Which UY combination would you choose and why?

Which UY combination would you choose and why?

  • Feb and Oct

    Votes: 3 30.0%
  • Apr and Oct

    Votes: 5 50.0%
  • Jun and Oct

    Votes: 2 20.0%

  • Total voters


Earning My Ears
Mar 10, 2024
I'm curious. If can only choose between one of these 3 UY combinations (Feb/Oct, Apr/Oct, or Jun/Oct), which one would you choose and why? Here is a visual to help you decide how to answer the question.

You need to know first when your family is most likely to go to Disney. Yes, sometimes spontaneous trips come but basically you can cross out when you WON’T go and then use likely months as your base to go by.

I prefer one UY to make things simple. 425 points Aug UY. BCV/Poly. Has worked out for 11 years thus far.
Good luck with your decision.
If you’re going to have 2UY and one has to be Oct - I’d choose April as my second so that you can schedule trips year round without worrying about loosing points if you need to cancel…use Oct for Oct-Mar trips and Apr for Apr-Sept trips.
I would choose June and Oct. My reasoning is that my preferred travel time is Fall and Christmas and a June use year puts my banking window out till January.
We would choose April and Oct because it gives us year round travel.
That was our initial strategy too.

Started out with October UY (with 2 contracts @ different resorts)

added on @ AK (twice) re December UY, one direct, one resale. That UY was easier with the summer travel we did with our family.

Picked up a a different UY/contract for one of the 1st two resorts this year. Didn’t think it would be an issue, ha!

I’m sure I’ll (eventually) get the hang of managing/co-ordinating things. At this point, I’m treating the two contracts as separate entities, banking & borrowing as needed. it seems a bit easier vs transferring points from one to another. Admittedly, would’ve been much easier to have purchased the same UY but, pickings had been slim for some time.

OP - haven’t seen that visual/cheat sheet. Thank you for posting
None - single UY is significantly easier to manage. I wouldn't intentionally look for multiple UYs - but I'm sure some folks make it work just fine. Even a single UY can get challenging to coordinate. No thanks to multiple.
^^^ This.

As PP said, it's a challenge just keeping track of one Use Year. I would not want to have to keep track of more than one.
None of the above! We have two use years. It’s a PITA. I’m even planning on selling one of our contracts and repurchasing it under a single use year it’s so bad. It gets really awful when you want to combine points for a big trip but can’t because of use year issues. Something like you can’t transfer borrowed points or bank transferred points or something, whatever it is, I can’t keep it straight and it bites me every time.
If you’re going to have 2UY and one has to be Oct - I’d choose April as my second so that you can schedule trips year round without worrying about loosing points if you need to cancel…use Oct for Oct-Mar trips and Apr for Apr-Sept trips.

We would choose April and Oct because it gives us year round travel.
I did the same, and we actually own Feb/Aug for the same reason! (initially bought Feb and found out we really liked traveling over winter holidays)
’m sure I’ll (eventually) get the hang of managing/co-ordinating things. At this point, I’m treating the two contracts as separate entities, banking & borrowing as needed. it seems a bit easier vs transferring points from one to another. Admittedly, would’ve been much easier to have purchased the same UY but, pickings had been slim for some time.
In addition to treating them separately, you can still use them for a trip by booking as a split stay. We love split stays, and usually do that in August when our contracts' UY overlap optimally.
None of the above! We have two use years. It’s a PITA. I’m even planning on selling one of our contracts and repurchasing it under a single use year it’s so bad. It gets really awful when you want to combine points for a big trip but can’t because of use year issues. Something like you can’t transfer borrowed points or bank transferred points or something, whatever it is, I can’t keep it straight and it bites me every time.
I’ve got 5 UYs - the trick is to have enough in each that you don’t need to transfer and can make do with banking and borrowing- and don’t have the same resort in multiple UYs unless 1 of those UYs is for something specific - like a race weekend…
I concur with the above. April and October.

We are February and I find this UY inconvenient.
There really is no correct answer here. It all depends on when your family normally travels.

For us, we almost always travel in fall and winter with the occasional early spring trip. So we chose Sept and it works really well. I don't want to have to juggle two UY's. But if we travelled year round that might not be the case and it would be worth the hassle. What works best for one family will not work best for others.
The UY combination is entirely dependent on your vacation planning. I selected April and October as it would allow us to plan around EPCOT festivals and, specifically, Flower & Garden and Food & Wine.

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