Wizard 101 NEW Meet and greet!


Jul 7, 2005
Wow, I haven't posted on the Dis in ages!
Okay, so there are quite a few VMKer's on FaceBook and some who play Wiz101. Not all are from here and not all of you are there, so I'll post this here! LOL
I'd like to know if anyone's interested in meeting on Wizard sometime this weekend to meet other players who need a little help leveling up before Celestia opens. Even if you'd like to just add new friends or old friends playing new wizards, drop me a note or post here what day and time would work for you and we'll try coming up with the time that works for everyone.
If you are on Facebook and would like to meet more Wizard 101 players there, my ID is Lisa Ann. Please tell me how you know me when you send a friend request or it will be ignored.
Thanks, Peeps!
Still trying to get settled into the new house but I'd be glad to try to meet up. I've missed you'all. Anytime should work for me so I'll just check back to see what you decide.

Ugh, back to trying to unravel the mysteries of lawn care.
My schedule is uncertain for this weekend. But Friday or Saturday evenings would be better for me.

I'll do my best to be there. :thumbsup2
For me in the central time zone, 7:00 either night would be fine so far. That wouldn't make it too late then for the Eastern folks or way too early for the Western and Pacific people hopefully. :) (Of course the Pacific people may or may not be home by then, and I know personally I could handle eight just as easily.)
I'll look on Facebook too to see what others may have posted already....lol

i'll be on and off most of this weekend, probably on more been a long week and i have some farming to catch up on. most anytime will work for me, i'll check back here later to see. i'm eastern time
i'm a gm death wizard.
I'd love to get some more people on my friends list as well. Friday and Saturday evening works for me, too.

And one of these days, I need to get a group going for Briskbreeze.
I'm a W101 player :) I'd love to meet some DISers. I have 18 wizards right now ranging from 7 grandmasters to numerous ones throughout the spiral. I am a former TT player that did all I could in that game before moving on to W101 last year. BTW, not sure if anyone knows, but there is an adult wizard clan. There are over 600 of us over 21 players and that's just the ones in the clan. I meet more adults every day that I play. See you in the spiral!
Green, I thought of something last night. The lake in the commons in Wizard City is usually VERY crowded now, in any realm. It might be a good idea to have us all meet in Golum Court or Unicorn Way at the statue. Those areas probably won't be near as crowded as the lake. Since they put the pet area near the lake now, I know my computer is having fits with the lag there. :)

Green just suggested we meet behind the myth tower in Ravenwood. That's another place not frequented as much and still free to all. :) Now just for the time...lol

Hey, Kim! Fancy meeting you here. LOL
I think we'll go with your time suggestion of 7:00pm CST. If anyone needs a different time, let me know and at the very least, I can add you to my list and be a sort of go-between in the future so you can add more later.
My plans for today have changed. I will probably be late, I will do my best to be there. :wizard:
Okay, looks like I didn't post which realm to meet in. I'll be in Pixie realm, behind the Myth school in Ravenwood. Hope to see some Dis there! :) Fifteen minutes, guys.
Sorry I missed this; have not been on for several days. Hope you got a good turnout!
Sorry I missed it. I was at a Graduation Party and we stayed longer than planned.
Sorry I was missing in action. Things got rather hectic last weekend and my computer time fizzled. I'll try to make the next one.
Well, not much of a turnout. We will have to try again sometime. :) I'm guessing Celestia is in test now, so hopefully we'll catch each other in-game soon!
:) I'm guessing Celestia is in test now, so hopefully we'll catch each other in-game soon!

Actually, it's only the prequests and a few ajustments that are on the test server. The last tower is very very difficult. Cheating monsters again... :eek:

IMO, cheating monsters should only be in side quests like BriskBreeze tower.

Oh and btw, we will soon be able to kick unwanted people out of our home.

See you ITS! (In The Spiral)
Hi there! I'm new and my hub has been a member of the DISboards for a long time. I just discovered this Wiz101 group among you and got so excited! It's great to find adults who play the game!

I was just reading this excellent article about Wiz101 today.

Does anyone else play with their kid/s? That's how I got started. My son is almost 10 and I started playing when he did and now I'm really hooked. We quest together sometimes but he's a little ahead of me now. I'm lvl 22 and he's at lvl 29. We play using crowns, though, and he's out of crowns until his birthday, so I'm catching up. :lmao: In any case, after he goes to bed, I really like playing with adults...'cause we're more like this...:surfweb:and less this...:cheer2:.

~Alia Firecaster (lvl 22 Fire)
Jellyrolls just tried the test server quest. I'm not happy about the cheat bosses, JGoof. I agree, side quests, fine, but not for storyline quests.
Kearalu: I'd be happy to add you to my friend list. I don't play very often, but will be on more once Celestia is up on the live realm. :)


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