I need help trying to decide on a hotel for our visit in August. We haven't visited since before covid and my mother is now over 80 and walks very slowly. She will be bringing a walker with a seat that she says helps her walk faster and can sit on in long lines, but absolutely refuses to use a wheelchair. I'm now trying to figure out the best hotel for us without completely breaking the bank but where she won't be exhausted from too much walking before she even gets into the parks or a place to eat. I was originally thinking CBR because of the skyliner but then read a post where someone questioned if there were buses from the skyliner to the different areas because it was so large. That's not going to work as I imagined if that's the case. So I am turning to y'all for thoughts. We are a total party of 9 people (so probably need 4 rooms) plus one person does use a wheelchair in addition to my mom. Thanks for all thoughts in helping me decide.