Weight Watchers Chat

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So, I joined online on March 1st. Problem was, I didn't weigh myself originally because I REALLY didn't want to know how much I weighed - LOL!! But, I bit the bullet and did weigh myself on March 6th to get a true weight reading (happily, it was about 10 pounds less than I expected). Weighed myself this past Saturday, the 13th, and I lost 3.5 pounds this week! :cool1: I still have a looooooooonnnnnng way to go (about 75 pounds or so), but I'm hoping to lose about 45 more pounds by the time we go to Disney in October.

My workout routine consists of walking/jogging/running on the treadmill 4 days a week and using our elliptical 2x a week. I've decided that I am going to just eat my daily points and not use any of the weekly points or my activity points.

I vary my breakast meals. Today, I had 2 Nutra-Grain Low Fat Waffles (2 points), some sugar-free syrup (1/4 cup is 1 point - but I use MUCH less than 1/4 cup), a Del Monte No Sugar Added Mixed Fruit Cup (1 point) and 2/3 cup of fat free milk (1 point). So, 5 points total.

I also like to toast a 7 grain deli flat (1 point), spread on 1 Tbsp. of reduced-fat peanut butter (2 points), have 2/3 cup of fat free milk (1 point) and some type of fruit for an additional 1 point. Total: 5 points.

I'm looking forward to hearing about what everyone else is doing and looking for people to not only motivate me, but help me stay accountable!
Hi, I joined ww the last week of oct. 09 and today I weighed in at ww and lost a total of 30 pounds.
Just started C25K last week. Just finished w2d1. I can't belive I am still alive to tell you about it. lol
I wanted to share a discorvery. I love milk, and love to drink it everyday. My kids need to be on 2%(we once switched to 1% and they both started losing weight, they are 5 and 3 and on the leaner sides), so I decided to try almond milk. It is really good and 1cup is only 1 point. It does make my cereal(Fiber One raisin bran crunch) a little too sweet, so I use a 1/2c 2% in my cereal but almond milk for drinking, and in plain cereal(cheerios, rice crispies).

So what is c25k that everyone is talking about?
Hi, I joined ww the last week of oct. 09 and today I weighed in at ww and lost a total of 30 pounds.
Just started C25K last week. Just finished w2d1. I can't belive I am still alive to tell you about it. lol

I finished W1D3 yesterday and was pleased I completed it all and didn't feel like I was going to die :rotfl: I'm trying to decided if I should re-do week one again; at least two of the days I had to take a break in the middle of it. Today is my "rest" day; if it doesn't rain I may go walking outside.

Good luck today everyone!
So what is c25k that everyone is talking about?

C25K is a running program that will get you from the couch to running a 5K in 9 weeks. You can google it and it will give you the program details. It isn't too bad, except I'm really out of shape. (and I don't like to run, but I'm hoping that will change). My long term goal is to run the Princess half Marathon at Disney in a couple of years.
Catching up on the chat ...

corinnak: Awesome photos! Did you intentionally wear the same shirt twice? What a difference 50 lbs makes and KUDOS to you for running it the FIRST time. I think that so many of us who are overweight don't even think that we can run with the skinnier, fitter people.

Goofygirl17: Yay! You are on the 1 lb per week plan and it's great!

PiperPizzaz: Welcome! Where do you find the bagel thins? What brand are they?

buzzmom3: Holy cow! Did I read that right? You lost your 10% (21 lbs/200) in only 7 weeks? Are you hiding Jillian Michaels in your pocket?!? You are doing great online. I tried it, but I really need the face-to-face interaction and accountability that only the meeting can give me.

MrsKreamer: Welcome! That +35 must have hurt :headache:. Did they reset your starting weight? I also have the iPhone app. There are two things I hate about it: (1) you can't enter your current weight on it. I like to enter my weight on my phone while at the meeting. I have to log into the WW site and go to the "original tools" to bring up the non-flash weight tracker to do it. (2) The bleepity-bleep Point Calculator won't work without a phone connection so I can't use it in the depths of my local grocery store.

joha: Welcome! I hope you are having a great first week :).

GSD4ME: I am no expert ... but you may want to incorporate some of your weekly and activity points a few days a week. I have heard that your body can get used to eating the same number of calories (aka points) per day and then adjust to it and your weight loss will decline. So ... I guess I'm saying that it's not a bad thing to you eat your weeklies and activity points. I think that your goal of 45 pounds by October is totally do-able, especially since your have 75 pounds total to lose.
It sounds like everyone is doing a great job! The sun is finally shining here so I'm going to walk to the bus stop to pick up my daughter later. I think I'll walk to the other end of the road (uphill :)) and then back to the bus stop. I only have a few more weeks to get ready for all the walking at Disney :cool1:

Robin- You are so encouraging to everyone! How are you doing?
The sun is finally shining here in Iowa too!! :cool1:

I fell off the wagon yesterday, but today is a new day and I'm back on track. Work was stressfull today, so I'm headed to do my C25K workout. I normally do it on the treadmill, but I "may" take it outside today to see how that goes. I figured DS4 could ride his trike and I would see if I can keep up with him. :)
Hey Robin - No, no Jillian in my pocket, she scares me! I have not really been using my weekly points allowance and I try to exercise every day. I have really changed how I eat, more fruits and vegetables less processed foods. I had surgey last fall, so I think moving from basically being a couch potato to exercising and doing WW really jumped start my weight loss. My plan is to start the c25k soon but I am a little intimadated.
I joined WW 3 weeks ago & have been lurking on this thread since then. After 3 weeks, I'm down 6.2 lbs. However, 4.8 came off the first week. I was initially bummed because week 2 I only lost .2 and this past week it was 1.2. The poem posted earlier in the thread has given me inspiration and my head is in a good place right now. That is always my biggest challenge...celebrating the small success and being patient waiting for the end result.

I can say I feel better than I have in a long time. We are going to Riverera Maya on June 21st. My goal is to be down another 15lbs by then. :hippie:
Robin - thanks for the advice about using the weekly and activity points. I've heard several different theories about it - and if you read anything on the WW site about it, you'll get differing opinions there, too. Guess I'm going to have to see what works for me since this is only week 3. I don't think I've got it all figured out quite yet! LOL! But, I will say that I am DEFINITELY eating better and am more aware of what I'm eating.

buzzmom3 - Jillian scares me, too! :scared1:

I was kind of proud of myself today . . . I decided to push myself on the elliptical to 32 minutes (3 activity points) as opposed to just 20 minutes (2 activity points). I was doing a "reverse" workout, where you switch between stepping forward and backward. When I got off, my legs felt like Jell-O (sugar-free, of course - LOL! :rotfl:), BUT I DID IT!!!!

Tomorrow is going to be my first really challenging day on the plan. We are having a potluck lunch at work. I'm just not sure there's going to be a whole lot that I can eat. But, I have decided that I'm not going to stress about it and I know I've got those 35 extra points, just in case!

Hope everyone else's weather is as nice as ours has been in Maryland the past couple days . . . looking forward to a nice weekend, too!
Went to the mall today and tried on the size 8 jeans for the uptenth time. This time I didn't have to suck in they fit great!
GSD4ME- I'm afraid to even get her workout videos! Great job on your workout! It feels so good to push yourself and realize you can do it!
Bellem4 - I would love a pair of size 8 jeans! Good for you!
I wish I could feel like a size 8. I still look in the mirror and see the big girl. At least everyone else sees that I lost weight.
I had kind of a "meh" week. I was really busy, busy, busy and I did not make enough time to exercise except twice so I am *stuck* on W3D2 on C25K and I will probably redo W2D1 again on Monday unless I can get D2 in today. I was prepping for a consignment resale called Just Between Friends. I sold $60 worth of clothes last night and bought $65 worth today :rotfl:. I hope to sell more tomorrow! It's amazing how people price their clothes at what they paid for it on sale retail. Give me a break! No. I am not buying your pair of used Justice jeans for $12. I did, however, buy someone else's Justice jeans for $6 :thumbsup2.

Anyway ... between my normal weekend (made extra special by me working a swim meet), St Patrick's Day and my inability to stay in my daily points Mon-Thurs ... I was up .8. I do give myself some kudos for getting weighed though. I missed my meeting because of my consignment sale shopping so I went into on of our locations that had an all-day drop-in and weighed in there. Even though I suspected I would be up.

This week will be another challenging week for me. My DD is swimming in the YMCA Wisconsin State Meet and I have a weekend of eating out in front of me. I'm not going to let it worry me too much. I'll just try to select items that are not horrible for me ... or at least eat them in moderation :rotfl:.

I hope everyone has a great weekend! Yay spring!
Weighed in this morning and had a loss of 3.4 bringing my total to 7.4! After weigh in I took my son to the park and walked the 2 mile track. I am so pumped...I just hope I can keep my motivation going. Going to treat myself and the kids to pizza tonight.
I had kind of a "meh" week. I was really busy, busy, busy and I did not make enough time to exercise except twice so I am *stuck* on W3D2 on C25K and I will probably redo W2D1 again on Monday unless I can get D2 in today. I was prepping for a consignment resale called Just Between Friends. I sold $60 worth of clothes last night and bought $65 worth today :rotfl:. I hope to sell more tomorrow! It's amazing how people price their clothes at what they paid for it on sale retail. Give me a break! No. I am not buying your pair of used Justice jeans for $12. I did, however, buy someone else's Justice jeans for $6 :thumbsup2.

Anyway ... between my normal weekend (made extra special by me working a swim meet), St Patrick's Day and my inability to stay in my daily points Mon-Thurs ... I was up .8. I do give myself some kudos for getting weighed though. I missed my meeting because of my consignment sale shopping so I went into on of our locations that had an all-day drop-in and weighed in there. Even though I suspected I would be up.

This week will be another challenging week for me. My DD is swimming in the YMCA Wisconsin State Meet and I have a weekend of eating out in front of me. I'm not going to let it worry me too much. I'll just try to select items that are not horrible for me ... or at least eat them in moderation :rotfl:.

I hope everyone has a great weekend! Yay spring!

Good job getting to the weigh-in. It is TOUGH when you know it might be bad news. But you got the news, it wasn't too bad, and now you can MOVE FORWARD, right??

Swim meets are the WORST! They last forever and the food selection is usually bad carbs and fatty proteins. I don't know how they expect the swimmers to stay in shape with those sorts of selections! I am fortunate that I have been able to find hardboiled eggs at a few events lately. I eat the whites and toss the yolks. That and a piece of fruit or a handful of baby carrots and I can survive! But I almost ALWAYS try to bring my own foods. I plan ahead and bring veggies (carrots, peppers, celery), LC cheese wedges, WASA crackers, fruit, seltzer and water, dried cereals and fruits, and salads....HUGE salads!!

Good luck to your DD at Y States. What is she swimming? Ours was last weekend at Harvard University! DD was thrilled to be swimming "ivy league"! Her relays placed 9th and 11th... but she didn't do great in her individual event. But it was still exciting! NHSA Championships are this weekend. Thankfully we are only swimming one day, since they had to choose just 3 events and the coach encouraged them to pick three events on just one day, so that they didn't have to travel for just one event per day or so. DD would have liked to do the 200 IM tonight, but I didn't give her the option. And thankfully the weather report is good.... it seems like we get a snowstorm every time we head to this particular pool!!

Good luck with your eating. Plan ahead and "pack your parachute" (as the saying goes). "If you fail to plan, you plan to fail." ............P
Weighed in this morning and had a loss of 3.4 bringing my total to 7.4! QUOTE]

3.4 is amazing!! You should be pumped.

I had no change this week, after losing a pound last week. I was a little suprised since I felt more lean this week - maybe my new weight training is starting to pay off a little after all. Since I am below my goal weight and trying to add a little muscle, I am in new territory. Not really sure what to expect on the scale. I am currently eating my weekly points and trying to stay away from activity points. Think I will stick with this plan and see what happens!
I'm going to get out and enjoy this BEAUTIFUL day in just a little bit by giving our two German Shepherds baths - they are losing their winter coats in CLUMPS all over the house! But, I wanted to jump on here first.

I got up yesterday morning and got my workout in. I did 2.6 miles on the treadmill and actually ran about 1.5 miles of it!! :cool1: I did pretty well yesterday with our potluck at work, too. I didn't overdo it by any means and I was very careful when DH and I went out to dinner. Although . . . I did have some "Wild West Shrimp" appetizer at Longhorn. Probably not the best choice, but I know I can't deny myself treats once in a while. And, hey - shrimp does have some GOOD value to it, right? :)

I also wanted to ask a question: When you weigh yourself at home, what kind of scale do you use? We have a digital one, but I can step on it 5 times and get 5 different readings!! I told my DH about it and he said, "Well, they're all within a pound of each other, so don't worry about it." Ummmmmm . . . Honey, as someone trying to lose weight, you DO worry about it! LOL! Any advice on a new scale would be much appreciated!! TIA!

Okay, time to get out in the sun . . . :cool2:

I use my Wii Fit Balance Board as a scale. I am comfortable with using that. I will say that I do not move it around unless it is absolutely necessary. Hope that helps!
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