Why Not Now? Reaching weight loss and fitness goals in 2016--All Welcome!

To think about for today...
Do you have foods that you just have to give up or you can't have in the house? I keep hearing Oprah say--I am losing weight and I eat bread everyday--so do you think realistically that every food fits into a healthy diet/ weight loss plan?

Welcome tntfamily78! Please introduce yourself. :)
Let me sum up my week...Monday worried about job interview on Tuesday. Tuesday job interview and came home to a sick foster puppy. (It was not pretty). Wednesday freak out session because I might actually get this job. Today...back to reality and a little calmer. I have a follow up interview on Wednesday.

I feel like I have been the biggest failure about being honest with myself about how I am doing with this weight loss stuff. I have thought many times about asking if we should shut down the thread...but realistically I think I would be in worse shape if I didn't feel at least a little accountable....so here I am. :)

And I hope some of you all are still here as well!

I think I need a reset. One week of nothing but healthy food--as much I want to eat just to reset my cravings for junk. Still managed to stay off the soda (victory!) but not doing so well with anything else. I did great in 2010--but when I had to give up gluten for health reasons I totally started using that as and excuse to eat GARBAGE! I think I am having a continuous little pity party and comforting myself with food. How stupid is that because then I feel worse later! So that was my brutal honesty.

Today is another day and I am off to a good start. Taking it one minute at a time. :)
@Rose&Mike One day at a time! It really is a mental game. If I'm not there mentally, losing weight isn't worth my time because I won't go past a week or two. Life loves to throw a wrench into healthy plans. Hang in there! I am still here and plowing through a week of no loss, despite working my tush off. My Feb has been horrible. The anxiety is awful. Key is realizing it gets better. And a new job is nerve wracking but exciting!!! Congratulations on your second interview!!!

And for what it's worth, I think Oprah probably has two bites of bread a day. Ezekiel bread. Lol!
Hi all! Thanks for allowing me to join! I have been a lurker for years on the DIS boards. Since 2004 actually! My name is Jamie and I decided about 3 weeks ago that I really needed to get back to it! I have about 25 pounds to lose. Currently, as of this morning I weigh 169.6. My goal weight is 145. It's been a struggle these past few weeks, I have been working out 6 days a week, and we've been eating really good. My DH and I have cut out fast food with the kids and starting eating more veggies and lean turkey, and chicken and less red meat, but I've not seen the scale move much :( I love to run, I've done 3 half marathons in the last 2 years and several 5k, 7k and 10k runs.

Thanks again!! I look forward to getting to know all you great people :)
I need a reset too! The scale has not moved - well it actually keeps going up and down the same lb or 2!. I need to change something up. I have been getting more steps in but i will get lousy sleep and then eat what is easy, sometimes not a lot but little bits of not so good treats.

QOTD- I cant have pastries or cake in the house. It is my downfall, and I feel horible physically afterwards.
To think about for today...
Do you have foods that you just have to give up or you can't have in the house? I keep hearing Oprah say--I am losing weight and I eat bread everyday--so do you think realistically that every food fits into a healthy diet/ weight loss plan?

Welcome tntfamily78! Please introduce yourself. :)

Mine depends on my mood but fresh baked goods ( not packaged ) and chips are probably my biggest weakness. I have been doing well resisting or just having a little and counting it. I am hoping this will last. I think when you eliminate items from your diet completely for the sake of "dieting" you tend to crave or think about them more. It's different if you are eliminating for a medical reason. I have tried every diet out there I think and this time I am not doing any diet just counting my calories on MFP and I seem to not feel restricted since I can have it if I want but just have to measure and count it. With 3 kids and a very thin husband lots of stuff comes in and out of this house even if I don't buy it.
I've been so busy I haven't had a chance to post! I apologize for the delay. I was down 3.2 pounds on February 15 (I missed the February 8 weigh in). But, I am having a rough time the last 2 days. Not terrible, but not good either! I am trying hard to get back on track today.
To think about for today...

It's Friday! :) What did you do 'right' this week? And I know everybody has at least one thing (even me). And what do you need to work on for next week?
To think about for today...
Do you have foods that you just have to give up or you can't have in the house? I keep hearing Oprah say--I am losing weight and I eat bread everyday--so do you think realistically that every food fits into a healthy diet/ weight loss plan?
I do have foods I have to give up. I know it is counter to some of the latest trends--count everything and there is not bad food....but I can't handle the bad carbs. And the more I eat the more I eat. If they are in the house I have to either throw them out or eat it all. Is it an addiction--who knows? When I am exercising regularly and eating well I have found that I can have small amounts--but not in the house. The biggest culprits: potato chips (actually most chips and crackers), french fries, baked sweets and candy. That's a lot to avoid! But really--where is the nutritional value in any of those things that I listed? Maybe a few vitamins in french fries.

I am attempting a kick start with a few days of eating vegan, very little processed, and very little grains. We'll see. When I was hungry yesterday I had fruit. Last night for dinner we had sweet potato noodles (hand cut) with peppers, garlic, spinach and a cashew cream sauce with sriracha sauce. Tonight I am thinking veggie tacos with cashew cream instead of cheese/sour cream. Still on the fence as to whether to do lettuce wraps or make homemade corn tortillas. The tortillas have two ingredients--masa and water, but it a processed grain...

And I ordered a vegetable spiralizer on Amazon. We really like zucchini noodles and it will help with making other veggie noodles as well!
Hi everyone! I am down 1.6 this week for a total of 12.6.

I do have foods I have to give up. I know it is counter to some of the latest trends--count everything and there is not bad food....but I can't handle the bad carbs. And the more I eat the more I eat. If they are in the house I have to either throw them out or eat it all. Is it an addiction--who knows? When I am exercising regularly and eating well I have found that I can have small amounts--but not in the house. The biggest culprits: potato chips (actually most chips and crackers), french fries, baked sweets and candy. That's a lot to avoid! But really--where is the nutritional value in any of those things that I listed? Maybe a few vitamins in french fries.

I am attempting a kick start with a few days of eating vegan, very little processed, and very little grains. We'll see. When I was hungry yesterday I had fruit. Last night for dinner we had sweet potato noodles (hand cut) with peppers, garlic, spinach and a cashew cream sauce with sriracha sauce. Tonight I am thinking veggie tacos with cashew cream instead of cheese/sour cream. Still on the fence as to whether to do lettuce wraps or make homemade corn tortillas. The tortillas have two ingredients--masa and water, but it a processed grain...

And I ordered a vegetable spiralizer on Amazon. We really like zucchini noodles and it will help with making other veggie noodles as well!

I love what you had for dinner last night! A vegan diet is healthy in so many ways. I vote for lettuce wraps tonight! Whenever we do lettuce wraps, we wonder why we ever eat tacos. They are delicious and so much lower in calories.

@Rose&Mike Let me know how the spiralizer goes. I want one!

I know you weren't asking me, but I have a spiralizer and love it! We have only used it to make zucchini pasta with tomato sauce, and it is delicious.
To think about for today...

It's Friday! :) What did you do 'right' this week? And I know everybody has at least one thing (even me). And what do you need to work on for next week?

I got all my workouts in despite the bad weather here. I still need to work on my water intake. Not super bad but I should be drinking more. I was down another 2.6lbs which makes me past my goal for February 8.6 / 8lbs. I was really hoping for 10lbs this month but wasn't sure so I played it safe but it looks like I am going to get it as long as I stick with my plan. This week is DH birthday and wants to have takeout. This will be my biggest challenge for this week.
To think about for today...

It's Friday! :) What did you do 'right' this week? And I know everybody has at least one thing (even me). And what do you need to work on for next week?

Well, this week has been tough for me. It was a combination of factors...I hosted my Bunco group on Tuesday and have been off all week, so my routine is messed up. So, what I did "right" was hang in there....Thursday was a better day (not good, but better) and today I feel like I'm back on track. I tend to be "all or nothing"....when I'm good, I'm good, but when I make a mistake, then it's all over for me. So moving past this and being on track is a big accomplishment for me.
Hello all-
I am new to reading this thread and have found it very interesting. Kudos to all who are working to improve your health! I lost around 50 pounds THREE TIMES several years ago and am willing to post what has worked and not worked to help me keep the weight down after the third loss. If the advice is helpful, great! If not, feel free to ignore! Menopause and some new medical and food sensitivity issues have made weight maintenance harder during the last few years but Iḿ still hanging in there. As a background: As a teen I always weighed in the 110-115 range. Weight crept up to maybe 130 during college and up to the 158-162 range by the time I was a young busy mom. I kept my weight around 110-115 for several years after finally losing that weight for the third time and now keep it around 118-120 since menopause has slowed down my metabolism. I lost weight using popular diet plans and through very strict calorie counts. Problem was, once I lost the weight it was hard to keep off because was tired of the food restrictions and too focused on calorie counts rather than eating quality nutrition. Once I slipped I totally fell off of the wagon! What has been successful keeping it off for me the third time is this: 1) Getting enough sleep. The amount of sleep you get can actually affect weight. 2) Eating high quality mostly organic real foods. Junky processed foods and chemical/hormone laden foods affect gut microbia which can make one more prone to obesity and illness. There are some purposely brain addicting ingredients in many junk foods. 3) Keeping strict food diaries. This makes it easier not to over eat and to analyze where the food plan is working or not working. 4) Exercise: Muscle cells burn more calories than fat cells at rest plus the exercise just makes you feel so much better. If I mess up in the eating department, exercising the next morning always give me a mental boost and motivates me to do a better job watching my diet that day. 5) Figuring out a basic list of good healthy foods that you enjoy and basing most of your daily diet around these foods. I eat the same basic diet most days but it is ok because I really like these foods. 6) Planned splurges. There are two nights a week that I splurge and I look forward to these nights. These are not eat any junky thing I want nights, but I do relax the calorie counts and indulge on mostly healthy treats. 7) Consult with a dietician. This really helped me to understand how many protein, fat and carbs my body needs. More importantly, I know the kinds of foods that will meet my nutrition needs so I pick the ones I like. 8) Making one change at a time. By getting used to one change, then adding a new change, the whole process was not so overwhelming. 8) Rewarding yourself: I have a closet overflowing with nice clothes because my choices allow me to look good in many styles. This is a huge motivator. I do not want to have wasted the money spent on my wardrobe! 9) Basing a large part of my diet around foods I like but do not absolutely love. It is much harder to put the fork down if I am eating one of my absolute favorites! 10) Forgiving myself if I screw up. No one is perfect and just because I overate yesterday does not mean I need to do so today. 11) Get 12 hours of fasting time between your last meal of the day and breakfast. This helps promote healthy gut microbia which contributes to weight maintenance. 13) Plan ahead. I do not go to restaurants or holiday dinners overly hungry. If the restaurant does not offer a healthy option that fits my eating style I eat ahead of time and just order something small. 14) Pick an eating style you really love. I will mention that I follow a vegan diet but it is something I truly enjoy. Whatever your dietary preference, make it something you truly enjoy and focus on the high quality healthy nutrition and you will be healthier and more likely to stick to the plan! 15) Drink your water! 1/2 of your body weight in ounces every day! 16) Limit the sodium! It bloats you like crazy! 17) Really listen to your body. This is where diet journals can help. You will figure out which foods cause you to feel down and sad, which ones make you crave more eating, and basically how you react to specific foods and the time of day you eat them. It helps you to make better choices in the future. I know this is a lot, but I did not implement all of these changes at once .I hope that these tips are helpful and that everyone trying to lose weight finds success! For me, it is still one day at a time and I cannot let my guard down or I will relapse. Reading everyoneś stories does help keep me motivated!
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I was only down .6 lbs this week. Not even sure where that is percent wise not much more I think about 35% if my math is not failing me so early in the morning. For the chart I was down 2.2 for 2/12 and .6 for 2/20 with a total of 7.5 lbs YTD. The first week was TOM and was actually up 2.

We might be skipping skating this week. If we do, I'll be sure to get in something else a walk or Just Dance. I keep getting a day of tracking in and then skip one. So there are lots of reasons why I might not be seeing 2 lbs a week off. I'll take it if I'm less at all but it gets frustrating. I stood a lot yesterday at the birthday party we attended. Bowled one game. My legs were feeling it and still some soreness in one leg today. I need to make the menu plan today so I can go grocery shopping.

Filed my taxes last night so I have that refund to look forward to. I hope it's fairly quick. I gotta wait for a paper check because instead of opening a bank account I got the paycard through work when they said they wouldn't allow paper checks any longer. I would have had to change the account type on that to portable according to the info I got with the card. Then even if I put it on a card I'd have issues getting the amount I will want if I find myself a new to me used car that my brother will know how to work on easily because he's been working on that make and model for YEARS. Hopefully it wouldn't have problems though we'd considered one needing an engine that had other parts generally well and he can get discounted new and rebuilt engines.

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QOTD- I didn't go up. I got some days where I met my step goals even though having issues with my hip.

I am having a tough time with the food in the house. I have 1 DS17 who is sooo thin and just is never interested in food so I am always trying to cook things he likes,( baked ziti, steak,ham,potatos), my DH who can eat anything and always stays the same(Hate that) DS19 who loves to eat everything and is while he is still active(hockey,mountain bikes...)he is like me and can gain if he doesn't watch it.

If I dont have what DH considers a real "meal" at night DH is not very pleasant. He wants meat, sides, salad...so there is always lots around. He likes to have a dessert as well, tea with cookies or pastry or such at night. If I don't have these then he will make sure to go and pick up a bunch of treats. So I guess it is really hard when there is so much temptation in the house! I just don't have the self discipline or will power or whatever it is that I need.

I think I do better with the out of sight out of mind.
No loss here. Stagnant. I've worked my tush off so it's kinda frustrating. Hopefully next week will be better. :/


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