Where to go for ABD?


Earning My Ears
Aug 2, 2015
I'd like to plan an Adventure by Disney Vacation but I don't know if the family is ready to do something Disney related without going to a Disney park. I don't even know where to start in planning a ABD, where to go, what there is too, and is it affordable for a family of four? I've looked at the website to see the destinations but I'd like some suggestions.
I'd like to plan an Adventure by Disney Vacation but I don't know if the family is ready to do something Disney related without going to a Disney park. I don't even know where to start in planning a ABD, where to go, what there is too, and is it affordable for a family of four? I've looked at the website to see the destinations but I'd like some suggestions.

The website will give prices. If you choose a destination, there's a tab with dates and prices per person. As far as choosing the particular ABD, I start by looking through the official website of possible places I'd like to go, then search those places up here on this forum including reading trip reports to get a better idea.

Is your family ready to do something Disney related without going to the parks? Of course that's a personal question, but I'd say part of the idea of traveling is seeing something completely new and different and often getting out of your comfort zone. I've never known any fellow guests on an ABD be nothing but impressed with their experience and want to do another ABD. So in light of that, I'd say odds are yes your family is ready.

As far as suggestions, I'd say when in doubt go to Italy.
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Well, I think first you need to look at the concept of this being "Disney related without going to a Disney Park". Unless you do one of the 2 itineraries that actually go to a Disney Park (Southern California & China) or the one that goes to the Walt Disney museum (San Francisco weekend), the Disney relation here is in the quality of the itineraries, and the excellent training of the Adventure Guides. The trips themselves are not "Disney related", which is one of the things I really like about ABD. They are, in general, amazingly un-Disneyfied. I had to convince my friends that I was not going on vacation with Cinderella and Mickey Mouse. Really, the only Disney element to the trips, besides the quality, is the daily themed pins you get each day of the trips. As long as you are good with that, you should be great with any of the itineraries ABD offers, based on what your family likes and has an urge to see.

If you think your family won't like something not really "Disney related" you could try the Southern California Backstage Magic ABD, which *does* include a lot of Disney aspects (Imagineering, Disney Studios, Disneyland, etc). If you like that one, and how ABD operates, then you could look at doing one of the other trips (and Italy is a good one to start with).

I hope this makes sense.

If you let us know what your family is like, what they're interested in, how they travel, etc, a lot of us could probably come up with some suggestions for you.

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I think ABD, and companies like it, cater to families or individuals who like to travel but are overwhelmed by the idea of planning the trip and navigating in foreign countries. Or, in the case of US based trips, want the special perks and back stage experiences that are difficult to get on your own. If your family likes to strike out on your own, wander the streets, and have total control of where you eat and stay, you might not like ABD. If the thought of picking hotels, tours, and restaurants gives you hives, or if you don't want to figure out how to get from your hotel to the next attraction, you might love having someone plan and execute your trip. All you need to do is get on the plane and everything else is practically take care of for you. That and the level of customer service and attention to detail that usually marks a Disney backed trip is what travelers appreciate.

Full disclosure, I've not done an ABD yet, but have a wandering deposit that keeps getting moved back due to family and money commitments. Grrr. We travel extensively, and I'm semi comfortable acting as travel agent and guide for our family of 8. That said, I dream of the vacation I where I don't have to. THAT would be a vacation for me. :)

I have good friends who are both very busy doctors (married to each other) with two teenage boys. They do an ABD every summer and sing nothing but praises for it. They are both too busy to plan and completely uncomfortable with making arrangements on their own. ABD is the perfect solution for them.
Oh, and I meant to add, "Is it affordable for a family of four?" is a very subjective question. They aren't cheap. A lot of people have some pretty severe sticker shock when they look at the cost of an ABD and multiply it by four. Others say it's totally worth every penny. Look at the rates on the website. That's the only way you'd be able to determine if they're "affordable" to you or not. If $15,000 to $25,000 for the 4 of you (some average prices) is not affordable to you, then the answer is "No, ABD is not affordable". If you say "I could live with that for a great, relatively care-free experience for my family" then Yes, it is affordable. :)

I agree with @aggiedog We have been doing 1 or more ABD trips each year. I am very comfortable planning travel and making arrangements. However, I don't want to do that for every single trip. It gets exhausting. Not to mention, the ABD trips have always met or exceeded my expectations. I enjoy exclusive experiences that some of the trips offer. I love that all I have to do is get flights and show up. I have enjoyed meeting some of the people on this board in real life on ABD trips and making new friends as well. If you want to have the Disney touch in terms of quality and safety without being in the parks then you might be ready for an ABD trip.

I also agree with @sayhello. Affordable is very subjective. We were in sticker shock for years before doing our first ABD trip. Then came the Scotland itinerary which basically changed everything for us. I figured out how to afford the trip which led to using the same strategies to afford future ABD trips. For us it was a vacation fund, combined with travel hacking and discounted Disney cards to pay for the trips. Granted, it is just DH and I, no kids. However, we love ABD trips and are very happy to continue traveling with them.


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