: . Just a lot of LTO, nagging injuries and a bit of burnout going on.
Hi Sara...nice to see ya...and we all know you're a runner girl...but I completely understand how injuries and set backs make us feel otherwise! I know what you mean about this winter killing motivation. I'm struggling this week big time :(. Was looking forward to running today but the wind is quite brutal...so that should be fun ;).

Judy...I saw those Lands End workout pants too! If you buy them let me know what you think! :thumbsup2

Craig...NICE run! I think you'll be MORE than ready to run a strong race in May. When are you leaving for London?

Chi Runners....Last night I had a dream about Chi Running! :rotfl: I think I've been reading that book a bit TOO MUCH!!! I dreamt about the forward leaning and how I kept thinking I was going to fall over! :rotfl2:

Bill...I hope the new meds do the trick for Timmy. You've had quite a winter with him and his poor ears :(.

As for me...Ugh...training has been really rough the past few days. Between being away...my DD's injury...etc etc....I just haven't done much of anything. :sad2: It's soooo frustrating...I feel miserable but my motivation seems to have evaporated. Hopefully a good run later on today will kickstart my week.
Craig you confused me...I ran on the TM last week and it said 3.15 miles and my nike + said 3 miles. So I thought running outside I was going farther than what it said on the nike+. I hate looking at the TM and cover the info thinking that every two song will be about a mile, but I looked at it last week to see how accurate my nike+ was.

I don't plan on running with it at Disney-just look for mile markers and listen to times called out.
Judy, thanks for the link to the Youtube Tube and also the Lands End capri's. The stretches look like they would work great.
Judy, thanks for the link to the Youtube Tube and also the Lands End capri's. The stretches look like they would work great.

Oh you're welcome! :) The roller seems to help me a lot!!

I know it's not the video Panda was hoping for....:lmao:
Are you kidding? :headache: I did, Marilyn did, Jim did...Angie..did you get anything in the mail from Disney Sports recently??? :confused3

OK, what the heck is this about? Am I missing something? What are you all getting from Disney Sports and what does it have to do with the Foam Roller? :confused3 :lmao: I need to stay up with these posts!!!
OK, what the heck is this about? Am I missing something? What are you all getting from Disney Sports and what does it have to do with the Foam Roller? :confused3 :lmao: I need to stay up with these posts!!!

Jen, I am guessing here, but I think it is about the Thank You certificate race volunteers received. Am I right? Jim got his thank you awhile ago, but no Finishers certificate for him yet.
I know lots of the folks race with their Garmins, but I could never do that. I can hear my internal dialogue right now, "my garmin says 10 miles, okay where is that bleep-bleep-bleepity-bleep 10 mile marker? If I don't see it soon, I'm gonna hurt someone."

Craig - That was definitely me at the marathon as my Garmin registered 26.91 miles when I crossed the finish line. Trust me, it was rough beeping that I'd hit 20 miles but the 20 mile marker was nowhere in sight... I apparently got in 13.61 miles for the half. :confused3
Thanks Pat... I was starting to think it was some secret code between Judy and Kristi. I haven't gotten a finishers certificate yet either. CAN'T WAIT TO GET IT!!!!
Judy has been teasing me for a week and a half about if I got "something" in the mail yet!
I guess now I know what "it" is! ;)
No finisher's certificate here either.
But then again, I don't think I am getting one. :sad2:

Chad & I just watched the video of the foam roller. He probably needs that, but it would likely take up space next to The Stick in his closet, I'm afraid. And I'm thinking that doesn't help one's IT Band. :rotfl: And it certainly would not help my de-cluttering quest.

Nothing to report today for me. I went to the mall all afternoon in search of clothing for job fairs / interviews. (and afternoon for me is a normal person's nighttime since I am up at 3am) Then Mom called and took us out for dinner. You never say no to free food, right? :thumbsup2 Now it's way past what should be my bedtime, so no w/o here. Tomorrow is another day! And I have clothes for the job fair, so no excuse tomorrow.
Hey teammates! Okay, so part of my funk is gone--it was almost 80 degrees today and sunny!:goodvibes I still had to use the treadmill b/c of childcare issues, but I felt much better after my workout. I'm having a tad bit of IT band issues, so I kept my pace down today. And then stretched really good

Hopefully, I've turned the "funky" corner and will be a more cheerful, more often poster!
CHOCOLATE MILK--it does a WISH body good! :goodvibes Who's going to be our official spokesperson for the ad campaign?

Cecilia: I hope your leg pain goes away without incident & you find something that is sufficiently enticing so that you remember to eat. (I'll never need to say that about myself!)

Jackie: I'm glad you didn't run your half under those conditions. Hope you get your mojo back for your 5K and running faster than normal is a good sign, I think.

Vic: 3 miles more is 3 miles more. Profound, I know. :lmao:

Lily: It sounds like you're aiming for, and achieving, a slow, solid recovery & that you're keeping your eye on the Minnie. :thumbsup2 Keep it up.

AlohaJeff: WTG with speed intervals! It sounds like you're putting your partners through their paces as well as yours.

z: Great job on the run. You deserve those Thin Mints!

Kristi: I didn't know you needed to use your inhaler to run (I didn't know you have asthma for that matter.) And you still finished your WO? You're one tough cookie. Oops, I guess I have cookies on the brain these days. Wonder why? Good luck with the job fair.

Bill: Hopefully Timmy's meds are working. Good job with the bike riding, even if it was abbreviated.

Mike: Welcome!! It sound like you had a great workout & a phenomenal swim (love the not-drowning description, though). I'm a big fan of bagels & PB, but I hear the sweet siren sound of chocolate, so milk sounds good too.

Shan: You're doing great--and I'm sure you're going to enjoy your 12 miles! :woohoo: As for the tummies, add me to the list of the discount WISHers, or is the WISHers wishing for a discount. After one exploratory surgery, a hysterectomy, and another abdominal surgery to address problems caused by the hysterectomy, I have lots of scar tissue and what appears to be a second belly button. So attractive. (Was that TMI? :confused3 :rotfl:)

Judy: Thanks for the link to the compression capris. What is this foam roller of which you speak?

Maura: I probably missed this info, but what do you do?

Joan: I noticed the same thing with my Nike+...I just adjusted the mileage in my head and called it good. My Nike+ said I ran more than a marathon in January and I agreed that it felt like it! It sounds like if you know your approximate conversions you'll be prepared for the Minnie & have a good sense of your pace.

Craig: I'm continually impressed by your goal-setting & training. One day I hope for an easy 8 miles. :cloud9:

Sara: Good to hear from you. Just know that when you do get back in the groove there are us newbies who want to get to know you, too!

Amy: Oh, I do hope your motivation comes back. You're one of my main motivators, so I need you!! (Selfish, I know.) You might be pleased to know I just checked out Pilates for Dummies at the library, based on your recommendation. I look forward to giving it a shot tomorrow.

Stephanie: Yeah for the sunshine & for a funkless day! I bet there are more days like that to come!

As for me: Another training day: some running and some XT. The biggest news I have is that I attempted some bathing-suit shopping today for my upcoming Disney trip. Ugh. If there's anything that going to either cause me to binge on junk food or commit myself to more rigorous workouts, it's the combo of bathing suits & fluorescent lighting. (I'm choosing the latter, btw, but it was a close call earlier tonight.)
Warning: Potential or certain gross-out factor coming pirate: (just 'cause I'm a male)!

I've stated this before about certificates, and here it comes again for my dear friends who didn't quite get one in the mail (but whom I love dearly) . . .

I care less than zero about those stupid certificates. They are generated by a computer, many weeks after the race. They are antisceptic, and mean nothing to me. Yes, I have a bunch in the house, but honestly, I couldn't find any of them in a 5 minute search.

I do, however, care a great deal about the race bibs. I know this goes back to my too-short days as an X-C ski racer in Summit County, Colorado in 1971. When racers came in our bibs were totally disgusting, covered with spit, snot, and other bodily fluids. But the thing is, we loved them. Sure, we were teenagers and the more gross the better, but those bibs were on our chest, carried over the entire course. The worse they looked, the more proud we were of them.

It's the same for we finishers of the Disney races. We picked them up in advance, pinned them on the night before, are carried them over the entire course. Those bibs represent our effort, as they were with us every step of the way.

I have every racing bib I ever wore in a road race. I treasure them. Kristi, you have your bib, and in my book that's worth 1000 times more than a finisher's certificate. Treasure that bib, it went through a lot with you. That certificate, in contrast, was in a box, cool and dry on race day.


Yes, I read your post in reverse. You actually ran more than the Nike+ showed. That is a sure way to be mentally ready for the race. The Nike shows you aren't nearly done, and voila, there is the finish!

Craig - you're the best! :goodvibes
Have a fabulous time with Martha in England!

The certificate, or lack there of, doesn't bother me that much.
It's more symbolic of how I didn't properly train & thought I could get away with it.:rolleyes:
Lesson learned!
I do have a racing scrapbook with all my bibs, certificates, etc.
I am missing a couple certificates. I have no idea where last year's Minnie one is for example.
BUT, I do have all the wrinkled, sweaty, dirty bibs! :thumbsup2
Hi Everyone!

Guess what i wore when I ran last night?! SHORTS! It was 70 degrees and beautiful. Ahh. The only pain was that every couch potato in Atlanta decided to start walking for the first time ever last night and there they were four a breast on MY trail.

Craig - I wear my Garmin when I race and you are exactly right. The garmin beeps and I better see that mile marker! It always gets off but thats how I entertain myself during the race. I waer the garmin because it keeps my pace for me. I know I can use a watch, but that requires too much math for my oxygen deprived brain.

I also keep every single one of my race bibs. I write my time on the back and stick it in a drawer with the rest. I actually refused to go to the concert at the Country Music Marathon because they wanted to collect my bib as the ticket. I thought I got to keep the bib but when they said no, I walked out. I would have given them the silly certificate though.



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