What do you think would surprise Walt the most about today's Disney parks?

He would be disappointed that he could not smoke in the parks.

I'm thinking not. He hated being photographed smoking, thinking it was a bad example for children. However, he wasn't against adults smoking. I remember as a kid my dad bought at pack at the smoke shop on Main Street.

The thing he might be disappointed in is the sale of alcohol.

No liquor, no beer, nothing. Because that brings in a rowdy element. That brings people that we don’t want, and I feel they don’t need it.
That’s rude. You made the comment so I assumed you’re speaking from personal experience.

Or are you just generalizing something you read on Google?

I’ve never seen a solo adult shamed for visiting Disney. Guess you haven’t either.
Well, I did get some Disney shaming from my coworkers over the years, but I always assumed they were just jealous, so I didn’t let it bother me too much. Except that time I got a verbal reprimand at work for having Disney items on my desk (we were allowed to have personal items on our desks, but my boss at the time hated Disney). That made me a little angry and is what caused me to decide that job wasn’t for me.

I have never seen someone shamed AT Disney for being solo though . . .
I travel solo pretty often. I've never had a problem, except when booking dining. But that has also improved a LOT with some programming updates. Before that, I would always book dining for two people, instead, and explaining why the reservations said two when I showed up at the restaurant. Other than that, I did, and still do, get the "Just one?" from some servers, but that happens a lot when not at Disney, too. I look at it as more of an inquiry, like "Are you waiting for someone?" rather than a "shaming." Plus, I get to use the single rider lines for some attractions.

As far as what would surprise Walt...I think the basic changes in society...same gender couples, the popularity of tattoos (I got my first one last week at the age of 65), the acceptance of facial hair...all of which were sort of shunned in the 50s and 60s, plus how high prices have gotten, when you consider Disneyland was less than $10 a day when he passed away.
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I think he would be pleasantly surprised by Disney parks in Europe and Asia, a cruiseline and Aulani. It is much more a global brand than it was in his days.

I think he would be disappointed by the constant remake and endless Marvel movies. The lack of creativity. Probably happy with Pixar.


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