What's the deal with all the BCV resales?

I have stayed at AKV and although it is a nice resort it doesn't have the greatest location and the nightlife leaves alot to be desired. I don't think AKV will ever be as highly sought after as BCV. I would rather buy SSR for the extra 15 years, at least it's close to DTD. The animals will always be a draw, but I believe it will soon be on the resale market for less than what it sold for originally, just like SSR.
For a some of us (not sure what the percentage is), it's all about the theme, and how well that theme is carried out.

Just my opinion, but I don't care about the location of BCV, or the fact there is not a park within walking distance from AKV.
I do care about the magnificent theming of AKL/AKV (and WL/VWL). For what BCV is, DVC did a nice job in the theming department, but that resort theme just doesn't lend itself to the same amount of intense theming as AKV.

Yes, most people will say "Location, Location, Location", but we say "Theming, Theming, Theming".

Just another perspective. :smokin:

The animals will always be a draw, but I believe it will soon be on the resale market for less than what it sold for originally, just like SSR.

When AKV points do hit the resale market, of course they will be priced less than DVC's prices. The biggest determinant of resale pricing is DVC's own ROFR threshold. Want to know why you paid $94 per point for your BCV points? Because DVC would have exercised ROFR if the contract had gone thru at $90.

DVC is actively selling SSR points for $91-93 each, therefore they have no reason to exercise ROFR at $88 per point. Given the administrative expenses involved, they can't justify buying-back points at a price so close to the going rate. Resale prices will always be $8-10 less than DVC's prices for active resorts. The same was true for BCV when it was actively being marketed, and it will also be true for AKV when contracts start showing up.

Points hit the resale market because buyers want or have to sell. We aren't talking about people who will wake up one morning with buyer's remorse and decide they can "fix" their error by selling for $10 less than they paid (plus commission.)

As for the future of BCV, the value of those points will inevitably begin to decline. As we get closer to the contract ending date, it will be impossible to justify the high prices. Personally I think resale prices for BCV may have already topped-out in the mid-$90s. If DVC announces they will be selling 50-year contracts at the Contemporary in the next few years, BCV points will probably lose $10 in value overnight.

First, let me say I have always admired your "Flying Martian" and many of your responses to this board. (Let me know if you know where I can find a floating Buzzlightyear avatar)However, I do disagree AKV will have any impact on BCV. The location and theme of these two resorts is completely different. I have stayed at AKV and although it is a nice resort it doesn't have the greatest location and the nightlife leaves alot to be desired. I don't think AKV will ever be as highly sought after as BCV. I would rather buy SSR for the extra 15 years, at least it's close to DTD. The animals will always be a draw, but I believe it will soon be on the resale market for less than what it sold for originally, just like SSR.
All else being the same including ending time and concierge, I would agree with you. But that is not the case. AKV is the only destination resort with a later ending date and the only one available directly from DVC in that category as well. I do feel that many are underestimating AKV and also that many underestimate the later ending date. I simply don't feel that BCV, VWL or BWV will be able to keep up with prices based on demand alone. If you think BCV will be selling for more than AKV in 10 years I think you're wrong but we shall see.
For a some of us (not sure what the percentage is), it's all about the theme, and how well that theme is carried out.

Just my opinion, but I don't care about the location of BCV, or the fact there is not a park within walking distance from AKV.
I do care about the magnificent theming of AKL/AKV (and WL/VWL). For what BCV is, DVC did a nice job in the theming department, but that resort theme just doesn't lend itself to the same amount of intense theming as AKV.

Yes, most people will say "Location, Location, Location", but we say "Theming, Theming, Theming".

Just another perspective. :smokin:


I think the theming at AKL is great except I wish the smell of what ever they burn in the lobby would go. Are they going to have the smell in the other building?
All else being the same including ending time and concierge, I would agree with you. But that is not the case. AKV is the only destination resort with a later ending date and the only one available directly from DVC in that category as well. I do feel that many are underestimating AKV and also that many underestimate the later ending date. I simply don't feel that BCV, VWL or BWV will be able to keep up with prices based on demand alone. If you think BCV will be selling for more than AKV in 10 years I think you're wrong but we shall see.

SSR would be considered a destination resort.
SSR would be considered a destination resort.
Not in my book and I doubt by most members. DD is not a destination for most people.
I think the theming at AKL is great except I wish the smell of what ever they burn in the lobby would go. Are they going to have the smell in the other building?
Ahhh... Disney keying in on all the senses.

Theming at it's finest... :thumbsup2

...I do feel that many are underestimating AKV...
I think it's easy to overestimate this new DVC property unless you seriously consider all factors currently resulting in the low occupancy and discounted rates at the existing Animal Kingdom resort.
I think it's easy to overestimate this new DVC property unless you seriously consider all factors currently resulting in the low occupancy and discounted rates at the existing Animal Kingdom resort.

Or underestimate the remoteness of the resort. Not scientific but whenever I've quizzed AKL guests (long before I was a DVC owner) about their stay the unanimous comment I heard was "great theme but so far away from everything".

Without that walking ability, the resort will have to stand on its own and cannot draw on Animal Kingdom's popularity. For some the theme is everything and the increased room capacity will help, but the remoteness and increased maintenance fees may negate all that.

But I do agree, all the 2042 resorts will see a decline on the resale market a lot sooner than anything Disney builds now. SSR, AKV and a possible CRV will be selling a lot higher than BCV can hope to reach. I just think it'll be CRV, SSR, then AKV in the order of hierarchy purely on the basis of remoteness.

I imagine BCV gets top dog status purely as a result of its exclusive access to StormAlong Bay. Without that, the prices would be on par with BWV & VWL. BWV might even be higher for the guaranteed BW-view.
For a some of us (not sure what the percentage is), it's all about the theme, and how well that theme is carried out.

Just my opinion, but I don't care about the location of BCV, or the fact there is not a park within walking distance from AKV.
I do care about the magnificent theming of AKL/AKV (and WL/VWL). For what BCV is, DVC did a nice job in the theming department, but that resort theme just doesn't lend itself to the same amount of intense theming as AKV.

Yes, most people will say "Location, Location, Location", but we say "Theming, Theming, Theming".

Just another perspective. :smokin:


I totally agree with this! However, I do not like the theming at VWL at all and AKV does nothing for me either. I don't like the dark colors at all. We much prefer the themes at BWV and BCV. I stayed one night at VWL and would never again. (I think they need refurbishing too) I'll stay at the lodge, but never again in the villas! Its all about personal preference!
I think it's easy to overestimate this new DVC property unless you seriously consider all factors currently resulting in the low occupancy and discounted rates at the existing Animal Kingdom resort.

I agree it has always had low occupancy and I dont see DVC changing that I think a good number will use there points to book at the better located resorts.
My personal opinion is that most folks want to get into AKV. You really didn't see such a surge until the announcement. I usually check every day at resales and took notice to this. The only other thing that I could see regarding BCV resales is....it's at such a all time hi!! I'll never sell mine though!!!
I love BCV. I keep trying to get ressies but seem to miss out unless I call 11 months out.

The only reason I can think that someone would want to sell is to buy at another resort.
We just sold our BCV points. We had been contemplating it for a year and when the AKV became available, we decided to sell. We own at BWV and we always loved the BCV as well. Our son passed away a few months ago and he had been with us at our last BCV visit. It is just too painful to stay there again. Wonderful memories, but difficult to deal with.
We just sold our BCV points. We had been contemplating it for a year and when the AKV became available, we decided to sell. We own at BWV and we always loved the BCV as well. Our son passed away a few months ago and he had been with us at our last BCV visit. It is just too painful to stay there again. Wonderful memories, but difficult to deal with.

Sympathies on your loss. I can somewhat understand as our last visit to BCV did not include DH (due to work issues) it was hard being there without him as every other trip had him with us.

Enjoy making new memories at AKV!
We just sold our BCV points. We had been contemplating it for a year and when the AKV became available, we decided to sell. We own at BWV and we always loved the BCV as well. Our son passed away a few months ago and he had been with us at our last BCV visit. It is just too painful to stay there again. Wonderful memories, but difficult to deal with.

We too lost our son. My only regret was that he never made it to Disney. That's why I'm making sure every year is a blast from now on. We lost him last March and swore that we'd take him to OKW in 2007. Very painful to us, but I will say that not taking him to Disney for his first 5 years of life is the thing my wife and I regreted as parents. God bless and our prayers our with you, from someone that knows somewhat your going through.

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