"We Ain't From Around Here!"-The South Does Disney! A Dec PTR Update 1/11-Prizes!

When do you think we should leave for Disney?

  • December 25! Don't take the risk of missing the Wishes Dessert Party because the park is full!

  • December 26! Don't give up sleep and family time! You should be fine getting into the park!

Results are only viewable after voting.
YAY! I will definitely be hanging on your every word on FB and counting the days until you get home and start your TR! :lmao:

Becky did a great job of updating on FB while she was at WDW last week, with pics! I was going "ooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....soon Joni soon!" So I will try to do the same!
Becky did a great job of updating on FB while she was at WDW last week, with pics! I was going "ooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....soon Joni soon!" So I will try to do the same!

YAY! Thank you! :hug: These PTRs and TRs are the only thing getting me through the next 7 looooooong months!
YAY! Thank you! :hug: These PTRs and TRs are the only thing getting me through the next 7 looooooong months!

Girl I started mine in January, booked & paid off the trip in Feburary, so I know how you feel! I thought June would never get here! Now the next 18 days will drag by!
I LOVED the year of a million dreams! I was pregnant at the time, and we were given dream FP's at AK too, but I could barely ride anything. Still, walking around the parks seeing all the cool stuff people were getting and the kids getting all excited was still really fun!
Girl I started mine in January, booked & paid off the trip in Feburary, so I know how you feel! I thought June would never get here! Now the next 18 days will drag by!

Yeah, the last stretch of days are always the longest!! But you are so close!! :hug:

I LOVED the year of a million dreams! I was pregnant at the time, and we were given dream FP's at AK too, but I could barely ride anything. Still, walking around the parks seeing all the cool stuff people were getting and the kids getting all excited was still really fun!

That's so cool that you got the FPs too! We loved being there during the Year of A Million Dreams as well! If was just so exciting! :)
I am cracking up laughing at your Dinosaur pic. Have you read that the big guy is out-of-service for repairs? There's some small dinosaur that's on the left for the camera now. People have talked about it being a joke on the theme parks board. I hope the big guy gets put back before our trips!!!
I am cracking up laughing at your Dinosaur pic. Have you read that the big guy is out-of-service for repairs? There's some small dinosaur that's on the left for the camera now. People have talked about it being a joke on the theme parks board. I hope the big guy gets put back before our trips!!!

I hadn't heard that! Darn it, I love getting scared by that dinosaur! I hope he gets fixed soon, too! You will have to let me know if he's up and running when you get back from your trip!

Everytime I ride that ride it reminds me of that movie "Clifford" and the Larry The Scary Rex ride he goes on. I know the Disney guy isn't a rex, but I always think of that! :rotfl:
Hi everybody! :wave2: I'm back from a day of errands and spending money I should be saving for Disney! :rolleyes1 I wanted to do a quick roundup of all my other trips to WDW. Then you will be completely caught up on my Disney history! :goodvibes Here we go!

Our first trip (as described in earlier posts) was in May, 2007. When I got back from that trip, I would literally talk about nothing but Disney. I dreamed about Disney. I cried over my pictures for hours because I wanted to go back so badly. I was a full blown Disney junkie and I needed another fix! So...when did I get to go back, exactly?

October 2007
I managed to talk my mom into driving down for three nights so we could see David Cassidy (from the Patridge Family) play during the Food and Wine Festival. We are both huge fans of his! It was a loooong drive and a short stay, but I had a blast because it was the first time my Mom and my sister got to see Epcot. That was the only park we went to, unfortunately, because we only had one full day there. Plus we had to stay off property because my mom brought her doggy! Here are a few pictures from that trip:


My mom and sister Stacy at DTD eating at Rainforest Cafe.


My beautiful mommy with Mickey at Garden Grill!


David Cassidy! I just love him! And I love that my mom and I have this in common! It was such a special experience seeing him together!

That was a great trip, but since then it has become my mission to take my mom on a REAL Disney trip. I want her to see all of the parks and stay in a Disney resort so she can really feel the magic! I haven't been able to yet, but someday I will! Anyway, our next trip was a biggie....

June 2008
OUR DISNEYMOON! We left on June 29th and stayed until July 6th, which means we were there during the 4th of July! :scared1: It was an awesome trip, though. I have some really great photopass pictures, but I don't have them on my computer. These will have to do:


DH eating at Coral Reef. He didn't wear his groom ears a lot because it was SO HOT. I don't blame him, but he looked so cute when he did wear them!


Me eating Ghiradelli icecream. I had been dieting like crazy for my wedding so I was like, "YUM-O! JUNKFOOD!" that entire trip! :rotfl:


See? I told you I was all about some junk food! Here I am at Ghiradelli on a different day! This was the 4th of July!

After our Disneymoon I didn't have to wait long to go back. We celebrated John moving home from Alaska by flying down to meet each other in...

September 2008
This wasn't a very long trip, but it was awesome because I got to go to my first (and only, as of right now) pin trading event! We also got to go to MNSSHP for the first (and only, so far) time! It was great! It was also our first time staying at ASMo!


I tried to take a picture of myself in front of Herbie at the resort. I look like a nerd!


Here's our pic from MNSSHP! I LOOOOVE this picture! See our little "hitchhiker"? This is one of my all time favorite Disney pics of us!

After this awesome trip of "firsts" we were heading to another big first for our next trip!

March 2009
This was our first full trip with someone else! We went for a week during spring break with my sister Stacy to celebrate her birthday! She had an amazing time!


Stacy at MK! It was her favorite park!


I told her she hadn't lived until she tried one of these babies! She agreed!


DH and me on the Liberty Belle!

Sooo...after this trip we went one more time. When was it, you ask? Well, it was less than three months later!

June 2009
We came back for a week for our 1 year anniversary! This was a bittersweet trip, because we knew it would be our last for a while. But we still had a great time!


We ate at Crystal Palace and they put this on our table for our first anniversary! They gave us a card too signed by the Winnie the Pooh gang! :cloud9: Can you see DH's healthy meal in the background? :laughing:)


DH and Eeyore! This was a fitting picture, because he was gloomy about it being our last trip for a while!


I love me some Piglet!! I was so excited!


This was also the first time we ever went to Universal Studios. We had a good time, but it was no Disney!!

So there you have it! That's every Disney trip I've ever been on! And now it's been almost an entire year since I've been! :eek: But I will be back in less than seven months and it will be another trip of wonderful and exciting favorites and firsts! I can't wait! :goodvibes

Up Next: A list of rides and attractions I am embarrassed to admit I have never experienced in all my trips to Disney. There are some real shockers on there, trust me! Stay tuned! :wave2:

Ok, 1st off David Cassidy????????? Add that one to the list....I still think he is so sexy!

I love the Haunted Mansion pic! We didn't do that one when we went, so that is a must this trip!

I love the heart on the table!!!!
Ok, 1st off David Cassidy????????? Add that one to the list....I still think he is so sexy!

I love the Haunted Mansion pic! We didn't do that one when we went, so that is a must this trip!

I love the heart on the table!!!!

Okay I'm adding David Cassidy to our list of things we have in common! :laughing: Honestly we have so much in common I'm not even surprised by it anymore!!

Thanks girl! I love that pic too. That's one of my favorite rides and I just love those hitchhiking ghosts! Plus you can see the lady in the background who was there for MNSSHP. She was really cool. I'm not sure if she's there any other time, but that was the only time we have ever seen her!

I loved that heart too! the waitress scooped the confetti up and gave it to me in a bag so I could keep it. I still have it! :goodvibes
Okay I'm adding David Cassidy to our list of things we have in common! :laughing: Honestly we have so much in common I'm not even surprised by it anymore!!

Thanks girl! I love that pic too. That's one of my favorite rides and I just love those hitchhiking ghosts! Plus you can see the lady in the background who was there for MNSSHP. She was really cool. I'm not sure if she's there any other time, but that was the only time we have ever seen her!

I loved that heart too! the waitress scooped the confetti up and gave it to me in a bag so I could keep it. I still have it! :goodvibes

Well, the David Cassidy threw me off :rotfl: at 15 I would religiously watch the Partridge Family just for him!!!!

How awesome she scooped up all the confetti for you to keep!
Well, the David Cassidy threw me off :rotfl: at 15 I would religiously watch the Partridge Family just for him!!!!

How awesome she scooped up all the confetti for you to keep!

Yeah, the David Cassidy thing is a little shocking because not too many people are fans of his these days! :laughing: My mom was in love with him when she was a teenager. He's still a cutie in my opinion! I love that Ruby and the Rockits show he did. I wish ABC Family wouldn't have cancelled it. :mad:

She was a really nice waitress! She signed our card, too! :rotfl:
Loved reading about your past Disney trips! I love that HM picture, I really need to go during Halloween...actually, my first trip with my DH in 2008, all the Halloween decorations were up and MNSSHP was going on, I just knew nothing about it then! :( I wish I did, I could have went!

The CM's put Mickey confetti on our table during our Disneymoon at Tony's and let us keep it...I though that was so sweet! It wasn't in the shape of a heart like yours was though, that's so adorable! :lovestruc
Loved reading about your past Disney trips! I love that HM picture, I really need to go during Halloween...actually, my first trip with my DH in 2008, all the Halloween decorations were up and MNSSHP was going on, I just knew nothing about it then! :( I wish I did, I could have went!

The CM's put Mickey confetti on our table during our Disneymoon at Tony's and let us keep it...I though that was so sweet! It wasn't in the shape of a heart like yours was though, that's so adorable! :lovestruc

Thank you! I'm so glad you enjoyed it! :) I hope you get to go to MNSSHP someday, it was a blast! That was by far my favorite parade and fireworks show I've ever seen! :goodvibes I'm sure you will get to go during that time again!
It will be a very long time before we do MNSSHP since the boys are in school & this past year alone Koby had the flu, Mono & a serious stomach virus. Brady had RSV as a baby. They are only allowed to miss 10 days of school, so doing Disney then is not an option.
It will be a very long time before we do MNSSHP since the boys are in school & this past year alone Koby had the flu, Mono & a serious stomach virus. Brady had RSV as a baby. They are only allowed to miss 10 days of school, so doing Disney then is not an option.

Awww, the poor things! :sad1: I hope you get to go someday! Maybe you guys can do that when your kids are all grown up to keep the Disney tradition going forever! ;)


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