Will Disney build a new DVC property off site?

The problem with having a DVC as part of a private island that is reached, basically, by DCL only is DVC resort HAVE to function at near 100% capacity year round. I just don;t see that happening on a private island. DCL could finance and build a limited use resort, if they wanted to do so, but I just don't see it for DVC.
I would actually love that at lookout cay. It's my favorite of the two and seems like they have a lot of undeveloped space. A girl can dream..
I don't think they're either/or, they're complementary, and they use each product to cross-sell the other. Cruise ships also have a shorter lifespan and are associated with an asset that fully depreciates / becomes unsellable, where as a DVC property is still on land, there's still something tangible at the end of the day.

The simplest answer IMO is that real estate has become prohibitively expensive for Disney to gamble on; the real estate market in general has become too efficient to extract excess returns relative to risk. For instance, Airbnb / VRBO fundamentally changed the vacation rental game and greatly increased customer expectations of a vacation rental. Only within the Disney bubble does Disney feel like they still have a differentiated product. And that's why I'd expect Disneyland Paris to eventually get a DVC property or two. Would also make the DVC product "more exotic" if you could visit Paris on your Copper Creek contract (without using your points on a hotel stay with poor conversion rates for your points).
100% agree. France, Japan, and China should be the next focus outside of Orlando or California. That would be pretty sweet and certainly would make DVC more elite
There's really not much happening politically between the US and Mexico that would impact investment right now. And any big Disney / DVC expansion would be built on local audiences, not dependent on US tourists.

On the Mexico front specifically, I think Disney should be watching what Xcaret is doing very carefully and potentially build in the same area.
We would avoid the Mexico location like the plague. It’s not the politics. It’s the crime and cartels. Instead maybe an Aruba with US customs already established in Aruba for expedited travel
We would avoid the Mexico location like the plague. It’s not the politics. It’s the crime and cartels. Instead maybe an Aruba with US customs already established in Aruba for expedited travel
I personally have little to no interest in a DVC in Mexico... I think they should do Paris if they want to play around with international....

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