Who are the nicest /rudest celebs you have met?

Not surprised at all. She and my cousin were classmates at Eastern High School here in South Jersey, so I encountered her many times at parties, school events, etc. I NEVER liked her because she was snotty and nasty, and so when I first saw her on AMC and then on Live I was a bit salty because I never forgot how mean she was. Seeing her on TV doesn't bug me as much anymore, but every once in a while the Kelly I remember does come out on the show.

I'm sorry she was so rude and nasty then too! :( I was hoping we just caught her on a bad or stressful week, but I guess not. She seems so different on TV which is what really disappointed me.
Ran into Paul Newman a couple times at Indy Car test sessions. Test days are not busy like race weekends so he didn't have to be "on guard" quite so much. One thing I knew he didn't like to do was sign autographs, but he was fine with pictures. He invited us to have a snack with him at the team buffet. He was eating chips and salsa and I asked if it was Newman's Own. He picked up the jar of Chi Chi's salsa and said "No, and I own the damn team!"

Worked with him a few times and he was great as long as you talked racing. Mention acting and he wanted nothing to do with you
I've met quite a few country singers over the years and most of them are very, very nice. The ones that stand out are:

Bryan White
Mark Wills
David Kersh
Brad Paisley
Steve Wariner

The worst experience had to have been Leann Rimes. She definitely cares more about herself and "image" than being nice to anyone. I can't say I was that surprised.

I also met a few professional athletes while working at our local arena. Jeff Garcia (former 49er quarterback) was extremely nice, taking pictures and signing autographs for anyone who wanted one. His brother commented to me that he would do that until he was kicked out of the building, and then would continue on the street. I thought that was really nice of him.
Shockingly, one of the nicer guys to me was Jim McMahon, the Chicago Bears QB. I had to pick him up from the airport and I was a bit nervous since I had heard he was a jerk. He was actually very pleasant. He introduced himself and made small talk as we waited for his luggage. We were having a nice conversation when he started being recognized. I could see the physical change in him. He got very uncomfortable with the attention and was standoffish to everyone who approached him. Once we got to the car and were driving, he relaxed again and we had a great drive. He saw me a few times over the tournament and always made a point to wave or come over and chat with me for a few minutes.

I've never heard that he was a jerk to people. Maybe to the press, like the time he mooned photographers trying to take his photo from a helicopter. He was definitely a wild child though. He's infamous at BYU. If he wasn't a star football player, he probably would have gotten expelled for numerous "Honor Code" violations.
One that sticks out now was Carrie Fisher. she was so much fun when I met her at a comicon. She had a huge line, but took time to talk with each fan. Not just move them along to get to the next person (And Anthony Daniels was much the same, spent five minutes talking with us asking US questions). She engaged with us and was super nice. Have met many others at cons that were also super nice (and hung out in the bar with a few...not naming them)...as for rude ones, I will assume that everyone can have a bad day and not blame them for not being nice...so no names.
We met a lot of the cast of Buffy the Vampire Slayer (TV series) since they used to film in our old neighborhood. Sarah Michelle Gellar was not so nice (rude to the kids asking for autographs, etc) but Alyson Hannigan, David Boreanaz and many of the other extras (vampires) were really nice to the people living there. In between takes they would sit on one of the lawns and chat with the neighborhood kids, etc.

Elton John was also really nice to my son. We had front row seats for Million Dollar Piano in Vegas so after the show, we all were able to stand next to the stage and Elton would go down the stage giving high-fives to everyone. Were we were standing there were steps so my son couldn't reach the stage. He started to go up the steps to reach Elton but Elton said "oh no, let me come down to you." So he walked down the steps to my son and gave him a big, long handshake. Then he went back up and finished giving everyone else high-fives on his way out. Also his percussionist, John Mahon, threw one of his drumsticks to my son after the show.

Yes her. The guy who wrote her book has a dtr who plays soccer and goes to a local college here in CT (I think I got that right) so she came to the college and did a little chat, answered a few questions and then signed her book. Her husband was there too.

It was almost disappointing. It was supposed to be from 6-7 but she came out at about 6:10 and they stopped the questions at about 6:50. She talked to her writer for about 30 min or more and answered about 5-8 questions.

Apparently she sat in the car of one of my daughters friends teammates before the event. If that happened to us I would of been like ok we can leave now!
My dad used to be a cameraman and for many years worked on Soundstage and we got to go sometimes. The Doobie Bros were as mellow and fun as you might think

Gordon Lightfoot, total jerk. Dionne Warwick forbade anyone from looking her in the eye

Good grief, I just realized how much I am dating myself!

I went to graduate school at The University of Cambridge and went to a reception with Prince Charles. Three things stood out: 1) lack of security. As an American I would have expected a metal detector and some visible security, nope, nothing, he just walked right in. 2) he is short! 3) he was very nice and took the time to talk to lots of us. In fact, the only handler he had was to try and move him along!
I also met a few professional athletes while working at our local arena. Jeff Garcia (former 49er quarterback) was extremely nice, taking pictures and signing autographs for anyone who wanted one. His brother commented to me that he would do that until he was kicked out of the building, and then would continue on the street. I thought that was really nice of him.

I never had the privilege, but I've heard endless similar stories about Stan Musial.
No one's gonna remember him but I met Bo Donaldson at Carowinds around 1974. I had such a 14 year old gay boy's crush on him and he was just as nice as could be. Stunningly handsome. I STILL have that autographed picture 43 years later!

I remember Bo Donaldson!
i met Kellan Lutz the actor from twilight he was sweet even when i hugged him from behind, along with the band R5 and the boy band Big Time Rush they are cool also these were meet and greets, but when i was a kid I saw Ray Charles at the airport but i did not want to talk to him because i did not know who he was my mom did through she pointed him out
i met Kellan Lutz the actor from twilight he was sweet even when i hugged him from behind, along with the band R5 and the boy band Big Time Rush they are cool also these were meet and greets, but when i was a kid I saw Ray Charles at the airport but i did not want to talk to him because i did not know who he was my mom did through she pointed him out
All the Osmonds are very nice.

We also ran into Bob Hope in a mall in Palm Springs years ago. He was super nice and we got his autograph.
That surprises me about Robert Irvine. He seems like such a conceited jerk to me.

Nope he is really a great guy, very down to earth, genuine and relaxed. He has a very charismatic and big personality. He was on a bus with everyone else which sorta shocked me why would someone like him (famous) be on a bus, and not travel with some private car or limo service. He seemed just like anyone else riding the Disney bus. I did not get the conceited vibe from him at all.
I met the best and the worst at the same event... a charity golf tournament in Nashville back in the early 70s. I was about 10 years old at the time.
Glen Cambell was the sweetest. When I tried to get a picture of him, my camera wasn't working and he tried to see if he could fix it and spent some one on one time with me.
Ray Stevens was horrible. Not even sure why he showed up if he was going to be rude to the spectators that were his fans. Brushed us off with mean spirited words.
I met the best and the worst at the same event... a charity golf tournament in Nashville back in the early 70s. I was about 10 years old at the time.
Glen Cambell was the sweetest. When I tried to get a picture of him, my camera wasn't working and he tried to see if he could fix it and spent some one on one time with me.
Ray Stevens was horrible. Not even sure why he showed up if he was going to be rude to the spectators that were his fans. Brushed us off with mean spirited words.

Golf is a totally different world. I've been to a few golf tournaments, and the majority of the big name golfers are quite nice to random people. It's pretty common in practice rounds for people to request autographs, and the majority of golfers oblige.

I've heard in NASCAR, the drivers are told that they will show up after races, sign autographs, and treat fans well. I don't know if it's necessarily faked, but at the very least team sponsors make sure that the drivers don't give them a bad image.
Met Mike Meyers when he was a supporting actor on SNL. He was really nice. After a Broadway show, I met Joanna Gleason (not very famous elsewhere). She could not have been lovelier. I was leaving my sister's apartment in the city and while I was waiting to cross the street, it turned out Dylan McDermott was next to me waiting for the same thing. I did the double take thing unfortunately but said nothing. He smiled politely. Then once I got dream seats for a Knicks game that a friend who worked for CBS got. Turned out I was sitting near Leonardo DiCaprio, Spike Lee, Howard Stern, and Ethan Hawke. Again, I tried to play it cool, but hubby got his ticket stub signed by all of them. They were pretty cool with Leo and Ethan being surprisingly down to earth. This was around the time Ethan got caught cheating on Uma Thurman. Part of me wanted to ask "what the hell were you thinking?" but I didn't. LOL. Not sure if this counts, but in college I worked for an event planning company and had to speak on the phone with Steadman....Oprahs' Stedman! He was nice and I think had no idea he was famous.
The worst would be Jordan Knight from New Kids on the Block. About 15 years ago, when he was trying to make his solo thing work, he performed at a Hard Rock Cafe near me. After the show, they announced that if you bought a skimpy pair of undies from his merch table, that you would be allowed into a private dining area to meet him. My cousin was a HUGE fan at the time so we purchased 2 pairs (even though they were so tiny they'd probably only fit my elbow). Everyone was led in one group at a time for a one-on-one "meet and greet". He was so drunk he could barely keep his eyes open. He signed a napkin and slid it across the table without saying a single word. I felt so bad for my cousin - she had been a huge fan of his since NKOTB started and he was such a jerk.

The nicest was definitely (country band) Little Big Town.
(James Bond celebrities)
Timothy Dalton (007)
George Lazenby (007)
Bernard Lee (M, now deceased)
Desmond Llewellyn (Q, now deceased)
Christopher Lee (Man with the Golden Gun, now deceased)
Shirley Eaton (Goldfinger, Jill Masterson, painted gold in the movie)

(at the Playboy Mansion)
Hugh Hefner
Keith Hefner (brother, now deceased)
Weird Al Yankovic (very nice guy)
Drew Carey (big smile all the time)
Judd Nelson (I accidentally bumped into him at the bar, and he apologized to me)
Bill Maher

(various sci-fi celebrities)
Karen Allen (Marion in Raiders of the Lost Ark)
Sean Astin (Samwise Gamgee in Lord of the Rings)
Kenny Baker (R2-D2 in Star Wars, now deceased)
Anthony Daniels (C-3PO in Star Wars) He commented about the Star Tours ride that it was strange to finally see himself from the outside.
Keir Dullea (Dave Bowman in 2001 a Space Odyssey)
Nelsan Ellis (Lafayette on True Blood) Very modest.
Tom Felton (Draco Malfoy in the Harry Potter movies)
Matthew Lewis (Neville Longbottom in the Harry Potter movies)
James and Oliver Phelps (Weasley twins in the Harry Potter movies)
Malcolm McDowell (among his many roles is the voice of grandpa Reginald Fletcher on Phineas and Ferb)
George Takei (Sulu in Star Trek) Several of us took him to lunch, great guy.

All of them nice people.


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