Enjoy the beauty of your day (and for those of us who celebrate for a longer time) /days, my fellow “Pissy Annes”. May your tail never know what your head is doing…or something like that

Quick movement requires so many last minute thoughts. Thankful my toiletry bag is already packed and by happenstance, I’ve been buying new pieces to add to wardrobe. Most are still folded in their shipping bags so into the suitcase they go with minimal care.
“N” is older than the ex and me (he was the family baby while she was a teenager when he was born) so I’m worried, hopefully needlessly. And yes, DGD is still in Paris and “N” is a big reason why. She’s such a sweetheart! Been putting off seeing her for much too long in my stupid vanity to be wheelchair-less. Reality check: it just isn’t as important as I think at times.
Put away as much food as I could and am giving the apt keys to a niece so she can stay here while I’m gone. She promises to keep the fridge clear and clean so appreciated on short notice. Paying my week long home attendant off the books to maintain the house while I’m gone so something else to not worry about. Set up a tele-visit with my primary so she can re issue my meds (running low). Can’t think of more and if I forget something they’ve stores in France, lol.
Ate a bowl of carrot and cauliflower soup with a half portion of Caprese salad, tonight. Had some pineapple chunks for dessert.