I've never run into such a person, but if i did, they wouldn't bother me at all. Everything I buy, I buy for me. Most of those things are not bought as an investment to try to earn a profit - I get my money's worth out of it and don't care what it's worth after I'm done with it. That goes for DVC, as well as my house and car. I keep and use all of those things enough that I've gotten my 'investment' out of the comfort, enjoyment, and pleasure they've given me, not what I sell them for. I pretty much intended to use my DVC until the contract runs out, then probably re-up again...the 20-30 days a year I enjoy staying in a nice large villa on property is what justifies the cost.
I never listen to those who say not to buy a particular color of car, or brand because the resale value is less - I'm going to drive the wheels off it and enjoy every moment, so at the end of 4-7 years when I decide to replace it with another, I could sell it for $100 and still feel I got my money's worth out of it.
Redesigning my house in neutral colors or materials because it will sell better is pointless for me - I intend to keep my house for a very long time and I want it to be designed to make me happy...a generic white box with neutral everything isn't what I want to live in. I'll take the hit if and when I decide to sell if the materials or colors I picked are too personal and don't play as well to a wide buying audience...or I'll spend $10-20K to paint it all neutral before putting it on the market.
If you're buying into DVC with the expressed intent to park and grow your money and hope for the best possible return, then yes, DVC is a pretty poor investment overall. But if you're buying DVC to enjoy your Disney trips and have nice, big lodgings onsite to stay in, the only part that matters is that you can afford it and you use it and enjoy it.