Back in the day, I could only tell by the traces of mustard on the plate in the sink. Yellow? A youngun.t dogs…just 4 hot dogs on a plate with a squirt of mustard. I’ll let you guess who had what.
Brown? An old child.
Back in the day, I could only tell by the traces of mustard on the plate in the sink. Yellow? A youngun.t dogs…just 4 hot dogs on a plate with a squirt of mustard. I’ll let you guess who had what.
If you are looking to try something new and local for the holiday season I highly recommend Sparkling Pointe they are on Long Island but I have bought it a liquor stores in NYC. It is where I did the wine and sparkling sampler last weekend.Finishing the half bottle of Champagne tonight for dessert and ordering another to take on vacation; hope the shop still has it since we’re getting close to their busy season.
Visions of IHOP dancing in your head?Spread with a Lingonberry something or other (jam?)
That is SO funny because I just bought a Target IHOP card to bring to FL as we do go there for breakfast! Ha.Visions of IHOP dancing in your head?