Wine and the Finish Line! Fall 2017 TR NEW 1/25 The Last Day - THE END!

You got me at Hello Kitty!! I have been quiet as too not message too often but how cute is she!!! I am a Beach Club person and had to say this standard view would be a lagoon view at the Beach so you lucked out!! Loving the reports and the family is awesome!
I came on over from you August TR!
I haven't been to Universal in over 15 years, and the last time we only did IOA. It likewise has never appealed to me the same way Disney does. The food, I think, really is the key factor. Though, I must say, your giant pink donut looked amazing. I love the Hello Kitty store. I'm not super girly, but Hello Kitty and cute little characters like her have always really appealed to me. Love your picture with her, even if her long limbs are kind of weird.
Also the resort you were at was really lovely. Even if the room was cramped, it looked pretty. I like that floral mural wall.
But your Yacht Club room looks amazing too! I love the hardwood floors also. I think they look really nice and clean. You can easily see dust and stuff on those kinds of floors so I feel housekeeping would be more inclined to really get the floors looking nice.
Awesome! How many days are you doing Universal vs Disney?

For our May trip we’ll be in Universal for the 7 days. We plan on going over to DS so we can do the VOID and shop. DD was really sick during our Spring Break trip in March and we had to cancel the VOID.
Our November trip will probably be 3 days at Universal and the rest at Disney.
Joining in!

Your days at Universal sound like they were fun! The event sounds like it was really great!

Your room at the YC looks so nice! Excited to read more!
Joining in. So excited to read about your trip. Your YC room looks awesome. I've stayed at the BC before but not the YC. I might have to put it on the list to try.
Joining in, I read your chunky family report from August and I loved it! Such a fun and crazy and well-planned trip!

I always watch youtubers who make Universal seem like so much fun and I usually think should I step out of the Disney bubble and just try it again?

But I always end up feeling the same way you did, its just not the same feeling and the rides are same thing just with different theming that will all no doubt make me super sick! So thanks for your honest sentiments!

BTW now I want to stay at the Yacht Club! It was already on my list but the room is gorgeous!!
Love this! :lovestruc

Thank you! Finally a good resting lantern face! :P

I know I say this every time I see your age... I don't believe you! Must be Disney keeps us looking young, right?

Thanks Tracy! It definitely IS the magic of Disney!! I see it in everyone on the DISboards! Doesn't matter how old they are, everyone just seems to have a youthfulness about them!
Obviously as we get older though, we must go to Disney more to stay young, right? :cutie:

This TR title is amazing! :thumbsup2

Thanks! Sometimes I have a hard time coming up with these things!

When I saw the donut in the box, it didn't really look that big, but holy cow! It looks SO good!!!

It was so fun to look at! After 3 bites though you're pretty much done as it's so super sweet.

Super cute!

Thanks! I don't own much Harry Potter stuff but it's fun to dress non-Disney!

I'm here!!!!!!! While the food doesn't interest me too much at Universal, I can't wait until Casey is a little bit older and we can introduce her to Harry Potter and discover the other side of Orlando.

I would say for the first time that the food was not the first draw to us for this portion of the trip! At least the park kinda makes up for it, it's so much fun!

Your Yacht Club room looks gorgeous. We're staying at beach club in August for the first time and I'm so excited!

It's beautiful! We're also staying at BC for the first time in Sept! Can't wait...but it looks like we'll be missing each other! :sad:

I'm here! I enjoyed reading about Universal. We've never been but might someday when the kids are a little older. I'm wanting my boys to get into Harry Potter. I love the books. I might be waiting awhile.

It's really quite awesome, at least the HP portion of the park. There are some great rides outside of HP too like ET and Men in Black and the Hulk coaster. However a lot of the other rides are 3-D movies and/or simulation, which is fun but you realize it's all the same technology.

Joining in! Love your Universal stuff. That event looked like fun! We didnt do a ton of rides when we went in January outside of the HP stuff because Andrew got food poisoning when we landed! He ate nothing but saltines for 24 hours. He is queesy on rides to start with so I didn't want to push. But I still enjoyed the atmosphere.

Thank you and welcome!!
It was a really fun event. Oh no! So sorry your DF got food poisoning, that must have been rough! Yeah Forbidden Journey would definitely be a no go. The queue is great though, but I'd probably do the chicken exit if I go again.

Love the yacht club photos! Love hearing stories of people who went to college in Boston (my hometown). The yacht club is definitely reminiscent of the ports. Funny enough I am doing my bathroom over the exact way of the yacht club! Im gonna have a disney bathroom without trying! Looking forward to reading more! I enjoyed your last couple reports!

Aww, I really do miss Boston, we were just there for a weekend last month - we mostly spend time in Cambridge when we're up there but this time we did go into Boston, did the Freedom Trail and ate at Neptune Oyster (yummy).
The Yacht Club is so stately and so pretty. I love the new rooms, they feel so clean and spacious and chic. Your bathroom will look gorgeous!! :)
Thank you for reading!

Joining in! Looks like another amazing trip!

Thank you and :welcome:

We are doing Universal in June so nice to see more pics. Won't be onsite though, and debating annual passes-will see if DH goes for the one that has EP after 4. Kids this time are more excited for Universal than Disney-we don't normally do so many Disney trips so close together.
I don't remember the food we had at Universal-has been 3 years-but I don't think we had anything we hated. Wonder if they changed the menu at 3Broomsticks? Have never done anything in seuss land-that might have to change.

Ah ok, I thought the EP was greatt, but yeah with a family you would have to see if it's worth it. The rides were not crazy long though that weekend - average about 25 minutes. The longest lines were at the Harry Potter rides, the Hulk, and Transformers it seemed.

New Yacht club rooms look gorgeous. Score for the "secret" door to boat dock LOL! Last time we were at Beach club -I think I was the only one who didn't request a reburbished room-(they were in middle of reno) my only request was full balcony. We ended up on 2nd floor overlooking the small pool (score for view!! when paid for standard through Orbitz and had 50% off), the room was a few doors down the hallway from the "secret" door that was just step from Epcot IG. When I showed the kids that door and how to get to Epcot they would routinely disappear and come back with food (France and great Britain).

So nice to be sooooo close to Epcot. I wish they still sold DVC at Beach Club and Boardwalk. Might have to consider a resale in the future, those rooms are snapped up so quickly esp during the Epcot festivals!

well whadyaknow.

Jedi Mind Trick at work!

More like Goodbye Kitty.

Haha good one.

Not bad... but yeah, I like the other graphic more.

Me too!

Could've been worse.... just look what happened to that nice little lizard Godzilla.


Joining in, we just got back from a trip and I agree with many of your comments about USO, fun but not Disney!
The rides just don’t give me that special feeling like the Disney ones, except E.T., love it!

I just saw your new TR link! Have to go catch up on your other TR too!
I agree! USO is great but not Disney. ET was indeed awesome though!
Woo! Another Trip Report!! The Yacht Club looks amazing, would love to stay there some day. And hard to beat the Epcot Area for Food and Wine.

Yay thanks for joining!
I love the Epcot area - nothing really beats that...soooo convenient, and the Yacht Club was absolutely gorgeous!

Following along!


I've seen the ads for these events and they seem like an awesome deal! If I was visiting at a time with one I would totally do it!

It was a lot of fun! I would definitely do it again and I thought it was worth it.

Very cute!

Thank you!

I think that is a pretty nice view actually!

It was! I'm used to parking lot or no views, so it was a nice change!
So glad you started your next trip report. :wave:

Hi there!! Thank you for joining!

Joining in. So excited to read about your trip. Your YC room looks awesome. I've stayed at the BC before but not the YC. I might have to put it on the list to try.

Hi and Welcome!!
Yacht Club was gorgeous! We're staying at the BC in Sept. How did you like it? I'm really excited!

Joining in, I read your chunky family report from August and I loved it! Such a fun and crazy and well-planned trip!

Thank you so much for joining in! That trip was hot and crazy, and on this trip it was just us - totally different vibe, LOL. Thanks though, the planning for that trip was challenging but fun at the same time!

I always watch youtubers who make Universal seem like so much fun and I usually think should I step out of the Disney bubble and just try it again?
But I always end up feeling the same way you did, its just not the same feeling and the rides are same thing just with different theming that will all no doubt make me super sick! So thanks for your honest sentiments!

You're welcome! I did really enjoy it and am glad to do it once in a while but Disney will always have my heart. :)

BTW now I want to stay at the Yacht Club! It was already on my list but the room is gorgeous!!

They did a great job with the room, I thought it was spacious and modern and super clean. I know some people only like that Disney resorts have "themes" and all the renovation takes away from it, but in reality I like fancy new rooms over shabby old themed rooms so they can renovate all they want! There's still a hidden Mickey or two in the rooms which is fun!
Finally a good resting lantern face! :P
You nailed it! :thumbsup2

I see it in everyone on the DISboards! Doesn't matter how old they are, everyone just seems to have a youthfulness about them!
Obviously as we get older though, we must go to Disney more to stay young, right? :cutie:
YES!!! To all of that. I think I need to up my daily skin routine to booking more Disney trips :rotfl2:
I adore your costumes!! This is a great picture!

He's currently trying to do some hydroponics in the basement using a Nutrient Film Technique. Now can someone tell me where you've seen that before? :)
Ooh ooh, pick me, pick me!!!

OK, seriously....I quoted a bunch of things, but they're gone now!! Why does this keep happening to me?

In any case, we are heading to Universal for WWoHP in June to surprise Jimmy for his bday! I love reading about everything, so I will feel like I actually have a clue heading into the parks there...uncharted territory for us!

So far, the only positive food experiences I have read anywhere seem to be the ice cream and butterbeer. All the food gets MEH reviews. Though that giant Simpsons donut has my interest piqued!! Any other food recommendations from elsewhere in the parks??
You got me at Hello Kitty!! I have been quiet as too not message too often but how cute is she!!! I am a Beach Club person and had to say this standard view would be a lagoon view at the Beach so you lucked out!! Loving the reports and the family is awesome!

Thank you and welcome! Hello Kitty has a place in my heart just like Mickey does!
Oh that's cool that we got such a nice view at the Yacht Club. If that was standard view I wondered what a better view would be! I am staying at the Beach Club for the first time in Sept! So excited, it looks beautiful and so convenient!

I came on over from you August TR!

Yay!! Great to see you here too!

I haven't been to Universal in over 15 years, and the last time we only did IOA. It likewise has never appealed to me the same way Disney does. The food, I think, really is the key factor. Though, I must say, your giant pink donut looked amazing. I love the Hello Kitty store. I'm not super girly, but Hello Kitty and cute little characters like her have always really appealed to me. Love your picture with her, even if her long limbs are kind of weird.

Haha the pink donut looked amazing. It was pretty much like your regular store-bought donut just jumbo sized. A bit much but would be great for a group of people.
I really love all Hell Kitty Stores. She's just so sweet and reminds me of my childhoold, but yeah the long limbed Hello Kitty was a bit weird.

Also the resort you were at was really lovely. Even if the room was cramped, it looked pretty. I like that floral mural wall.
But your Yacht Club room looks amazing too! I love the hardwood floors also. I think they look really nice and clean. You can easily see dust and stuff on those kinds of floors so I feel housekeeping would be more inclined to really get the floors looking nice.

Royal Pacific is a nice resort, it is not as themed as the Poly but it feels fresher and brighter.
The Yacht Club, however...gorgeous!! Definitely my favorite "rooms" at Disney!

For our May trip we’ll be in Universal for the 7 days. We plan on going over to DS so we can do the VOID and shop. DD was really sick during our Spring Break trip in March and we had to cancel the VOID.
Our November trip will probably be 3 days at Universal and the rest at Disney.

Sounds like a great trip!! Always nice to mix things up a bit between Disney and Universal. Hope you have a magical time!

We are doing the June 2nd meetup, but only going for the day from AKL. Do you have any advice?

Oh lucky! It was a fun time! I heard for the June 2nd they are opening practically all rides in addition to Harry Potter. I'd first find out when the big tickets ride close early - Gringotts closed earlier than the event did so if I had known that I would have headed there first. The ice cream line at Florean's also got quite long but the store is quite small. They gave you a choice I think of whether you wanted to eat in IoA or Universal I don't think it really matters but just figure out which side you'd probably be on when you get hungry. Some of the food stations got crowded but there was more than one in each park so we just had to find one that had a shorter line. The food was plentiful and was replenished often. I'd probably plan to eat later than everyone else to avoid the hungry crowds and concentrate on the rides first. I'd totally do the Fast and Furious ride if that's open!! Have fun!!

Joining in!

Your days at Universal sound like they were fun! The event sounds like it was really great!

Your room at the YC looks so nice! Excited to read more!

Hii!! Thanks for joining!
We really enjoyed Universal - its not Disney but sometimes we need a break and it was perfect!
Loved the YC rooms - just gorgeous and comfortable.
You nailed it! :thumbsup2

Thank you! It was about time, LOL!
YES!!! To all of that. I think I need to up my daily skin routine to booking more Disney trips :rotfl2:

Yes! See how much we could save on skincare?!?

Joining in!

Thank you and welcome!!

I adore your costumes!! This is a great picture!

Thank you so much! It was during MNSSHP!

Ooh ooh, pick me, pick me!!!

Yes, I pick you!! :)

OK, seriously....I quoted a bunch of things, but they're gone now!! Why does this keep happening to me?

In any case, we are heading to Universal for WWoHP in June to surprise Jimmy for his bday! I love reading about everything, so I will feel like I actually have a clue heading into the parks there...uncharted territory for us!

It happens to all of us. Boo!!
It's actually not all that confusing! It as fun to use a park map though, LOL!

So far, the only positive food experiences I have read anywhere seem to be the ice cream and butterbeer. All the food gets MEH reviews. Though that giant Simpsons donut has my interest piqued!! Any other food recommendations from elsewhere in the parks??

I heard most of the good food is outside on Citywalk. I hear Toothsome is really good - that would be my next food destination!
I love reading about your trip to Universal. I have reservations for Royal Pacific next year because of the Express Passes. I remember going to Universal a couple years ago and was so frustrated at all the people who got to whiz by in the express line while we waited for what seemed forever.... Now I get to be the lucky express holder ! YAY!! The rooms look really beautiful and the grounds look nice and relaxing.

I am a HUGE Harry Potter fan and really enjoyed seeing everything there and thought the butte beer and fish and chips were delish. We'll be going to London this summer and have tickets to the WB Harry Potter studio tour and can't wait to see the actual sets.

I can't wait to read more! Your pictures are also pretty amazing!
Found you :wave:

I am sad to say, I was not impressed with the food. The space was awesome but the food was...lifeless and bland, it was also cold.
This is where we've eaten breakfast at both of the TA trainings and while it wasn't horrible, I wasn't impressed, either.

We rode Escape From Gringott's with the Express Pass and we didn't have to wait long. Absolutely loved this ride.
My favorite of the HP attractions! Same for the rest of the family, and unlike many of the other rides at Universal it doesn't make me nauseous :crazy2:

We did a couple rounds of Men In Black which we loved, and then headed over to do the Simpsons ride, which was a little more vomit inducing than I remember, but I think Universal in general has a lot of simulation rides and riding them all that morning might have been a bit much.
Yup, Simpsons was HORRIBLE for me. OK not quite as bad as Star Tours lol but right behind it. Everyone else was fine but OMG I felt sick for about an hour afterwards so I won't be riding ever again! I do like MIB though, fun!

I thought it was just ok, I think I liked waiting inside Rockefeller center more!
Again I agree. Did this for the first time during the training in Feb. I figured I'd feel nauseous in this too and I did so had to close my eyes for most of it; wasn't impressed by what I saw and neither were my friends I was riding with who were both able to keep their eyes open.

OMG I felt so ill after this ride. I could not go on it again. Blech.
#3 for worst rides for motion sickness! This is the one that put a fellow TA in bed for the night after she heaved 3 or 4x

I did not want to leave without going on E.T. I was a child in the 80s and it is really fun to do stuff that reminds me of that time period.
I remember riding E.T. the first time I went to Universal :goodvibes I also saw it in the theater exactly 11x lol. I wish they still had a couple other "original" rides there - Jaws, Back To The Future, Earthquake..................

it doesn't suck me in as much as Disney, but the food we had wasn't so great, which is one of the highlights usually when we're at Disney.
Have you read my reviews of the food they serve us there??????? So I have to agree. I also agree with @Raeven that the TS restaurants in general have some of the better food. Back in 2015 we ate in 2 restaurants in the parks; Finnegan's and another one I keep forgetting but both were decent. Definitely not Disney though!

I find a lot of rides, aside from a few, are kinda one and done for us.
::yes:: We're going in August for the boys, but there's nothing I'm excited about riding. I'll be happy to do Gringotts, E.T., MIB and the Hulk but I wouldn't be upset if I missed any, either.
Wow! You covered a lot of ground in a few posts! Universal is a kind of only every few years thing for us as well. I have a shot with the donut as big as my head too! :lmao: I love your Maurauder's map dress!

Love all the shots from the Hogsmeade and Diagon Alley. Nice view at the Yacht Club!


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