I still use my MB, as I have a few that I really like, and I find the new ones are blah with minimal selection. In particular, I have an older Haunted Mansion one, and I can't find an MB+ that is similar. I don't particularly like that the new bands also require charging. I have way too many chargers that I have to travel with already, so it's a pain. I know you don't need to keep it charged to use for a lot of things, but it's just one more thing I don't want to travel with, and I don't want to pay for a charger that I don't want to use. DH uses his Apple Watch for pretty much everything he'd use an MB for (he uses me to open the resort room door; actually, he uses me to do most things, too - he mostly uses his watch just to enter the park so doesn't even need a card or band).