When is your Spring Break?

March 10-14 in our district north of Houston. Many districts in Texas are off the same time!
For our University, it is the first full week of March for 2025.
Wow it really varies! I guess my next question is, which states do you think impact crowds the most (besides Florida!)
Wow it really varies! I guess my next question is, which states do you think impact crowds the most (besides Florida!)
That really depends. Living in Alabama, I would definitely say that as many parts of Alabama, Georgia, and South Carolina are actually closer to WDW than Pensacola, FL, people in these states find that WDW is an easy drivable destination and may go more often?

NOTE: This is just a hypothesis on my part and I don't have any data to back it up, but it makes sense that if you take airfare out of the equation, you can go more often...
I'd say Georgia would be the state next most likely to have impact...

After that, maybe NY?
Our girl's private school, and seemingly most of the public schools around us, are 24-28 March here in Ohio. Which has always kept us away from Disney during my oldest daughter's birthday. This year we are doing a Disney cruise and wrapping that around 4-5 days at one of the resorts. Maybe we venture out into the parks, maybe we just enjoy the other offerings that Disney and Orlando have to offer?
Here it goes by district.....but is March. Mid, some districts have 2 weeks.
Orange County, FL is March 17 - 21 of 2025. The two other central FL school districts that are most likely to impact crowds (Osceola and Seminole Counties) have the same dates for Spring Break.
Hi.. nyc public schools April 12-20. We get off for Easter and Passover this year..
Both my kids school districts (one public, one private) are scheduled for March 17-21. We'll be in WDW March 16-20. This ended up being a great time in 2024 due to AP blockout dates, so hoping for the same in 2025. If not, we'll still enjoy Flower and Garden!
Both my kids school districts (one public, one private) are scheduled for March 17-21. We'll be in WDW March 16-20. This ended up being a great time in 2024 due to AP blockout dates, so hoping for the same in 2025. If not, we'll still enjoy Flower and Garden!
It's not blocked for Sorcerer's passes as they have changed those blackout dates to Thanksgiving and Christmas to New Year's. IncrediPass doesn't have any black out dates.
It's not blocked for Sorcerer's passes as they have changed those blackout dates to Thanksgiving and Christmas to New Year's. IncrediPass doesn't have any black out dates.
Yes - Sorcerer and Incredipass were not blocked out in March 2024 as well.
Here in NJ with an April 14 through 18th spring break. We'll be doing our first ever Disney cruise on the Treasure that week with my best friend's family!
We are planning a trip in March 2025 and trying to decide which week! I know that Spring Break tends to vary by state/district so thought I would do an informal poll about when your district is off for Spring Break! All answers are appreciated :)
South Jersey, my wife works at a private school, our spring break is always the week after Easter.
If you are looking at the issue of how large park crowds are during that time, the answer is very crowded. As one can tell from the above posts, spring breaks vary in the US, and second week of March usually includes Canada (where it is called "winter break"). The worst park crowds of the two months are usually the two weeks around Easter and when one or both of its weeks is late March or early April (not in 2025), it couples with a large contingent of other spring breaks, and parks, particularly MK, can sometimes actually reach capacity.

If you are looking at it from the view of DVC room availability, March and April are actually moderate demand times when compared to the "Fall" season (late Sep to marathon weekend in Jan), and though the Easter weeks are somewhat heavier, they are not overwhelming and still not as bad as any time during the Fall season. In fact, the heaviest DVC demand time of the two months can be the race weekend in April.
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