what Item do you most often forgot

I'm not consistent. I've forgotten my toothbrush, so then I started keeping one in my travel toiletry bag. I forgot a hairbrush on a work trip once. Also forgot my laptop power cable on a work trip and had to run to Walmart because my battery was not going to last long enough.
My DH and I joke “there’s always a Walmart nearby” inevitably we forget something!

That's usually my mentality too except for cruises! Yeah, they have most basic items but you'll pay dearly for a bottle of sunscreen! On our first cruise I forgot to pack hair ties for DD and I and there were none on the ship for sale. It was so windy on deck it was driving me crazy! Then, at one of the ports I was finally able to get some.
I'm a packin' fool; I never forget anything. I start my list a couple of months before a trip to WDW. I get out the suitcase and begin throwing things in it that I won't be needing in my daily life at home like the moleskin and other first aid stuff. The day before, I lay everything out on the bed and check it according to my list. I typically spend the night at my sister's house because she's in Philly already where the airport is and we crosscheck our lists and repack.

The only time I've been caught without something was our last trip. We had never in all of our trips thought to pack something for, let's just say, digestive issues. Tums for upset tummies, yes. Laxative, no. I had to buy some in the All-Star Movies' gift shop. Now it's added to the list *just in case.*
This now seldom happens to us, because years ago I decided that we have enough money to buy duplicates of some things if we have enough money to travel as often as we do. So, we have pre-packed duplicates of all toiletries and basics in the "travel closet" (which is the upstairs hall closet where the luggage lives: I installed a pantry-type rack on the inside of the door, and all of this stuff is on it and pre-packed in pouches, where it can be grabbed and added to a suitcase. I'd leave it *in* the luggage, but the house is tiny and the luggage really has to be nested when not in use.) I have pouches marked "Theme parks" and pouches marked "Beach" and pouches marked "Wintertime" in addition to the regular toiletries bags for each of us.

Why did I do this, you ask? Dental floss. DH is very particular about dental floss and always worried it will be forgotten, and every time we traveled it seemed to proliferate, because he kept putting more in the suitcases "just in case I forgot it." On one 3-day trip I unpacked at our destination and found 13 reels of dental floss squirreled away in every single pocket and nook in the 2 bags we brought. It was utterly ridiculous, and right then I decided that life was too short not to pre-pack.
I'm in Orlando right now for my son's swim meet; we're staying in a hotel for the weekend. I picked him up from school and we went home and quickly packed and got on our way

When it was time to get ready for bed, I realized I forgot to pack my ear plugs and sleep mask. I NEED my ear plugs and sleep mask, especially in a hotel.

I don't usually forget anything, but if I do it's likely to be my ear plugs and/or sleep mask.

I started using a sleep mask this year and it makes such a difference that I now have two and will be packing one for our trip next month.

Tooth brush.

Every. Ding. Dang. Time.

I forget mine as well. I think it's because I use it the morning of travel and forget to throw in my bag.

night light to plug into the bathroom of the hotel or house visiting

I hadn't thought of this but it's great to avoid disrupting anyone who is sleeping. I'll recommend it to my sister since one of her kids is afraid of the dark.
I remember forgetting hair spray for a cruise once, DH drove to the nearby Walgreens to buy some for me while I finished packing up to leave the Hotel.
I am a big time planner, I start a packing list about a month away from any vacation and just keep adding to the list🙂
Spare glasses, I only need them for distance so I am always putting them down and misplacing them & have 4 pairs but if I forget a spare it'll be aggravating. Really should just buy a very cheap pair for my toiletry bag.


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