Who in your family served in Military ?

One brother just retired from the Army as a Colonel - he saw something during the Gulf War.
One brother was in the marines but was discharged after shattering his ankle in a motorcycle accident. The ankle healed but with limited flexibility.

A cousin was in the Army sent to Iraq.
Another cousin was career Army til she had a back injury and her brother was a marine.

My dad was in the National Guard as was my mom's brother.
Several cousins were in the Navy during Vietnam.

Korean War
My dad had a cousin who was killed in action very early in the Korean War. He actually had written home to his parents that he would be coming home soon. The war was supposed to have ended before it started. Then there was a major battle on the Chinese Border and he was killed. The war lasted about 3 more years after that.

My paternal grandfather was a Longshoreman so he was vital to the war effort. He was one of 9 boys and 7 of them served in WWII.
My maternal grandfather had a heart condition so he couldn't serve but 5 of his brothers were in WWII in the army and navy.
My godmother was a WAC in WWII.

A cousin was in the Navy during D-Day on an LST. His brother was a B-24 Pilot based in England.

My FIL was in the National Guard but when he tried to enlist regular army he was turned down since he was a foreman on the Reading Railroad, he was vital for troop movements.

I had a cousin on my grandmother's side that was killed in action on his last mission over Burma in WWII. He was flying his 50th mission when he was shot down.

An uncle lost a leg in WWI and a couple of other uncles also served there. At least one of them was at the Battle of Belleau Woods.

Spanish AMerican War
A 3X great uncle was in the army during the Spanish American War.
Nice thread, OP, just in time for Memorial Day:)
My husband and his friends joined the Army Reserves right before the VietNam War. He didn't get called up to go to Nam, but spent 7 years in the reserves.
My brother in law went to Viet Nam and was killed in action over there:(
I have a great uncle who was in WW1. He rode an old Indian motorcycle from the front line to the command with orders and information.
I have a great,great grandfather who was a hero in the Civil War, not telling which side, but a poem was written about him.
My grandpa, in the Army, WWII
My uncle, in the Navy.
Nephew, in the Navy.
My brother in law, in the Army.
My husband, in the Marines. :lovestruc

My grandma had a brother that was killed in WWII he was only 19 and is buried in Holland.
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Great Grandfather... Union Army, Civil War (Casualty)
Grandfather... WWI Army
Grandfather... Spanish American War
Father... Army Air Corp. WWII
Uncle... Army Infantry WWII
Uncle... Army MP Korea
Myself... USAF Vietnam
Cousin.... Navy Vietnam era
Cousin... Army Vietnam 2 tours Wounded twice
Grandpa 1 - WW2 navy
Grandpa 2 - WW2 NYSG
GG- WW1 army
GGG- coast guard
GGGG- union army civil war
GGGGGG- US army War of 1812

I supposedly have ancestors that fought in the USA colonial wars and the crusades (French nobility). :confused3
We go back to the Revolution on my father's side.
Both side of the Civil War on my father's side
Grandfather 1 - Army WWII
Grandmother 1 - Army Airforce Service (WASP) WWII
Grandfather 2 - Army -> Army Air Corps -> Air Force WWII to Vietnam
Father - Air Force
Uncle- Army
Uncle - Air Force
Brother - Air Force
Maternal great great grandfather, guerrilla, executed by colonial forces during a Caribbean rebellion.

Paternal great grandfather, private, in the Overseas Colonial British Army (I think that’s the name can’t keep the Brit armies straight in my mind) MIA, Second Boer War.

Maternal uncle, Brit army, specialist, served during the Egyptian campaign, WWII

The man’s father, 509 Airborne, paratrooper, WWII, USA, Italian campaign.

Stepfather, USA, Korean police action.

Paternal cousins who served in US Navy and Army during ‘Nam.

Maternal cousin who served during Vietnam War, as a non combatant.

The man, conscripted during Nam as a sharpshooting cook. We had many jokes about that.

My youngest son has made a career of service.


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