Walking for my Dream (Comments welcomed)

yes she’s doing the single digit dance………… We’ll miss posting on your thread but will be good until you return.

Daughter and I went out and did the 4 mile route (a bit hilly) from her gym on Saturday. We did it in 54 minutes! 13.5 minute mile!! 4 miles is getting too easy so I’ll have to up it to 4.5 or 5.

Did our 4 miles yesterday at the track but didn’t time ourselves. I hope to do 20 miles per week for the month of May, my new goal along with 1000 min of time for the month. At least this month I have no vacations planned so I should be able to focus.

Have a good Monday!

Thanks Tracy, I can hardly believe it! Though I wish it was tomommorow...better yet..today!

Denise, awesome times:banana: :banana: :banana: I have yet to do 4 miles that fast. I'm getting in about 16 miles a week right now. By summer I want to be up quite a bit higher. When I walk with DD I end up going quite fast. But with my friend who is doing the Running Room clinic we can't go fast because she still get shinsplints. hopefully with time that will get better.

My outdoor walking is going well. Gym time with weights etc has fallen behind though. though i helped my DD move on the weekend so figure I got in my weight lifting plus some.
Hey Carole!!

You are so lucky that you are down to single digits for your trip!!! :cool1: :cool1: :cool1:
I wish I was going that soon, I have to wait until December for my next trip to Disney!! :sad1:

WTG for getting out last week even though it was raining! I used to do the same thing, any rain, I would head for the TM, but now, unless it is really bad, I head outside!

Keep up the good work--you are doing awesome!!!
How exciting Carole and Hockeygirl 2 days till a 1/2 marathon, you must tell us how it goes.

Well I was not going to work out last night but the weather was so good I couldn’t resist.

Over the weekend we bought my husband a shuffle. My daughter and I have our own music and it makes us really MOVE. He’s been complaining about pain, the length of our walks etc. I loaded up 32 songs for him yesterday – Van Halen, Aerosmith, Bon Jovi, Billy Idol, ZZ Top, Led Zeppelin etc. He was bouncing off the track having a ball.

I guess the music worked, he did the 4 miles with NO problem. The best $78 we invested. Now he wants me to get a shuffle rather than the large ipod, but I’m fine for now. Maybe before the Donald in January, I’ll get one.

So a good motivator – Do the Shuffle!!

Hi Denise,
I have an Ipod shuffle. I love it. Its so small and clips nicely on my shirt. And I have Led Zepellin on it too. I like all the choices you put on your DH's.

I had a rest day today. Frankly I didn't even leave the house until the evening for quilt night. I think I needed to set my house in order after DD moved in. So I puttered around straightening up. I did some packing for Disney. It felt good getting my house in order. I'm amazed that except for Kims blanket box which is still sitting in the middle of the living room we have been able to absorb all her furniture. It helps that I spent the last two months cleaning out and sending stuff to the Goodwill in preparation for her moving home. I was able to completely clean out our basement family room to make an area she can bring friends into and give her space away from us. We even repainted it before she moved. Still haven't found a "home" for the blanket box though. I think we reached our full threshold.

Tomorrow is a 6K walk again with the Running Room and my friend Holly. I've been walking to work as well and thats about 7K there and back.

Talked to my son's fiancee tonight. She is getting stressed about the wedding coming up. She hasn't got any support from her family-she didn't luck out on her parents at all. Deadbeat dad and her mom is no prize and out of the picture for the last two years. She is a very responsible girl probably because she has had to raise her brother. I feel kind of guilty taking off on a vacation a 6 weeks before the wedding but have assured her I will be at her beck and call and help in any way I can when I get back. Actually everything is under control and we are paying for the wedding. I think she just getting from co-workers the "Have you done this yet" stuff.
Hi: I remember the days of planning my wedding and having to deal with pleasing so many people and being caught in the middle – poor her too bad she can’t count on her family. Well she’ll have a new one soon!

I made it a rest day yesterday – I was too tired to go for any kind of walk fast or slow. It was worth it because today I feel much better. Mark and I will be off to the track tonight, I’ll be powerwalking and he’ll be dancing and playing his air guitar and still beat me!

I wonder how Hockeygirl did on her ½ marathon, hope she checks in soon. I’ll have to do a search and see if she posted elsewhere on the boards.

Well happy planning then packing for your trip.

Hey Carole--You are going to have so much fun at Disney!

Your DS and his fiancee are so lucky to have you in their life! That is too bad that her parent's are not around, and I think it is awesome that you are there for her! I can only imagine how much planning goes into a wedding, I am sure you will be a big help to her when you get back!!

HOpe the 6k walk goes well today!

Denise--My 1/2 went great. I posted a race report on my journal!
Hi Guys,
My 6 K went better than usual. Holly, my friend who has been having trouble with shin splints didn't have them tonight so we improved our times alot. She has her Garmin set in kilometers and I just can't do the math but we did the 6k at our fastest pace yet. She has been very frustrated with her slow pace because of pain in her shins and although I swear I haven't said anything she knows I'm going slower to accomadate her so she felt good tonight because we could move with the fast group instead of at the back of the pack. She has been training consistently so hopefully the worst of the shin splints is behind her.
Tommorow is another 6K with Running Room and DD and I are hoping to get to the gym for weights in the afternoon.
I feel like I did weights today. I'm revamping my front garden and moved rocks all afternoon to my backyard. DH is going to build a wall for me with the rocks. Thought it would give him something to do while I was in Disney.:lmao:
I hope Laura, my son's fiancee, will feel she has our family for herself as well. We have welcomed her with open arms. However I feel a reserve in her that is not in my kids. She is just starting to accept hugs. At first she was stiff when you gave her a hug. Now she actually hugs back. We aren't super huggy but we do hug.
Congrats on your 6K! That's great that it was your fastest pace yet!:thumbsup2

You are going to have a wonderful time in Disney!:woohoo: How long will you be there?

I'm sorry to hear about your DS's fiancee and her family. :( Weddings are a stressful, but happy time and it's sad that her parents can't be there to support her. I think she is very blessed to have a wonderful family likes yours to support, encourage, and love her. :grouphug:

Have a great day Carole!:hug:
Thanks Tracey,
I'm going on Monday to Detriot, MI and staying overnight at one of the big airport hotels because we have an early flight on Tues. We thought we would go shopping. On Tues we arrive at 11:30 in Orlando and we have 9 days there. We have tickets for Circe de Soliel on Tues at 6. And WolfGang Puck booked for 8PM. I'll leave it up to the girls what they feel like doing before Circe. Either Disney Quest or just wander in downtown Disney and the resort.
The girls have been teasing me because I've been slowly packing and picking up stuff for the trip. All the stuff I've read on the forums to bring. :surfweb: They were listing stuff in front of my girlfriend they were thinking they might need and each time Holly said "your mom has that packed already". I guess they were rolling on the ground laughing by the end. HA! They will think I'm brillant when they have a headache...blister....cold....nausea....etc etc
or they need a poncho!!!:rotfl: :rotfl:
I'm leaving DH and my dog at home to look after the house. This is a girls trip.
Well I'de better get moving. Its a beautiful day outside. Too bad the gym isn't outside!
Holy Cow – have you been to Cirque yet? I’ve seen it 3 times and would see it again. I have seen a few others but La Nouba is my favorite. Make sure you get there early as the preshow is cute.

Wolfgang Puck- Love their meatloaf…..if your not too tired go to the Comedy Club and Adventurers Club in PI afterwards – we did that and had a BLAST.

Ohhhhhhhh your going to have so much fun – I’m green with envy.

I saw La Nouba last time I was at Disney. Amazing show. I'm looking forward to seeing DD's reaction to it.

Thanks for the headsup on the meatloaf. I'de never have thought to order that. We are going to the Adventurers Club one night. Its going to be tough because there is so much to do. My neighbour tonight said "How can you spend nine days in Disney". Of course she has never been so has no idea how much there is to do there.

We did 5.4 miles tonight between the clinic and walking home from there. Did not make it to the gym again though. Did however get more gardening done. Really this good weather is making it very hard to get to the gym!:confused3
Hey Carole--Great job on your 6k and keeping up with your workouts!!

I am so jealous that you are heading to WDW!! You are going have soooooooooooo.... much fun while you are there! The guy who asked how you could spend 9 days in disney, obviously has never been there!! I could spend a couple of weeks there!

I just made my plane reservations for both my trip in December and for marathon weekend and January, so I am on a disney kick right now!! I will have to live vicariously through you for the time being! I can't wait to hear all about your trip!

Please say HI to Mickey and Minnie for me!!!
I cannot believe this is happening but I either have the biggest allergic reaction to tree pollens ever or a nasty head cold happening. I walked to work this morning and was feeling pretty good if not a little sniffly. But as the day went on my nose went into overtime with sneezing and nose blowing. Lovely as I'm a nurse in a NICU unit. What mother wants the nurse with the sniffles looking after her precious tiny baby? I kept saying "its allergies". Not sure if I was reassuring the mothers or in denial that I might be getting a cold just before going to Disney. Now my nose is red and sore from blowing and now that I'm home I've taken enough Benadryl to knock a horse out and I'm still stuffed up. :scared1: This is just not allowed to happen right now!
I'm going to call in sick tomorrow and rest. Besides I think the mothers would gang up on me if I can back in the same sniffly condition I was today. And I wouldn't blame them.
Wish me luck on getting all better before Disney. Though I am going even if I have to crawl onto that plane :sick:
OMG I can't believe it! This usually happens to me but when I GET THERE. I hope it isn't a cold. Now when fly I always spray my nose with Afrin about 1/2 hour before we take off. It works great in preventing me from getting sick.

I would also suggest bringing some cough drops with you in case you need them. I had a tickle once and could only buy cough drops in certain places in the parks. They are better now about that but a few years ago it was few and far between.

Also, if you happen to forget your meds for the day while at the parks, I asked once where I could purchase some motrin, turns out one of the outdoor shops had a whole tub of different meds you could purchase. They don't keep them out in the open but they do have them.

Keeping my fingers crossed for you. Rest, fluids, drugs.......

Thanks Denise and Tracey,
I was going to call in sick to work today but I guess because I took an antihistimine before going to bed I slept through my alarm until 6:30. Too late to call in sick! So I went to work. I took an Alegra and it gave me great relief. Good thing because I had a very busy day with a very sick baby. I actually feel better today than yesterday and am getting so excited now. We leave tomorrow for Detriot and then Tuesday we fly out to Disney:) Its strange leaving DH home. I did give him a list of things to do if he gets bored. :lmao:
My bags are packed and waiting at the front door. Course they have been mostly packed for weeks!!!! I have new clothes I've never worn. Do other people do that? I always have brand new PJ's whenever I go on vacation. Its become such a tradition that friends ask me if I've bought my pj's yet when I tell them I'm going away.
I won't be posting for 10 days. I'll give a report when I get back. Have a great 10 days!
OMG Carole!! I hope you were feeling better before you left for your trip!! Sorry I missed you before you left!!!

At this point you are probably enjoying yourself in the parks and having an AWESOME time!!!!!!

Can't wait to hear all about your trip when you get back!!!
Hey Laurie, let's hijack her thread while she's away.:yay:

Well maybe not. Hope she's having fun in the sun with the girls.




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