Week of May 4th WISH Walking/Running Club

Cam - Congrats on getting right back to it with the C25K program so quickly after the weekend events!! It was a pleasure to see you again. Hope you get your voice back soon :goodvibes:

French Lady - Welcome!! Glad to see you joining in on the fun, what a great way to celebrate your 50th next year at the Princess Half!

Angie - Yay! Full marathon!! Congratulations on siging up! I know you guys will do just great :goodvibes:

Debra - For a penguin who one would think would like the cold weather, Bingham found peace and resolve getting sun on a chair at the CSR pool. So nothing compromising, but there are a couple of photos on the TR...which by they way...day one has been posted :) Hope the whole housing issue works itself out for you guys soon, I know how taxing and disruptive it can be.

Betsy - good luck on that tri this weekend :goodvibes:

Tricia - good job getting out there for that walk

- Yeah, 280+ days is waaaayyy too long...heck I'm complaining that 133 days is too long (DL Half). We need to petition Disney to have a July race. Or wait...maybe we need an inaugural WISH 5k in WDW this July?? Hmmmmm....

Amy - :wave: :hug:

Scott's World
- Well I finally worked out again last night. I did 40 minutes on the elliptical. I was surprised to see that I had actually lost a pound during my WDW trip (how did that happen?) so that was some much needed positive motivation. Gonna try to get out there and run tonight, but it's supposed to storm so I might wind up on the treaddie. Other than that, it's life as normal...but I am making progress on the handy dandy trip report (yes, with pictures)...Day One has just been posted :goodvibes:

I hope everyone has a great day today!
Angie--WooHoo on the first full!!!! :cool1: Scott and I will be there cheering you on--probably at BC, where you and Krista were last year, cuz we're "only" doing the 1/2 this go round!

Debra--your posts amaze me!:worship:

Supremely jealous of all the WISH meets and memories made this past weekend. Need me a WISH fix, however, a June Disney trip will just have to do. I know poor me!

On the workout front, I hate to say it, but I am not really liking running right now. I do anything and everything to avoid it. So, I guess I"m a crosstraining fool at the moment. Last night was 35 min elliptical and then 15 more in weight training. I need to catch the running bug again, but I just over did it last year. Okay, back to mommy world!
Hey everybody,

Just did some weights and stretching today, and my legs finally feel like they are back to normal. I posted a thread on post-race recovery--if you've got suggestions/comments, I'd love to hear them.

Scott Just read Day 1 of your trip report. So that's the dragon you mentioned, eh? How does that work with a penguin? All that fire and ice could get sorta messy. BTW, I felt like I was reading part of my (never-to-be-published) trip report. I also stayed at AKL, parking lot view on an AP rate (purchased just for this and now responsible for me planning two more trips), and ate at Jiko and had fish (did you have the Halibut?) Too weird.

Amy Never did say thanks for asking me at the meet about my shins (gosh--it would be really bad if everyone only knew me because I was kvetching about them!). And by the time I saw you and Angie and Scott running in Epcot, I was so busy focusing on getting myself to the finish line that I am sure I ignored everybody! Sorry about that.

As a reasonably non-outgoing/sociable type of person, I think that it was nearly as challenging to go meet a group of total strangers as it was to run 9.3 miles! Bu you guys are all pretty great, and I enjoyed myself.

And who could not thank Anne for knowing/announcing everyone who came to the meet.

Tonight, I start reading Bingham and I already peeked at some tri plans, so by the weekend I hope to have decided my next thing to train for.

Congrats to all those who ran the Minnie! :woohoo:

Thought I needed to update. I'll probably be MIA for awhile, I have alot on my plate right now - school is ending soon (and all the stuff that goes along with that), dance recitals and a last hurrah trip to Animal Kingdom Villas before our APs expire. But, the biggest thing is I have finally scheduled my surgery! I'm scared and excited at the same time. It is scheduled for mid June.

As many of you know, I injured myself during my half back 3/30. After attempting to lay off it over and over and five bad runs that never went over three miles I finally went to the orthopedic. He told me it was strained quads and I guess my knee pain is related to that. I was told not to run for a month. I have been going to physical therapy and she thinks I can start back with walking next week. Right now, both knees and left quad feel fine, it is mostly in my right quad now.

Anyway, I took my injury as a sign to go ahead and get that surgery I have been wanting for quite awhile. Basically, I'm getting my mommy belly fixed. ;) Hoping to have some actual working stomach muscles after it is all done and hopefully improve my running.

With the combination of the injury and the surgery I will probably have to start back at square one once I get the go ahead. From what I understand this surgery is a real toughie! I still plan on doing the Donald with DH in January, but we'll see if I walk, walk/run, run/walk or run it. It is all a mystery right now.

I'll probably pop in every once in awhile this summer, but you won't be able to get rid of me once I can start running again (hoping by September).

On another note, my girls ran their first race last weekend! My ten year old ran the one mile race in 7:44! :yay: Course, she isn't as interested in running as my youngest, who came in near the end. :lmao: I bought them cute running skirts at Target with matching tops - I think they are tennis outfits, but they were still cute!

DH ran the 10K and had a PR of 49:40 and was second in his age group. He got a mug and was quite excited. :)

Thank you WISHers for all your support and advice along the way. I'm looking so forward to the half in January and meeting many of you. This board has alot of really good people on it. :grouphug:
Shan Good luck with your surgery. We'll all send lots of :grouphug: pixiedust: for a speedy recovery. Let us know how you're doing.

Well now that most are back this tread is growing like always...I thought I could cut and paste Debra's shout outs, but that would be cheating.

Glad to see everyone getting back into their exercising-WE INSPIRE TO STAY HEALTHY.

Got on the elliptical' took less than 5 min. to remember how much I hate it stayed for 30 min, worked arms and abs, mowed the lawn (about an hour), and planted some flowers. That's my XT for the day.

Everyone have a great Thursday!

Remember International Fair Trade Day is Saturday...anyone live near Charlotte come by Birkdale and see my daughter's senior exit project near One Neighborhood Store.
Shan, been wondering where you were!
Good luck with the surgery!
And smart planning to do it while you're off running for a while.
Hang tough! You'll bounce back!
Shan - :grouphug: Good luck with your surgery! :wizard: Please let us know how it goes.

Maura - lol, you are ight about it taking courage to meet evberyone, but it is so worthwhile when you do!!!!:goodvibes

Funny, there was almost no one I remebered to ask about their injury. :blush: I coudl tell dh what was wrong with almost everyone here who was injured before I left, but I get to WDW adn it all goes away. :sad1:
Michelle: Sorry you've been sick..but great that you're feeling better now!!! Very encouraging to hear you say that the 3 miles are getting easier each time...that's great news!!!

Thanks!! I'm just glad to be all better now and able to run everyday! :)

Deb, I know I have tons of time to find my perfect dress, but I'm so impatient! lol I want to find it now! Also my sister told me she ordered her dress a whole year before her wedding... and well, here we are.. in May so that means I have one year! Ahh! lol no i'm not too worried about it. I'm going shopping this weekend with sis (my moh :cutie: ) and we're going to hit up a couple of shops. Its so much fun! :cloud9:

I really like pilates! I've tried it a couple of times before and have been ehh about it, but for some reason, this time around I am really enjoying it. Maybe b/c i'm doing it as part of a training regimen... But its doing wonders for my core, I can feel it every day! I haven't decided what else I can do for XTing, as I don't want to bulk up anywhere,... simply b/c of the wedding. I can't be a "muscle bride" that would be scary!! :rotfl:

Good luck with your apartment hunting! :thumbsup2 I loved looking for a house when my DF and I were looking last summer. It was fun, but also stressful at times too! I was so worried we wouldn't' find a place before the lease on my apt. was up and then I'd have to live in my car! lol. We found a beautiful house and are very happy now!!

Angie, congrats on signing up on the full marathon! OMG that is so exciting. I dont know If I'll ever run in a full.. maybe some day, but that is really so cool! Good luck with training for that, its going to be tough but it will be so great when all that training and hard work pay off on race day! :banana:

as for me, nothing new to report. Its slow but I'm coming along more and more each day. OH I do have a funny story about my jog yesterday!

So I don't know if any of you "get in the zone" while running, but I do. Sometimes I'm all loopy and ladee da da... Oh look at that bird, thats a pretty house... etc. But there are times during my run where I'm concentrating so much on my breathing, and my steps and all that, that I'm pretty oblivious to what's going on around me. So there I am, running on the sidewalk in my neighborhood, and all of a sudden I'm ripped out of my "zone" by the sound of a FEROCIOUS dog barking madly at me! I look to my left and I see this HUGE boxer type dog BOOKING it full speed at me, and I JUST BOOK IT myself thinking "OH SH*T what the heck am I going to do this dog is going to EAT ME!!!!!"... then I remember a few weeks ago when I was jogging I was approaching this house, totally aware of my surroundings, and as soon as I saw him I stopped. The owner saw my hesitation and said "OH he's ok, you can come. He's got the electric fence"...

So I remembered that and saw that the dog stopped short at the property line and continued to bark at me, and only then did I stop RUNNING FOR MY LIFE. He scared the cr@p outta me, but thinking back now, I bet it looked pretty flippin hilarious to an observer... haha... i just laugh at myself for how I probably looked, b/c let me tell you I was high tailing it outta there as FAST as I could! lol... ok that's my story. :banana:

Keep up the good work everyone!

~bride Michelle (to avoid confusion :) )
Scott Just read Day 1 of your trip report. So that's the dragon you mentioned, eh? How does that work with a penguin? All that fire and ice could get sorta messy. BTW, I felt like I was reading part of my (never-to-be-published) trip report. I also stayed at AKL, parking lot view on an AP rate (purchased just for this and now responsible for me planning two more trips), and ate at Jiko and had fish (did you have the Halibut?) Too weird.

Maura - oh wow!! Too funny about doing exactly the same thing! :rotfl: Yeah, I think I had the halibut (was that the one with the super awesome tomato buttery sauce goodness???) The walk back to the room was great preparation for the 15k as I think it was about the same distance :rotfl2: And yes, I also purchased my AP just for this trip (due to the days + the days we'll be there for the January weekend)...too funny!
Hi team! Tonight is supposed to be hill repeats and core at boot camp, but check out our weather forecast:

Snowfall warning in effect.

Today Day: Rain mixed with snow changing to snow at times heavy this afternoon. Rainfall amount 5 to 10 mm. Snowfall amount 5 to 10 cm. Wind northeast 30 km/h. Temperature steady near plus 2.

Night: Snow at times heavy ending overnight then cloudy. Amount 5 to 10 cm. Wind northeast 30 km/h becoming light this evening. Low minus 1.

5 to 10 cm is 2 to 4 inches. That should make for an interesting workout!

So I'm swamped at work trying to get ready for a big presentation on Monday so I haven't had a chance to post a trip report. I did write up my 5K race report on my blog though, so feel free to stop by!

I do have to send a few shout outs though regarding this weekend:
Scott, Amy, Duckie, Stacie, Carol, Craig, Maura, Pat - it was so great to meet you guys!
Anne, Cam, Carrie, Mel, Martha, Angie, Lily - it was terrific to see you guys again. I am overwhelmed by the warmth you show everyone on this team and it makes me very happy to be a part of it.
I had a terrific trip! Sadly no more WDW till marathon weekend for me. I'd love to swing the DL half (cuz I want that special medal), but since the race is a week after my next full that may be asking too much of my body (and my bank account).
Hi Everyone!

I just want to say two things about my run today:

:cloud9: Wysteria and Honeysuckle. :cloud9:

I felt like I was running in heaven. The temperature was perfect with just the right breeze. The trail was almost empty. All the trees are in full bloom with bright new leaves. And the flower's smell was so intense! I didn't want it to end!

I hope each and everyone of you gets that kind of run this week. It makes all that work over the winter well worth it!

Shan - good luck, stay in touch.

Michelle - having been bitten, I could well relate to the feeling of running for your life. thank goodness for the electric fence.
Greetings Everyone: Just wanted to check in with the team, and see how you all were doing. I ran 4 miles on the TM on Tuesday, took a rest day yesterday, and haven't done anything yet today. I have to give a final in my class in less than an hour, and I am waiting to see if anyone comes in for office hours. I made my reservation at the Gaylord Palms for the conference next week. One week from today I'll be at WDW!!! I thought I would check out the EPCoT Flower and Garden festival the day I arrive (before the conference starts), and then hit the Pirate and Princess Party on Friday after the meeting ends at 4:30p. That's all the Disney stuff I'll be able to squeeze in, Saturday will be all day meeting, and Sunday I leave in the evening. It will be nice to have a little time to relax though. Maybe I can treat myself to a nice dinner on Saturday evening too.

OK, gotta run... well, not literally. Literally, I need to sit and stare at my computer screen some more. I'm not doing anything close to running.
Add me to the list of people who aren't sure about the Princess Half, even though I'm tempted by an inaugural event and meeting more WISHers. The racce seems like a good deal for DOOD and me, as it falls during his institution's Spring Break. But it's during SPRING BREAK, among other irritating aspects like the resort transportation--oh, and a household budget--to consider. Anyone want to talk me into it?

Allie: Does your post mean we're not going to see you in January 09? I forget.

Yep that's right, no Jan. 09 for me. :sad1: Unless, I come into a lot of money between now and then. ;) Maybe one day I'll make it back down there and do a Half. :rolleyes1

I've been doing some hill training though. Actually that's all I have in my neighborhood, that's why I run in other neighborhoods. :rotfl2: I don't have any hills like the one in my 10K, but I think I am doing enough to train. I'll see this weekend because I am running the course this weekend.
Howdy TEAM:

Joan- Good job with your x-training with the elliptical. That thing always makes my feet fall asleep.

Shan- Good luck with the surgery, and good luck with the PT too. Sounds like you have your work cut out for you. We'll be here for you.

Cosi Bella- Wow, it sounds like you had some run trying to stay a step ahead of that dog. Yeah, I'd say you burned some calories there.


Cecelia/Cruella de Mom- Aaaah, you must have had some great smells in the air. We have lilacs and crabapple trees filling the air with their smells. Sorry you didn't get into the Peachtree.

Hi Carrie

Jeff- Thanks for the PM about the car decal. I didn't even know you could get custom decals made.

Tricia- Nice job on the 4.5 mile walk.

Hi Angie - I love the picture of you and Amy in the 15K.

Cam- Wow, 5:30am wakeup for your workout. :worship: I haven't done that in ages. Good for you!!!

Hi Jeanneg

Scott- I love the picture of you in your siggie. It looks like you are having so much fun.

Hi Stephanie- I hear you about needing a WISH fix. DOn't worry, you'll catch the running bug again. I've kind of been that way too. You were doing sooooo well last year though. I was so impressed.

Maura- I love Bingham's plans. That's what got me through my first marathon.

Welcome French Lady. Great to have you on the team.

Christa- You really have your head on your shoulders. You're right, your life is so busy you don't need the additional stress of trying to PR. Just run and have fun...

OK, I gotta go.
Hi WISH Team! Whew! I'm finally feeling a bit more human these days. Don't think I'll be doing any catching up with everyone.

Michelle, see, after reading your post I'm not thinking of almost being bitten or anything of the sort. I'm thinking just how fast you've gotten in no time at all!

MSDave, enjoy F&G it is fantastic. Safe traveling. Congrats on the job offer too.

Cecelia, Wysteria and Honeysuckle Yes, :love: :cloud9:
Hi everyone!

My wife and I are signed up for the 2009 Half Marathon. I just recently found out about the W.I.S.H. team and in my best Monty Python voice would like to ask, "Can I join your group?"

We will likely take the alternating walk/run approach to the half. I've done some running in my past but never anything much more than six miles. My wife hasn't done much running at all, so the walk/run technique seems like the way to go for us.

Looking forward to getting to know as many of you as I can.

Welcome gortman 65! DI you olan on training and racing with dw? That can be extremely rewarding. However, it can take a while to get used to doing it together. I know this very well. If oyu ever get frustrated, though, hang in there. It's worht it! Look forward to hearing mroe about you!

Forgive em for my lack of shout outs. I'm still exhausted and have the attention span of a gnat. I have read everythign i missed, it just doesn' tstick with me long enough to respond. :headache:

Leana - BTW, it was great to see you on teh course too! I thought I had entered teh Twilight Zone (figuered you wer miles ahead), but great to see you! ;) Then again you blew by me like I was standing still adn that seemed more like it should be. :thumbsup2

Dave - WHen do you statrt the new job?

Scott - July in WDW? This northern girl may be stupid enough to try January adn July, but July? I don't think so! :sad2: Perhaps everyone should travel to MI for a summer meet. ;)
Glad to see all the Minnie-ers making it back safely!

RoyalCinderella – :welcome:

Maura – You’re thinking of doing a tri? That’s great!

Joan – WTG on the 5+ miles. Sounds like you’ve definitely caught the bug! :)

CB Michelle – Glad you’re feeling better. You’re right, there’s just a TON of info out there! Glad to hear that those 3-milers are getting easier. LOL at your dog story – I had what looked like a pit bull give me the stare down on one of my runs last week, and it completely creeped me out. I think I’ll be avoiding that street in the future.

Claire – It would be nice if stuff would just move itself, wouldn’t it? Those leisure classes all sound like a lot of fun.

Carrie – Congrats on the PR! That’s awesome! :thumbsup2

Amy – Sorry that you were disappointed in your 15K time. I still think you did really well, especially since you pushed it so hard and PR’d the 5K the day before. :hug:

Scott – So, where are the new Bingham pics? Did he stay out of trouble? :)

Cam – Hope that W3D3 is a bit easier for you! And I sure hope that you get to feeling better soon! :wizard:

French lady – :welcome:

Angie – Woohoo, your first full! How exciting! :yay:

Debra – Still no luck with housing? Bah. :sad2:

Cecilia – Sorry you didn’t get to enter the Peachtree! Glad that today’s run was so great! When did you get bitten? I’m not normally afraid of dogs, but lately I’ve been a little more than usual.

Shan – Hope your surgery goes well and that you have a quick and complete recovery! Please do let us know how you’re doing!

Gortman– :welcome:

Me - I was a slug yesterday and didn't do anything but sit at home and feel sorry for myself over my bad run on Tuesday. I'm going to get back out there today, though, for W4D1 - second attempt!
TXAng - SOunds liek your body was telling you it needed a break. You wre not a slug, it was good that you listened. GOod luck tonight!


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