What kind of Points Banker are you?


Earning My Ears
Jan 15, 2025
Just curious, mostly for fun… Do you bank your points as soon as you decide you want to use them next UY, or do you wait until closer to your banking deadline juuuuust in case?

We just bought 150 points, and we know we want to bank them to take a roughly 300 point trip Spring Break 2026. My husband says, “Bank them now.” I say, “But what ifffff….?”

So what kind of Banker are you?
I wait till a few days before. Every time I don't wait, something pops up and we can / do make a trip.
Wait! Put a note on a few calendars. It happens. You wouldn't put money in a 12 month CD if you thought you even might want/need the money in 6 months. Points = currency.

When I need to use them. I have an April use year and I have an early April stay at Polynesian. I banked when I made the reservation at 7 months. Sometimes I only bank what I need and hold the rest. Depends on the dates.
It depends! If I know I need them so I don’t borrow, then yes…if not, then I will wait.
Does making a bunch of reservations using my points so I never actually have to bank them count?

Not sure what happens if I need to cancel once it's past the borrowing deadline. If I just edit the reservation to push it back, doesn't that take care of it?
LOL, I think I’ve banked points only once or twice, and only when I’ve intentionally saved them for a special trip. And I’ve waited until I was about to book that trip, “just in case”!
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Great question. We always wait. As others said, you never know! Just does not feel right not to wait and full use of our points as long as possible.
We always wait until a few days before the banking deadline. Just to keep things straight in my head when figuring out vacations. We have a DEC UY so I always get so confused when figuring things out. lol Keeping them where they live for as long as I can, helps me make sense out of it all.
Almost all of the time, points get banked in the booking process and I don't get the chance to separately bank. The 1-2 times I've had to do it separately, I've done it 2 days before the deadline.
I usually bank them early so I don't forget. If I do decide to go again during the current use year, I borrow points back.
Does making a bunch of reservations using my points so I never actually have to bank them count?

Not sure what happens if I need to cancel once it's past the borrowing deadline. If I just edit the reservation to push it back, doesn't that take care of it?

I’m a total beginner, so someone correct me if I’m wrong, but if you cancel after the banking deadline aren’t you dealing with points in holding or “distressed” points or what-not? Meaning you have to use them by the end of the UY the points are now in, and it has to be a reservation that happens within 30 days of booking it?

I’m sure I got at least part of that wrong, so someone feel free to step in and save me from myself. 😆
Interesting to see all of the responses, and that most people wait!

Also interesting to note the UY comments. I have an October UY and will most likely use points for March Spring Break for a while, so I suppose I will be banking them when I make the reservation in April (assuming I make a home resort reservation), which is before the May 31 banking deadline anyway.

I’m still getting the hang of keeping the calendar details as they pertain to DVC at the front of my mind…
We are much more in the borrowing camp and rarely have banked. But I do note the deadline each year, and if there's a chance I need to bank, I set a calendar reminder. We don't tend to travel to Disney during the 4 months between the banking deadline and the end of UY, so I never want to lose any!
I have 71 bankable at BLT that have to be done by Sep, but I am considering using 65 points for my AP renewal. Seems like a pretty good deal if you don't need the points for a rese.
Just curious, mostly for fun… Do you bank your points as soon as you decide you want to use them next UY, or do you wait until closer to your banking deadline juuuuust in case?

We just bought 150 points, and we know we want to bank them to take a roughly 300 point trip Spring Break 2026. My husband says, “Bank them now.” I say, “But what ifffff….?”

So what kind of Banker are you?
I wait until close to the deadline. We occasionally decide to take "last minute" trips and we did the the year I banked them early and I was so irritated at myself for not having them available.
We used to bank early, but now we wait until the last minute, just in case we can fit in another trip. Saying that, we are borrowed up to the max at the minute.😂
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