Doesn't matter that the assistant manager that yelling incident occurred with is now working at a different location. You should assume that your outburst was noted. If I was a scheduling person and you were asking for more customer-facing cashier hours AND you had a loud verbal blow up at an assistant manager in FRONT of a customer, I absolutely would be giving you fewer hours and probably having you do something other than cashier work.
Because in that one moment, you demonstrated that when even a little bit of pressure is on, you will lost your poop and flip out. AND as a cashier, there will be a lot of times when one has to deal with belligerent or angry customers. AND if you a freaking out in front of a customer over a yogurt, then what will you do next?
You should assume that ALL of the relevant managers working at your location will have known about the verbal altercation between you and the assistant manager employee. Word travels fast. In acting that way, one can develop a reputation for being belligerent and difficult to work with.
So how do you get more hours at your current work location? How do you get shifts in the cashier position instead of bagger? By doing the job you currently have really well. By being a team player. By not yelling at a supervisor in front of a customer. By acting professionally.