What percentage?


DIS Veteran
Mar 3, 2023
I'm trying to plan a trip and am having a difficult time finding regular tourist info on the WDW side of this site. By "regular tourists" I mean info for first timers or infrequent visitors.

That made me wonder:
  1. What percentage of Disboard members (or active users) are DVC owners?
  2. What percentage of Disboard members (or active users) visit WDW at least once a year?
  3. What percentage of Disboard members (or active users) haven't visited WDW in over 5 years?
And, because the Disboard discussion seems skewed towards DVC owners, AP holders and frequent visitors,
  1. What percentage of all WDW guests stay on-site?
  2. What percentage of all WDW visitors stay for 4 days or less?
  3. What percentage of all WDW guests purchase the existing form of LL Multi-Pass?
  4. What percentage of all WDW guests purchase the existing form of LL Single-Pass?
  5. What percentage of all WDW guests purchase park hoppers?

I know these numbers aren't published, but what is your best guess?
I wouldn’t even begin to know a percentage.

I will tell you for myself…..

I’m not a DVC owner
We used to go once a year, but since 2012 we go every 1 1/2 to 2 years
My last trip was June 2023 and we’re returning March 2025
We stayed on property and off property - more stays on property
We always stay between 5-7 days
We purchased Genie+ and will purchase LL Multi-pass
We purchased ILLs and will do it again
We always purchase Park Hoppers
What kind of "regular tourist" info do you seek? WDW or DLR?

If I had to guest, the Community Board here actually skews towards people who don't visit any Disney park with much regularity anymore, though possibly they once did.

But I disagree that DISboards in general skews towards DVC. There's a section dedicated to DVC but most of the other trip planning forums are quite a mixture of regulars and newbies asking questions. Feel free to ask your questions and I'm sure folks will help.
What kind of "regular tourist" info do you seek? WDW or DLR?
Very definitely WDW. I hang out in the DLR side of this website. I try to help visitors (many of whom are very familiar with WDW) plan their DLR vacation.

Now, I'm in the opposite situation. I know DLR like the back of my hand, but haven't visited WDW in 14 years. Most of the discussion on the WDW side seems to be amongst people who visit regularly. For DLR, we have one forum that includes discussion about both parks, on site and off site accommodations, restaurants, tips, transportation, etc. On the WDW side of this site, there is a separate forum for each of those topics. I don't see many people posting that they need help planning a trip. Maybe I am looking in the wrong place. :magnify:

I'm thinking, if so many people stay on site, is EE really the regular entry with the vast majority of people entering the park at that time? Or does it just feel that everyone stays on site because that is how this website's demographic skews? Similarly, are the vast majority of people purchasing LL (either type of both)? Is that the default method of visiting the park(s)?

People come to the DLR side and say that they won't do Genie + or park hoppers because they have experience with it at WDW and it isn't worth it. Yet, when I look at the WDW side, I don't see people saying that it isn't worth it.
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Not a DVC owner
Use to go 2-3 times a year and now we "try" to go once a year and have done over 50 trips.
Almost all trips we stayed onsite
Our trips now, we try to do 8-9 days
In the commando days we would park hop, but now we much rather just stay at 1 park and not pay for PH and use that $$ elsewhere, like G+
We always get G+ for HS and once in awhile for MK, we also will purchase LLS for must do rides.
  1. Not DVC
  2. Visit several times a year
  3. I have not been since this past April or May (can't remember)

  1. Sometimes on site (rarely nowadays) sometimes in offsite hotel, sometimes in a vacation rental I own and sometimes I fly in for day trip only
  2. Sometimes I come in for 10 hours, others for 6-7 days
  3. never purchase LL of FP+

  4. AP comes with Park Hopper
I would guess much like any online message board, you only get a tiny fraction of those who own a timeshare and/or are Disney regulars to participate here. Not sure that makes any difference. Most of the Disney discussion topics are about people expressing their opinions. Which is the 'best' park/ride/resort/restaurant are all subjective questions that people will never agree about regardless of how often they go to Disney. That would still be true if only 1% of the people who owned a timeshare participate here or the number happens to be much higher. If someone goes to Disney multiple times per year or owns a timeshare doesn't make their opinions any more valid.

If someone never goes to Disney, I doubt they would participate here for very long or eventually just state their opinions and move one. Most message boards also have a number of people who like to read the discussion topics, but for whatever reasons choose to not actually participate in the conversations.
DVC owner
WDW .....Visit 2-3 times every other year and DLR 2-3 times the other years

Always on site.....only stayed off site our first visit in 1990.
Never, ever stay for 4 or less days....WDW 10-14 days, DLR 6 days
Do not use any LL
Annual pass at WDW (so hopping goes with that, but we never hope). Also never hope at DLR
Very definitely WDW. I hang out in the DLR side of this website. I try to help visitors (many of whom are very familiar with WDW) plan their DLR vacation.

Now, I'm in the opposite situation. I know DLR like the back of my hand, but haven't visited WDW in close to 20 years. Most of the discussion on the WDW side seems to be amongst people who visit regularly. For DLR, we have one forum that includes discussion about both parks, on site and off site accommodations, restaurants, tips, transportation, etc. On the WDW side of this site, there is a separate forum for each of those topics. I don't see many people posting that they need help planning a trip. Maybe I am looking in the wrong place. :magnify:

I'm thinking, if so many people stay on site, is EE really the regular entry with the vast majority of people entering the park at that time? Or does it just feel that everyone stays on site because that is how this website's demographic skews? Similarly, are the vast majority of people purchasing LL (either type of both)? Is that the default method of visiting the park(s)?

People come to the DLR side and say that they won't do Genie + or park hoppers because they have experience with it at WDW and it isn't worth it. Yet, when I look at the WDW side, I don't see people saying that it isn't worth it.
When the day comes that we go to DLR, I know I'll feel like you are describing.
Here, on the CB, we welcome everyone with all sorts of questions. If you would like to ask us WDW questions, many of us will be very happy to help you. This way you don't have to go into those mega huge threads to try to find answers to a simple question you may have - that's like trying to find a needle in a haystack. I hope that many of us can help you :earsgirl::earsboy:
Here are my personal answers:

We are DVC owners
We go multiple times per year. We live in South Florida so it's pretty easy for us to get there.
My last trip was May 2024 and we’re heading back up at the end of July.
We stayed on property
We always stay between 3-5 day.
We sometimes purchase Genie+ and LL Multi-pass -- depending on the trip.
We purchased ILLs and will do it again, again depending on the trip.
We have APs so can park hop
I'm trying to plan a trip and am having a difficult time finding regular tourist info on the WDW side of this site. By "regular tourists" I mean info for first timers or infrequent visitors.

That made me wonder:
  1. What percentage of Disboard members (or active users) are DVC owners?
  2. What percentage of Disboard members (or active users) visit WDW at least once a year?
  3. What percentage of Disboard members (or active users) haven't visited WDW in over 5 years?
And, because the Disboard discussion seems skewed towards DVC owners, AP holders and frequent visitors,
  1. What percentage of all WDW guests stay on-site?
  2. What percentage of all WDW visitors stay for 4 days or less?
  3. What percentage of all WDW guests purchase the existing form of LL Multi-Pass?
  4. What percentage of all WDW guests purchase the existing form of LL Single-Pass?
  5. What percentage of all WDW guests purchase park hoppers?

I know these numbers aren't published, but what is your best guess?
In the past I visited WDW twice a year though have not been there for 7 years now. Probably 30-35 trips in the past.
All trips stayed onsite
Always 7-13 days, mostly 10 days
LL not around 7 years ago
Always an AP, comes with hopper

For DLR, we have one forum that includes discussion about both parks, on site and off site accommodations, restaurants, tips, transportation, etc. On the WDW side of this site, there is a separate forum for each of those topics. I don't see many people posting that they need help planning a trip.
I think the reason for the larger breakdown for WDW is the very large complexity of WDW vs DL/DCA. Over the past years I visited DL 4 times, seemed very simple, very little planning. Also, when this site started out, I do not think there was even a DL section. The history of this site certainly leans quite heavily toward WDW. Just my thoughts.
I think the reason for the larger breakdown for WDW is the very large complexity of WDW vs DL/DCA. Over the past years I visited DL 4 times, seemed very simple, very little planning. Also, when this site started out, I do not think there was even a DL section. The history of this site certainly leans quite heavily toward WDW. Just my thoughts.
Well, and the fact that these boards were started by an Orlando based travel agency probably had a huge influence.
If someone never goes to Disney, I doubt they would participate here for very long or eventually just state their opinions and move one.
Incidentally, I have been to HS once but none of the other Disney parks. I go to Universal yearly with an AP & SeaWorld somewhat less regularly. Have been active here since 2017.

I will be quite well prepared when we eventually do a Disney trip!
1-3: Only been to WDW once 2017. Any questions you have about any upcoming trip everyone has had a heart of a teacher with guidance and answers. Disneyland is way simpler with planning. Even more so today IMHO. Clearly not a DVC owner.

1-5: WDW, always going to stay onsite. First trip was 7 nights/6 park days. Definitely did almost everything. Our upcoming 2nd trip only 5 nights/4 park days. Much better fit for us vacation wise since we found out shorter trips are our sweet spot.

Will always invest in lightning lanes at Disneyland/WDW. They do take some of the sting off of standing in long queues all day. Rope drop by far is the biggest advantage.
We never do park hoppers.

Stay offsite at Disneyland because hotels are super close to the parks, they also offer shuttles to the parks for a fraction of the cost. Although it is on the bucket list to stay onsite at Disneyland. However that’s a me & DH trip only. Not AP holders because we don’t go often.
  1. What percentage of Disboard members (or active users) are DVC owners?
  2. What percentage of Disboard members (or active users) visit WDW at least once a year?
  3. What percentage of Disboard members (or active users) haven't visited WDW in over 5 years?
And, because the Disboard discussion seems skewed towards DVC owners, AP holders and frequent visitors,
  1. What percentage of all WDW guests stay on-site?
  2. What percentage of all WDW visitors stay for 4 days or less?
  3. What percentage of all WDW guests purchase the existing form of LL Multi-Pass?
  4. What percentage of all WDW guests purchase the existing form of LL Single-Pass?
  5. What percentage of all WDW guests purchase park hoppers?
I'm not a DVC member
We typically visit WDW every 3-5 years
However, the last time was 2017 (well, there were 3 years there where we didn't travel anywhere)
We always stay on-site
We've stayed anywhere from 3 night to 2 weeks onsite
Never bought LL
Usually get park hoppers, but not always.
Here, on the CB, we welcome everyone with all sorts of questions. If you would like to ask us WDW questions, many of us will be very happy to help you. This way you don't have to go into those mega huge threads to try to find answers to a simple question you may have - that's like trying to find a needle in a haystack. I hope that many of us can help you :earsgirl::earsboy:
Thank you. That's very kind of you. :love:

I am trying to plan a trip to WDW following a conference in April 2025. Since it is after a conference, the dates aren't flexible.

We are two adults in our late 50s. The last time we were at WDW was with kids in 2010. Prior to that was 1996. However, we go to DLR 1-2x a week. Basically, I speak Disneyland and not WDW. I've already been corrected on what I call things on the WDW side a couple of times. I'm also still learning WDW acronyms.

  • We are thinking of doing 4 parks in 5 days (Sat - Wed), no park hopper. I'm looking for thoughts/suggestions on which day to visit which park. Are hours different on weekends vs weekdays? Are nighttime shows only on certain days?
  • Our priority is doing things that we don't have at DLR. This is the list we are going off of. https://www.disboards.com/threads/ride-differences-between-dl-and-wdw.3942831/page-3#post-65454512 We'll probably skip SWGE and Fantasmic. Thoughts? Suggestions? Other things to consider?
  • Yikes! It is crazy expensive to stay at a halfway decent Disney hotel. We have enough points to stay at Hyatt Regency Grand Cypress for a week.
  • With the money saved, we could pay for both LLMP and LLSP for every ride, every day. But.... will the LL be available for purchase? That's why I asked if EE and purchasing LL was the default way of visiting the parks. If so, are the LL lines just as long as standby?
  • I don't care about the "Disney bubble." In fact, I appreciate leaving the bubble because it can be a bit overwhelming. Should we suck it up and just stay on site?
  • We are foodies in that we like good quality food. We do not drink, so restaurants with good drinks or bar ambiance are not a priority for us (ex. Ogas, Trader Sams). We are not into national chains (ex. Rainforest) unless it is something that is super unique to a region. We don't care about character meals or buffets.
  • I see a lot of people on the DLR forum who are stressed about ADR. They are often surprised that our quick service is comparable to some WDW table service. Some of the DL food that people love is just okay. Shoot, people even rave about how much better the corn dogs and churros are at DLR compared to WDW. This has me concerned about how bad the quick service food is at WDW.
  • Not sure if it exists, but I would like to find a list of restaurants broken down by quality of food. And maybe another broken down by ambiance.
  • I posted in one of the forums (parks, I think) asking about the nighttime shows. If we are staying off site, we can afford entertainment packages. I don't need to pay to have a chair, but I would like a good view. I'm trying to find out which packages, if any, really add to the entertainment experience.
When the day comes that we go to DLR, I know I'll feel like you are describing.
When the day comes that you go to DLR, let me know and I will be happy to help you out. :chat:
Thank you. That's very kind of you. :love:

I am trying to plan a trip to WDW following a conference in April 2025. Since it is after a conference, the dates aren't flexible.

We are two adults in our late 50s. The last time we were at WDW was with kids in 2010. Prior to that was 1996. However, we go to DLR 1-2x a week. Basically, I speak Disneyland and not WDW. I've already been corrected on what I call things on the WDW side a couple of times. I'm also still learning WDW acronyms.

  • We are thinking of doing 4 parks in 5 days (Sat - Wed), no park hopper. I'm looking for thoughts/suggestions on which day to visit which park. Are hours different on weekends vs weekdays? Are nighttime shows only on certain days?
Yes, hours do change. I always look at the schedule on the Disney website and plan from there. We have certain restaurants that we love, so my plans could change if I can’t get ADRs for when I want.
Since you have Fantasmic at DL, that’s probably a good skip. There’s a show on the Chinese Theater that’s awesome - definitely see that when everyone else is at Fantasmic.
  • Yikes! It is crazy expensive to stay at a halfway decent Disney hotel. We have enough points to stay at Hyatt Regency Grand Cypress for a week.
  • With the money saved, we could pay for both LLMP and LLSP for every ride, every day. But.... will the LL be available for purchase? That's why I asked if EE and purchasing LL was the default way of visiting the parks. If so, are the LL lines just as long as standby?
I had no problem buying my ILLs in June last year at 7:00am. With the new system dropping on the 24th, it’ll be interesting to see how that goes. I’d be willing to bet you’ll have no issues in April. Definitely keep an eye on the threads on the theme park board to see what others are saying. I will be doing this too, to learn about this new system from those that used it. Also watch Mammoth Club on YouTube - I’m sure Molly will be making videos about this new system. We learn a lot from her.
  • I don't care about the "Disney bubble." In fact, I appreciate leaving the bubble because it can be a bit overwhelming. Should we suck it up and just stay on site?
I will always say yes to this, especially because you’ll be able to pick your rides 7 days before your trip instead of 3.
  • We are foodies in that we like good quality food. We do not drink, so restaurants with good drinks or bar ambiance are not a priority for us (ex. Ogas, Trader Sams). We are not into national chains (ex. Rainforest) unless it is something that is super unique to a region. We don't care about character meals or buffets.
  • I see a lot of people on the DLR forum who are stressed about ADR. They are often surprised that our quick service is comparable to some WDW table service. Some of the DL food that people love is just okay. Shoot, people even rave about how much better the corn dogs and churros are at DLR compared to WDW. This has me concerned about how bad the quick service food is at WDW
I’ve had some really good quick service meals throughout the years, so don’t worry about that. Liking or not liking these meals are so subjective from person to person. I love the flatbreads at Pinocchiohaus , where others may not.
  • .
  • Not sure if it exists, but I would like to find a list of restaurants broken down by quality of food. And maybe another broken down by ambiance.
  • I posted in one of the forums (parks, I think) asking about the nighttime shows. If we are staying off site, we can afford entertainment packages. I don't need to pay to have a chair, but I would like a good view. I'm trying to find out which packages, if any, really add to the entertainment experience.
I can’t help with this - I don’t buy these packages
When the day comes that you go to DLR, let me know and I will be happy to help you out. :chat:
Thank you very much - I may take you up on this.
Let me/us if you have any other questions.
Hopefully others can answer your questions too.
Don't know if this helps you figure out percentages, but here are my answers:

Not a DVC owner and neither is my traveling companion (my sister)
We go at least once a year, usually twice, and sometimes 3x and last year 4x
We always stay on-site
The stay is always at least 7 days
We always purchase G+ and often ILL$ and will buy the new version as well
We have APs, but if we didn't I would always get a PH
We are out of state and fly to WDW (I know you didn't ask about this, but I think it's relevant)
That made me wonder:
  1. DVC owners? Yes
  2. Visit WDW at least once a year? Yes, anywhere from 2-4x
  3. Haven't visited WDW in over 5 years? Does not apply to us
And, because the Disboard discussion seems skewed towards DVC owners, AP holders and frequent visitors,
  1. guests stay on-site? 95% of the time we stay on property.
  2. visitors stay for 4 days or less? RunDisney weekends, otherwise we are there 5-7 days.
  3. purchase the existing form of LL Multi-Pass? Nope
  4. purchase the existing form of LL Single-Pass? nope
  5. purchase park hoppers? Annual pass comes with park hopping


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