Who also spent way too much this past month?

Our computer died a month ago, so we had just replaced that. And we had just bought a new mattress set (much needed) , but we had filed our taxes early and got it back a few days later. Still have some of that set aside in savings, for now!
Spent more on groceries than normal. Making sure we had enough for at least 2-3 weeks. (except for milk, bread, fresh veggies, fruits etc. Placed 2 orders on Chewy to make sure my furbabies had enough food, litter and snacks. Somehow I managed to get my order in just as this all hit, and everything was in stock and I got it within a week. Made sure all of hubby's meds were ordered 2 weeks ago thankfully, just before this hit. At least our deductible for insurance is now paid! We aren't big 'eating out' people, so we don't spend money on that. I did place a few Amazon orders of things that I just 'wanted' but had gift cards to cover all of it. Hubby is working from home, so hardly any gas is being used in the car. It figures, now that it's almost down to $2 a gallon, we can't go anywhere , lol. So all in all, our budget is still pretty much on track with a normal month.
We've spent way more on food than normal, because we usually buy our groceries a day at a time. We had to completely stock our pantry & fridges. The food will eventually be eaten, so I'm fine with spending so much on that this month. We also bought more medicine than we would normally buy in a years time, because we rarely get sick. I'll be thrilled, if that money is wasted.
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End of Jan/start of Feb I spent more than my regular amt on food. On one hand this was my normal schedule since I've a chest freezer and it needs restocking every 6 months. Luck of the draw that it happened close to coronavirus. Fortunately, was able to do so at the the sale prices historically available for that time of year. Still, generally it's mostly protein in the freezer and it took an extra $150.00-$200.00 to add freezable veggies in. My home office is already set up so no issue there. I did spend money ensuring the medicine chest ingredients were up to date (found a bottle of Milk of Magnesium that expired in 2012, LOL) .

I don't really regret the funds spent since I feel more secure to meet most anything that comes down the pike.

I went through our medical stuff this week too. Pepto (2017), 2 boxes of Cold meds (2016/2018, respectively), 1/2 bottle hydrogen peroxide (2010; leftover from scouts), and 4 partially used bottles of rubbing alcohol (2010; also leftover from scouts; we used it to make coasters with the scouts back in the day).

I purged spices before the move. Rosemary, sage, cumin from 2018. Ginger, allspice from 2007. LOL
We did and it was on food. There's 8 in our house including the grandparents, so that's a lot of food. DH usually eats lunch out while at work, so that's added food. Plus bored kids eat a lot. Plus DH decided to purchase chickens and ducks for eggs later this spring. We've raised them before, but that was years ago.
I'm about where I normally am on spending. Trying to be careful so I'll have something if I need it.

I'm actually coming out ahead since I had to cancel dh's surprise party. What I've spent in the last 2 weeks, including frivolous things is way less than what his party was going to cost.
I absolutely did. A lot of it was doing about 3 weeks' worth of grocery shopping all at once, but also bringing my daughter home from school and then adding to that 3 weeks of groceries to accommodate her vegetarianism, getting set up to homeschool the rest of the year (which involved tackling some organizational projects to convert our dining room to a schoolroom) and stocking supplies for some science and craft projects because my youngest wants to spend some of this time working on her entries for the 4H fair. All of it is money I would have spent anyway, eventually, except for the need to stock vegetarian foods from now until May (when DD18 would have come home anyway), but doing it all at once was a bit of a blow to the bank balance.
Yup. We've been trying to stock up on more food and other items to be sustainable. We got new filters for all the water systems in our house, extra meds, games for the kids, more batteries and vitamins. We live in a more rural area so we are concerned that UPS/USPS may limit or cut off delivery at some point. My husband is not willing to go to the stores anymore either.
We did and it was on food. There's 8 in our house including the grandparents, so that's a lot of food. DH usually eats lunch out while at work, so that's added food. Plus bored kids eat a lot. Plus DH decided to purchase chickens and ducks for eggs later this spring. We've raised them before, but that was years ago.
My husband went out and got chickens too. Can't wait until they start laying!!
Work gave the laptop and I sit at my dining room table. No setup necessary.

Grocery stores aren’t closing. Just doing our regular two week delivery.
We spent a lot more on groceries because we couldn't find what we needed at the cheaper stores and had to go to the more expensive ones.
Bought a lot of food for the freezer, and some fun stuff to keep us busy, and some flashlights, solar chargers, etc, just in case. I know the power plants are still operating just fine, but we have snow coming in and he can't borrow a generator from work right now if we lose power. So a few extra things that we can use for camping as well, but it feels good to have them now too.
I spent more on food for sure. The grocery stores in my area are pretty bare and I live in a tourist area. The people who own summer houses are coming to town early this year. The grocery stores are only going to get worse I fear. I am also immunocompromised so I am trying to buy more groceries so I have to go less often.
Yeah. I had my Feb WDW trip charges on my credit card, and then went and stocked up on 3 months of food and supplies, and had to pay into the IRA to get the tax deductions. Cannot pay off that credit card for a few months :( But at least I can, still working, still getting paid.
The past 3 months has been horrible for our budget.

We bought a car for DS for $2500 to get back and forth to work, then spent another $1000 getting it in great shape and safe.

The first snow after getting it, DS slid into the back of a pickup with a huge hitch and caused $1500 in damage. He's paying us back, but still $ out.

I had surgery Jan 20th, the Bill's have been rolling in and so far, i owe $6900 out of pocket. That's with my "great" insurance.

Did our taxes and we're going to owe $3600. I'm having an accountant look it over since we've always gotten a small refund in the past.

We have a rental house that's been empty for 3 months getting it cleaned up and ready for new renters. The cost OOP is $3200.

We just spent an extra $500 on food, booze, and supplies last week for this.

I'm in debt. A lot of debt.
I went through our medical stuff this week too. Pepto (2017), 2 boxes of Cold meds (2016/2018, respectively), 1/2 bottle hydrogen peroxide (2010; leftover from scouts), and 4 partially used bottles of rubbing alcohol (2010; also leftover from scouts; we used it to make coasters with the scouts back in the day).

I purged spices before the move. Rosemary, sage, cumin from 2018. Ginger, allspice from 2007. LOL
Just cleaned out the pantry and fridge.It was frightful at what we threw out.Have to get a better handle on things...


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