Warning - NOT allowed to use available dining credits at Yachtman Steakhouse

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bicker said:
I just did. Again. :) As you said, "There is no reference to child or adult credits." There is absolutely nothing in the brochure, therefore, that provides any indication that credits purchased at the child rate and credits purchased at the regular rate will aggregated.

Just out of curiousity, how do you explain this...

Well it seems to me that it's time that Disney made a policy decision that only those on the plan, be them 2A and 2C or 6A and 1C, should eat on the plan regardless of how many credits are left.

I just hope that they don't stop the plan altogether because of complaints from managers and cast members about guests who "think" they know the system inside out.

disney13 said:
Well it seems to me that it's time that Disney made a policy decision that only those on the plan, be them 2A and 2C or 6A and 1C, should eat on the plan regardless of how many credits are left.

I just hope that they don't stop the plan altogether because of complaints from managers and cast members about guests who "think" they know the system inside out.


At this point I don't see that happening. In fact regardless of what some in these discussion would have you believe, one of the very reasons Disney is slow to make any changes is they don't want to make the situation worse than it already is. They want the plan to be guest and staff user friendly.

But right now the staff is as frustrated as most guests are.
Sammie was the one you said you were using the plan "correctly". I certainly don't think you were doing anything wrong. I have a problem assuming that guests who pool all their families credits are using the plan "incorrectly" and guests that transfer meals to friends are using the plan "correctly

Please if you are going to quote me, please quote me correctly. I said the OP was "trying" to use the plan correctly. I still stand by that, I think the OP was trying to use the plan correctly based on their understanding of the plan and probably based on discussion on this forum.

There is a great deal of misinformation shared about the use of the plan. I know Disney does not want the plan transferred to other guests not on the plan. They want it used exclusively by those on the room reservation. I also know they don't want adults to forget they purchased meals for their children and turn those purchased child meals into adult meals either.

Regardless of the way the plan is executed, if I buy meals for 2 adults and 2 children, I know exactly what I have paid for and I don't need someone to help me keep up with it.

At CS this is not a really a problem and I can see some room for flexiblity, but as the manager said, steak and chicken strips, there is a huge difference. So at TS it does become a problem when you have a family of 2 adults and 2 children for a stay of 5 nights and more than 10TS adult meals are purchased with this particular plan during the 5 night stay.
Hay Gan...thanks for posting the quotes from the DDP

OP: I'm sorry that you had such a problem with the manager. His accusations, without any form of proof, were indeed rude and inexcusable.

On the other hand: the loophole that results from combining both adult and child credits together could result in a significant loss to Disney if people actulaly do use the child TS to 'pay' for an adult meal. If I and 3 young children were to opt for the DDP and then if we all ate every meal by ordering frmo the adult menu....the dollar amount would be staggering. Actually, I hope that this loophole would be closed soon. However, it seems clear that OP didn't try to play this loophole, although she was seemingly accused of it by the manager. I can only believe that the manager might be completely unaware of how the DDP accounting system works!

It seems that it wouldn't be hard for the system to total up adult credits and child credits separately. So if I and my child were to go on the DDP for 2 nights, we'd have 2adultTS and 2child TS. And if we decided to both eat off the child's menu the first night and then both off the adult menu the second night, it would easily be deducted as such from our credits. With a large family, I personally would find it terribly confusing to remember which of my kids ate as kids or adults each meal over the course of a vacation..I would actually appreciate the differentiation on my receipts. Then it would be up to the waiter/countercheckout person to advise the party which choices were adult TS or CS and which were kids....no surprises at the end.

The 1TS per adult per day listed on the DDP doesn't mean that only 1 TS can be used by that adult per day...certainly, in the event of a 2TS per adult meal, DIsney assumes that the total number of 'credits' can be used in any combo of ways that the purchaser desires. WHen I had the DDP, 3 of us went to dinner one night and used 2 TS and then the DDE for the extras we ordered. Had we wanted, however, we could have used 3TS...even tho my room key said '2 adults'.

To allow the 'loophole' between nondifferentiating between adult and small child costs DIsney money. What I don't understand is why they allow this loophole, but insist that everyone in the room must be on the DDP in order to qualify. In the latter case, no one would be cheating the system by eating MORE for LESS like in the former. (I understand that the waiters might complain if they were serving 2 people but only getting tipped as if one person. Also, that the restaurant would be using more up more seats at a table for fewer 'paying' customers. )

Until Disney changes its accounting system, some people will probably take advantage of the loophole...but it is DIsney's job to close the loophole. In the OP instance, she states that she had leftover ADULT TSs to use for that last dinner. If her credits said 4, then unless the manager could pull out an accounting showing that one or more of the leftover credits were kid credits...he has to shut up. And if he does have the proof, he should very kindly bring out the accountings and very humbly suggest that 'it seems that some other restaurant may have charged a kid meal as an adult meal....even if he KNOWS the truth of the matter.
CathrynRose said:
Im thrilled - THRILLED to be on the DDP! All in my party will be considered adults (2 A / 15 & 11 y/o) - however... the thought of iniviting other people along on a dining plan, that doesnt even include them leaves me baffled.

I'm not sure why this would baffle you - say it's your last day at Disney and your family (4 adults) are meeting your parents (lets say they live nearby) at a Disney resturant on your last night. You have 6 TS credits left (maybe you and your husband went out to eat one night and the kids just ordered pizza at the hotel). So you should pay out of pocket for your parents even though you have 6 meal credits you've already paid for, two of which you are going to lose when you leave in the morning? I have no problem figuring out why someone would want to do that. I'm not saying it's allowed at all (even though it has been in the past), but I can definately see why people whould choose to do it. I do have a problem with people who use a childs credit for an adult meal and definately think Disney should separate the childrens credits from the adult credits.
Sammie said:
I emailed Disney communications and specificially asked could I save child credits and purchase adults meals and I was told NO, I posted the email and some immediately picked it apart as not being accurate as adult credits and children's credits do not exist. Personally I think that was just a way of trying to justify the creative use.


Could you send me the email address that you used to communicate with WDW?
I am going solo in September and getting the Dining Plan. As my niece works at WDW and we want to do some meals together, I was planning to eat a TS every other night with her. This sounds like I will not be able to do that :confused3 I'm getting 14 TS for the two weeks, what difference does it make who eats them?? :crazy: Never thought about them being nontransferrable since I did pay for them. :rolleyes2
I figured I would email WDW and see what the official line was.

Hi Cindy....

Just go to http://www.disneyworld.com and look for the link to contact them.....I'm sure you'll get a timely response.

Unfortunately, I can't give you an addy for the people that I talk to......Sorry. :guilty:
bicker said:
The brochure doesn't say that. It says a lot of things but nothing that explicitly promises that the credits for adults and children will be aggregated and available to use by any member of that family, without restriction, regardless of the age of the person for which the credit was priced. That's really important to remember. Folks can choose to read-into the brochure whatever they wish, but that doesn't change the fact that the brochure doesn't actually say that.

And the operation of the plan is a transitory concept. It is subject to change, and the brochure does say that.

I just did. Again. :) As you said, "There is no reference to child or adult credits." There is absolutely nothing in the brochure, therefore, that provides any indication that credits purchased at the child rate and credits purchased at the regular rate will aggregated.

Not that arguing the point will do any good :rolleyes: but ...
The brochure says you get one TS one CS and one snack credit per night "for everyone in the party ages 3+." It then goes on to a table illustrating how the credits are pooled on a per person per night basis. It then says you can use credits in "any order and in any amount throughout the packages stay until the total is depleted." It gives an example of how credits may be used and states "You can continue using meals any way you like for the rest of your package stay until the number of meals/snacks are depleted." Of course they can change the terms when they want as stated on the final page of the brochure and if they do so be it. In the mean time, the credits are determined by the number of nights and the number of people over the age 3, not by child and adult. Children must order from the kids menu if they are using the DDP and there is a kids menu. You can speculate if WDW may change it, but so far it hasn't been changed. So why all the debate? :confused3
bicker said:
Please note that the brochure makes it very clear that non-utilization of credits is part of the deal. There are many reasons that would prevent guests from utilizing all their credits, yet they still expire, and no refund or renumeration is warranted in such cases. Folks should be prepared, based on the OP's experience, to always expend credits for regular and child meals limited by what they paid for. While often Disney is more lenient than that, the program materials doesn't promise anything more.

I think Bicker's vying for a job in Disney Security and hoping to all that is Holy someone reads his "well thought out" posts here on the Dis. I think Sammie is a wannabe cast member but didn't pass the interview. I think LewisC has too much time on his hands. Has anyone ever read how many useless debates these 3 have rambled on in?

This place is comical sometimes...

If, using the same logic, this thread didn't exist, you'd have no idea some people were taking advantage of the system. In the grand scheme of things...is your "bicker"ing helping the situation or just making people feel small and immoral on this great place your president calls the internets?

I think I have said to all 3 of you in some other useless debate, if this bothers you so much, why not do something about it? And if you've exhausted your avenues and Disney does nothing...well then I guess we know what's important to them, hey?

Let Disney regulate Disney and let others interpret rules that are unclear without chastising them. Disney employs more lawyers than Michael Jackson...I think they'll figure out what's worth enforcing and how...no?
Sammie said:
Whether the manager was rude or not, we have one side of the story. Many times the messenger of something one does not want to hear is always considered rude.

The plan was paid for 3 adults not 4. It is not transferrable, I see no problem in enforcing that.

As Bicker said, just because others have reported on here that they have been able to do this or similar creative use of the plan does not mean everyone can or will be able to.

I am a big believer in the pooled credit / no such thing as "adult" or "Child" credits but the brochure also does say the plan is non transferrable. In this case it seems like it was pretty obvious that the OP was transferring credits to someone else. Buying 4 adult meals when the card says 3A 1C is a dead give away. Of course Disney would do everyone a favor if they would just set a standard set of rules and enforce them.

Based on the OP's comments it does seem like the manager was a bit rude but as Sammie says there are two sides to everything.
Pedler said:
I am a big believer in the pooled credit / no such thing as "adult" or "Child" credits but the brochure also does say the plan is non transferrable. In this case it seems like it was pretty obvious that the OP was transferring credits to someone else. Buying 4 adult meals when the card says 3A 1C is a dead give away. Of course Disney would do everyone a favor if they would just set a standard set of rules and enforce them.

Based on the OP's comments it does seem like the manager was a bit rude but as Sammie says there are two sides to everything.

I completely agree!
Muziqal said:
I think Bicker's vying for a job in Disney Security and hoping to all that is Holy someone reads his "well thought out" posts here on the Dis. I think Sammie is a wannabe cast member but didn't pass the interview. I think LewisC has too much time on his hands. Has anyone ever read how many useless debates these 3 have rambled on in?

This place is comical sometimes...

If, using the same logic, this thread didn't exist, you'd have no idea some people were taking advantage of the system. In the grand scheme of things...is your "bicker"ing helping the situation or just making people feel small and immoral on this great place your president calls the internets?

I think I have said to all 3 of you in some other useless debate, if this bothers you so much, why not do something about it? And if you've exhausted your avenues and Disney does nothing...well then I guess we know what's important to them, hey?

Let Disney regulate Disney and let others interpret rules that are unclear without chastising them. Disney employs more lawyers than Michael Jackson...I think they'll figure out what's worth enforcing and how...no?

Wow......I can honestly say that your post is the most rude that I've ever read....Do you have some sort of grudge? If Bicker, Lewis & Sammie (who, by the way, really does know what he's talking about) bother you that much, than mabye you should think about a different hobby other than The Dis.

You say that the three mentioned may possibly make people feel small or immoral, I've never noticed it, but if other posters really feel that way, then mabye it's because they truely are behaving "immorally" & then in my opinion, should feel pretty bad about it........ :rolleyes:
jessica52877 said:
It is sad for all the "dishonest" or whatever you want to call it people out there it ruins it for others who save them honestly. Although if the dining plan says non transferable then that is that.

Sorry about your dinner as the manager was put in a horrible spot. And I think something needs to be done about the plan so there aren't more incidences like this. I would offer to bet that 8 out of 10 though use child credits since some see nothing wrong with it.
I agree ! Stick to the plan.
Muziqal said:
I think Bicker's vying for a job in Disney Security and hoping to all that is Holy someone reads his "well thought out" posts here on the Dis. I think Sammie is a wannabe cast member but didn't pass the interview. I think LewisC has too much time on his hands. Has anyone ever read how many useless debates these 3 have rambled on in?

This is really uncalled for. I think name-calling on either side of the debate is childish and really takes away from any substance behind the rest of your posts/information.

I think that it is really sad that people insist on such childish name-calling and insulting remarks consistently on this subject.
This entire thread is becoming sad.

I believe the OP, did not try to scam or be dishonest with WDW. I believe they worked on a plan to enjoy a night out with a friend. What had the friend not gone? Disney actually (from what I read) would not made as much money. They ordered many extra sides and wine, etc. thus more money into Disney's pocket. Plus the fact, a managers attitude could surely sour me on if I wanted to spend more money on Disney over 1 TS adult meal.

I am not agreeing with any side, but the brochure does make it sound like either could be fact. It states you can use them how you like, but they are not transferrable?

I do believe it's Disney's job to get a plan in place and stick with it. There are many policies on many things that CM's "allow" regardless.
With all this loophole talk (sorry to the OP since she didn't try to use this loophole), doesn't Disney charge different prices for different aged guests? If you could use the credits as you wished via the loophole, wouldn't that eliminate the need for adult credits at $38 a day and kids credits at $11 a day??????
Muziqal said:
I think Bicker's vying for a job in Disney Security and hoping to all that is Holy someone reads his "well thought out" posts here on the Dis. I think Sammie is a wannabe cast member but didn't pass the interview. I think LewisC has too much time on his hands. Has anyone ever read how many useless debates these 3 have rambled on in?

This place is comical sometimes...

If, using the same logic, this thread didn't exist, you'd have no idea some people were taking advantage of the system. In the grand scheme of things...is your "bicker"ing helping the situation or just making people feel small and immoral on this great place your president calls the internets?

I think I have said to all 3 of you in some other useless debate, if this bothers you so much, why not do something about it? And if you've exhausted your avenues and Disney does nothing...well then I guess we know what's important to them, hey?

Let Disney regulate Disney and let others interpret rules that are unclear without chastising them. Disney employs more lawyers than Michael Jackson...I think they'll figure out what's worth enforcing and how...no?

WOW! This is definitely not the kind of attitude I'd expect from a (fellow) former CM who probably knows how difficult it is to get tens of thousands of CM's to all be on the same page.

As far as letting Disney regulate Disney, again I can't believe a CM would say such a thing. Don't you know how many great things came about, or how many things were changed or updated due to guest feedback? Don't you know how much time and money Disney spends on guest surveys?

Bringing "our president" and his flaws to the table is a pointless, pot stirring gesture that is completely irrelevant.

Let's discuss issues, not make spontaneous pop-psychological diagnoses about the background of other posters who we don't know, please.
I think most of the posters here are side-stepping the unfortunate situation of the OP to participate in a trench war between the moral and the immoral. My take of the situation was the manager in question blamed the OP for the apparent "exploit" of the DDP. I signed up for the DDP myself and I never recieved a brochure about it and im sure alot of people that dont use the DIS boards never had either. They figure they have 1 TS credit per night which they payed for and they can use as they wish. Is that immoral? NO because they dont understand the situation and figure they can. It has already been determined that they need to explain it better, but for people to defend a manager because "They have been going through it with alot of customers and its not fair for them" is outrageous. These people get paid to handle situations and to treat customers with respect and care because it IS disney and they did pay alot of money to experience it especially if they are on the ddp.

I am in no way a snob or disrespectful to the cm's because I understand how many people they need to tend too and always have to keep a smile, but if im shown disrespect when I havent even talked to the cm in my life because they are tired of other people then I certainly will say something. We can sit here all day and debate the meaning of the DDP and the meaning of life but it makes no difference until someone actually contacts a high up in disney and gets the info and interpretation for themselves. Obviousley now we know a restaurant that does not allow this, so if your so mad about how you cant transfer credits then dont go to the reastaurant, and if you support it then go to the reastaurant. Otherwise this is all mindless bickering about a sentence in a brochure.
Tink10 said:
Wow......I can honestly say that your post is the most rude that I've ever read....Do you have some sort of grudge? If Bicker, Lewis & Sammie (who, by the way, really does know what he's talking about) bother you that much, than mabye you should think about a different hobby other than The Dis.

You say that the three mentioned may possibly make people feel small or immoral, I've never noticed it, but if other posters really feel that way, then mabye it's because they truely are behaving "immorally" & then in my opinion, should feel pretty bad about it........ :rolleyes:

Yes, Mazigal can be very rude.
So watch out he can be very harsh.
He belittled me to the point I have no dignity left. He just kept beating me and beating me.
I said perhaps I was mistaken and I would never intentionally give out misinformation, but he kept saying I was inventing rules. He literally killed all my self esteem. I did call a truce. I am now just a tried old lady.
I should not let him get to me but he did.
Perhaps more than he will ever know.

this is the thread:

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