Overall my view of both Disney and DVC is quite positive still. Background: Never went to WDW as a kid, except once when I was a surly teenager, so really no "nostalgia" factor for me. First real trip was with DW and DS in 2000 when he was 4. Probably averaged close to 1 trip per year since, and now we have DGD (5) who we've taken twice
I'm a big Theme Park nerd, and we still love the parks. By nerd I mean I'm fascinated by the attention to detail in the theming, the engineering of the attractions, the great CMs, etc. I'm not weeping during the parades, or comparing what emotions I feel during HEA to whatever the fireworks show before it was called (not that there's anything wrong with that)
We've done many types of vacations (still do) but WDW is still our favorite kind. Love being in the "bubble". Doing the parks through DGD's eyes is like starting fresh almost. She loves the rides, but also meeting princesses and the Boutique and the "girly" stuff we never did before
so that's keeping things fresh.
We like the current LLMP + LLSP system and don't mind paying for it, especially since they brought back pre-booking, and cracked down on the
DAS abuse. IMO now a LL is what it's supposed to be, a minimal wait (usually)
We love planning vacations, so that part doesn't bother us at all. Though it does add a bit of a stress factor that's not there for other vacations or Universal.
Bottom line even though it's expensive, I never regret going or spending the money. We're blessed to be able to afford it, travel is the only thing we splurge on. We've only been DVC for a few years, so it hasn't changed much in that time. It lets us stay at the deluxe resorts which we would never do otherwise. Being able to stay so close to the parks is a game changer for us.