What’s for Dinner Tonight?

It ain't pretty around here, but we aren't eating out at least and DH and I aren't starving. Leftover teriyaki taco for me. Another homemade breakfast sandwich for DH. We don't eat breakfast during the week (DH might eat something sweet as a late morning snack) so breakfast for dinner is fine two nights in a row. Going to have to get it together this weekend, but the next two nights will continue to be fly by the seat of our pants to use up odds and ends.
Layla (my home attendant) is back and my world is better for her return.

Helped me make deviled ham and we learned why it’s better to use a food processor over a Vitamix blender. Began processing the berries for sorbet and put the brined chicken to drain on a wire racked sheet pan. Portioned the rest of the chicken parts and placed in the freezer.
A nice bit of work accomplished in her 5 hours not counting her regular house-tending chores minus the vacuum that the weekend attendant inadvertently broke (sigh).

Not that hungry so another frozen soup portion: chicken tortilla with kale added.
A cup of pineapple bits for dessert.
Tonight’s dinner for 35 was salmon, salad, rolls and baked potatoes. It was really good. I am finding that although I am in introvert, I like communal living—at least with this group. Cooking and kitchen chores are way more fun when a bunch of us are doing it together.
I have green onions, cilantro, and cabbage that need to be used before they go bad so I decided to make "Korean" beef bowls.
I shall keep this on the downlow, lest my daughters get word and decide to somehow descend upon your home and dinner table like scavengers.

Headed to an outdoor concert tonight so I'll be cobbling together some sort of loaded salad to take with us so we can make it on time and still have dinner.
Tonight is the last dinner in the big house. The girls ended the tournament today and both coaches have departed as well as one family. I think we are down to 28 people. Tacos and anything left in the fridge is tonight’s dinner. We’ve done a lot of leftovers for lunches—the food was extremely well managed.
Last night was turkey meatballs in a coconut broth, Thai style. The meatballs, spinach and broth came from the freezer with the majority of the other ingredients from the pantry supplies. Needed to use up those radishes so plopped some of them in the soup at the last minute; added a nice peppery crunch to all the green herbs and galangal.
Had some of the last farmers’ market strawberries in a sorbet to which I say: “Bye bye, see you next year!” sniffle.
I’m sure tonight will be the same as there were definitely leftovers.


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